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Comprehension Exercise
The following passage would give you a better understanding of Business Networking and its
use in the Business world.
Answer the following questions; the answers to the exercise are found in the corresponding
appendix at the end of the book.
Case study 
Mrs. A is a 32 years old woman currently staying in Uruguay. She has been planning to expand
her five (5) year Fashion designing and textile store to include locally made textile in Uruguay to
a more glamorous and stylish European textile from Spain and Italy. Some of her customers had
also demanded European-made Textiles as they are not satisfied with the one they are getting
from her store hence, buying European made Textiles becomes Pertinent. She has saved a lot of
money from her current store and has already sent her invoice to a well-known Spanish and
Italian company dealing in textiles upon delivery.
She has seen it on several fliers and other social media platforms that they would be a Fashion
show in two days where a lot of entrepreneurs and successful people in business dealing in
textile and fashion would be in attendance. This would serve as an opportunity for her to talk to
many business-minded people like herself, learn new things, and contribute to the Fashion show
as much as possible. 
She has been following a leading Fashion icon on Instagram who deals in various kinds of
textiles from different cultures and who would be in attendance. It is the fashion icons picture
that bears the poster to be a massive fashion show. Anyone who takes the fashion and textile
business seriously would not miss such a show. 
On the Fashion show day, Mrs. A attended and took notes of various quality textiles, different
sewing designs, and stylish wear that would move her market and expand her business brand.
She also contributed by asking and answering insightful questions and helping young and
emerging entrepreneurs, bringing her brand to the front fore. She was able to meet up with her
favorite Fashion icon, and they exchanged ideas on which company delivers faster, more
reliable, and easy to transact with. The fashion icon also shared his experience of how he started,
how it was difficult for him to make sales, how he got rejected by various customers, and finally,
how he became one of the biggest fashion icons, if not the biggest in the country. The icon also
taught her how to expand her network by not just meeting potential investors or potential buyers
face to face but also using social media platforms to do the same. She learned a great deal from
the icon, and they exchanged business and cards. She also made sure she kept in touch and
sought guidance whenever she got confused. The icons subsequently advised her on how to get
her brand even more prominent by using social media platforms. 
 She immediately started to put her newly learned lessons into practice by improving her social
media channels and expanding her network to cover various areas. She also engaged the services
of an advertising company to carry out daily advertising on their platforms.
Now there is Mr.A, who is a new resident of Uruguay. He is not satisfied with the quality of
textile he buys, and he is looking for a more reliable and qualitative brand. He stumbles on Mrs.
A's brand on social media. Mrs. A has expanded how brand so much that advertising companies
advertise her products to target customers regularly. With the expansion of her network, she has
finally caught the attention of Mr.B, who is a target customer for the kinds of commodity Mrs.A.
Mr.B uses the link he finds on Instagram to make his orders. Within Twenty-four hours, he
finally gets his hands on the type of textile and Fabrics that he so much desires. Mrs.A Business
network on Instagram and other social media platforms is garnering her the targets customers she
needs in expanding her brand and business. 
Exercise Questions.
1. Why did she attend the seminar?
2. How did she make her brand noticeable?
3. What was the strategy used by Mrs. A to get her products to Mr. B?
Try to attend a seminar, webinar, or meeting today on your field, your business, or something
you are interested in, and ask questions from those who have gained valuable experience. You
don't need to know anyone. Just introduce appropriately and ask questions. You would advance
intellectually in that field, and it is even better if you put it into practice.
Case Study
Question 1: Why did she attend the fashion show?
Answer: She attended the fashion show because of three primary reasons, which are;
 To expand her brand and her knowledge of her Business by meeting potential customers
and suppliers interested in her products and meeting potential investors who might want
to invest in her growing business.
 To contribute to the fashion show and make her brand noticeable.
 To speak to her mentor and follow his advice on expanding her brand by using Social
media platforms. 
Question 2: How did she make her brand noticeable?
Answer: She made her brand noticeable by participating in the event through:
 asking questions and proffering answers to burning issues asked by the fellow participant
of the Fashion show.
 Aiding new and youthful entrepreneurs with her already gained experience.
Question 3: What was the strategy used by Mrs. A to get her products to Mr. B?
Answer: Mrs.A was able to get Mr.B his desired products because:
 Mrs. A took lessons from her Fashion icons Business experience and expanded her
network on various social media platforms.
 She engaged the services of advertising companies also to advertise her products online.

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