The Golden String - Original Story by S.A. Malubay

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Shannen Anne Malubay

Bachelor of Arts in Literature – 2A

The Golden String

Once in the earlier times, there was magic. Magic that is not necessarily as witches and wizards
combined but rather something within us. It was said that the moment we were born, we earn a
golden string that is only seen by the one who wanted and follows it. Others were given the
chance to find the string at such an early age but some got lost in finding it and ended up not able
to find it. The golden string was said to lead you to a happiness no one could describe how it
feels. Maria, a young girl, delighted every time she hears the story of the golden string and hopes
to see hers one day. Maria was eight years old when she heard of it, full of delight, she believes it
like a normal kid would do. The golden string can be found by the host if wanted to be found but
for Maria, she wanted it so bad but her circumstances hinders to what she strives to have.
“Mom, have you heard of the golden string? All my classmates say it’s real because they have
one. Do you have one as well?” Maria comes home from school, excited. Her mom, busy in
calculating something, looked up in her direction with her eyes still on the paper.
“Yes, I did hear of it when I was young but don’t waste your time my love. The golden string is
not real.” By the end of that sentence, her mom looked up and Maria lost the glow in her eyes
because she thought her mom was lying but then again, she hasn’t heard her mom say anything
about it.
“How does it feel to have one?” She thought to herself.
The bell rings and the teacher went in with a smile on her face. The students greeted cheerfully.
“Hello, class! Today, we’re going to talk about dreams, your dreams to be exact. I need you to
stand up and tell me what your dream starting from -” The teacher got cut off when a student
asked a question.
“What was your dream, Mrs. Santos?” The students cheered up, equally curious as well and the
teacher smiled.
“I know that all of you has heard of the golden string. I know as well that you kids have a golden
string.” Everyone went awe when Mrs. Santos started, most especially Maria.
“Well, I have mine and I get to reach the end of the golden string. Look where it got me – a
teacher. Now my advice for you kids is to always follow the string to wherever it takes you; it
will be difficult but it’ll be worth the happiness it gives you in the end. So, who here has their
golden string?” Everyone raised their hand except one. “Let’s start, then.”
One by one – they stand up and tell everyone their dreams until the very last where Maria is
seated. Maria took a minute to stand up, thinking of what she’s going to say.
“Maria, care to tell us what your dream is?” Mrs. Santos asked and Maria stood up.
“My dream is to find my golden string.” Everyone looked at her. Embarrassed as she was, she
just sat down and so the quest has begun. She’s determined to look for something she has not
seen in her entire life nor she has any idea of how it feels like.
Her mom picked her up and they went to the market to buy dinner. On their way home as they
pass from shop to shop, there was one in particular that caught her attention. She stopped by the
window pane, and her mom continued walking by herself. Unlike any shop that’s full in color,
this one was old and unwelcoming; there were few who came in and unlike its depressing aura,
people somehow took interest to come inside, and the glow in their eyes can’t deny it as they
pick up books that come in sizes from the shelves. Despite the appearance of the said bookshop,
Maria seems to be out in frenzy when she just realized something.
In her point of view, the place looks ravishing, all the details were enhanced, the shelves were
golden, books which were once old and dusty are now new with gold edges, and lastly, there it
was – the golden string hanging by the door knob. Maria was stunned, unable to process what it
meant, denying herself that it was indeed the golden string.
“Maria!” Her mom called.
“I found it.” She whispers to herself.
“It’s here. Mom, I found it!” She said, still looking at the shelves.
“Maria, come! Let’s go home.” Her mom calls her. Maria stopped by the local bookstore,
standing by the window, curious of the writings printed on the title page.
Her mom calls again but Maria failed to hear her.
As she was about to get in to the book shop and reach for the string, her mom stormed along
towards her to grab her by the hand. “Come on! You said, you were hungry so we’d better go
home before dark.”
“But Mom…” She tried to fight off her mother’s hand but caught off guard when her Mom told
her off.
“Golden String is not real, Maria! That’s a myth, alright? So, hurry up! Don’t waste your time
looking for something that’s not real. Why don’t you just focus on your studies – THAT will fix
you, instead of chasing for something that’s based on a myth.” She obeyed as told and didn’t
mention it for days, for weeks, for months, and for a year.
All her Mom ever wanted for her was to grow up and have a successful life and by definition of
successful is to give everything up that will make you happy and focus on what her Mom wants
for her.
“Maria, what do you want to be when you grow up? I know it’s time for you to think about it
now that you’re going to be a freshman.” Her mom asked.
Both Maria and her Mom sat in the living room. Maria, studying while her Mom did the chore.
Maria did not look up to her once and focus on what’s on her papers but replied to her.
“I haven’t thought about it, to be honest.”
“Well, you should be. Others strive to be a doctor, a teacher, and engineer, police, a seafarer.
How about you? Have you got any dreams growing up?” Maria stopped whatever she’s doing
and thought about it hard.
“What about you? What do you want me to be?”
“An architect. I hear it pays well.” She looks at her Mom and notice the glow in her eyes.
“A writer. I want to be a writer, Mom.” She was having second thoughts awhile ago but now she
is decided.
“A writer? It doesn’t pay well, Maria. It takes a great skill to become a writer. Plus, it’s a
gamble. Please be practical for once in your life.”
Years passed, she’s now a third year in college, and never once did she think about her golden
string since. Maria was in a coffee shop, doing her research when suddenly she noticed a woman
in her early 40s across the table – a familiar person, who was staring in wonder at her.
“Can I help you or something, Ma’am?” She said politely.
“I’m sorry, that’s a rude of me. I don’t think you remember me, you were still a child back then.
I was your second-grade teacher, Mrs. Santos.” Maria’s eyes went wide, she feels bad for
forgetting her, and also felt relieved that it was Mrs. Santos – the one who always talks about the
golden string.
“Oh my God, Mrs. Santos. I’m sorry. I do remember you, it’s just that I’m a bit pre-occupied
lately. How are you? It’s so great to see you, Ma’am. Have a seat!”
“You were so young back then. Well, I’m doing fine now. I’m still teaching second grade. How
are you doing? I was staring at you back there, because how could I forget that innocent child
who made an impression to me. I assume you already got your dream.” Maria’s smile faded.
“Yes, I did. I’m actually studying to become an architect. I guess I grew up.”
“I still can’t forget what you said back then. Your dream was to find the golden string. Is that
your golden string?” Maria thought hard.
“No. It’s a make believe, Mrs. Santos.”
“NO! It is real, Maria. I know you have found the golden string, I can sense it. You just haven’t
followed it.” Mrs. Santos held her hand before going. Maria looked at her hand and suddenly she
remembered, then Mrs. Santos was gone before she could even blink.
Maria, without having second thoughts, gathered all her things and ran outside to look for
something. There was something oddly going on inside her head when Mrs. Santos held her hand
– she remembered everything, the place where she saw the golden string. She tried to track down
everywhere, until she found the place across the street. She found Mrs. Santos right by the door
where the golden string is. It was rather odd to see her there, and right when she was about to
cross, a bus passed by and Mrs. Santos was no longer there. It was then she realizes, Mrs. Santos
was the one who creates all golden string.
All’s well that ends well, Maria followed her golden string and when she opened that door, she
felt happiness she could not describe.

The End

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