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Until june

Likes sports



Meet you Friends

Super heroreso marvell

No le gsutan los animals

Tiene 3 torutels and 1 parrot


1. close friend
a. a friend of two people who may or may not know each other
2. colleague
b. a person who is connected to you by blood
3. acquaintance
c. a person who is in the same class as you at school
4. classmate
d. a person who shares an apartment with you
5. flatmate
e. a person who works with you
6. stranger
f. a person who you do not know
7. mutual friend
g. a person who you have met but do not know well
8. relative

h. a person who you know very well and who you like a lot
Present simple :What is your favourite book? 

Present continuous: What is my cat eating??

Present perfect Have you ever fallen down stairs?

Present perfect continuous: Has she been studying English this year?

Past simple: Where did they live?

Past continuous: What was your cat eating?

Will: Will he buy her a gift?


no but I would like to know France
Class 2 13-4 2021
5 different modal verbs

pg 6, pg 7 10 words
1.You mustn't be extravagant.
2. I can’t play tennis very well.
3. My grandad can’t  use the internet very easily. It’s difficult for him. > can’t
4. He can does very difficult sums in his head. > do
5. She can play three instruments when she was ten. > could
6. I think everyone should be 24 years old for getting married.
7. I could learning grow plants. > learn
8. You musn’t eat something in class. > mustn’t
9. If you want to have a better life; you haven’t to be rich. > don’t have to
10.You dont have to get rich right now. > don’t have to
11.You shouldnt be so selfish. > shouldn’t
12. We have exams next week. We mustn’t start studying now. > don’t have to,
must, should


Japan yurijo

Higesth Montain juchi Mt.fuji

Hights bulding tokio skye

Sushi is de famous food in japan

most famous religion



special clothing is used for festivals or carnivals

the carnival of blacks and whites


1. It is an old building in Bogota that was remodeled and now it is a building with many lights and
shows images.
2. It is well known now it is a building that has offices of a bank in Colombia.
3. if I like to see the history of a country through these buildings.
stoop so low : Do the worst possible thing
the government stoop so low when the cut money from the hospitals
cut someone off: stop talking to someone
my friend cut me off after our fight
to hang up on someone = end a calll suddenly
i hung up on him when he started shouting
screw someone over - hurt them to get something for yourself
the government screwed over the student when the increased the fees

agacharse tan bajo: hacer lo peor posible

el gobierno se rebajó tanto cuando el dinero recortado de los hospitales
cortar a alguien: deja de hablar con alguien
mi amigo me cortó después de nuestra pelea
colgar a alguien = finalizar una llamada de repente
le colgué cuando empezó a gritar
joder a alguien, lastimarlo para conseguir algo para ti
el gobierno jodió al estudiante cuando el aumento de las tarifas

make sences


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