Beyond A2+ Unit 8

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~ ‘\ IN THE PICTURE What’s on? Talk about films and television programmes. WORK WITH WORDS ra x B Work in pairs. Write the words in the correct columns. Can you add any other words? You have three minutes. aCD acomic aDVD afilm aTV programme avideo a webpage a podcast. Watch Read television a book b @ Work in pairs. Talk about the things from Exercise 1 you like and don't like doing. Listen to the radio (ZED Match the television programmes and films to the photos. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. action/adventure _L cookery show news science fiction Which things not at the cinema? cartoon chat show comedy documentary game show horror weather western Exercise 2 can you only see on television and ED Complete the conversation with words from Exercise 2. Then listen and check. Mikel: Did you see the football results on the (1)__nems _? Jess: No, | was we It was really funny. : There’s a (3). Do you want to see it? jing that new (2) programme. film on later called Tower of Terror. No. If | watch it, Il have bad dreams and | won't sleep. How about a (4) 2 You like horses and cowboys. No, thanks. There's an interesting nature (5) about wild animals. OK, But first can we watch the Be My Guest (6) Sometimes the interviews are really good. (GHD Listen to the audio but don't watch the video. How many types of TV programme and film can you Identify? Then watch to check your answers. a magazine music @ newspaper | like reading books. I really enjoy watching television. 6 a ©22D GUT Listen to the /1// sound in the word wateh. Then listen and repeat. b GED Which of these words have the /{{/ sound? Listen and — check. Then listen and repeat. how much nature ash which SPEAK 7 Work in pairs. Do a TV and film survey. Student A asks the questions on page 141. Student B asks the questions on page 142. Then compare your answers with the rest of the class. A long time ago ... Work in pairs. Look at the photos and answer the What types of film can you see in the photos? Which of the films do you recognise? What are the titles of the films? Read the tips in the (I) box. HED Read the article and answer the q What is the author's main argument? How many reasons does he give to support the a Which is the most important reason in the author's Of Look for the author's opinion near the start of the text. Then find reasons: look for words/phrases like firstly, secondly, for example. Look for a summary at the end of the text. RUMRMMMNENEREI | oe vino 090 in 9 glo fr fr ancy afr cal Star Wars opened and ~~ For all ofthese reasons, especially the last one, | believe Star Wars Which tips in the (ITED box did you use for help with Exercise 2b? Tick (/) them. Read the article again. Match the words in green to the definitions. 1 Popular films blockbusters 6 Something people buy and sell Choose another blockbuster film. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. of the information for Star Wars 1 Which Star Wars films have you seen? and make @ note of the same 2 Which is your favourite science fiction film? Why do you like it? information for your film. 3 Which other blockbuster films have you seen? 88 *k00k, page 93 >>> Talk about experiences READ >>> Grammar in context 1 Read about the programme I've Never Seen ‘Star Wars. Is it a game show or a chat show? I’ve Never Seen Star Wars is the title of a radio and television programme. In each episode a guest talks. about, and tries doing, things that he or she has never done, like reading a famous book or listening to a type of music. Have you ever listened to hip- hop? Have you ever read a Harry Potter book? These are examples of the things the show's guests have never done. STUDY 2 Complete the explanations with ever and never. Use Exercise 1 to help you. Geek Use: For experiences in your life (from the past. to now}. past present your life Ss means ‘in your life’ means ‘not in your life” Form: have(n’t/has(n't) + past participle Word order Put ever before the past participle in questions: Have you ever seen Star Wars? Yes, | have. / No, I haven't. Put never before the past participle in positive sentences’ ve never seen Star Wars. ‘See ananman onrasase, page 127, PRACTISE 3 Complete the conversation. Lily: Have you (1) _ ever Omar: Yes, | (2) Lily: "No, 1 (3) ‘Omar: Have you (4) watched Doctor Who? The TV series? No, Wve (5) watched it Is it good? Omar: | don’t know. I've ©) watched it either. Its about a doctor. But know its about a doctor who travels, ‘through time ina police box! seen Star Wars? What about you? Lily: role od > Workbook, pages 94-95 _ GRAMMAR Present perfect with ever and never 4 @ Write questions about Lily and Omar. Then answer them. Use never in negative answers. Lily / ‘Sear Wars! Has Lily ever seen ‘Star Wars’? No, she hasn't, She's never seen ‘Star Wars’. tly | omar Star Wars x e Doctor Who x x Pirates of the Caribbean |v |x The Simpaons eae | Transformers loreese ‘Omar / Star Wars Lily and Omar / Doctor Who Omar / Pirates of the Caribbean Lily and Omar / The Simpsons Lily / Transformers Omar / Transformers oasene Work in pairs. Student A reads out a question and Student B reads out the answer. Then swap roles for the next question. Write complete questions using ever. 4 2 3 cook @ meal Have you ever cooked 4 meal? iron a shirt eat with chopsticks have a judo lesson listen to hip-hop play the piano Work in pairs. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5. b SPEAK 7 a Work in pairs. Think of more questions to ask your partner and find three things your partner has never done (using different verbs). No, Ihaven't. Imagine your partner is a guest on I've Never Seen Star Wars. Tell the class about the three things he or she has never done. LISTENING AND VOCABULARY My radio SSM eke eee ‘SPEAK AND LISTEN 41. © Work in pairs. Answer the questions. Ci) 4. How often do you listen to the radio? | sometimes listen to 2 What stations do you listen to? The radio is usually on in/at ... 3. Do the radio stations include news programmes? If so, do you listen to them? Why?/Why not? 2 a Read the tips in the (EI) box. > HED Listen. What's the audio type? [listen to the news because use the audio type to help you understand ¢ (ZED Listen and put the topics in the correct Identify the audio type. Is it a order (1-5). Write the words that helped you. conversation? A talk? A news Weather Sports Entertainment news programme? Top story Traffic ‘Think about the type of information 3. Which tips in the (IED box did you use to help you OUAINETEN GSE: with Exercises 2b and 2c? Tick (/) them. Listen for words and phrases you expect to hear. 4 @2ED Listen again. Choose the right answer (A, B or C). 1 What is the top story about? A street crime B afootball match ¢ traffic problems 2 When is the football match in Barcelona? A this afternoon —_B tonight © tomorrow 3 What type of film has Dario Stonc made? A acomedy B anaction film © a documentary 4 Where are the traffic problems? A onthe motorway B in Barcelona Cin the High Street What's the weather like? A rainy and windy B_ windy and cloudy © sunny WORK WITH WORDS 5 @EED Match the crime words to the pictures. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. o accident ambulance arrest (v)_erime criminal police car police officer steal (v) thief victim crime _, . BONE 6 (ZED Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from Exercise 5. Then listen and check. 1 The was walking out of a shop when a ran up and her bag. 2 The atmosphere is friendly but have already three people. 3. Dario Stone’s new action film is about an extremely dangerous 4. There's been a(n) in the High Street. Several and a(n) are at the scene. 7 Read out the sentences in Exercise 6 in the style of the news reporters. REACT GO BEYOND 8 Work in pairs. What do you think? Tell your partner. Do the Words & Beyond exercise 1 Which sections of news programmes do you like and not like? Why? on page 437. 2. What stories are in the news at the moment? yp tock ages 96-57 _ GRAMMAR Present perfect with already, yet and just DOS FRE rr a Ut ee ROR ed Kee READ AND LISTEN >>> Grammar in PRACTISE ley 4 Complete the next part of the radio script with 1 @ZED Read and listen to the radio drama. already, just or yet. What's missing? Marlene: Mike. It’s Marlene. I've (1) just _ seen Harry. Mike: Has he noticed the missing file (2) 2 Marlene: Yes. He's (3) looked for it but he hasn't phoned the police (4) I'm not a criminal, Marlene. I'll go to the police station. No. You've (5) caused enough problems. The police might arrest you. Mike: — What should | do? Harry: Where's Mike? It's 3 o'clock and he hasn't arrived yet. Marlene: | don’t know. I've Just come back from Me ecu ee heen lee lunch. Why? 5 It's 3 o'clock. Write sentences using just, Harry: Someone's stolen the Barker case file. already and yet. Marlene: |I saw it on his desk before | went to lunch. 4 Marlene / have / lunch. Na ee Marlene has just had lunch, Harry: \'ve already looked there. It's gonel Beery eine Marlene: Have you called the police yet? 3. Harry / look / in Mike's office. STUDY 2 Complete the explanations with the words in Ar Nextene/ Appa Miss bold in Exercise 4. Pees 5 Marlene / have / an idea. ise 6 a Complete the four situations with the present Use for very recent actions. perfect or past simple form of the verbs. Use for actions completed before now. a Afriend (1) asked __ (ask) you for Use to ask if an action is completed Sa ae ae ames em or not, @) (not return) it yet Use to say an action isn't completed, You in a shopping mall and you Word order: @ (just / see) someone steal just/already: before the past participle in positive some batteries from a shop. sentences: © Yesterday you (4) (te) your ve just/already called the police. best friend a secret. You (5) is Sy seabicmsiecin.chl ened {ust /ciscover that he/she (6) i haven't called the police yet. {already / tell) some of your classmates. Have you called the police yet? 4 You(7) (st / see) an accident in the street. A woman was crossing the street when a car (8) (hit) er. Sap carters tisieXpiamations wih present b_ What do you do in each situation? Compare perfect and past simple. Present perfect and past simple with a partner. ie SPEAK Use the with specific times: 7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions using yesterday, last Monday, a year ago, in 1977 the present perfect + yet: I possible: aaNet Use the when we don't know the with already and Just. Then ask for more exact time: information using the past simple. with ever, never (in your life) ss with just, yet, already (recently) See anwsnuan oaranase, page 127. YY)» Workbook, page 98 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. What's the situation? (ZED Read and listen to the script from a television programme. What type of programme is it? Explain your answer. Episode 18, scene I: At home, Mum is late for work. _Episode 19, scene 2: In the park, Mia is with Dad. ‘Mum? Can Italk to you? Mia: Dad? I need your advice. Can we talk? : Now isn't a good time, dear. Dad: Of course. What's the problem? (angry) It's never a good time. You're always Mia: A friend at school has asked me to lie for busy. her. Mum: What do you want to talk about? Dad: Why? What has she dene? Mia: (walking away) Nothing, It isn’t important. Mia: She's not going to school and she doesn't ‘want her parents to find out. @ Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 What does Ma wat otak about? Why? ae) eeeaeces ane alta? Wm She wants to talk about 2 Which comersaton helps Miao feolboter? Why? SRE WONSIO iM ou Work in groups. Look at the tips for talking with parents and choose the correct option. 1 Talk when your parents are / @renDbusy. 2 / what you need or want (help, advice, etc) 3 Tyto/ argue. 4 iy the truth, Look at the scenes in Exercise 2. Which tips from Exercise 4 REFLEC TION does Mia follow or not follow? Tick (/) them. POINT It's best to talk about problems, not avoid them. People can only help you if Discuss the questions with your class. Do you agree with ‘they understand your problem. the CUTE? Find the right time and place 1. Why is it €o0d to talk about proiiems? to talk 2 What happens if you don't talk about problems? 3 Do you think the tips in Exercise 4 are good? Can you think of any more tips? Work in groups. Think of another situation in which Mia could talk to both her parents about the problem in Exercise 2. Write the scene and then present it to the class. Workbook, page 101 SPEAKING | know what you mean but ... pS eee eee SPEAK 1 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 What was the last film you saw at the cinema or on TV? 2. Who did you see it with? 3. What did you think of the film? Did the other people agree with you? WATCH OR LISTEN 2 {PEED Watch or listen to the scene. Who enjoyed the film more - Marc or Jason? ‘So what did you think of the fim? Liked it but it was a bit slow. | know what you mean but I thought the ending was amazing. Jason: Yes, but what about the rest of it? The story wasn't very real {don’t agree. | thought it was real. And the acting was terrible. You're right. The acting was bad but the film was funny. | agree, but it was only funny ‘cause it was 0 bad. | totally disagree. You're wrong. Maybe, but I realy liked it iked it too, but... 3 @IBEED Watch or listen again. Which things do Marc and Jason agree on? 4 @EED Complete the phrases from the conversation. Then listen and repeat. v x You're right. You're wrong. | agree I totally | know what you don’t 5 G@ZED Complete the sentences with one word. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 1 The film was good, 2 Youre right, the acting was terrible. [really liked it 6 @ZED Think of a film you've seen recently. Listen to Marc. Do you agree with him? Listen and respond with a phrase from Exercise 4. ACT 7 @ In groups of three or four, complete the tasks. 1 Choose a film you've all seen. 2. You've just watched the film together. What did you all think of it? YY)» Workbook, page 99 SCT Asking for and giving opinions What did you think of ... ? Did you like ... ? What about ... ? I thought ... was/were iked ... / didn’t tke .. Agreeing and disag! You're right/wrong. agree. / | don't agree. / I disagree. | know what you mean (but ...) | totally agree/disagree. ie Toy Story 3 is an adventure film, a comedy and a cartoon. When Andy leaves home to go to college, he gives his toys to a day-care Centre. The toys then plan an escape. | really like the film because of the characters. Woody, Buzz and all the other toys are like my friends. | also love the way the film combines comedy and action. Toy Story 3 is exciting to watch and it’s very funny. (It's also frightening and sad 's about real life. We all grow up but our toys don't. For all these reasons (and many more), Toy Story 3 is the best sometimes.) Finally, WRITING The best film ever >>> Use paragraphs SPEAK AND READ 1 G Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1 Have you seen any of the films or TV series? 2 Do you know the riaiies of any of the characters? 3 What do the films and TV series have in common? 2 Read Sara's blog post and answer her question. film I've ever seen. What's the best film you've ever seen? 94 3 Did you find Sara's blog post easy or difficult to read? Why?/Why not? 4 a Read the tips in the (EID box. eG use paragraphs ™ Use paragraphs - they help the reader understand you. '= Begin each paragraph with a new idea. = Add one or more sentences to develop the idea. '= Add space between each paragraph, b Help Sara divide her blog post into three Paragraphs. Write the first words of each new paragraph. Paragraph 1: Tey Story 3 is an adventure ... Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: PRACTISE 5 In which paragraph does Sara write about these things? 1. her feelings when she watches the film 2. @ summary of her opinion 3 information about the film and its story PHRASE svres This is a scene from .. is a character in I think they're all PLAN 6 You're going to write a blog post about your favourite film. Use the Writing plan to help you prepare. WRITING PLAN 1 Paragraph 1 ~ include basic information about the film. (type, story, ...) 2 Paragraph 2 ~ Describe why you like it. (characters, special effects, ... ) 3 Paragraph 3 - Write a summary. (For all these reasons, ... ) WRITE AND CHECK 7 Write your blog post. Then check it. Tick (v) the things in the plan. SHARE 8 Swap your blog post with other students. Which films would you like to see? ))) Metibosk pages 100-101 Aa VOCABULARY Types of television programme and film 1 Complete the words. _ny Crime 2 Complete the description with the correct form of Today's fim choice is the police drama Too Much Crime in the City. In this exciting film, Rob Taylor plays the part of a(n) (1) at a London police station. One day a(n) (2) the words in the box. 8) doesn’t know, but the (4) Taylor's girlfriend. Taylor follows the (6) ina accident ambulance arrest crime criminal @ police car police officer steal thief victim a(n) (10) GRAMMAR Present perfect with ever and never 3 Complete the interview with the present perfect form of the verbs. Reporter: (1) (you / ever / play) the part of a police officer before? Rob Taylor: (2) No, | In fact, (3) (17 never / be) in an action film before. ‘Wow! What about Dario? (4) (you / ever / work) with him? Rob Taylor: (5) Yes, | Bein (6) (we / make) three tiims together. But this tlm was the best. (7) (1/ never / have) such 00d time. 714 Reporter: SKILLS CHECK back to the station, there's a car (9) _ some money from a woman in the street. He of the (5) and (8) him. But on the way Taylor needs and he needs it fast! Present perfect with already, yet and just 4 Write the complete conversation using the present perfect and past simple. ‘Ana: Do you want to see the new Rob Taylor tim? Bob: (4) / already / see / it. Bob: (3)! / go / last week / with Maro. Ana: (4) you/enjoy/it? t / start / filming Part 2. ‘Ana: (6) you / see / Final Destination / yet? Bob: (7) No,|/ not see /it/ yet. Your score: __/50 v¥/d Yes, | can. No problem! ¥/ Yes, | can. But | need a bit of help. ¥ Yes, | can. But | need a lot of help. | can identify the author's argument when | read. | can use the audio type to help me understand. | can talk about problems. | can agree and disagree with someone. | can use paragraphs when | write

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