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Teleworking, is it suitable for anyone?

Teleworking, is it suitable for anyone?


1. Complete the sentence: "Teleworking was supposed to revolutionize the way we work
but it seems that some employers ..." *
Mark only one oval.

trust their staff to work from home

don't trust their staff to work from home

2. Complete the sentence: "And some

teleworkers .................................... they'd
rather be at the office" *

3. Answer the question: What does Carol

think of teleworking? *

4. Order the answers as they are mentioned: *

Mark only one oval.

She's trusted by her employers

She does not have to commute
She can find a balance between home and professional life

5. Complete the sentence: "The new report

says Carol is in a small minority,
teleworking is" *

6. Answer the question: What does Claire

think of teleworking? *

7. What would Claire miss about the office? Order the anwsers as they appear in the
audio: *
Mark only one oval.

The office banter and the chat with people

It's good fun
Getting to know a huge number of people

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Teleworking, is it suitable for anyone?

8. Complete the sentence: "Employers want

to make sure that they are getting (1) ... for
(2) .... after their employees and the old
traditional method was having a (3) ... on
the back of their (4) .... *

9. Complete the sentence: "Technology now

makes it possible for millions of us to work
from (1) ... rather than in an (2) .... if we
want to, but it seems many (3) ... and their
(4) .... are yet to be convinced that this is a
(5) ..... worth joining. *

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