Zwahlen 1992

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2088 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.


Isobutane Dehydrogenation Kinetics Determination in a Modified Berty

Gradientless Reactor
Andreas G. Zwahlen and John B. Agnew*
Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, S.A. 5001, Australia

A standard Berty gradientless reactor, designed to operate at temperatures up to 350 "C and pressures
between 3 and 35 bar, has been successfully modified for operation up to 600 "C and at atmospheric
pressure without appreciable interparticle transport resistance. The reactor is used to establish the
kinetics of the catalytic dehydrogenation of isobutane at 530-570 "C and 1 bar, using a concen-
tration-control system to decouple the effects of concentration and activity on reaction rate. A
single-site LHHW model is found to provide a good fit to initial rate data. Catalyst deactivation
data are also presented for dehydrogenation and coking reactions.

Introduction gradient over the bed. "Intrinsic" kinetic data can thus
The catalytic dehydrogenationof isobutane to isobutene be obtained, free of external heat and mass-transfer lim-
is an industrial reaction of considerable importance, e.g., itations, coke gradients, etc., which would normally be
for the production of methyl methacrylate, butylphenols, encountered in fixed-bed systems.
tert-butylmercaptans, and particularly methyl tert-butyl Rapid catalyst deactivation poses an additional problem.
ether (MTBE) for use as a gasoline octane enhancer. The When the rate of change of catalyst activity is concen-
reaction is endothermic and proceeds at an appreciable tration-dependent, analysis of experimental results be-
rate with high product yield in the temperature range comes extremely difficult. Levenspiel (1972)proposed the
500-600 "C and at low pressure (ca.1 bar). Rapid catalyst use of a well-mixed flow reactor with regulated feed rate
deactivation occurs as temperature is increased above 550 to ensure constant concentration in the reactor in order
"C. to decouple activity and concentration effects on reaction
Although a large number of investigations of the dehy- rate. In complex reaction systems, adjusting the flow rate
drogenation of n-butane and n-butene have been reported does not necessarily ensure constant composition. How-
since the early work of Dodd and Watson (1945),few pa- ever, in many cases the influence of the main reaction is
pers have been published on isobutane dehydrogenation. so great as to overshadow the side reactions. Only a few
Happel et al. (1973),using a Houdry catalyst (20% chro- studies have been reported which use this technique
mia) in a continuous-flowreactor in the temperature range (Petersen and Pacheco, 1984;Christoph and Beams, 1985;
377-490 "C,found that the best fit to their data was given Broucek et al., 1986).
by an eight-parameter Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen- Internal-Recycle Reactor. As no commercially
Watson (LHHW) model with a single rate-controlling step, available recycle reactor for operation above 500 "C and
viz., the chemisorption of isobutane. Masson et al. (1979) at low pressure was known to the authors, it was decided
used a catalyst of 7.5% chromia on alumina in a flow to modify a Berty reactor (designed for temperatures up
reactor at 533-596 "C to determine a four-parameter in- to 350 "C and pressures up to 35 bar) supplied by Design
itial-rate correlation without consideration of deactivation. Technology Inc. of Pittsburgh, PA. Berty (1984)recom-
The experimental determination of intrinsic and deac- mended a lower pressure limit of 3 bar for his reactor
tivation kinetics at temperatures above 500 "C and at low because of the difficulty of maintaining adequate mass
pressure is a difficult problem. Well-mixed internal-recycle velocities at lower pressure and correspondingly low gas
("gradientless") reactors have become increasingly pre- densities.
ferred for solid-catalyzedgas reaction studies because of The measured internal gas flow rate produced by ita
their favorable features, viz., high conversion levels, iso- turbine was determined to be insufficient for gradientless
thermality, and constant gas composition. However, operation at 1 bar and 600 "C. To increase the gas flow
available reactors are generally limited to lower-tempera- rate, two modifications were made.
ture and higher-pressure conditions than apply for iso- (i) The air motor, designed for a maximum shaft speed
butane dehydrogenation. of 2500 rpm, was replaced by a direct-flanged three-phase
This paper is concerned with (a) the development of an motor (0.55kW) driven by a variable speed control device
appropriate experimental system for studying the kinetics (Parajust F) to permit an increase in maximum shaft speed
of high-temperature, low-pressure, solid-catalyzed gas re- to 4500 rpm. This resulted in a 3.5-fold increase in the
actions and (b) use of the system to establish intrinsic and pressure head generated (see Figure 1).
deactivation kinetic relations for isobutane dehydrogena- (ii) The original eight-blade single-stage turbine was
tion on commercial Hmhaw chromia-on-aluminacatalyst. replaced with a specially designed three-stage turbine (see
Figure 2). The first stage radial turbine was designed with
Reactor Development enlarged vanes positioned at an angle of 45"; the flow
In a general review paper, Bennett et al. (1972)high- guiding channel was machined in such a way as to reduce
lighted the suitability of internal recycle rectors for tran- internal drag. Two axial stages with eight vanes at 45"
sient kinetics experiments. Weekman (1974)pointed out were added. Three sets of static vanes (eight blades at
the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of the -45") were placed at the exit of each stage. In order to
commonly employed types of laboratory reactors, with the reduce the internal back-flow (which became more im-
stirred, contained-solids reactor receiving high marks. portant as the pressure produced by the turbine was in-
Berty (1984),in a later paper, emphasized the particular creased), a complex labyrinth seal was incorporated into
features of internal recycle rectors for testing catalysts and the system.
for kinetic studies. Reaction in such a system involves no Turbine and drive shafts were carefully statically bal-
significant interparticle concentration or temperature anced to increase the life of the carbon bearings to an
263i-2oaa$o3.00/0 0 1992 American Chemical Society
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9, 1992 2089
50 -
Modified 1 -Stage Turbine

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Turbine Speed (rpm)
Figure 1. Pressure head generated by turbines.

I 0
0 2000 4000 0 10 20
Turbine Speed (rprn) Gas Velocity (rnis)
Figure 4. Typical relationships between superficial gas velocity,
pressure drop and turbine shaft speed (W = 70 9).
Heating System. The original 600-W top-band heating
system was not powerful enough to maintain the higher
,,,;' i ,$','
temperature levels and was replaced. An annular stainless
steel ring was tightly fitted around the outside of the top
part of the reactor, accommodating eight equally spaced
M M heat cartridges (Super Watt Cartridge, 3/8 in. X 1.5 in., 160
W, by Helios), to give a total power rate of 1280 W. The
bottom heating arrangement was also modified, and more
Figure 2. Three-stage turbine arrangement.
suitable high-temperature cartridges were installed (Red
Hotrods, 0.25 in., by Helios). Additional insulation was
acceptable level. The outer magnet was axially adjusted installed.
to keep the drive shaft and turbine assembly floating. Temperature control to within f0.5 O C was achieved
Bronze impregnated carbon (MY3D Morganite) was used with the top heater under Variac-adjustable steady load
as bearing material in order to remove excess heat from and the bottom heater controlled by a microprocessor-
the ehaft/bearing system. The whole drive assembly was based Eurotherm 818 controller (self-adaptive tuning al-
additionally cooled by a constant flow of compressed air. gorithm) driving a Eurocube Thyristor Unit 424 solid-state
These modifications enabled the generated pressure contactor. With this system, the temperature difference
head to be increased by a factor of 10 (at 4500 rpm) over across the catalyst bed could be kept to 1 "C.
the original turbine (at 2500 rpm) (Figure 1). Internal Flow Rate. An indirect method was used
In order to minimize the effects of homogeneous and (Berty, 1984). The catalyst basket (plus catalyst) was first
surface reaction at elevated temperature, provision was placed into a specially designed flow device in which the
made for increasing the catalyst/reactor surface ratio, flow rate was measured by a rotameter and the pressure
without increasing the catalyst bed depth (and hence drop was measured by a highly sensitive differential ma-
pressure drop). This was achieved by enlarging the cata- nometer (Askania,fO.l mm of water). Measurements were
lyst bed diameter from 50 to 60 mm, resulting in a 40% then made in the reactor of the pressure drop over the
increase in catalyst volume at constant bed height. catalyst bed as a function of shaft speed and bed height
Tracer studies at turbine shaft speeds of 2000 and 3000 under normal operating conditions. Plots of pressure drop
rpm indicated that perfect mixing could be assumed. A versus shaft speed at various temperatures with a set
step change from argon to nitrogen was introduced at the amount of catalyst were obtained; these were then used
feed inlet, and the exit gas composition was monitored by in conjunction with plots of presaure drop versus superficial
an on-line mass spectrometer (see Gas Analysis in the gas velocity to give the required overall relationship.
Experimental Section). Semilog plots of fractional con- Typical plots are shown in Figure 4.
centration versus time are shown in Figure 3 for different
gas flow r a t e and turbine shaft speeds. The corresponding Experimental Section
theoretical lines for perfect mixing, based on an estimated Gas Analysis. A Hewlett-Packard Model 5830A gas
reactor void volume of 0.66 L, showed excellent fit. chromatograph was used for accurate analysis. The col-
2090 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9,1992

Table I. Prowrties of Harshaw Catalyst C r 0211 T 5/32

surface area, m2g-l 50
pore volume, cm3 g-' 0.29
external surface area, cm2 g-' 7.61 0.15
average bed density, g cm-3 1.2
pellet density, g 1.99
pellet porosity 0.58
shape cylindrical
diameter, cm 0.40
length, cm 0.40
umn used was VZ-10 60/80,3 m in length to give good
separation of hydrogen and methane. A thermal con-
ductivity detector was employed, with nitrogen as the
carrier gas. The sample time was 14 min. For dynamic
gas analysis, a VG Micromass 6 mass spectrometer was 1


0.7 0.8 0.9 1

used. Details of the gas sample inlet system are given by
Zwahlen (1989). P A bar1
Readout and Control System. "his consisted of a data Figure 5. Homogeneous rate of reaction of isobutane (mol/h).
logger, PC, and appropriate software. The amplified
analog electron multiplier output signal (0-10 V) was Isobutane flow was initiated via the PC. GC analysis
converted into a digital signal and transferred to the PC. of the exit stream was performed at 14-min intervals as
Concurrently the PC sent, via the data logger, an analog a check on the mass spectrometer. Exit flow was checked
signal (0-10 V) to the programmed power supply where every 10 min using a soapbubble meter. At the end of the
it was converted to a 0-5-V signal which was applied to run, isobutane flow was replaced with nitrogen and the
the acceleration plates of the ion source. The sample-line heaters were turned off. Runs were also carried out
pressure gauge output signal (0-5 V) was digitized and without catalyst at 530,550, and 570 "C to establish the
transferred to the PC, from which a signal was sent via the extent of surface and homogeneous reactions. For the
logger to the reactor inlet mass flow meter/controller purpose of this study, these were lumped together; their
(Brooks Instruments B.V. Model 5800 TR) to adjust the combined effect will subsequently be referred to as
set point. Two reactor thermocoupleswere also connected 'homogeneous reaction".
with the logger and PC.
PC Software. Specific software was developed for mass Results
spectrometer calibration,reactor control, and monitoring. For constant feed flow rate, the exit stream concen-
The mass spectrometer was calibrated by introducing trations change with time as the catalyst deactivates. A
pure gases and noting their relative peak heights at certain dynamic mass balance for pure isobutane (A) feed yields
m/e ratios. Software was written to solve the relevant set
of simultaneous equations to determine component sen-
sitivities and cracking pattern coefficients of pure com-
ponent gases periodically and also to determine partial
pressures of components in reaction gas mixtures.
Concentration control was effected by set-point ad- For slow deactivation, the accumulation term can be ne-
justment of the isobutane flow controller via a serial- glected. The rate of coke formation is obtained from an
line-driven D/A converter. The set point was determined overall dynamic mass balance:
using a proportional-integral-derivative(PID) control al-
gorithm. The control variable was the ratio of concen-
trations of isobutene and isobutane in the reactor. (This
ratio was used, rather than a single partial pressure, be- For constant exit composition the feed flow rate is con-
cause of the inability of the mass spectrometer to deter- trolled to keep the exit stream compositions constant so
mine hydrogen partial pressure). Software was also written that reduction of the feed flow counteracts the loss of
for the monitoring, recording, and displaying of particular catalyst activity and during the whole run the catalyst is
operating conditions. exposed to the same gas composition. Hence
Materials. The isobutane used was instrument grade
(99.9%) supplied by Matheson Gases Inc. through CIG
Ltd.,Adelaide. The catalyst used was CT0211 T 5/32
chromia-alumina catalyst (Cr20318%; ZrOz0.25%; A1203 The rate of coke formation is again given by eq 2. It should
82% (w/w)) from Harshaw Chemie BV Holland, supplied be noted that the heterogeneous rates are expressed as
through Brown and Dureau Ltd.,Adelaide. The physical moles per hour per gram of catalyst and homogeneous rates
properties are summarized in Table I. as moles per hour in the above equations.
Procedure. A weighed quantity of dried catalyst (20-50 Homogeneous Kinetics. Figure 5 shows rate of reac-
g) was placed in the catalyst basket, and the reactor was tion of isobutane against partial pressure at three tem-
closed up. The reactor was purged with nitrogen, the peratures, in the absence of catalyst. From the limited
heating system was activated, and the turbine motor was data, the apparent activation energy for homogeneous
initially set to 500 rpm. When the temperature had reaction was estimated to be about 275 kJ/mol.
reached 300 "C, nitrogen flow was replaced with hydrogen Heterogeneous Kinetics. At three temperatures, viz.,
for 2 h to reduce and activate the catalyst. The turbine 530,550, and 570 "C, and over a range of concentrations
speed was gradually increased as the temperature was to establish reaction rate data, 27 runs were carried out.
raised to the required operating level. The computer Corrections were made for a homogeneous reaction rate
control system was initialized, and the mass spectrometer which was significantlylower than the heterogeneous rate;
and GC systems were set in operation. expressed on a similar basis, heterogeneous rates were
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9, 1992 2091

Table 11. Kinetic Models for the Initial Reaction Rate

no. of
model -rA params catalytic step/remarks
I 4 power law
I1 10 A + S Y AS, adsorption on single site
A + S * AS, hydrogen term neglected
8 - -
AS + S * ES + HS, surface reaction on dual sites
AS + S ES + H, surface reaction, on single site
ES E + S, HS * H + S, desorption
ES E + S, desorption
VI11 8 adsorption of A
IX 4 two rate-determining steps, adsorption and surface reaction
2 power law (irreversible)
7 power law

0.02 Table 111. Deactivation Models

h model deactivation function,

+ A +i A , +
Table IV. Deactivation Model Parameter Estimation
model m, x IO4 m2 m, x IO-" m, x2 x 103
D1 1.6 150 1.34
D2 1.2 148 1.28
D3 2.2 154 2.0 128 1.19

tL O
0 40 80 120
Time [nun] 3. 0.75

Figure 6. Catalyzed rate of reaction of isobutane and gaa partial &

pressures against time at T 5 550 "C (run 187). A
generally at least 1 order of magnitude greater than ho- V
mogeneous rates. Initial reaction rates were obtained by a
extrapolation to zero time. Plots of partial pressures and 8 0.25-
reaction r a t a for a typical run (187)are shown in Figure
6. An exponential decay function was found to give an
excellent fit to the rate data: 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
-rA = (-rA)ht exp(-bt) (4) Time (min.)
For run 187 the correlation coefficient was 0.988. For Figure 7. Coke content of catalyst against time.
23 runs, the correlation coefficient was greater than 0.9;
the lowest value was 0.71 (run 189). therefore be theoretically related to coke deposition which
A set of 11 kinetic models was examined for their can in turn be related to the concentration of hydrocarbon
suitability in fitting the experimental initial rate data (27 species in the gas phase (Froment and Bischoff, 1961,
points). These are listed in Table 11. Model X,the sim- 1962). Three models were examined (see Table 111).
plest, was used by Otake et al. (1965)for n-butane dehy-
drogenation. Models 11-VI11 are LHHW-type models
based on various assumptions for the reaction A R +
S. Model VIII, proposed by Happel et al. (1973)for iso-
- Model D1 was concentration-independent; in model D2,
the first-order concentration dependencies on isobutane
and isobutene were assumed to be equal; and model D3
assumed unequal dependencies. Parameter estimation
butane dehydrogenation, assumes that chemisorption of yielded the values shown in Table IV.
isobutane is the rate-controlling step. Model IX was de- Limited measurements were also made of coke depos-
rived by Maeeon et al. (1979)to model the initial reaction ition. The 5 experiments were conducted at identical
rate of isobutane dehydrogenation. conditions, viz., T = 550 O C , PA = 0.62,p E = 0.184,and
Model parameters were determined using established pH= 0.184. In each case, 20 g of fresh catalyst was used;
nonlinear least-squares algorithms (Simplex and Mar- the reactor was run under identical Conditions for different
quardt). Details are given by Zwahlen (1989). times (viz., 30,60,90,120, and 150 min). The catalyst was
Deactivation Kinetics. Catalyst activity is defined as removed and the carbon was burned off in a muffle furnace
@(T,C,t)= r(T,C,t)/r(T,C,O) (5) to determine coke content. A plot of coke content against
time is shown in Figure 7,with a curve of best fit shown.
The dependencies of activity on temperature, concen- Activity functions for dehydrogenation and coking reac-
tration, and time must be determined. The experimental tions were determined as a function of coke concentration
activity decay observed earlier is in agreement with the (mass fraction):
Herington-Rideal first-order decay reported for dehy-
drogenation of paraffins on chromia-alumina catalyst. @A = 1- 68Cc (6)
Deactivation is assumed to occur primarily by coke de-
position from hydrocarbon cracking reactions. Activity can = exp(-148Cc) (7)
2092 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31,No. 9,1992

Table V. Final Kinetic Model

- P@H/K)@A/(~
-rA = k ( p ~ + KE@@H + K@E) (mol(h E))
-(d@A/dt) = + ~$E)@A
k = 8.9 X 106 exp(-112/RT)
K = 1.4 X lo6 exp(-117/RT)
KEH 1.2 X 10' exp(-79/RT)
KE = 2.5 X lo6 exp(-87/RT)
kl = 2.2 x 10e exp(-154/RT)
k2 = 2.0 X 10s exp(-128/RT)
tion of isobutane on a single site (model II),neglecting the
denominator hydrogen term. Predicted versus measured
- 1 rates are shown in Figure 8 for models 1-111. Little dif-
t A i E I ference between the models is apparent, with generally
good fit to all data over the range of experimental rates
i / : covered. Model VI11 of Happel et al. (1973)also gave a
0 0.04 0.08
-rA experimental
reasonable fit with a standard deviation of 14.4% (cf.
12.7% reported by Happel). The other isobutane-dehy-
Figure 8. Predicted versus experimental reaction rates for three drogenation model M due to Maason et al. (1979) was not
models (mol/(h E)). suitable (standard deviation 35% 1. Dual-site surface-re-
action model IV,which was found suitable by Dumez and
Discussion Froment (1976)for 1-butene dehydrogenation, was also
Modified Reactor. The modified Berty reactor per- found to be suitable for isobutane dehydrogenation.
formed well under the severe temperature conditions. Deactivation models incorporating concentration de-
Impeller shaft speed was kept to 2600 rpm, which was pendency showed improved fit to the data. This is con-
sufficient for minimizing the interparticle diffusional re- sistent with the assumption that coke formation depends
sistances and at the same time for minimizing bearing on the concentrations of both isobutane and isobutene.
wear. However, the heating system and the reactor closing Model D3,which amumes unequal dependencies, gave the
mechanism showed substantial wear and should be re- best fit to the data.
constructed using better high-temperature-resistant ma- Final Model. The complete model, incorporating
terials. The modified turbine/catalyst-bed configuration catalyst activity function and the full set of parameter
in this design would provide a very versatile laboratory values, is shown in Table V. Parameter estimation was
reactor for a range of reactions. based on 243 data points. Standard deviation was esti-
Concentration Control. Automatic manipulation of mated as 14.7%.
the gas feed rate was effective in maintaining the con-
centrations of reacting species at constant values during Conclusions
the runs despite fairly rapid catalyst deactivation (see (1) The standard Berty reactor was successfully modified
Figure 6). for gradientless operation at temperatures up to 600 OC
Transport Limitations. Runs were carried out at and at pressures close to atmospheric. This represents a
identical reaction conditions but with two different shaft substantial extension to the recommended 350 OC maxi-
speeds, e.g., 1500 and 2700 rpm. An additional run was mum temperature and 3 bar minimum pressure limits.
carried out with catalyst pellets split in half. Reaction rate (2)Concentration control, by manipulation of the gas
profiles were virtually identical, indicating the absence of feed rate, was found to be an effective way to decouple the
significant interphase and intraparticle diffusional re- effects of concentration and activity on reaction rate under
sistances. This was confirmed by theoretical calculations fairly rapidly deactivating conditions.
of temperature difference between bulk gas and catalyst (3)A LHHW model based on adsorption of isobutane
external surface (approximately 1 K); the estimated iso- on a single site was found to give the best fit to experi-
butane concentration difference was also small (0.01 bar), mental isobutane dehydrogenation data.
and the Weisz-Prater modulus (ca. 0.5) was in the non- (4)A firsborder deactivation model with concentration
limiting region (Satterfield and Sherwood, 19631,allowing dependency provided the best fit to experimental data.
for the expected error in estimating effective diffusivity.
Catalyst Regeneration. The same batch of catalyst Acknowledgment
was used in three consecutive experiments at identical A grant from the Australian Research Grants Committee
conditions, with intermediate regeneration in a furnace and support from Amt fiir Ausbildungsbeitriige, Basel,
with oxygen-enriched air. No significant loss of activity Switzerland, for A.G.Z., are gratefully acknowledged.
was detected, although this would most likely not have
been the case had a greater number of regenerations been Nomenclature
carried out. a = constant
Model Fit. All initial-rate models except IX and X b = parameter defined in eq 4
fitted the data reasonably well, based on a minimum- C = concentration (mol/L, g/g)
sum-of-squares criterion (including experimental error). E = activation energy (kJ/mol)
The model with the smallest residual sum of squares (x2) F = molar flow rate (mol/h)
was taken to be the best. All of the hyperbolic models had k = reaction rate constant
values of x2 around 4 X lo4 and a standard deviation of K = equilibrium constant
around 14%. The power-law models I and XI had higher m = deactivation model parameter
standard deviations, viz., 23 and 1970,respectively, while M = molecular weight
the simple power-law models M and X had standard de- p = partial pressure (bar)
viations of 36%. The best fit was obtained with LHHW r = reaction rate (mol/(h g), mol/h or g/g)
model 111,which was based on the assumption of adsorp- R = gas constant
I n d . Eng. Chem. Res. 1992,31,2093-2103 2093

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t = time Dodd, R. H.; Watson, K. M. Process Design of Catalytic Reactors-
V = volume (L) Dehydrogenation of Butane. Paper presented at the AIChE
u = volumetric flow rate (L/h) Chicago Meeting, Dec 16-19, 1945; AIChE: New York, 1945.
Dumez, F. J.; Froment, G. F. Dehydrogenation of 1-Butene into
W = weight of catalyst (g) Butadiene. Kinetics, Catalyst Coking, and Reactor Design. Znd.
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x2 = s u m of squares of deviations 1961,16,189-201.
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C = coke Happel, J.; Kamholz, K.; Walsh, D.; Strangio, V. Kinetics of 180-
E = isobutene butane-Isobutene-HydrogenSystem Using Tracers. Znd. Eng.
H = hydrogen Chem. Fundam. 1973,12,263-261.
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Kinetics of Vacuum Gas Oil Cracking on a Zeolitic Catalyst

Jo F. Coopmans, Pieter Mars, and Rokus L. de Groot*
Physical Chemistry Department, Corporate Research, Akzo Research Laboratories Arnhem, P.O. Box 9300,
6800 SB Arnhem, the Netherlands

Pulse experiments on the cracking of gas oil as a function of the reaction time and the oil partial
vapor pressure are described. The catalyst activity decay is shown to be negligible in the pulse
conditions. However, the shape of the pulse is important since the oil conversion turns out to be
higher a t lower oil pressures. A kinetic expression is given on the basis of a Langmuir equation,
in which the adsorption of the products dominates. Therefore, cracking is slowed down by the
presence of heavier aromatics, including those formed from the naphthenes in the feed by hydro-
gen-transfer reactions. The kinetics have been extended to account for the composition of the feed.
In this form it is pmible to correlate the conversions of 16 feed charges of very different composition
as obtained in a flow reador by Nace and co-workers. The second-order kinetics so frequently used
in this field can be regarded as an approximation of the equations derived in this work.

1. Introduction sometimes fmt-order kinetics (hribas et al., 1987;Corma

The kinetics of the cracking of hydrocarbons has been et al., 1984) but more often second-order relations can be
formulated in different ways. The cracking of pure hy- found in the literature (Weekman, 1968;Nace et al., 1971;
drocarbons has been described with a first-order kinetic Voltz et al., 1971;Gross et al., 1974). The occurrence of
equation (Voge, 1958;Nace, 1969) or using a Langmuir second-order kinetics with respect to the time of reaction
type of equation (Pansing, 1965;Abbot and Wojciechowski, was argued by Blanding (1953)to be caused by the ex-
1987). All authors using flow reactors are confronted with pansion of the gas stream by the reaction products. Voge
the deterioration of the catalyst by coke formation. Hence, (1958)developed a kinetic expression based on this as-
they are forced to combine the search for an accurate sumption. He also elaborates on the kinetics on the basis
description of the cracking rate with an investigation into of the Langmuir adsorption of reactants and products and
the influence of catalyst deactivation. For instance, the advocates the expression
conclusion of Abbot and Wojciechowski (1987)that the -[ln (1 - XI]- a l X = ka,(w/F)
olefins retard the cracking process is not necessarily true,
since this interpretation can be considered equivalent to the coefficients a being complicated functions of the ad-
the supposition that the catalyst activity remaining after sorption coefficients and the partial pressures. This
fouling is inversely proportional to the oil conversion. For equation has rarely been used in the literature, and more
the cracking of hydrocarbon mixtures, e.g. oil fractions, often the second-order kinetics in time has been applied.
0888-5885/92/2631-2093$03.00/00 1992 American Chemical Society

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