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LOCAL GOVERNMENT, POUCE DIRECTOR GENERAL ALRN LM. PURISIMA, tL POLICE CHEF SUPERINTENDENT LOUIE T. OPPUS, IN HS CAPACITY AS CHEF, ‘© Aner me imolementing Rules ae Reguations nag become etfctve the amare ostumencary agency, a courier senion, stand ot having bs Setons 4.4e){20) 420(0)(231 73,021 78,33) 741210,128) 7'.2o),(35) 20.336) 25.527] 25.426] and 392). 35] of ne 2023, for rupecton in thenro formesopicaton form fa frcarn Feistred nonricck nonprofit corsoraton that sins 20 represent the tor tne tunes af a tsmporery taming creer ana/or = wt ot oP} oe cenratzatin of al feearms ceasing, renew, ae testing 3 Fane vo pruscy ona sis tre pole to ater mein linge Eerie, copriving the lcencee the right to use the Firearm wits emooraryrasraiing order andor s writ of preleninaryryuntion ‘= onyuiy3, 2014, PROGUN teas Vertes Daron tor contempt aieane from engeging the service: of Werlest Documentary Agency #2 2 courier paragraph stil appeared in tepr0 forme application form for firearm ite repionsi ses suppor te esim ‘atrscned Memorsnos ancwng hat was ascaling te Incvidual Application Tor New Fearn Regsvaton feniing ander andar s wrt of praiminary mjunetion The Peston use 1. wether or notan stat case or controversy ens warranting his Cours ccercee ot ie power of judi review under are Vil, Section 1 o¢ he Sette eanmmuvarait ot hepuie act No. 1005. pectuse = abagesiy presumption of mnecence ny sequsltyng ‘wom nacing stress sence brovsicra oft ne arte Impernenting Rates ana Peguletion. Soose oteitersion srountng tls or exeat= ot jareaeson O98 Part hyponeict eases or corlectura sues instead of properly devetrg Ue Yo Seats apreproee or spe to" pissin! stserminatan, nor one wae ‘onjectural ormerey anticipatory ln dzmissing the Petkion ("he Provincial Bus Operators Association of the DPanipnet « Gonanment of taker ona Empoyrmens), te Cours fauna fe Eunpor: them. Retersting shat actual facts mus suoport pete brought Under she enbandod Jurditon of te Cour In Article Vil, Secon £ EME yen the apances juneacion ot sis Court unser Ai Vil Secton Dea reat conti between the partes, tare mast ext acto! ets from ‘inion cours con propery) evermie whether there Roe een Yea Of Tikewise tney ae not allege that they ave members of law ervoreement 2, whether oF ot petitioners have teal standing to file thei respective personal ana substan ncerast Ge Outcome such the Pe oF She] Mas ustaren rat susan lect npry a recut ots entarerment > What Eovernmenta ace. were nonetneess alowed Me the peton becase hey 2 Foreaspoyers, there ust bea cine f ilegal dabursement of publ Bier voters tere muct be» showing of ebvious Incest nthe waiy 3.) For concemed citizens, there must be # showing that the issues razed 13) Foctegitorors, tee must bea clsim thar the ofa! action fgg ovine coctine ct eran at sours ‘of me Judctary performs is desigatea roles in an erfacve ana efisent Sanner continues Is Court The Diets af Basted. Cermmsser 22 Fats trom the evidence 35 wese ae pnysicty prevented before Mem. n tmory nce ne faces sear winiroae ero orstton, ich ‘ms court af appanls fe primary denigrated as an appetinte court hat Can rave a natonwvae scope. Ire competent to detervine face 3M, = further reiterating “9 the ight of new circumstance: of the light of In Geesemer, ine us Depertment of Trensportaton and Eoures origna and concurrent jursoietion which eventualy Ted tO te 4. actual case orcontroversy cling forte exercize of ji power ‘Thus, he e1ercise of our Dower cf tical review is subjact co these Tour ‘4 wheter or not the 2015 implementing Rules an Regulations of Republic ‘Act No. 10591 sin te nature ofan ex poo ecto low by Seeing ee vacated Spoticaton under the mew Tew under pain of prosecution for Hegel bbortfocto tow, then private revise who poscess Clea baht weapons mo nas me power to approve or asapprove the applications for Seensa? fs an exception 9 the non-deegation of leglaive power, Congress has _potestas non potest celegar"- "delegated power may not be delegated ‘The rele whi forbids tne celegation of leguietve power, however = net cbrokee ord infleive nadia of excentos. An ocection sanctioned by {erty (120) dans tom the etectty af ts Act, ihe Cet ofthe PMP, Sto vatelyexernze tae quash ingtastve powers, semintratve seers ‘rust comply with ts (2) test: (2) the completeness est end (2) the [ave noua set fore] there te paley to be eoecueed cared out oF te map out tha boundaries o the oslegses autnory| =o be sutcene lapse asieyy sna Isuneey she eovaiions uncer icy is 35 be Satensnrosve agency fle wien tne Unveraey othe Pippnes Lau Caner ‘and Regulations are too numerous and. therefore unveasonstie, Repub Act No 10581 expe states that reasonable censngtees"* may 7. Whether of not the Chet ofthe Phbipine National Police aeded penal Browsions inthe Implementing RUGS and’ REgutons, tRereby InvSHohy ‘Srecing a power exclusively west in Congres. ‘whether or not the lmplementhng Rules and Regulations was dred with ‘Uhevequlred consultation withthe concerned sectors of sky. ‘9. whetner or notte Phippine Natonal Police exceeded its authority by ‘centatiaingrearms Heenseeppliestions and renewals ates headquarters at Comp Crame, Quezon Gy and outsourcing the delivery of firearms bewnoe ‘rear sutiseofressence and, therefore contrary Section To! Repub ess1 Aner at, te provilens of 2 statute cenret be amended by 20 11, whether or not he Fequkement of 2 Heense to own and operste 2 ‘reg notation ot penioners rane ta Bear srt jurtesecon was, and sili. a meresrautory rhage neni regUated Byte prvste peor [wee] Pound to seep arme The searing of me Wa ‘wearm ba vais execse of plice power an. teretore, not lotatve ofthe Fah to due provers. huis nat nave been s sepronton of pastonerssrgnt 42 sue process ih ormigm: (2) ahne internet ehe pic generale citngusned tram thove st (2) “libs eens employed are reazonaby necessery for the LUtewas, 2 prontion an the transter af theses cunarchip through eh persona\ to thelicensee. These quaifcetions may not be possessed by {he Pgpine waters alse, one pre forma inausl Apphcston ores ‘hipesecan prey, wien s5nen) regarcr se rassonas.e Tee anTicie w itc Figns inthe cant case of Sousayv. People this Court interpreted the toe of fd telzurer thus when the rearsn is "rearonabie” the femueren of leprimets sort sbsslie,especation ct privacy m ones rensonce ln requinng 9 var in me pro orm inivaua’Appiation ter Wew Freaemy “hese detats in the implementing Rules ang Regulations. However, even the thee nghtto ti uneassrasie seer of their homes * warrant Furtherme, Secon 9 miserably fale to provice the scape 2nd 14. wheter oF not teourng 2 certieatlon fom the president of fieanm license violeter Artcle lh, Section ® of the Constkuton on the shooter applicant 20 Jol a gun EWE oF sper: snooting sE=cCseOn. A EME broushe under Rute 7, Section 5 of the Rules of Gourt I ones that he ieee, section 2 tobe Consenton The: Phippine. Narorat Pace IEPROMIBITED ‘vom requring ircviaul ppcants cher for 2 eense to oh

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