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BDEV = {
ESXEvent = "esx:getSharedObject",
Accounts = {
bank = "bank",
money = "money"
MenuAlign = "top-left", -- this is for esx menu
Locales = {
clothingShop = "Loja de Roupa",
pressToEnter = "Pressiona ~INPUT_PICKUP~ para acessar a loja de roupas.",
bought = "Você comprou roupas no valor de %s$.",
notEnoughMoney = "Você não tem dinheiro suficiente.",
outfitSaved = "Roupa salva com sucesso.",
outfitDeleted = "Roupa Apagada com sucesso.",
changeClothing = "Escolha a Roupa.",
removeOutfit = "Remover Roupa.",
changeOutfit = "Trocar de Roupa.",
outfits = "Roupas",
nameOfOutfit = "Nome da Roupa",
yes = "Sim",
no = "Não",
saveOutfit = "Queres salvar esta roupa?"
Blip = {
Color = 0,
Size = 1.0
Color = {215, 66, 245, 100}, -- for the Markers
Marker = {
type = 1,
size = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, -- x , y, z
LabelOverride = {
["helmet_1"] = {
[5] = "Toller Helm."
PriceOverride = {
["helmet_1"] = {
[5] = 187187,
[6] = 8966
["pants_1"] = {
[132] = 12356
Zoom = {
Here you can configuerate the standard zoom
curzoom = 75,
curheight = 15,
currot = 0,
ClothingBlacklist = {
["helmet_1"] = { --category name
[5] = "blacklisted", -- must be a string and "blacklisted"
[6] = "blacklisted"
["helmet_1"] = {
7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
CategoryPrices = { -- List of all components used ordered by top to bottom.
["helmet_1"] = 1000,
["mask_1"] = 500,
["tshirt_1"] = 187,
["torso_1"] = 123,
["arms"] = 0,
["pants_1"] = 1111,
["shoes_1"] = 999
Notify = function(msg)
DefaultClothes = {
name = "helmet_1",
variation = "helmet_2",
label = "Chapéu",
icon = "hats.svg",
price = 25,
name = "shoes_1",
variation = "shoes_2",
label = "Sapatos",
icon = "shoes.svg",
price = 100,
name = "bags_1",
variation = "bags_2",
label = "Mochila",
icon = "bags.svg",
price = 20,
name = "ears_1",
variation = "ears_2",
label = "Brincos",
icon = "earring.svg",
price = 15,
name = "glasses_1",
variation = "glasses_2",
label = "Óculos",
icon = "glasses.svg",
price = 35,
name = "mask_1",
variation = "mask_2",
label = "Máscara",
icon = "mask.svg",
price = 30,
name = "pants_1",
variation = "pants_2",
label = "Calças",
icon = "pants.svg",
price = 40,
name = "torso_1",
variation = "torso_2",
label = "Tronco",
icon = "torso.svg",
price = 60,
name = "tshirt_1",
variation = "tshirt_2",
label = "T-Shirt",
icon = "tshirt.svg",
price = 35,
name = "arms",
variation = "arms_2",
label = "Braços",
icon = "arms.svg",
price = 10,
name = "bproof_1",
variation = "bproof_2",
label = "Colete",
icon = "arms.svg",
price = 15,
Shops = {
pos = vector3(72.3, -1399.1, 28.4),
useblip = false, -- make this on false if you want to disable the blip
heading = 0.0,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
-- clothes = {} -- add clothes here the same as in BDEV.DefaultClothes
if you want to
pos = vector3(-703.8, -152.3, 36.4),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(-167.9, -299, 38.7),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(428.7, -800.1, 28.5),
heading = 90.1,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(-829.4, -1073.7, 10.3),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(-1447.8, -242.5, 48.8),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(11.6, 6514.2, 30.9),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(123.6, -219.4, 53.6),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(1696.3, 4829.3, 41.1),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(618.1, 2759.6, 41.1),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(1190.6, 2713.4, 37.2),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(-1193.4, -772.3, 16.3),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(-3172.5, 1048.1, 19.9),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",
pos = vector3(-1108.4, 2708.9, 18.1),
heading = 0.0,
useblip = true,
blipSprite = 73,
blipName = "Loja de Roupa",

function help(msg)
AddTextEntry("b-clothing", msg)
DisplayHelpTextThisFrame("b-clothing", false)

function ShopMenu(i)
local elements = {
{ label = BDEV.Locales["changeClothing"], value = "change_outfit" },
{ label = BDEV.Locales["changeOutfit"], value = "select_outfit" },
{ label = BDEV.Locales["removeOutfit"], value = "remove_outfit" },


ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'shop_menu', {

title = BDEV.Locales["clothingShop"],
align = BDEV.MenuAlign,
elements = elements
}, function(data, menu)
if data.current.value == 'change_outfit' then
openClothing(i, false, true)
elseif data.current.value == 'select_outfit' then
elseif data.current.value == 'remove_outfit' then
end, function(data, menu)

function onbuy(type, source, price)

print(type, source, price)
type is money or bank
source is the player source
and the price is the current price

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