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Variant A Lenda:Anglisht_ _ _ Section 1 Reading Comprehension Happiness and the Bride Once upon a time, three brides all lived together happily in one family and never quarreled. One day Happiness came to talk to the oldest bride. "My dear gitl, Tam to leave your family, so I would like to sive you whatever you want before I go.” “Well,” said the oldest,” give me lots of wealth and go wherever you want.” Happiness gave her everything she wanted and then went to the middle bride “My dear, I am leaving and before we say goodbye to each other, you may ask me for whatever you want and you will get it.” “Good,” the middle bride replied. “If you are leaving anyway, just give me lots of money and then you are free to go.” Happiness gave the money to the middle bride and then went to the youngest. “My dear, I have to leave but please ask me for whatever you want before I do.” Ask for gold or silver, I'll give you anything.” “Itis very bad that you are leaving,” the younger bride replied sadly. “I want neither gold, nor silver. I just want you to give us heaith and friendship. Ali the rest we can achieve ourselves.” “If this is the only thing you want, I think I don’t have to leave. I will stay in your house for good,” said Happiness. Time passed and the elder brides spent all their money. They had to ask the younger bride for help and she never refused. As for the younger bride, she lived in happiness for the rest of her life. Questions about the texé: 1. The passage you are reading is ——. I point A) Astory By A fabula ©) Anarticie D) A fairy tale 2 points 2. How can you describe the relationship between the three brides? Explain, 3. The oldest bride asked Happiness to bring her 1 point A) Health and friendship “ee B) Love and live €) Lots of money : : D) Lots of wealth + 1 point 4. The middle bride asked Happiness to bring her A) Health and friendship B) Love and live C) Lots of money oe b) Lots of weanth von, 1 point ing her 5. The little bride asked Happiness (o bring A A) Health and friendship f B) Love and life ©) Lots of money D) Lots of wealth a points 6. What happened to the elder brides? What did they do? 2 points 8. The moral of the story is A) Gold cannot buy happiness. . +B) Better poor than rich. ©) Better smart than rich. ) 4 poor friend is better than a rich friend. Section 2 Use of Language For each sentence, choose the word or phrase that best completes its meaning, 9. a) The telephone rang, but I - something interesting on TV so I didn't answer it. 1 point A) was watching B) watch . ©) have watched D) watched b) Two days ago, I ~ my keys in my local supermarket, 1 point A) lose antes BY lost ©) have lost D) am losing : ©) Please just ask if you A) found B) did find C) will find D) find . 1 point ea Variant A 10. ®) You must decide and --- up your mind ae 2 1 point B) Get ©) Make D) Take ») What time do you — up in the morning? 2 1 point A) Do 8) Get C) Make D) Take 11. Match the elements in A and B to form words. 5 points A B Dis ous Care : understand Miss ful wpb Danger man Work appear — . Rewrite the given sentences in Passive voice. 2 points a) The man stole the blue car. b) The police arrested the thieves. 13. Complete the sentences using the proper prepositions. 3 points a) [bought a new dress__' the store, b) I found my car keys___my pocket. ae ot c) Isaw the horse jump. the fence. Complete the second seritence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentente. Use the word given in bold and other words to complete each sentence. You must use between two and five words. 14. a) “Can you help me?" the old lady asked. | 1 point, Could The old lady asked help her. 1 point b) I was wrong to argue with my boss. Mistake jou: to argue with my boss. 1 point 4a) Ken finished his new novel twelve months ago. For Ken finished his new novel ~~~: - 1 point ac a rae ‘midnight only on Saturday evenings Norah = tate only on Saturdays. Complete the conditionals putting the verbs in brackets in their correct tenses- 16. If you (go)-—- to bed late, you will be tired tomorrow. 1 point 17. If she doesn’t wear her coat, she (catch) ——--- a opld. 1 point Ask and answer questions using the following prompts: 18. What / happen / yesterday? There / be / fire 1 point 19. Where / be / you? I/ read / a magazine 1 point 20 (a)Sometimes | wish | more money. have Lpoint had will have has poeP 20 (b) Every August we, Italy fora holiday. A. are going A point 8. go gett ova c. were going D. have gone . 20 (¢) It is important care of your health, A. totake B, tobe taken . take ©. taken point 22 ¢- In this section students have nda: Anglisht, gjuhé eh os 21a) I tried a in't pa fed as hard as : 4a | could ,but still didn't pass be 1 point 1 oo bt stil ido't pass. 21(b I lived in London as a child but | don't any more. in London a 8a child but I don't ra. L intondon as a chile. 24(c) There ha ) There has been a big (improve) in health care over the last five years. 1 ponit 21(d) It was 1(d) It was such an interesting book that he couldn't stop reading It. 2 points Thebooks he couldn'tstop reading it. . fe had to be out of bed by 6 a.m every day. 2A(e)The gt 2 points up The guide had to 6am everyday. Section 3 Writing 2 to be focused on the given topics, 10 choose one of them, and try aeons heir written work in the following aspects which are very important in presenting a written topic: 6p ts 1) the content (if the central idea is supported with concrete detail) 2 points 6) the organization of the whole theme (theme planned logically, giving the necessary stages with 1 point originality sentences well constructed) . c) vocabulary (fresh, precise and idiomatic) _ 1 point 4) grammar . 1 point . 1 point: ¢) punctuation and spelling ‘Summarize one of the stories or films you like most. (A summary should contain all the important parts of the story or film you are going tb summarize, Use correct sentences which include the main ideas either of the original story, or the film.) Use no more than 100-120 words. Variany A A 2 Write a short aruicte tor a tourist magazine abou a 5 Name of the shopping centre - Location ~ What visitors can do there - Your recommendation Use no more than 100-120 words. rritten word as the main Will modern technology such as the internet ever replace the book or the written word a5 technology. Source of information? Write some arguments for, of nesiset support your idee Use no more than 100-120 words eS 0 qarshor 2012

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