Ablen - Glyn Dale - Quarter2 - Module1-Lesson2-6

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Glyn Dale E.

Ablen 12- Darwin Research Module 1 Lesson2

Activity 1
Sample Situation Sampling Procedure Justification
1. Alex’s target population for Cluster sampling This is because Mindanao is a
his study are the employees of large population, so Alex
hotels in Mindanao. Since there clusters them based on hotel
are too many employees in size and choose 10 hotels. He
these establishments, he then randomly chooses sample
randomly selected ten hotels in these clusters of hotels.
based on hotel size. And then
he randomly selected
employees as participants in his
2. Dianne wants to know if the Systematic sampling It is very obvious that it is
new learning modalities in the systematic because of how
first semester affects the Dianne chooses the
academic performance of senior respondents by choosing every
high students. He took all the 6th student in its list.
lists of all students in her school
and selected every 6th name to
be part of her study.
3. Faye wants to survey all the Simple random sampling It is simple random sampling
parents in Cagayan de Oro who because he chooses the
opt to enroll their elementary respondents randomly in a
children to an online class. All in population.
all, there 26,000 parents. Faye
decided to have 380 from the
target population.

What I have learned

1. What do I know about the population and sample of the study?
- The population is the overall scope of respondents available for the study while the sample
is the chosen individuals to be included for the research.
2. I have learned that when determining the sample size of the study…
- It must be within the specification needed for the study. It must have the right sample size,
not too little and not too much. The sample must have the quality to become part of the
3. Now I know that sampling procedures involve…
- Different methods depending on the type of research and how big the population is. Also it
is a strategy for having the right sampling procedure for a research.
Lesson 3
Activity 2

Guide questions:
1. What do you think must have been done to avoid the said situation?
- It is much better if the said event has a clear criteria for each dances. It is very useful to have
a criteria on these events to ensure a fair judgement for each participant. Without criteria, it
may lead to biases in one thing or another, causing an unfair judgement.
2. What can you say about the result of investigation?
- The investigation resulted to be clear, that the findings were these and answers the
question to “what happened”.
3. How will you relate the scenario to the conduct of a quantitative research study?
- A quantitative research must be inline with the things being observed to. the research must
have specific “criteria” in identifying the things it was trying to observe in order to have an
unbiased research which may lead to a failure in its research. Also, it must be inline with the
thing/objective it was trying to get from the research.

What I have learned

1. Why is it important to have a good research instrument?
- It is one the most essential parts of a research, a bad research instrument will lead to a bad
conduct of the research itself. It is very important to have a better guidance in conducting
the research. A good research probably have a good research instrument.
2. Differentiate validity and reliability. Explain how they complement each other to make a good
research instrument.
- Validity is how a research measures what it is supposed to measure. Reliability is how
consistent the measure is. They are needed to make a good research instrument to have a
better convey of results. A higher validity and reliability will lead to better results.
Lesson 4
Activity 1
Example 1
▪ Title of the Research study Effects of the essential oil from Citrus aurantium
L. in experimental anxiety models in mice
▪ Research Intervention Conducted The rats were given the oil and others were given
diazepam. Both of the rats were tested into
different anxiety test.
▪ Procedure Used in Control Group Rats that were given diazepam was the control
group and were tested the same with rats with
essential oils.
▪ Procedure Used in Experimental Group Rats that were given essential oil was the
experimental group and were tested the same
with rats with diazepam.
Example 1
▪ Title of the Research study Effects of the essential oil from Citrus aurantium
L. in experimental anxiety models in mice
▪ Research Intervention Conducted The rats were given the oil and others were given
diazepam. Both of the rats were tested into
different anxiety test.
▪ Procedure Used in Control Group Rats that were given diazepam was the control
group and were tested the same with rats with
essential oils.
▪ Procedure Used in Experimental Group Rats that were given essential oil was the
experimental group and were tested the same
with rats with diazepam.

What I have learned

1. What I know about research intervention
- Research intervention is the part on how a researcher desires his/her study’s groups be
changed in order to get the desired result he/she want. It is where the treatment of the
variables takes place where.
2. I have learned that when describing the research intervention….
- To determine where the intervention works and where it doesn't, it should be done in a
variety of ways and in a variety of settings. The development of potential mitigations for
future research interventions will also be aided by identifying problem areas in the
Lesson 5
Activity 2
Order Steps
6 The respondents will have a chance to have a look at the performance tasks.
5 Each of the participants will be interviewed for individual filling out of the personal
background of media literacy information.
9 The researcher will meet the participants eight times in a four-month data gathering
8 The participants will answer the learning activity sheet (LAS) after practicing the new
4 The data collection in each group will be supervised by two experienced Information
Technology teachers to ensure proper implementation of the intervention.
7 The participants will read example situations about media literacy that are not familiar to
2 The new approach in assessing the performance tasks of learners will be implemented.
1 The list of performance tasks and assessment tools will be prepared.
3 The media literacy summative test will be administered after the implementation of the
new approach in assessing performance tasks.
10 The test results will be encoded for summary and will be analyzed.

What I have learned

1. This time, I have learned that quantitative data…
- Are data that were gathered which is used to analyzed and draw conclusion. Any data that
can be measured in numerical form is a quantitative data.
2. Techniques in quantitative data gathering help to…
- Using the right technique in quantitative data gathering will ease the procedure in gathering
data. There are different types of technique which is very useful and unique in its way. Each
technique has its different procedure in gathering data.
3. In planning my data gathering procedure, I need to consider...
- I need to consider the three phases in data collection. It is very useful in order to have an
organized procedure in data gathering. These phases are Before, during, and after gathering
data. This will help to have an efficient data gathering.
Lesson 6
Activity 3
1. Relationship between Academic Stressors and Learning Preferences of Senior High School
Statistical Test/s: Pearson’s R (Parametic)
Explanation: In order to see whether there is any connection between two categorical variables,
academic stresses and learning preferences, the test is applied and used to see if there is.

2. Reading Electronic Learning Materials as a Support for Vocabulary of Grade 1 Pupils

Statistical Test/s: T-Test (Single Sample) (Parametic)
Explanation: T-test is suited for this sample since it lets to test if a sample mean substantially
varies from a hypothesized value, according to the statement.

3. Impact of the Implementation of COVID – 19 Health Protocols in Supermarkets on Consumer

Statistical Test/s: T-Test Two-Way Independent Sample (Non-Parametic)
Explanation: because when you wish to compare the means of a normally distributed interval
dependent variable for two independent groups, the t-test is utilized.

4. Effects of Morning Exercise on the Health Anxiety Level of Senior Citizens

Statistical Test/s: regression
Explanation: It is a study identifying the strength of the relationship between the health anxiety
level of senior citizens its independent variable which is the morning exercise.

5. Measuring the Gadgets Usage of Children at Home during Quarantine

Statistical Test/s: Frequency, Ranking
Explanation: To get the greatest rated response, gadget use may be quantified by frequency and
%, which can be identified by length, frequency, and preferred type of gadgets. Finally, the most
and least popular gadgets in terms of duration and frequency of usage, as well as the most
wanted gadgets in terms of kind, are highlighted.

What I have learned

1. This time, I have learned that quantitative research and statistics...
- It is very important in analyzing data and having the right statistical analysis for the research
in order to obtain the best and reliable result for the study.
2. The factors to consider before planning the data analysis of the research study are...
- Determining what are the appropriate statistical formation applicable to the study. Choosing
the right technique in statistical analysis would help produce the best result for the study.
3. How do you know the specific statistical tests to be used in a research study?
- By the data itself and what kind of research you are conducting. These things would be
considered in identifying the type of statistical analysis to be used in the research study.
Based on the sample size, the gathered data ang the variables, it would be helpful in
identifying the best statistical analysis

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