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Society is such that people at different times and places will engage in business and other forms
of transactions. Whatever these transactions may be, there are fundamental ingredients that can
allow for growth and enhancement. Amongst other factors such as understanding the market,
building a quality workforce or team, good customer relationships, and many others, networking
is paramount to growth and stability in the marketplace or a business endeavor.
Networking in business is strategies to both maintain and manage human resources per time. It is
vital to note that virtually every business hinges and prospers on the wings of networking and
how much human relationship such business endeavor can sustain and harness for its growth.
Hence, the concept of networking in business is important cannot be overemphasized.
Networking is an edge for business survival, human. Networking in the business allows for
connections and mental input, which could promote the business.
These networks can be gotten or increased via relationships on social media platforms, mutual
relationships, family relations, co-workers, schoolmates, neighbors, and other impromptu and
informal meetings business men and women run into from time to time and many others.
Building a network is like creating a web, a community link, a tree with many branches,
producing other branches. It means that the friend, friend of a family member, or an extension of
a relationship thread can become a link or business network. While in most cases, quality
networks are often times from superiors, subordinates too may have quality networks that can
promote business ideas or quality and gainful inputs. Wherever these networks are acquired, they
must be appropriately sourced to grow the business.
Networking in business is one skill that, if properly learned and engaged in business, could:
1. Help sponsor an idea.
2. Save you from rigorous brain work or activity and time that can be saved to carry out
other productive duties or activities by providing referrals.
3. It allows for job leads.
4. It provides Mentoring and practical training, which the business needs to thrive.
 Networking in business has the ability to run a business a hundred and more times than it will do
with little or zero networks. By networking, a person may ride on the progress of another to grow
his or her business or firm.


While for some, networking for their business comes naturally, usually by virtue of them being
born in a wealthy family or by their financial buoyancy in successful environments, for some
others, these networks are built, maintained, and sustained deliberately. Even if the latter were to
be the case, a businessman or woman must be schooled in supporting such networks. It is
essential to know how these networks can be built and maintained.
Self-development is both a constant, continual and consistent activity, the growth in the mental
capacity that is practiced and expressed in attitudinal behavior that allows for the change in a
place or environment as in a business corporation or organization. This element is essential in
creating a quality network as it is often said: “a big name wants a big name.” A business that is
constantly allowing for constructive ideas and increasing quality will effortlessly attract the right
relationships, build security, and be prosperous in the long run. The best attribute in business is
constantly growing and constantly introducing agents that will foster growth. Business owners
should invest in attending seminars, training, and conferences that will build their minds and
their team members and employees so they can be well equipped to carry out their duties or
functions effectively to attract the right crowd and create a network.


In business organizations, one of the things one can never escape is that you will meet people.
People here cut across every kind of person ranging from the very kind and understanding,
overly impatient, hyperactive to depressed, troubled, and sometimes, mentally disturbed persons.
While these attributes may be by their making or not, how a businessman or woman is able to
communicate to these individuals will preach a message of either acceptance or rejection. If the
message preached or the language expressed is accepted, the businessman or woman may
succeed in making such a person a network.


In a society like ours, where social media has become the fastest and the most used medium for
promoting business, a business venture or enterprise should leverage this to increase its network
for its organization. Creating mouthwatering and captivating content will create awareness that
the business sure needs. Creating content and captivating advertisements is not only limited to
online activity. Tracts, handbills, posters, and other hard copy designs can also help spread and
create awareness, inviting people and creating awareness.


If you take out networking, relationship, and referrals in any business endeavor, what will be left
is a failing or failed enterprise. Networking should never be undermined, abused, or
misconstrued. There are situations where a businessman or woman may have to lose a right to
maintain a network. Usually, this may come with a lot of difficulties, but in the long run, a
relationship that will both sustain the network and likely invite other networks is maintained, and
the gain will be enjoyed in the near future.
Tips for Networking Effectively
 Consider this advice on how to use your professional network effectively:
 Look for the right people
 Be proactive
 Know how to give and take
 Use your resources
 Seek out networking events
In business, the manager, businessman or woman must learn to take responsibility for its
shortcomings, poor delivery, or failure to deliver as contract demands or as is dutiful of him or
her rather than denying and shifting blame and trying to deny responsibility.
In conclusion, the truth is no one can tell where their big networks may come from. If the earlier
mentioned principles are followed religiously, a business will grow to a great height, increasing
the finance and number of clients.

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