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Elahmer Bartolay BSF-1A

Module 2

Group the following words according to their uniformity and label them accordingly.

Stone Age Iron Age Bronze Age 800 BC

Flake tool smelting iron flaking Mining
Metallurgy alloy substance sickles
Australopithecus ferrous metallurgy Neolithic period
2nd period of prehistoric time 3rd period of prehistoric times
Smelting copper with iron

Iron age
Stone age
 2nd period of pre-  Smelting iron

 Flake tool historic times  Alloy substance

 Australopithecus  Smelting copper  Ferrous

 Flaking with iron metallurgy

 8000 BC  Metallurgy  Sickles

 Neolithic period  Mining  3rd period of pre-

historic times

Bronze age
Compare and contrast the different period (age) according to evidences of Science and
Technology during Pre-Historic Times (3000-5000 BC). Give at least 3 similarities and
differences of each period. Show your answer by means of Venn diagram.

Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age

 Iron was the

 Stone was widely used  First period where dominant material in
 Divided into three periods: metals used tool making
Paleolithic Period,  Bronze weapons and  Characterized by the
Mesolithic Period, Neolithic tools production of tools
Period  Mining and metallurgy and weaponry
 Man was food gatherer  Extensive use of metals (ferrous metallurgy)
(hunting and gathering) & developing trade

SIMILARITIES  People during those times has

the initiatives despite the lack in
knowledge and tools
 As time passes by, their
discoveries and inventions were
 Their inventions, discoveries,
and knowledge made impact to
the next and new generation and
had been very useful in every
Find your partner and compare and contrast the following:
Sumerian Egyptian

civilization of ancient North Africa,

1 ancient civilization founded in the concentrated along the lower reaches of
Mesopotamia the Nile River, situated in the place that
is now the country Egypt.

Calligraphy Hieroglyphics

2 It is an artistic/decorative handwriting Writing system used in Ancient Egypt

style or a handwritten lettering. that contains symbols and characters.

Minoans Agriculture Egyptian Agriculture

3 Raised goat, cattle, sheep, and pig and They grew variety of crops including
grew wheat, barley, grapes, and olives. grains and vegetables.

Sumerian Astronomy Egyptian Astronomy

Egyptian calendar was already in use,

4  first astronomers
and the observation of stars was
 mapped the stars into sets of
important in determining the annual
flooding of the Nile.

Minoans construction/architecture Egyptian construction/ architecture

Building materials were usually native The best known example of ancient
5 stone and clay, with timber used for Egyptian architecture are the Egyptian
reinforcement. Columns were tapered, pyramids while excavated temples,
different from classical Greek and palaces, tombs and fortresses have also
Roman columns. been studied.

Name of your partner: ________________________________________________________

1. Make a timeline of the events of the development of science and technology for the
following civilization.
a. Sumerian civilization
b. Egyptian civilization
c. Cretan civilization
Sumerian Civilization

The Wheel, the Sail, and Writing, 3600 BC

Writing, 3600-3500 Sail

The earliest writing was rudimentary The same paradigm is thought to apply to
pictographs which could convey the invention of the sail—which most
information along the lines of “two likely began simply through the
sheep – temple at Uruk” but could not observation of the wind’s effect on a
clarify what the purpose of the two piece of cloth, possibly when it was
sheep was supposed to be. drying after being washed.

The wheel is thought to have
developed from a need to make
better, and more, pottery in less time.

Agriculture, Architecture, and the State

Agriculture, 5000 BC- 4500 BC Architecture & State , 4100-2900 BCE

In agriculture, the Sumerians created The concept of the state grew out of
irrigation practices, the seed-drill, the small communal organizations known as
plow, and the pickaxe and seem to “households” whose members were not
have also invented the device known all blood relatives but shared a common
as the Archimedes’ Screw long before interest and, usually, some amount of
land. A strict hierarchy governed the
the Greeks.
households with a “big man” (known as
an ensi and later a lugal) at the top, his
wife below him, and others following
down to unskilled laborers. The
Mathematics, Time, and Astronomy/Astrology

Mathematics, 6000 BCE Time

Mathematics probably developed from The sexagesimal base inspired them to
trade as a necessity in bookkeeping but create time based on the concept of 60,
was clearly an important aspect of and so an hour was defined as 60
architecture in planning and minutes and a minute of 60 seconds.
constructing cities and their temples. In Time was measured by a sundial or a
the course of building these great cities waterclock, and the period of the sun’s
and grand structures, the Sumerians rising to setting and rising again was
seem to have invented the mathematical divided into periods of 12 for daylight
paradigm of the Pythagorean Theorem and 12 for darkness, creating the 24-
centuries before Pythagoras lived. hour day.

The charting of the stars was interpreted,
like everything else, as acting in accord
with the will of the gods and so it was
only natural that, eventually, diviners
would come to interpret certain
astronomical phenomena as messages
from the gods – and so astrology was

Medicine and Physicians, about 3000 BC

This same model applies to healthcare in that many of the practices associated with Egypt
and Greece originated in Mesopotamia. The Sumerian goddess of health and healing was Gula
(later known in other regions as Ninkarrak and Ninisinna) often depicted in the presence of
her dog as dogs were also associated with healing, health, and protection.
There were two types of doctors in Mesopotamia:
Asu – a medical practitioner who prescribed various treatments for illness or injury
Asipu – a holistic healer who relied on magical spells, amulets, and incantations
Egyptian civilization

7500 BC
7500 BC the first settlers arrived at
Nile Valley

3200 BC
Hieroglyphics are used to keep
trade recorders.

2640 BC
The first pyramids are built

2555 BC
The pyramids of Giza are built for the
kings Kufu, Kharge, and Menkaure.

The great Sphinx is built. 2280 BC

2200 BC The first ploughs attached to


Valley of the Kings. Pharoas are 1539 BC

buried with their treasures.

51 BC
Cleopatra’s reign begins.
Cretan Civilization

6000 BC
Settled as early as 6000 BC

3000 BC
Minoan Civilization arose in
the island of Crete

2000 BC
Minoan culture flourished

1600 BC

Minoan civilization reached

its height
1400 BC

City of Mycenae grew

powerful on the mainland

Wealth due to trade

Agricultural society
producing oil, grain, wine

Magnificent Palace at Knossos

and other
Choose from the box the scientist who made contribution to the following development in
science and technology.

carpet weaving Eratosthenes Socrates Aristotle

Galen Nastaliq Hippocrates Vitruvius
Archimedes Theophrastus Ptolemy

Hippocrates 1. He is known as the father of medicine

Archimedes 2. He performs experiments which led him to discover the laws of the lever
and the pulley that resulted in the invention of machines which could easily move loads.

Ptolemy 3. He founded the Geocentriç theory (Earth-centered) and wrote the Almagest.

Eratosthenes 4. He determined that the circumference of (the distance around) the earth
was 28,000 miles, which is three thousand miles more than what we know today.

Galen 5. He influenced the development of various scientific disciplines, including

anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, and neurology.

Carpet Weaving 6. Persian rugs

Socrates 7. He worked on Skepticism

Aristotle 8. He theorized that species form a scale from simple to complex putting
animals that laid warm and wet creatures alive as the highest form of living things

Vitruvirus 9. He is regarded as the First architect of Rome.

Theophrastus 10. He is known as the ancient father of Plant Science.


Write a letter to any of the scientists or philosophers showing your appreciation of the
contributions made by them.
To our dear scientists, inventors, philosophers, and to all who have
contributed to the knowledge and discoveries today;

With all my heart, I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to all

your hard-work, initiatives, and efforts for the development of the
generations to come. Being alive in this time, in this very generation, right at
this moment, I’m more than thankful that we did not start from a scratch
and nothing. With everything lacking—knowledge, mediums, books, etc. you
still get through it and made contribution to the lives of billions of people
and generations that have come.
Your contribution and intelligence and all that you have started
had help the later generations understand a thing about the world. May
all of you—your hard work, and all your discoveries and inventions be
remembered by the new generations to come and be known to everyone who
benefits from it without appreciating the mind and work behind it.
Just the words won’t be enough to express how grateful I am for
being one of those lucky people who have experienced the convenience in
life—that is far different from what you have experienced. I swear and
promise to value and appreciate all that we have now. You are more than
appreciated! Thank you!

With so much love,

Choose one remarkable development from Arabic, Chinese and Hindu science and technology and
make a poster interpreting their contributions.
Mark, Dr. Joshua (2019). "Ancient Mesopotamian Science and Technology – Brewminate: We're
Never Far from Where We Were." Ancient Mesopotamian Science and Technology.

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