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Grade 8

Summative assessment test for the 4th term

Learner’s name, surname____________________________________ 8 “___”


Task 1. You will hear people talking in five different situations. For each question, choose
the correct picture.

1. What is the woman talking about? 4. What will the girl’s project be about?

2. What hasn’t the boy got in his bedroom? 5. What’s the boy reading about?

3. What does the man think we will have in the



Task 2. You are going to read an article about a green school. Five sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5).
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A We got lots of recycling bins and started

sorting our rubbish into glass, plastic, paper D You should also be careful about the
and food waste. amount of water you use.

B Now the teachers travel into work E In addition, they tell people not to throw
together and parents pick up other people’s their old clothes away.
children as well as their own.
F This means we don’t use electricity as
C What makes the school so special? much as we used to.


Task 3. “People must become more responsible for the protection of the environment.”
Write an essay giving your opinion. The essay should be of 120-150 words and be structured
well (remember sandwich).


Task 4. This paper is lucky, so you don’t need to take a speaking part 

Total ___/20
Card 1
1. Would you like to travel to another planet? Why/Why not?
2. Do you think people will have holidays on other planets in the future?

Card 2
1. Would you like to travel to another planet? Why/Why not?
2. Do you think we’ll ever discover life on other planets?

Card 3
Imagine you are going on a trip to the Moon for two weeks. You can take three
things with you. What are you going to take, why?

Card 4
1. Is it important to care about protecting the environment? Why?
2. In what ways can people damage the environment?

Card 5
1. Do you agree that the problem of rubbish disposal is very serious?
2. What are solutions of this problem can you think of?

Card 6
1. What does “being green” mean to you? Give an example.
2. Do you think most people are already green enough?

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