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MENC: The National Association for Music Education

Music Education to Train Hearing Abilities in Children with Cochlear Implants

Author(s): James L. Reifinger Jr.
Source: Music Educators Journal , December 2018, Vol. 105, No. 2 (December 2018), pp. 57-
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of MENC: The National Association for
Music Education

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by James L. Reifinger Jr.

Music Education to
Train Hearing Abilities in
Children with Cochlear
Abstract: Music education is being explored by researchers as a means of improving hearing
acuity for children with hearing loss, particularly those with cochlear implants. Music educa-
tors are uniquely positioned to contribute to this important endeavor. This article describes
normal and impaired hearing and how music perception is affected for students with cochlear
implants. Current research is discussed, and guidance is provided for planning and leading
music activities for students with cochlear implants.
Keywords: cochlear implants, hearing, impairment, music perception, research, special learners

M If you have one or

usic teachers working with several explored as a training tool to improve speech
hundred children a week may be perception abilities of children with hearing
aware that a few students in their impairment, particularly those with cochlear more students with
classes have a hearing impairment, but
teachers may not be aware of how these
implants.2 Even though music experiences
are being used as a rehabilitative tool to
cochlear implants in
students experience music activities or what train the hearing abilities of these students, your music classes,
important outcomes music education expe- the development of music skills and appre-
riences could have for them. Experiences ciation for music remain important goals of here are some things
with music have been shown to help in the music instruction for students with hearing you need to know.
development of general auditory skills that impairment, consistent with the goals for all
are also used in speech perception. students.
Psychologist and neuroscientists are find- According to the Centers for Disease
ing evidence that neural mechanisms for Control and Prevention, approximately one
auditory processing of music and speech tenth of one percent of children have a hear-
overlap and that music education may play ing loss greater than 40 decibels (dB HL).3
an important role in the development and To provide some perspective, normal con-
remediation of language and reading skills.1 versation is about 50 to 60 dB HL; there-
Consequently, music education is being fore, these individuals would have great

James L. Reifinger Jr. is an assistant professor of music education at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. He can be
contacted at

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difficulty hearing speech. Fortunately, of fine sensory hair cells that convert of high pitches is essential to support
over 97 percent of newborns in the the physical energy into electric energy speech and language development;
United States are now screened for hear- that becomes nerve impulses. Different conversely, researchers believe that
ing loss, so intervention can begin very frequencies stimulate hair cells at differ- residual hearing in the low pitch range
early in life, a critical period for devel- ent points in the cochlea, the layout of is essential to enhance music percep-
opment of speech and language com- which might be conceptualized like that tion.8 Hearing loss that is the result of
prehension skills. Without remediation, of a coiled music keyboard. The electri- an impediment in the process of con-
children with hearing loss are likely to cal signals are passed to the auditory verting mechanical energy to electric
fall behind their peers in cognitive and nerve that transports them to auditory energy within the cochlea—usually as
social development. centers in the brain, where the sounds the result of damage to or loss of fine
Auditory stimulation is essential dur- are processed and interpreted. sensory hair cells—is referred to as sen-
ing infancy and early childhood for the At the most basic level, the four sorineural hearing loss. It is the most
normal development and maturation of properties of sounds are perceived and common form of hearing loss and can-
the central auditory neural pathways. processed: pitch, duration, timbre, and not be remediated with conventional
Neural responses in the auditory path- loudness. Relevant for pitch and tim- hearing aids. For individuals with sen-
ways of most children receiving a coch- bre perception, both music and speech sorineural hearing impairment, a coch-
lear implant after age three and a half sounds can contain a fundamental fre- lear implant can offer the possibility of
reportedly do not typically reach nor- quency as well as harmonic frequencies, restoring hearing.
mal levels, even after years of experi- often referred to as overtones in music.
ence with the implant.4 Support for even Thus, pitch perception usually involves Cochlear Implants
earlier intervention is offered by a recent the integration of signals from many
study that examined children’s language places within the cochlea. Pitch deter- The cochlear implant is indeed a mir-
skills three years after intervention.5 The minations are made by evoking a sense acle of modern medicine. It may be
children who had received a cochlear of the lowest frequency of the harmonic considered the first electronic device
implant by the age of twelve months series, the fundamental, but overtones to restore a human sense. No effective
had language skills similar to peers contribute to evoking this sensation. treatment option existed for individuals
with normal hearing, whereas the chil- Timbre perception also involves per- with severe to profound sensorineural
dren implanted between thirteen and ceptual integration of the harmonics hearing loss prior to the late 1970s, but
twenty-four months had significant lan- at various levels of strength that are today, with the aid of a cochlear implant,
guage delay. Because timing in relation- part of the sound, producing different individuals with this type of hearing loss
ship to language development is of such musical colors. Similarly, speech per- can hear well enough to engage in con-
critical importance, the point in time of ception involves the perception of the versation on a cell phone. As recently
hearing loss onset and intervention is higher frequencies that are part of the as the early 1980s, the scientific commu-
qualified as either prelingual or post- harmonics of speech sounds, producing nity was skeptical that the device would
lingual. The next two sections explain different vowel and consonant sounds. be able to restore any useful hearing.9
the physiology of normal and impaired Timbre and speech perception are also Experts believed that the best that could
hearing and provide background on affected by duration characteristics, such be hoped for with uses of this new
the development and function of coch- as the rate of attack and cessation of a device was basic sound awareness and
lear implants, and the sections that fol- sound. an aid to lip-reading. Even in the 1990s
low provide information more directly Hearing impairment can vary in after the Food and Drug Administration
related to music instruction for children degree across the pitch spectrum and (FDA) approved cochlear implants for
with cochlear implants. between ears and is labeled by level of children meeting certain criteria, contro-
severity as slight, mild, moderate, severe, versy persisted, in part because parents
Normal versus Impaired or profound. Most individuals with had to make the decision of whether
Hearing hearing loss have some hearing capac- their child should be implanted and out-
ity without a hearing device, which is comes in terms of language acquisition
In normal hearing, soundwaves from referred to as residual hearing. Greater were still uncertain.
the air are received and converted to residual hearing for lower pitches than Over time, the candidacy criteria for
physical vibrations by the eardrum.6 Via higher pitches is common. For individu- cochlear implantation has continued
a series of tiny bones, the physical vibra- als with residual hearing, hearing aids to expand, both in terms of age and
tions pass to the fluid-filled cochlea in make sounds louder, and some modern degree of hearing loss. Individuals with
the inner ear, where they produce fluid hearing aids that are professionally fitted significant levels of residual hearing are
waves, similar to waves created by a rock can be programmed to amplify the spe- now being considered, and techniques
tossed into a lake. The movement of the cific pitch ranges where an individual’s to preserve this hearing during implan-
fluid in the cochlea stimulates thousands residual hearing is weaker.7 Perception tation have been developed. The FDA

58 Music Educators Journal  December 2018

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has approved cochlear implants for instruments or a particular voice in noise—referred to as hearing in noise—
children as young as twelve months of a mix of sounds becomes more diffi- and the ability to perceive the pitch vari-
age, though they are routinely placed in cult. Dynamic range is also much more ations in speech that provide additional
eligible children as young as six months compressed with cochlear implants cues to meaning.19 Hearing speech in
of age.10 Once it became the norm that than in normal hearing. However, beat noise is accomplished by following the
speech perception was achieved in and rhythm perceptual abilities remain particular pitch range and timbre of a
most implant users, interest increased largely intact. target voice, such as that of the teach-
in investigating music perception with er’s voice in a noisy classroom. It is
users of cochlear implants. Music to Train Hearing Ability also accomplished by focusing on the
Cochlear implants simulate the nor- direction of the sound, which can be
mal function of the inner ear by convert- Perhaps most consequential for music aided by bilateral implants. Music edu-
ing sounds into electrical impulses that educators, efforts are underway to cation focuses on improving pitch and
are used to directly stimulate the audi- develop post-implant auditory training timbre perception with musical sounds
tory nerve. Sounds are first segregated programs that use music to help optimize and therefore may improve pitch and
into bands of frequencies, which are the hearing acuity attained by cochlear timbre perception of speech sounds.
then mapped to specific electrodes in implant recipients. As experts who train Indeed, for children with normal hear-
an array surgically implanted through- students in the domain of sound, music ing, those who participated in musical
out the cochlea. Creating bands of fre- educators are uniquely positioned to training were found to have significantly
quencies results in degradation of the contribute to this important endeavor. greater ability to understand speech in
sound input before it is even sent to The fact that music education can play noise than were peers without musical
the electrodes.11 Currently, systems use an important role in the development training.20
between sixteen and twenty-two elec- and remediation of language and read- Research investigating the effects
trodes, reaching a sufficient technical ing skills is supported by a growing of music instruction on improving the
standard to restore speech perception body of evidence from psychologists hearing ability of children with cochlear
even in cases of profound hearing loss. and neuroscientists that suggests the implants is in the very early stages. In
More detailed information on the com- neural mechanisms for auditory process- 2016, a systematic review of published
ponents of cochlear implants, along ing of music and speech overlap.16 One research identified nine studies that
with additional considerations for music research study analyzed the results of examined music training as an interven-
teachers working with students with eighteen experimental studies involv- tion for children with cochlear implants,
cochlear implants, can be found in an ing children with normal hearing rang- though additional studies using music
article written by music professors Lyn ing in age from four to nine years and training with adults have been con-
Schraer-Joiner and Manuela Prause- concluded that students who received ducted.21 In one of the first experimental
Weber in the September 2009 Music music training experienced significantly studies to involve a professional music
Educators Journal.12 greater gains in phonological skills com- teacher, published in 2014, children
Cochlear implants do not restore nor- pared to peers who did not participate between the ages of seven and ten with
mal hearing. Low-frequency areas of the in music.17 profound hearing loss who used hear-
cochlea are normally not accessed by Because music training has been ing aids alone or hearing aids in con-
implants, making perception of funda- shown to enhance speech perception in junction with cochlear implants received
mental frequencies difficult. Accessible children with normal hearing, research- music instruction for one hour weekly
pitch ranges differ by device manufac- ers are beginning to investigate the for an average of 2.6 years.22 Instruction
turer and individual user settings, but potential for music education to improve included exploring vocal and instrumen-
generally only pitches above G3 are auditory perceptual and auditory cogni- tal timbres, moving to musical sounds,
transmitted. 13 Researchers have sug- tive skills in children and adults with remembering and producing rhyth-
gested that children with cochlear hearing impairments.18 While the pri- mic patterns and timbres, determining
implants who have better music per- mary aim of most post-implant training emotion content of pieces, and writing
ception may be those who have better programs is to improve speech percep- and performing simple rhythm pieces.
residual hearing in the low-frequency tion, the additional objective of improv- Results indicated that compared with
range.14 Placement of the electrodes is ing music perception and appreciation peers having similar hearing impairments
imprecise, further degrading pitch per- is also being pursued, as it can enhance who received no music instruction, the
ception.15 The coarser frequency reso- the quality of life. group of students that participated in
lution resulting from segregating the In terms of speech perception, two music education showed significantly
sounds into frequency bands affects not areas that remain particularly chal- greater ability to discriminate between
only pitch perception but also timbre lenging for individuals with cochlear two similar vowel or consonant speech
perception. With impaired timbre per- implants are the ability to understand sounds, which is particularly important
ception, the ability to track individual speech in the presence of background because it suggests that a sharpening of 59

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the language perception skills of chil- suggests that the study design may have place in a room that is acoustically dry.
dren with hearing impairment may be had some limitation in bringing about Children with hearing aids or cochlear
achieved with music training. improvement with this skill, such as a implants should be situated near the
Researchers are also investigat- training duration that may have been sound source. Background noise should
ing singing and its effects on auditory too short. be minimized as much as possible, both
development of children with cochlear Music training involving practice with from within and outside of the room.
implants. A 2014 study was reportedly hearing and identifying melodic con- Extremes in dynamics of music should
the first neuroscience study to show that tours is being investigated as a way of be avoided. As when teaching children
among children with cochlear implants, possibly improving speech perception with normal hearing, instructional activi-
those who sang showed enhanced brain for both hearing in noise and spoken ties should be multisensory when possi-
responses when passively listening to pitch inflection. A study published in ble, incorporating visual and kinesthetic
musical sounds compared to those who 2017 assigned children with cochlear experiences to reinforce aural concepts.
did not sing.23 The children were watch- implants to either piano instruction or art Most children with cochlear implants
ing a silent video while hearing random instruction.25 As might be expected, after will likely have the ability to hear rhyth-
changes in music sounds but were not six months, the students receiving piano mic qualities of music nearly as well,
instructed to focus attention on the instruction performed significantly better if not just as well, as their peers with
sounds. The enhanced brain responses than the students receiving art instruc- normal hearing. Few to no adaptations
to music changes found with the chil- tion in hearing changes in melodic con- may be necessary for instruction involv-
dren who enjoyed singing suggest that tour, in accordance with other studies ing discrimination, identification, and
training involving singing may result in showing improved melodic contour per- production of steady beat, simple and
a stronger involuntary shift of attention ception after training for children with compound meter (subdivisions of twos
to musical sounds and possibly other cochlear implants.26 To assess possible or threes), duple and triple meter, and
sounds, though the study design does improvement of speech perception, the rhythm patterns. Students can be chal-
not allow for a determination that sing- children were also asked to correctly lenged to maintain an internal beat or
ing was the cause of enhancements. identify, by sound only, which of four synchronize rhythmic movement to
A study published in 2015 investi- emotions was conveyed by the man- sounds. Rhythmic patterns of a predeter-
gated the extent of singing improvement ner in which emotionally neutral sen- mined number of beats can be created
that might be achieved with instruction, tences were spoken. The children who and performed as an ostinato. A focus on
comparing the progress of children received contour training with piano tempo comparisons using movements
ages five to seven with hearing aids and instruction made significant pretest to with varying levels of energy can be a
cochlear implants to peers with normal posttest gains in correctly identifying the useful way to help students internalize
hearing.24 All the children participated emotion, whereas the art training group mood or emotional qualities of music
together in instruction that included showed no significant improvement. because fidelity of pitch and timbre ele-
vocal exploration, learning to sing ments may be somewhat degraded.
songs, using movements to accompany Music and Children with To build on students’ strengths, tim-
singing, and associating sounds visu- Cochlear Implants bre concepts can be initially addressed
ally with physical gestures and simple with rhythm activities. Different rhythms
notation. After twenty weeks of instruc- Hearing ability among individuals can be played on a variety of instru-
tion, the children with hearing impair- with cochlear implants varies consid- ments. It may be easiest to initially select
ment showed significant improvement erably, as does an interest in listening instruments that have greatly contrasting
in singing competency, vocal range, to music. Some individuals may have a attacks and decays. Students can learn to
and pitch perception, although not to great interest in music, and others may associate an instrument with its sound,
the same extent as their peers with not. Researchers believe that children both visually and aurally, and later by
normal hearing. These results indicate will likely enjoy music if they received sound only, matching a rhythm pattern
that music skills of children with hear- implants at a very young age and that to the instrument that played it. Using a
ing impairment can improve with train- music perception and appreciation can combination of two to four instruments,
ing. To examine possible improvement improve considerably with training and each instrument can play different parts
in speech perception following music experience.27 The following suggestions of a rhythm pattern. Students can iden-
instruction, the study also examined for instruction and adaptations when tify the rhythm and instruments used in
ability to hear speech in noise but found teaching music to children with cochlear patterns they hear, or they can re-create
no significant improvement. However, implants are offered, recognizing that, it, then create and perform their own
no improvement with this skill was as with students with normal hearing, patterns. Instruments should be played
found for the children with normal hear- abilities among individuals vary consid- individually at first. With pitched instru-
ing, which would be expected based erably. In terms of more fundamental ments, a variety of pitch ranges should
on findings from other studies. This considerations, instruction should take be used when exploring timbres.

60 Music Educators Journal  December 2018

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Cochlear Implant (CI) Developments
1957 First attempted human cochlear implantation; a single channel provided basic sound awareness1
1970s No approved treatment options for severe to profound hearing loss2
1975 A study funded by the National Institutes of Health investigated all 13 CI users in the U.S.; users could not understand speech,
although benefits of CIs were noted.3
1978 First multichannel cochlear implant used, a requirement for speech comprehension.
1984 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves cochlear implants for adults age 18 and older.
1988 Of 3000 CI users worldwide, about 1 in 20 could hear well enough to understand speech.4
1990 FDA approves cochlear implants for children ages 2 to 17.
1995 12,000 CI users worldwide.
1998 FDA approves cochlear implants for children as young as 18 months of age.
2000 FDA approves cochlear implants for children as young as 12 months of age.
2002 First adult partial deafness cochlear implantation.5
006 Technique developed to monitor cochlea function during CI implantation to preserve residual hearing.6
2007 Melodic Contour Identification Test developed to assess music perception of CI users.7
2008 Clinical Assessment of Music Perception test developed for use with CI users.8
2010 188,000 CI users worldwide: In the United States 41,00 adults and 26,000 children have CIs.9
2014 Music in Children With Cochlear Implants test battery developed specifically for use with children under the age of 9 years.10
2015 Software developed for pitch discrimination training for children with CIs.11
2017 Music training shown to improve perception of emotional speech prosody for children with CIs.12
Notes for Figure 1

1. Blake S. Wilson and Michael F. Dorman, “Cochlear Implants: A Remarkable Past and a Brilliant Future,” Hearing Research 242 (2008): 3–21.
2. Robert Shepherd, Andrew Wise, and James Fallon, “Cochlear Implants,” Disorders of Peripheral and Central Auditory Processing (2006): 315–31.
3. Wilson and Dorman, “Cochlear Implants.”
4. Ibid.
5. Henryk Skarzynski and Artur Lorens, “Electric Acoustic Stimulation in Children,” in Cochlear Implants and Hearing Preservation, ed. Paul van de Heyning
and Andrea Kleine Punte (New York: Karger, 2010), 135–43.
6. Oliver Adunka, Patricia Roush, John Grose, Corinne Macpherson, and Craig A. Buchman, “Monitoring of Cochlear Function during Cochlear
Implantation,” The Laryngoscope 116, no. 6 (2006): 1017–20.
7. John J. Galvin III, Qian-Jie Fu, and Geraldine Nogaki, “Melodic Contour Identification by Cochlear Implant Listeners,” Ear and Hearing 28, no. 3 (2007):
8. Grace L. Nimmons, Robert S. Kang, Ward R. Drennan, Jeff Longnion, Chad Ruffin, Tina Worman, Bevan Yueh, and Jay T. Rubinstein, “Clinical
Assessment of Music Perception in Cochlear Implant Listeners,” Otology & Neurotology 29, no. 2 (2008): 149–55.
9. “National Institutes of Health Fact Sheet—Cochlear Implants,” 2010,, accessed
October 4, 2018.
10. Alexis T. Roy, Lindsay Scattergood-Keepper, Courtney Carver, Patpong Jiradejvong, Caty Butler, and Charles J. Limb, “Evaluation of a Test Battery to
Assess Perception of Music in Children with Cochlear Implants,” JAMA Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery 140, no. 6 (2014): 540–47.
11. Walter Di Nardo, Lorenzo Schinaia, Roberta Anzivino, Eugenio De Corso, Alberto Ciacciarelli, and G. Paludetti, “Musical Training Software for Children
with Cochlear Implants,” Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 35, no. 4 (2015): 249–57.
12. Arla Good, Karen A. Gordon, Blake C. Papsin, Gabe Nespoli, Talar Hopyan, Isabelle Peretz, and Frank A. Russo, “Benefits of Music Training for
Perception of Emotional Speech Prosody in Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants,” Ear & Hearing 38, no. 4 (2017): 455–64. 61

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With pitch and melody concepts, asked nineteen children ages four to Another approach to overcome the
students can learn to identify and twelve with cochlear implants to sing limitations of current cochlear implant
play different contours. Music training “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”30 All the technology being explored is the use
involving identification and playing dif- children could sing the lyrics and the of a combination of a hearing aid and
ferent melodic contours has been used rhythm correctly or partially correctly. In a cochlear implant, sometimes referred
in a number of research studies. 28 When terms of pitch accuracy, one child sang to as bimodal hearing or electric acous-
discriminating whether the second of most pitches correctly, five varied the tic stimulation.34 Thus, the preservation
two pitches moves up or down or stays pitch partially correctly, seven varied the of any residual hearing has become an
the same, very wide intervals should pitch inaccurately, and six sang without increased priority during implantation.
be used initially, with the pitch differ- varying the pitch. Another study com- Enhancement of music perception is
ence between notes decreasing gradu- paring singing accuracy of children with the next frontier to be pursued in the
ally. Likewise, contours initially can be cochlear implants with normal-hearing quest to expand the success of cochlear
comprised of skips rather than steps. peers found that correct contour direc- implants, not only because music has
Two sequential tonal patterns can be tions were sung 52 percent of the time been shown to improve auditory abil-
discriminated as same or different. If by children with cochlear implants, ity in general but also because appre-
lyrics or rhythms are included in pitch whereas children with normal hearing ciation of music enriches the quality
activities, students will tend to focus sang correct contour directions 94 per- of life. As a tool that can be used in
on the rhythmic and text dimensions cent of the time.31 This study points out, auditory training programs for children
rather than aspects related to pitch. To however, that singing performance that with cochlear implants, music can be
help students focus on pitch, melo- would be deemed as within the normal especially effective because it is a dif-
dies or pitch patterns being compared range was observed with a small num- ferent type of sound stimulus that may
should have identical rhythms. Har- ber of children with cochlear implants, pique interest and increase motivation.
mony perception is particularly difficult indicating a need to further investigate Music activities also provide opportuni-
for students with cochlear implants. what factors may contribute to individ- ties for social engagement with peers.
When hearing more than one pitch ual differences. As with previous instruc- As reported by psychologists who study
at a time, the students may perceptu- tional suggestions for pitch, singing of how music affects children, “[i]t is clear
ally fuse the different notes into one pitch can initially focus on perception that deaf children with cochlear implants
sound. 29 As a result, students would and production of interval direction and enjoy music, remember aspects of the
have difficulty identifying chords and melodic contours. Singing of rhythms music they hear regularly, and, in many
even distinguishing a melody from an should not require any special adapta- cases, sing for their own pleasure. In
accompaniment. tions. Given the accessibility and central that sense, their motivation for music is
As to music listening, it would be role of singing in music education with much like that of hearing children.”35 As
advantageous to select monophonic young children, future research inves- music educators, we assert that musical
examples initially. When using pieces tigating the effects of singing on the experiences and expression are part of
performed by ensembles, small ensem- auditory development of children with human behavior that should be available
bles and thin textures would likely be cochlear implants is essential. to all students regardless of their level
easier to perceptually process. Because of ability. The use of music instruction
cochlear implant users have difficulty Future Directions as an effective auditory training tool for
perceiving timbre, they would have dif- children with cochlear implants is yet
ficulty perceptually parsing the different Cochlear implant technology is con- another indication in a growing body
musical parts sounding simultaneously tinuing to improve rapidly. Music per- of information that affirms the vital role
in a composition. When listening to ception and appreciation will likely be that music instruction plays in the audi-
music with two or more different parts enhanced by refinements in devices. tory development of children.
sounding at the same time, cochlear These refinements will enable an
implant users may be more attentive to expanded dynamic range and improved Notes
rhythm contrasts than timbre contrasts representation of the fine structure of
among different parts. sounds used in pitch and sound qual- 1. Adam Tierney and Nina Kraus, “Music
Previously cited research suggests ity perception. 32 Bilateral implanta- Training for the Development of Reading
Skills,” in Changing Brains: Applying
that singing may be an important activ- tion will likely become more common,
Brain Plasticity to Advance and
ity for children with cochlear implants. improving localization ability, although Recover Human Ability, ed. Michael M.
Students may sing rhythms accurately, implantation of both sides needs to be Merzenich, Mor Nahum, and Thomas
though pitches may be considerably performed at the same time or with a M. Van Vleet (Burlington, VT: Academic
inaccurate. To get a general sense of minimum of delay for best results. 33 Press, 2013), 209–41.
the singing ability of children with coch- This allows the neural networks serv- 2. Kate Gfeller, “Music-Based Training for
lear implants, researchers in one study ing each ear to develop simultaneously. Pediatric CI Recipients: A Systematic

62 Music Educators Journal  December 2018

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Analysis of Published Studies,” European Hearing for Music Perception,” Frontiers Hopyan, Isabelle Peretz, and Frank
Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and in Psychology 3 (2012): article 425. A. Russo, “Benefits of Music Training
Neck Diseases 133S (2016): S50–S56. for Perception of Emotional Speech
15. Limb and Roy, “Technological,
3. See Prosody in Deaf Children with Cochlear
Biological, and Acoustical Constraints.”
loss/data.html, accessed June 27, 2017. Implants,” Ear & Hearing 38, no. 4
16. Aniruddh D. Patel, “Why Would Musical (2017): 455–64.
4. Anu Sharma, Amy A. Nash, and Michael Training Benefit the Neural Encoding
Dorman, “Cortical Development, of Speech? The OPERA Hypothesis,” 26. Qian-Jie Fu, John J. Galvin III, Xiaosong
Plasticity and Re-Organization in Frontiers in Psychology 2 (2011): article Wang, and Jiunn-Liang Wu, “Benefits
Children with Cochlear Implants,” 142. See also Tierney and Kraus, “Music of Music Training in Mandarin-Speaking
Journal of Communication Disorders 42 Training for the Development of Reading Pediatric Cochlear Implant Users,”
(2009): 272–79. Skills.” Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Research 58 (2015): 163–69; also Patel,
5. Jaime Leigh, Shani Dettman, 17. Reyna L. Gordon, Hilda M. Fehd, and “Nonlinguistic Music Training.”
Richard Dowell, and Robert Briggs, Bruce D. McCandliss, “Does Music
“Communication Development in Training Enhance Literacy Skills? A 27. Chisato Mitani, Takayuki Nakata,
Children Who Receive a Cochlear Meta-Analysis,” Frontiers in Psychology Sandra E. Trehub, Yukihiko Kanda,
Implant by 12 Months of Age,” Otology 6 (2015): article 1777. Hidetaka Kumagami, Kenji Takasaki,
& Neurotology 34 (2013): 443–50. Ikue Miyamoto, and Haruo Takahashi,
18. Kate Gfeller, Emily Guthe, Virginia “Music Recognition, Music Listening,
6. Jan Schnupp, Israel Nelken, and Andrew Driscoll, and Carolyn J. Brown, “A and Word Recognition by Deaf Children
King, Auditory Neuroscience: Making Preliminary Report of Music-Based with Cochlear Implants,” Ear and
Sense of Sound (Cambridge, MA: The Training for Adult Cochlear Implant Users: Hearing 28, no. 2 (2007): 29S–33S; see
MIT Press, 2011). Rationales and Development,” Cochlear also John J. Galvin III, Qian-Jie Fu, and
7. Sara K. Mamo, Nicholas S. Reed, Carrie Implants International 16, supplement Robert V. Shannon, “Melodic Contour
L. Nieman, Esther S. Oh, and Frank R. 3 (2015): S22–S31. See also Gfeller, Identification and Music Perception by
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