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Bhagat Singh – A blunder perished him!

-By Sai Deepthi.

Bhagat Singh – An atheist for freedom and an emblem of power!

It is a heartrending fact that Bhagat Singh was hanged for a mistaken action. He is such a
great fighter with courage and a strong ideology. His demise resulted in fame for freedom and
socialistic awareness in people.
We, Indians, honor and celebrate our freedom fighters, who are the roots of our independence
struggle. Many extremists raised their voices against the strong suppressions imposed on
helplessness. One such rioter is Bhagat Singh, whose history is remarkable, and his
challenging attitude is illustrious.
Bhagat Singh is declared a rebellion and a violent activist. These assertions are not just
statements but the absolute truth about him.
Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev have imposed the death sentence.
Bhagat Singh Arrest:
Bhagat Singh’s arrest is not the pride of British men but a strategy of our 23-year-old fighter.
Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt both together executed the bombing of the then Central
Legislative Assembly. The Hindustan Socialistic Republican Association popularly known as
HSRA planned both the burst-in and escape plans for Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt.
But our revolutionaries halted there chanting the mantra “Inquilab Zindabad”. The two agents
were caught in the act and sentenced to life in jail. This episode caught the eye of British
Bhagat Singh’s protests didn’t rest even for a while and raised like waves from an ocean.
Bhagat Singh’s voice turns into Tsunami:
In jail, Bhagat Singh raised his voice against the superintends cruel treatment. Bhagat Singh
commenced a hunger strike which turned into a Tsunami in a cranky ocean. Nothing could
end his hunger strike. His stand for the Indian prisoners brought a lot more support to Bhagat
Looking at the rigorous attitude of Bhagat Singh, the Viceroy, Lord Irwin plans to speed up
the trial process of finding the accused behind John Saunders, an assistant superintendent. A
few of the connections of Bhagat Singh and his troop turned as witnesses to the British in the
trial and thus it is confirmed that Bhagat Singh along with others killed John Saunders.
The actual plan of attack was on James A Scott, but Bhagat Singh and his federates mistook
John P Saunders for him and shot him to death. So, this incident proved guilty on the side of
Bhagat Singh. And compelled a death penalty for Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev who
accompanied through all the adversities together.
Bhagat Singh is a man of ideas and ideology. He strongly believes in communism and has
socialistic ideas. Bhagat Singh has the biggest role in the Hindustan Socialistic Republican
Bhagat Singh flew away from his house when he was forced to get married by his parents. He
has a strong network building a vast empire for his goals. When he noticed the Muslim-Hindu
disputes, he claimed himself as an atheist and only focussed on uniting for the motherland
and its independence. In this movement, Bhagat Singh lost his life in the case of John. P.
Saunders died but his ideas are still alive, his glory spread to the entire British and then
British India.
His Revolution is written on this soil, his ideas are hidden in this air, his wildness is
embedded in this fire, his actions are as fast as the wind, and his life in the motherland
is widespread as the sky with no religious borders.

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