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GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems

Term of Agreement

September 12, 2021 – September 11, 2025



ARTICLE 1 - RECOGNITION......................................................................................................................................1

ARTICLE 2 - UNION SECURITY................................................................................................................................1

ARTICLE 3 - CHECKOFF............................................................................................................................................2

ARTICLE 4 - NONDISCRIMINATION.......................................................................................................................2

ARTICLE 5 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................3

ARTICLE 6 - ARBITRATION......................................................................................................................................5

ARTICLE 7 - REGULAR EMPLOYEE........................................................................................................................5

ARTICLE 8 - SENIORITY............................................................................................................................................6

ARTICLE 9 - LAYOFF..................................................................................................................................................7

ARTICLE 10 - RECALL................................................................................................................................................8

ARTICLE 11 - PROMOTIONS - BIDS.......................................................................................................................10

ARTICLE 12 - SHIFT TRANSFERS - TEMPORARY TRANSFERS.......................................................................14

ARTICLE 13 - HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME.............................................................................................16

ARTICLE 14 - REPORT AND CALL-BACK PAY...................................................................................................18

ARTICLE 15 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE.......................................................................................................................19

ARTICLE 16 - HOLIDAYS.........................................................................................................................................20

ARTICLE 17 - SHIFT DIFFERENTIALS...................................................................................................................21

ARTICLE 18 - BEREAVEMENT PAY......................................................................................................................22

ARTICLE 19 - VACATION........................................................................................................................................23

ARTICLE 20 - JURY DUTY.......................................................................................................................................26

ARTICLE 21 – MEAL PERIODS & REST BREAKS................................................................................................27

ARTICLE 22 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS.................................................................................................................28

ARTICLE 23 - GENERAL PROVISIONS..................................................................................................................28

ARTICLE 24 - BULLETIN BOARDS........................................................................................................................29

ARTICLE 25 - NO STRIKE - NO LOCKOUT...........................................................................................................30

ARTICLE 26 - HEALTH AND WELFARE................................................................................................................30

ARTICLE 28 - PENSION PLAN.................................................................................................................................31

ARTICLE 29 - TERM OF AGREEMENT..................................................................................................................33

ARTICLE 30 - WAGE RATES...................................................................................................................................33

ARTICLE 31 - JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE.............................................................................34

ARTICLE 32 - SHOP STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION.................................................................34

ARTICLE 33 – SCOPE AND APPLICATION...........................................................................................................35

ARTICLE 34 - SICK LEAVE......................................................................................................................................36

ARTICLE 35 DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE........................................................................................................37

DEPARTMENTS - BARGAINING UNIT..................................................................................................................41

LETTER OF AGREEMENT REGARDING SECURITY CLEARANCES...............................................................42


APPENDIX A...............................................................................................................................................................45

APPENDIX B...............................................................................................................................................................50

This Agreement is made and entered into by and between GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems, hereinafter
referred to as the “Company” or “Employer” and General Truck Drivers, Office, Food & Warehouse Union
Local 952, of Orange, California affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, hereinafter referred
to as the “Union.”


The Company recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative for the purpose of collective bargaining of
the following unit of employees at the Company’s Garden Grove and district Boulevard Plants for whom the
Union was certified by the National Labor Relations Board in Case No. 21-RC-13665.
INCLUDED: All production and maintenance employees, shipping and receiving employees, warehousemen,
quality control employees, truck drivers and lead persons employed by the Employer at its facilities located at
12122 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, California and 5537 District Boulevard, City of Commerce, California.
EXCLUDED: Office clerical employees, engineering employees, laboratory employees, guards, professional
employees and Supervisors as defined in the Act.


2.0 All employees presently employed by the Company and covered by this Agreement shall, as a condition
of employment, become and remain members in good standing of the Union within thirty (30) days following
the effective date of this Agreement by tendering the initiation fee and periodic dues uniformly required as a
condition of acquiring or retaining membership.

2.1 All employees of the Company covered by this Agreement hired on or after the effective date of this
Agreement shall, as a condition of employment, become and remain members in good standing of the Union on
the thirtieth (30th) day following their date of hire by tendering the initiation fees and periodic dues uniformly
required as a condition of acquiring or retaining membership.

2.2 The Union agrees that written notice shall be given to the Company at least seven (7) days before any
regular employee is to be removed from his employment by reason of his failure to maintain his membership in
good standing in the Union.


3.0 During the term of this Agreement, the Company agrees to deduct Union membership dues, including
initiation and monthly dues, uniformly required by the Union in accordance with its constitution and bylaws,
from the pay of employees covered by the Agreement who voluntarily execute written assignments authorizing
such deductions.

3.1 It is understood that such assignment shall be voluntary on the part of the employees and that it shall be
the responsibility of the Union to secure such executed assignments and submit the same to the Company on or
before the fifth (5th) day of the month in which the first (1st) deduction is to be made.

3.2 The Union shall indemnify, defend and save the Company harmless against any and all claims,
demands, and suits or other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of any action that shall be taken
by the Company for the purpose of complying with the foregoing provisions of this Article or for any claims or
liability that shall arise out of or by reason of any discharge of any employee by the Company as demanded by
the Union pursuant to Article 2 hereof.

3.3 The Employer agrees to deduct from the paycheck of all employees covered by this Agreement
voluntary contributions to DRIVE. DRIVE shall notify the Employer of the amounts designated by each
contributing employee that are to be deducted from his/her paycheck on a weekly basis for all weeks worked.
The Employer shall transmit to DRIVE National Headquarters on a monthly basis, in one (1) check, the total
amount deducted along with the name of each employee on whose behalf a deduction is made, the employee’s
Social Security number and the amount deducted from that employee’s paycheck. The IBT shall reimburse the
Employer annually for the Employer’s actual cost for the expenses incurred in administering the weekly payroll


4.0 Trong các chính sách việc làm và dự trên thực tiễn của Công ty cũng như trong các chính sách thành
viên và thông lệ của Công đoàn, sẽ không có bất kỳ sự phân biệt đối xử nào đối với bất kỳ người nào về tuổi
tác, giới tính, bản dạng giới, chủng tộc, tôn giáo, tín ngưỡng, quốc tịch, thể chất hoặc khuyết tật về thần kinh
hoặc là cựu chiến binh, hoặc tình trạng được bảo vệ khác theo bất kỳ luật địa phương, tiểu bang hoặc liên bang.

4.1 The Company agrees that there shall be no discrimination against any employee because of Union
membership or proper activity in the Union.
4.2 Trong Thỏa thuận này, khi đề cập đến giới tính nam bao gồm giới tính nữ. GKN Aerospace
Transparency Systems là một tổ chức theo nhóm. Để hoạt động có hiệu quả, Công ty và nhân viên của Công
ty phải đối xử với nhau một cách đàng hoàng và tôn trọng.     


5.0 If an employee has a grievance involving the interpretation or application of the terms of this Agreement
there shall be no interruption of normal production, strike or slowdown on account of such grievance, and such
grievance shall be processed in the manner hereinafter outlined.

Step 1: Within ten (10) days of the occurrence upon which the grievance is based or within ten
(10) days of when the employee knew or should have known of the occurrence, the employee shall report it to
his immediate Supervisor, who will attempt to adjust the Grievance within seven (7) days. Resolutions to
grievances at this step must be approved by the HR Manager or designee and the Union Business

Step 2: In the event the grievance is not satisfactorily adjusted in Step 1 above, the grievance shall be
reduced to writing within seven (7) days of the Supervisors attempt to adjust the grievance as provided in
writing in Step 1 and the written grievance shall be presented to the HR Manager or designee for a hearing with
the union. Such hearing shall take place within twenty (20) days from the date the Grievance was presented to
the HR Manager or his designee. The HR Manager or designee shall give his decision on the grievance within
seven (7) days after the meeting. If the HR Manager or his designee does not reply within seven (7) days the
grievance shall be awarded to the claimant grievant. If the HR Manager or designee decision is not acceptable
to the Union, the Union shall have fifteen (15) days to confirm and initiate arbitration per Article 6 of the CBA.
If notice is not given with the time period stated, the grievance shall be settled on the basis of the last decision
of the HR Manager or designee. Timelines noted in Steps 1 and 2 exclude Company holidays, Saturdays and
Sundays. Timelines noted herein may be extended in writing by mutual agreement between the HR Manager or
designee and Union Business representative.

5.1 General Provisions:

5.1.1 Các khiếu nại có tính chất chung, không giới hạn đối với một nhân viên cụ thể, liên quan đến việc giải
thích hoặc áp dụng các điều khoản của Thỏa thuận, có thể được một bên khởi xướng trực tiếp với bên

kia. Những khiếu nại như vậy sẽ được xử lý theo cùng một cách thức và chịu các giới hạn tương tự như bất kỳ
khiếu nại nào khác, ngoại trừ những khiếu nại đó sẽ được bắt đầu thực hiện tại Bước 2 của thủ tục nêu trên.  

5.1.2 Các thời hạn của quy định tại Điều này có thể được kéo dài bằng văn bản thỏa thuận giữa Quản lý
Nhân sự hoặc người được chỉ định và đại diện Công đoàn Công ty. Người sử dụng lao động đồng ý rằng bất kỳ
khiếu nại nào không được trình bày bởi nhân viên trong thời hạn quy định tại Điều khoản này, hoặc kéo dài
theo quy định của phần này, Chủ lao động không cần phải giải quyết và bất kỳ khiếu nại nào không được đề
cập tại bước tiếp theo thời hạn quy định tại Điều hoặc gia hạn theo Mục này sẽ được coi là đã giải quyết trên cơ
sở quyết định cuối cùng của Người sử dụng lao động và không bị khiếu nại thêm.
5.1.3 Khi tính toán thời gian nộp đơn khiếu nại, hoặc tính các thời hạn khác trong Điều khoản này, các
ngày lễ, thứ bảy và chủ nhật, dù có làm việc hay không, sẽ không được tính.

5.1.4 Để được coi là hợp lệ, các khiếu nại liên quan đến việc nhân viên bị cho về, đình chỉ hoặc sa thải
không đúng cách phải được gửi bằng văn bản trong vòng bảy (7) ngày làm việc sau khi giải ngũ, đình chỉ hoặc
sa thải.

5.1.5 Một nhân viên và Quản gia Công đoàn sẽ được trả tiền cho thời gian tham gia Bước 1 và/hoặc
Bước 2 của quá trình khiếu nại. Ngoài ra, người quản lý Công đoàn sẽ được trả tiền cho thời gian xử lý, điều tra
và xử lý các Khiếu nại với mà trước đó đã thông báo cho Người giám sát hoặc Giám đốc Nhân sự hoặc người
được chỉ định của anh ta. Các nhân viên khác, những người được yêu cầu tham gia vào quá trình khiếu nại,
cũng sẽ được trả công cho thời gian mà trước đó đã thông báo cho Người giám sát hoặc Giám đốc nhân sự hoặc
người được chỉ định của anh ta. Yêu cầu sẽ được đáp ứng và lên lịch để không làm gián đoạn quá trình làm
việc. Khi cần thiết, Công ty sẽ không từ chối yêu cầu nghỉ của Tiếp viên Công đoàn trong giờ làm việc để xác
định mức độ nghiêm trọng của khiếu nại đang diễn ra liên quan đến việc xử lý kỷ luật, đình chỉ hoặc sa thải.
Trước tiên, người quản lý phải thông báo cho Giám sát sản xuất của mình và báo cáo lại sau khi đã tiến hành
điều tra một cách khẩn trương. Nếu cần có sự hiện diện của Tiếp viên Công đoàn trong cuộc họp trong thời gian
làm việc theo lịch trình của anh ấy / cô ấy, anh ấy / cô ấy sẽ được Công ty bồi thường.

5.2 Stewards may be elected or appointed by the Union. The Steward will be a working employee and the
Union agrees the Steward’s duties will be performed as quickly as possible and it is expressly understood that
the employee who acts as Steward is primarily responsible for the production duties. The Union shall notify the
Company in writing of the election or appointment of the Steward in advance of assuming those duties.

5.3 Chỉ với mục đích thực hiện các điều khoản của Thỏa thuận này, đại diện toàn thời gian được ủy quyền
của Công đoàn có thể, dựa trên thông báo hợp lý cho Giám đốc Nhân sự của Công ty (hoặc người được chỉ định
của anh ta), được phép trao đổi với người quản lý Công đoàn hoặc người bị vi phạm trong văn phòng do Công
ty chỉ định. Những cuộc thảo luận này sẽ diễn ra vào những thời điểm hợp lý để không can thiệp vào bất kỳ
hình thức hoạt động trật tự của nhà máy. Công ty sẽ trả cho thời gian nhân viên tham gia các cuộc thảo luận
được đề cập trong Thỏa thuận này.


6.0 Như được quy định trong Điều 5 Thủ tục Khiếu nại, Công đoàn sẽ thông báo bằng văn bản cho Công
ty về ý định phân xử trong vòng mười lăm (15) ngày kể từ ngày nhận được quyết định Bước 2 của Giám đốc
Nhân sự. Sau đó, các bên sẽ chọn một trọng tài viên từ danh sách do FMCS cung cấp trong vòng ba mươi (30)
ngày sau khi nhận được thông báo phân xử, thành viên thứ bảy của hội đồng sẽ được chọn từ danh sách các
trọng tài viên. Quyền gạch tên sẽ được quyết định theo lô.    

6.1 The arbitrator shall be empowered to rule on disputes pertaining to the interpretation or application of
this Agreement, provided, however, that he shall have no power to add to, subtract from, change or amend or
otherwise modify any of the terms of this Agreement, or any supplemental Agreements made thereto.

6.2 The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties. The arbitrator’s fees and
expenses, if any, shall be borne by the loser. In the event of a split award, the arbitrator shall determine who
shall pay his fees and expenses.

6.3 Nhân viên thuộc phạm vi điều chỉnh của Thỏa thuận này sẽ không được Công ty bồi thường cho bất
kỳ thời gian bị mất nào do tham gia quá trình phân xử, trừ khi những nhân viên đó được gọi là nhân chứng thay
mặt Công ty.

6.4 Trong các trường hợp bị thôi việc hoặc đình chỉ, các yêu cầu đòi lại tiền lương sẽ được giới hạn trong số
tiền mà trọng tài viên yêu cầu, trừ đi bất kỳ khoản bồi thường hoặc thu nhập nào mà người khiếu nại có thể
nhận được cho các dịch vụ của mình trong thời gian làm việc mà được trả lại tiền.


7.0 Một nhân viên thường xuyên được định nghĩa là nhân viên toàn thời gian trong biên chế và đã hoàn

thành bốn trăm tám mươi (480) giờ làm việc liên tục được trả lương, trừ khi thời gian thử việc đã được kéo dài
theo quy định tại Điều 8, Mục 8.1.1. 


8.0 Definitions:

8.0.1 Thâm niên được sử dụng trong Thỏa thuận này là thời gian làm việc của nhân viên với Công ty
kể từ ngày được thuê gần nhất. Những nhân viên tiếp tục làm việc không gián đoạn tại Công ty Swedlow
Aeroplastics và / hoặc Tập đoàn Shellmar Products vào năm 1946, hoặc những người tiếp tục làm việc không
gián đoạn tại Sierra Product vào năm 1953 hoặc Bonded Structures vào năm 1957, sẽ được ghi nhận thâm niên
từ các tổ chức đó.  

8.0.2 Thuật ngữ “trình độ” hoặc “đủ điều kiện” được sử dụng trong Thỏa thuận này, đề cập đến việc
một nhân viên được đào tạo đầy đủ, có kỹ năng và có thể thực hiện các chức năng thiết yếu đáp ứng các yêu
cầu về thể chất và tinh thần của một công việc nhất định.

8.1 Áp dụng điều kiện thâm niên:

8.1.1 Tất cả nhân viên mới được thuê sẽ được coi là thử việc trong bốn trăm tám mươi (480) giờ làm
việc được trả lương đầu tiên. Theo thỏa thuận chung giữa Công ty và Công đoàn, thời gian thử việc có thể được
kéo dài thêm một trăm sáu mươi (160) giờ làm việc được trả lương. Trong thời gian này, nhân viên thử việc có
thể bị Công ty chấm dứt hợp đồng lao động vì bất kỳ lý do gì mà không phải tuân theo thủ tục khiếu nại.    

8.1.2 Trong việc quản lý các Điều khoản của Thỏa thuận này đối với việc sa thải và triệu hồi, thăng
chức và thuyên chuyển công việc, thâm niên của nhân viên được áp dụng cho một bộ phận cụ thể. Để được xem
xét vào một bộ phận, một nhân viên phải hoàn thành một trăm sáu mươi (160) giờ làm việc được trả lương
trong bộ phận đó hoặc bốn trăm tám mươi (480) giờ làm việc được trả lương cho những phân loại được liệt kê
trong Điều 11 Mục 11.4.2.

8.1.3 Số ngày nghỉ việc vì lý do nào không được tính trong việc tính toán hoàn thành những người
đầu tiên bốn trăm tám mươi (480) giờ trả tiền làm việc yêu cầu tại mục 8.1.1 ở trên và 160 (160) và bốn trăm
tám mươi (480) giờ làm việc được trả lương theo quy định tại Khoản 8.1.2 của Điều này.
8.2 Seniority Rights Will Be Lost For The Following Reasons:

8.2.1 Voluntary quit.

8.2.2 Failure to return or communicate within three (3) working days after expiration of a leave of

8.2.3 Absence of three (3) consecutive working days without proper notification with good cause to
the Company.

8.2.4 Nghỉ việc hoặc ốm đau trong thời gian sáu (6) tháng nếu một nhân viên có thâm niên dưới một
(1) năm hoặc một (1) năm nếu nhân viên có một (1) năm thâm niên trở lên. Đối với người lao động nghỉ việc vì
chấn thương trong công việc, thâm niên sẽ được duy trì trong thời hạn mười tám (18) tháng. Nhân viên nghỉ
phép y tế hơn 12 tháng và đã hết các quyền FMLA, sẽ đủ điều kiện nhận bảo hiểm chương trình y tế vào ngày
quay lại công việc.

8.2.5 Failure to return from recall within three (3) working days and communicate or show good
cause for failure to return.

8.3 In determining the skills, ability and qualifications of an employee under the Layoff and Recall
provisions (Articles 9 and 10) and the Bidding Procedure (Article 11) the Company shall give fair and impartial
consideration to all of the facts bearing on the matter.


9.0 An employee may be laid off due to lack of work for any cause. Employees will be laid off as
necessary, in inverse order of seniority, from the department affected. If there is a job elimination, the
employee scheduled for layoff may displace the least senior employee in the department to which he is
assigned, and his seniority shall be dovetailed for all purposes in this Article.

9.1 Ngoài ra, nếu một nhân viên dự kiến bị sa thải có nhiều hơn một (1) năm thâm niên, ông sẽ được phép
áp dụng mức độ thâm niên trên phạm vi nhà máy vào một công việc mà ông có các kỹ năng và khả năng thực

9.2 Một nhân viên áp dụng mức độ thâm niên nhà máy ở trên sẽ được bố trí vào bộ phận mà anh ta đang
làm việc theo tỷ lệ hiện hành trên cơ sở những điều sau đây. Thứ nhất, trong công việc thuộc phân loại của anh
ta, nếu có; Thứ hai, vào phân loại đã được tổ chức trước đây, nếu có; 

9.3 Sau khi áp dụng mức độ thâm niên theo quy định sa thải, một nhân viên không thể chứng minh hiệu suất
tiêu chuẩn đạt yêu cầu trong công việc mới trong thời gian thử việc bốn trăm tám mươi (480) giờ làm việc được
trả lương, sẽ bị sa thải. Nhân viên như vậy sẽ giữ quyền được quay lại đối với bộ phận mà anh ta đã bị sa thải
ban đầu. 

9.4 Một nhân viên không được sử dụng thâm niên của mình cho mục đích sa thải để giành lại vị trí lãnh đạo
đã từng đảm nhiệm trước đó hoặc công việc điều phối viên theo ca.

9.5 Công ty có quyền duy trì các kỹ năng để đáp ứng các yêu cầu công việc tiêu chuẩn của các phân loại trong
Điều 1.

9.6 The provisions of the Agreement regarding layoff and recall will not be construed to permit an
employee any right to a higher rate job classification. In the event of a dispute over a bumping right in a layoff
situation, the Business Agent and the Human Resources Executive will meet and attempt to resolve the

9.7 Nhân viên sẽ được trao năm (5) ngày thông báo trước khi bị sa thải . Công đoàn sẽ được thông báo nếu
điều này xảy ra.    

9.8 In administering these layoff provisions, the Company agrees to continue its past practice of allowing an
employee to take a voluntary layoff out of seniority sequence.

9.9 In the event a layoff is necessary, the Company will meet and confer with the Union to review
temporary transfers.


10.0 An employee's recall rights are limited to the department from which he was laid off, or to any other
department in which he has accumulated at least six (6) months previous seniority.
10.1 Việc triệu hồi sẽ được thực hiện theo thứ tự các nhân viên có trình độ cao bị sa thải khỏi bộ phận được
đề cập. Sau khi nhân viên được gọi lại, Người thuê sẽ đăng việc đề xuất xin việc làm với số vị trí thích hợp
trong bộ phận. Việc đề xuất xin việc làm phải tuân theo Điều 11 Thăng chức và Đề xuất xin việc làm.

10.2 New employees will not be hired into any department until all employees have been recalled from
layoff. To qualify under this provision, employees on layoff must have the skills and ability to fill the open

10.3 Nhân viên có thể được Công ty chỉ định làm việc trong các bộ phận mà nhân viên đang trong tình trạng
sa thải với mục đích nghỉ phép, thay đổi tạm thời lịch làm việc hoặc nghỉ việc. Người sử dụng lao động sẽ đề
nghị các nhân viên bị sa thải (không làm việc) tại bộ phận của họ, tùy theo lựa chọn của họ, được gọi lại vào bộ
phận của họ cho các nhiệm vụ công việc vượt quá miễn là nhiệm vụ công việc đó kéo dài từ hai mốt ngày (21)
trở lên. Trong trường hợp nhân viên được triệu hồi từ chối việc triệu hồi, người sử dụng lao động sẽ cung cấp
cơ hội triệu hồi, theo thứ tự thâm niên, cho đến khi tất cả nhân viên bị sa thải đã được mời làm việc. Nếu một
nhân viên Bất kỳ ai từ chối triệu hồi, ông tức là từ chối quyền triệu hồi từ bộ phận đã sai thải người đó. Nếu
không có nhân viên nào chấp nhận việc triệu hồi, người sử dụng lao động có thể sử dụng hình thức thuyên
chuyển phù hợp với Điều 12, Chuyển đổi theo ca - Chuyển giao tạm thời

10.4 An employee cannot use his seniority for purposes of recall to reclaim a previously held Lead Person or
Shift Coordinator position.

10.5 Nếu tất cả nhân viên trong một bộ phận nhất định đã bị sa thải và vẫn còn các vị trí đang mở, Công ty
có thể đề nghị triệu hồi những nhân viên bị sa thải từ các bộ phận khác. Trong những trường hợp như vậy,
lương của nhân viên sẽ là lương trong phân loại đó. Nhân viên được giữ quyền triệu hồi trong bộ phận mà anh
ta đã bị cho thôi việc.

10.6 Triệu hồi bộ phận- Một nhân viên thực hiện thâm niên nhà máy do bộ phận thường xuyên bị sa thải và
thay cho việc sa thải, chuyển sang bộ phận khác, có tùy chọn trở lại bộ phận thông thường của mình theo thâm
niên khi có sự cố. Anh ta sẽ được thông báo về việc mở cửa bằng văn bản và trả lời trong vòng 3 ngày. Nếu
nhân viên từ chối vị trí, các nhân viên bị sa thải sẽ được triệu hồi theo các điều khoản của Điều khoản này.

10.7 Notice of recall to employees not actively at work will be by certified letter (or by telephone,

supplemented by certified letter) to the most recent address of the employee as shown in his personnel record.

10.8 It is the employee's responsibility to keep the Human Resource Office advised of his current address
and telephone number at all times while on layoff.

10.9 Failure to return to work within three (3) working days after being offered recall in writing shall result
in the loss of recall rights. However, if an employee can, within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the recall
certified letter, show good cause for his failure to return to work his recall rights will be reinstated. Such
reinstatement will not obligate the Company to layoff another employee recalled in his place.

10.10 Các quy định của thỏa thuận này liên quan đến việc sa thải và triệu hồi sẽ không được hiểu là cho phép
một nhân viên có bất kỳ quyền nào đối với việc phân loại công việc được đánh giá cao hơn. Trong trường hợp
có tranh chấp về quyền va chạm trong tình huống sa thải, Đại lý kinh doanh và Giám đốc nhân sự sẽ họp và cố
gắng giải quyết vấn đề.


11.0 It is the policy of GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems to provide a maximum of opportunity for
advancement for employees within the bargaining unit
11.1 A promotional bid to a job classification for which the top rate of pay is higher than the top rate of pay
of the employee’s present job classification. An interim bid is a bid for an open position in a job classification
which is not a promotion.

11.2 Limitations:

11.2.1 Promotions of employees to Shift Coordinator and Lead Person openings are not subject to the
provisions of this Article.

11.2.2 An employee with less than four hundred eighty (480) hours seniority with the Company may
not apply for promotion.

11.2.3 Successful job bidders shall be moved to their new position as soon as possible, but not later
than thirty (30) workdays following notice of the job award. However, in some instances, they may be required
to remain in their old department until a new replacement is received. Any extension beyond 30 days will be
based upon mutual agreement between the HR Manager or designee and the Union Business Representative.
The applicable rate of pay will be effective on the Monday proceeding the 30 days or the date they are actually
moved, whichever is sooner. All successful job bidders shall remain in their new position for one (1) year and
will not be displaced unless a layoff occurs.

11.2.4 All successful job bidders shall be ineligible for any subsequent job posting for a period of
twelve (12) months, unless the job being bid on will result in a promotion (i.e., a position where the job
classification’s top rate of pay was higher than the top of the employee’s present classification). The period of
ineligibility will commence on the date the employee accepts the bid in writing. The Period of ineligibility shall
not apply if the Company cancels the job bid for any reason.

11.3 Procedure:
When a job opening exists in the bargaining unit, consideration for filling such an opening will be made in the
following order of preference:

11.3.1 Human Resources will post the opening throughout the plant so that when a bid is posted,
employees within the department may bid on the opening along with employees outside the department. The
bids will include shift, rate of pay, the Department and the primary job that is open for bidding. In addition, the
bid will include other jobs within the Department that the bidder may be required to perform. The primary job
requirements shall be included on the posting (i.e. Lifting, Respirators. Forklift, Heat Exposure, Security
Clearance etc.).

11.3.2 The posting will be made during regularly scheduled workdays for a period of seventy-two (72)
hours, excluding Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. For a bid to be considered valid, interested bargaining unit
employees must call the Human Resource Office during the seventy-two (72) hour posting period to request
that his name be added to the bid, and Human Resources will provide verification of the bid. If job(s) is/are
posted during an employee’s days off or vacation absence, he can call Human Resources and request that his
name be added to the bid, and he will also be provided verification of the bid. The Employer will endeavor to
aid in the contact of employees absent for the reasons mentioned above.

11.4 In evaluating bids, The Company Will Consider:

11.4.1 Seniority and other necessary requirements for the job opening in question.

11.4.2 All job bids shall be based solely on seniority except for those jobs that are listed in this section
in Section “A”. Employees shall have two hundred forty (240) hours to qualify for the primary job.
Section A: The jobs listed below may require a test or experience to qualify, if all qualifications are equal,
seniority shall prevail. These jobs will have four hundred eighty (480) hours to qualify for the primary,

The jobs are as follows:

General Maintenance Mechanic
Electrician A
Electrician B
Material Selector
Tool Development A and Master Tool Development
HVAC Mechanic
Machine Operator
Cell Cast Mix Operator
Thin Films Vacuum Chamber Operator
DMIR Inspector
Pressure Vessel Operators
General Inspector

Note: Classifications listed in Section A can be added or deleted by mutual agreement between the Company
and Union. Results of the bids shall be posted by Human Resources on all bulletin boards within 10 days after
the bids have been removed. Jobs that have been bid per Section A may take longer 10 days to be posted based
on testing that may be required, in such case bidders shall be notified via bulletin boards that they have been
selected for the job testing. The selection posting will also include the planned date for the test as well subjects
covered and the pass rate. Such testing will be conducted within 15 workdays from the date the posting
expired. Results of the test will be posted within 10 days of the date the test was taken. Successful bidders
shall have 48 hours from the date and time of the award bulletin board posting (excluding Saturdays, Sundays
and Holidays) to contact Human resources to accept bid in writing. Failure to sign for a bid will result in
forfeiture of the bid. Bidders will be given a copy of the bid award. If an employee on vacation/sick bid on a
position, they must contact Human Resources to notify them of their intention to accept the bid if awarded to
them. They will have 10 calendar days from the date the bid notice expires to return to work and sign the bid
award acceptance. Failure to return to work within the 10 days will render their bid award null and void.

11.4.3 For jobs listed in Section 11.4.2 Section “A”, requiring certain aptitudes, short standard job-
related tests may be given to applicants and the results may be used as part of the evaluation procedure.
Minimum standard test performance requirements for each job shall be defined for those applicants taking part.

11.4.4 Where two or more applicants have equal qualifications, the most senior employee will be

11.4.5 Employees with less than standard work performance or a current record of suspension for
attendance may not expect promotions to higher rated jobs.

11.5 Whenever practical, it is the intent of the Company to promote from among its employees. However, if
it is determined that no employees meet the standard requirement for the job in question, the Company may
reassign an employee to the job in question from another department in accordance with the Temporary
Transfer provisions (Article 12, Section 12.4).

11.6 A promoted applicant will have up to two hundred forty (240) paid working hours or four hundred
eighty hours (480) paid working hours (Reference Section A) in the new job to demonstrate his skill and
ability. If unable to meet the necessary standard requirements, he will be returned to his previously held job
and rate of pay. An employee may voluntarily return to this previously held job within eighty (80) paid
working hours.

11.6.1 Where two applicants have bid for the job and the first applicant returns to his/her original job,
the second applicant shall be awarded the bid. If the second applicant returns to his/her original job, the
opening will be filled by a new hire. If the job has not been filled by a new hire within a period of sixty (60)
days then the position will be reposted for bidding. The original two applicants will be ineligible to rebid.

11.7 General Provisions:

When an employee enters a new department by promotional or interim bid through the bid procedure, the
employee gains seniority in the new department after the two hundred forty (240) or four hundred eighty (480)
paid working hours (Reference Section A) trial period.
11.8 Transfers:
11.8.1 Within a contract year period, the number of transfers shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the
Within each department as determined at the beginning of each contract year. At the point the bid is posted this
quota shall be adjusted to reflect the relative increase or decrease in department size from the beginning of the
contract year.

The departments are as follows:

Acrylic*** Passenger Windows**** Inspection

JSF***** Maintenance* Transparency**
Thin Films Shipping Tooling*

NOTE: A bid resulting in a promotion (as defined in Section 11.1 of this Article) will not count as part of the
11.8.2 The Company will meet and confer with the Union in regard to transfers over and above the
number specified above.

11.8.3 An employee transferring to another department will go into that department at the then current
rate or his current rate, whichever is higher. An employee in the progression, shall be dovetailed into the
progression based upon his current rate of pay and shall receive that rate of pay. This does not apply to bidding
to a lower classification.

11.8.4 An employee promoted to a higher rated job classification shall not suffer a loss in their wage
rate and shall be dovetailed into the progression based upon their current rate of pay. The employee shall be
credited with appropriate time required for any additional progression increase.

11.8.5 The company recognizes the need for individual continuous improvement. In this regard, the
company will continue to offer training opportunities based on operational requirements.


12.0 Shift Transfer:

A shift transfer is the movement of an employee from one shift to another without a change of job classification
or department.

12.1 The need for experienced employees distributed over all shifts is a basic requirement of Company
operations. The Company does, however, understand the desire of an employee to work on a given shift. In
keeping with these two points of view, the following guidelines will apply on shift transfers:

12.1.1 The Company will permit the most senior employee in the department on a specified shift to
displace an employee of equal skills and ability with less seniority on another shift. At least one (1) year must
have passed since the last shift transfer by the requesting employee.

12.1.2 To be considered for a shift transfer, the requesting employee must be qualified to perform the
work in question.

12.1.3 Shift transfers for lead persons will be by seniority, provided there is a vacancy in the

12.1.4 All shift transfers at either the employee’s request will be made at the employee's rate of pay at
the time of the move.

12.2 Temporary Transfers:

12.2.1 To satisfy certain training and production requirements, an employee may be moved by the
Company from one department to another on a temporary transfer. In making such transfers, the following
guidelines will apply:

12.2.2 The senior qualified employee shall be offered the transfer, and if he declines, the least senior
qualified employee will be required to make the move.

12.2.3 The Employee will retain his rate of pay while on a temporary transfer unless he is performing
higher rated work.

12.2.4 The duration of a temporary transfer is limited to six (6) months or less; and while on such
assignment, the employee will continue to accumulate seniority in the regularly assigned department and he
will be returned to that department at the end of the assignment. Such employee shall not be temporarily
transferred again for one (1) year thereafter, unless the employee voluntarily agrees to such temporary transfer.

12.2.5 All temporary transfers must be approved by the Human Resources or his designee prior to the
transfer. Once approved, the Company will provide copies for the Steward on a weekly basis.


13.0 Definitions:

13.0.1 The regular work schedule pertains to those operations where employees are normally
scheduled to work an eight (8) hour shift, Monday through Friday.

13.0.2 For the purpose of computing overtime pay, the work week for employees on a regular work
schedule is defined as seven (7) consecutive 24-hour periods, beginning at 12:01 a.m., Monday and ending at
12:00 midnight, Sunday. There shall be no split shifts.

13.0.3 A six and one-half (6-1/2) hour schedule pertains to those employees scheduled to work a
shift of six and one-half (6-1/2) hours, Monday through Friday.

13.0.4 An employee on temporary transfer will dovetail his seniority for purposes of overtime.

13.0.5 The base rate is defined as the hourly wage rate of an employee, excluding any adjustment,
bonus, shift differential, overtime or other premium payment.

13.0.6 The effective rate is defined as the hourly wage rate of an employee, including shift differential,
lead person/shift coordinator bonus but not including overtime.

13.1 The Provisions of This Article Are Intended to Provide:

13.1.1 A basis only for determining the number of hours of work for which an employee may be
entitled to overtime pay.

13.1.2 This Article shall not be construed as a guarantee to an employee of any specific number of
hours of work, either per day or week.

13.1.3 This Article shall not limit the right of the Company to expect and/or require an employee to
work a given number of hours either per day or per week.

13.1.4 Further, this Article shall not limit the right of the Company to establish, change or modify
work schedules and shifts with such starting times as it deems appropriate, providing ten (10) hours or more
elapsed before an employee reports for work on his newly assigned shift. For purposes of overtime, this will not
affect his forty (40) hour work week. If the Company moves an employee to a different shift for a week or
more, the Company must give the employee five (5) days advance notice of the move. The above does not
apply to an early or late start on the same shift.

13.2 Overtime Pay (Regular Work Schedule):

13.2.1 Time and One-Half:

All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours in a workday or forty (40) straight time hours in a work week will
be compensated at time and one-half (l-1/2) of the effective rate of pay. All hours worked continuously after
eight (8) hours shall be paid at time and one-half (1-1/2) the effective rate until relieved except as provided in
Section 13.2.3 of this Article.

13.2.2 Double-Time:

All hours worked on Sunday or the seventh (7th) consecutive day shall be compensated at double (2X) the
effective rate of pay.

13.2.3 Double-Time:
All hours worked in excess of twelve (12) per workday shall be compensated at double (2X) the effective rate
of pay.

13.3 Overtime Distribution:

13.3.1 Overtime will be offered to volunteers qualified to perform the work, by classification, and
within the Department, in order of seniority. The Company will post a weekly sign-up sheet from 8 a.m. each
Tuesday until 5 p.m. each Wednesday for employees who wish to volunteer to work daily overtime the
following week and/or 6th or 7th day overtime. If there are not enough qualified employees who volunteer as
provided in 13.3.1, then the least senior qualified employee in the classification within the Department shall be
required to work the scheduled overtime. Such employee will be given twenty five (25) hours advanced notice
from their start time of their normally scheduled days off or two (2) hours’ advanced notice of daily overtime.

13.3.2 The above shall not be construed to prevent an employee from working overtime to complete a
job assignment started during working hours.

13.4 The Company shall have the right to determine when overtime shall be worked and shall also have the
right to require the performance of such work. The notification for mandatory overtime shall be in accordance
with 13.3.1 of this Article.

13.5 All hours compensated will be considered hours worked. Sick time will not be included in calculating
the overtime premium. Sick time will be considered hours worked for purposes of Article 28 Pension Plan.


14.0 Report Time:

14.0.1 In the event an employee reports for work on his regular shift and no work is available, such
employee shall receive half (1/2) shift work or half (1/2) shift at the applicable rate provided he does not leave
sooner of his own accord. An employee required to work more than a half (1/2) shift in a day shall receive
either full shift work of a full shift’s pay at the applicable rate, provided he does not leave sooner of his own

14.0.2 The provisions of 14.0.1 above shall not apply if work is unavailable due to Acts of God or other
matters beyond the control of the Company such as breakdown of equipment, failure of utilities and material

14.1 Call-Back:

14.1.1 Call-back results when an employee is called back to work outside his normal working hours; it
is not applicable for time worked when it is continuous to the employee’s regular working hours.

14.1.2 An employee who has completed his regular shift and is called back to work after he has left the
Employer’s premises shall be paid the applicable overtime rate for all hours worked on recall prior to the
starting time of his next regular shift. Such employee shall be paid for not less than a half (1/2) shift, except
that should such employee be called back less than a half (1/2) shift prior to the beginning of his next regular
shift, he shall receive overtime pay for only those hours prior to the beginning of his next regular shift.

14.2 Early Start:

14.2.1 An early start is work that immediately precedes an employee’s regularly scheduled workday
and results when an employee has been previously notified to report in early.

14.2.2 Under such circumstances, the employee will receive the applicable rate of pay for the time
actually worked.


15.0 The Company agrees to comply with applicable Federal and State statutory leaves of absence, and
agrees that such leaves shall be administered in accordance with the terms of the applicable leave law,
including but not limited to Family Medical Leave, leave as an accommodation under the Americans with
Disabilities Act, Military Leave, Pregnancy Disability Leave, CFRA, Baby Bonding, Kincare Leave, leave for
industrial accident or illness, etc.

15.1 A leave of absence, not governed by federal and state law, shall be referred to as a personal leave of
absence and shall be administered as follows:

15.1.1 To be eligible for a personal leave of absence, employee must have completed twelve (12)
months continuous service probationary period in order to qualify for a leave of absence under these provisions.

15.1.2 The maximum duration of any type of personal leave of absence is one (1) year.

15.1.3 If a person, granted a personal leave of absence, is subsequently found to be working at another
job without documented Company knowledge, he/she may be terminated.

15.1.4 Permissible Reasons for Personal Leave:

A personal leave of absence for education, travel, compelling family problems personal illness when the
employee is not eligible for FMLA or CFRA, or other personal reasons may be given at the discretion of the
Company. If granted, the duration of such leaves will not exceed four (4) weeks for each year of service up to a
maximum of one year.

15.1.5 When an employee, who is not eligible for FMLA or CFRA, requests a leave for a personal
illness, a doctor’s statement must accompany the request for the leave of absence. This statement must state the
employee is unable to work due to illness or injury and state the approximate date the employee is expected to
return to work. If the employee is unable to return on the expected date, an extension may be granted with the
proper medical documentation, but in no event will such leave be extended beyond one (1) year.

15.1.6 The granting of a personal leave of absence in conjunction with vacation time off for an
employee is solely at the discretion of the Company.

15.1.7 An employee returning from an approved personal leave of absence will be reinstated to the job
classification his department only previously held unless it is not available due to:
a. The job classification having been abolished because of reorganization, or
b. A reduction in work force.
In such cases, the employee will be assigned to a position of like status and pay, provided that the employee can
perform the job in question and has sufficient seniority to exercise this right within the Seniority, Layoff,
Recall, Promotion and other related provisions of this Agreement.

15.1.8 Within the provisions above, the employee shall be reinstated to the former classification
without loss of accumulated seniority.


16.0 The Employer observes twelve (12) holidays during the calendar year as follows:

New Year’s Day Labor Day
Martin Luther King Day Day of Christmas Eve
Day after Super bowl Christmas Day
Memorial Day Day of New Year’s Eve
Independence Day Birthday**

**The employee will have the option to work on his birthday holiday and if so, will be paid an additional eight
(8) hours straight time pay at his then existent rate. The employee will also have the option to not work that day
and if so, will be paid eight (8) hours straight time at his current rate of pay. Employee must notify his
supervisor two weeks in advance as to which option he prefers. Any other provisions regarding holiday pay
shall not apply.
If a birthday falls on a Saturday, it will be taken on the preceding Friday. If it falls on Sunday, it will be taken
on the following Monday.

16.1 To qualify for holiday or birthday pay, an employee must be considered a regular employee and have
been employed with the Company for thirty (30) calendar days prior to the holiday. In addition, such employee
must work the majority of the last scheduled workday before and the majority of the workday after the holiday
(excluding birthday) to qualify for holiday pay, except for employees on vacation or who are fulfilling their
temporary military leave obligation or unless otherwise excused by the Company.

16.2 Any of the holidays mentioned above shall be rescheduled by the Company when the holiday occurs on
Saturday, Sunday or at other times where holidays occur on regularly scheduled days off. Employees will be
given at least one (1) week advance notice of a change in the holiday scheduled.

16.3 An employee will receive eight (8) hours pay at his effective rate of pay for a designated holiday not

16.4 Actual hours worked by an eligible employee on a designated holiday will be compensated at time and
one-half (1-1/2) his effective rate of pay in addition to the holiday pay mentioned above.

16.5 For purposes of computing overtime pay, holiday hours not worked will be counted as hours worked.
Such hours will also count toward completion of an employee’s vacation eligibility.
16.6 An employee who does not qualify for holiday pay but works on a holiday will be compensated at one
and one-half (1-1/2) times his effective rate of pay for all hours worked on such holiday.


17.0 A shift differential of thirty-five cents ($.35) per hour will be paid to a second (swing) shift employee.

17.1 A shift differential of fifteen cents ($.15) per hour will be paid to an employee assigned to a 6.5 hour
third (graveyard) shift. Such employee will receive an additional twenty-three percent (23%) adjustment as a
shift differential. The percentage figure will be applied to his effective rate of pay.

17.2 A shift differential of forty cents ($.40) per hour will be paid to a third (graveyard) shift employee
assigned to a regular eight (8) hour schedule.

17.3 In determining eligibility for shift differentials, the following will apply:

17.4 An employee will be considered on the day shift if the majority of his regularly scheduled hours fall
between 7:00 a.m.
and 3:30 p.m.

17.4.1 An employee will be considered on the second (swing) shift if the majority of his regularly
scheduled hours fall between 3:30 p.m. and 12:00 midnight.

17.4.2 An employee will be considered on the third (graveyard) shift if the majority of his regularly
scheduled hours fall between 12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m.


18.0 Three (3) days, eight (8) hours per day or total hours on the regularly assigned shift bereavement pay will
be granted an employee for members of his immediate family. In this context, immediate family includes only
the employee’s spouse, parent or stepparents, current spouse’s parent, the employee’s children, brother, sister,
stepchild, grandparents, spouse’s grandparents and grandchildren of other spouse.

18.1 Normally, payment will be made only for time off between the dates of death through the date of burial
unless the employee can reasonably establish extenuating circumstances for an exception within 30 days from
date of death.

18.2 The Company shall require satisfactory proof of death and the relationship of employee to the deceased.

18.3 Bereavement pay will be allowed only for regularly scheduled workdays.

18.4 If a death occurs in the immediate family while an employee is on vacation, he will not be paid
bereavement pay at that time. However, he will be allowed to take up to three (3) additional vacation days with
pay at a later date. Such additional days must be taken within the employee’s current vacation year.

18.5 Bereavement pay hours will be considered as time worked for purposes of computing the vacation
accrual or counted as hours worked in computing daily or weekly overtime.


19.0 Eligibility:
In order to qualify for vacation or sick leave benefits under the Article, an employee must be considered a
regular employee of the Company.

19.1 Vacation:

19.1.1 An employee will be qualified for paid vacation time after completion of the appropriate number
of years from anniversary date as indicated in the following table:

Completion of one (1) year (1760 hours) will be eligible for forty (40) hours vacation;
Completion of two (2) years (1760 hours) will be eligible for eighty (80) hours vacation;
Completion of seven (7) years (1760 hours) will be eligible for one hundred and twenty (120) hours
Completion of fifteen (15) years (1760 hours) will be eligible for one hundred and sixty (160) hours
Completion of twenty-two (22) years (1680 hours) will be eligible for two hundred (200) hours vacation;**

Completion of twenty-seven (27) years (1680 hours) will be eligible for two hundred and forty (240) hours

*Employees currently at five (5) weeks of vacation shall be grandfathered and will continue to receive five
(5) weeks of vacation, but shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) weeks per year.

Employees within one (1) year of earning five (5) weeks of vacation on September 1, 1992 shall also be
grandfathered with five (5) weeks on their appropriate anniversary date and shall be limited to a maximum
of five (5) weeks per year.
**Employees currently at six (6) weeks of vacation shall be grandfathered and will continue to receive six
(6) weeks of vacation per year.
Employees within one year of earning six (6) weeks’ vacation on September 1, 1992 shall be grandfathered
with six (6) weeks of vacation per year on their appropriate anniversary date.

All other employees shall be in the progression of current contract language, but shall be limited to a
maximum of four (4) weeks’ vacation per year.

To receive credit for a year of service, after the first anniversary date, an employee must accumulate one
thousand (1000) compensated hours prior to the next anniversary date.

19.1.2 “Year” is defined as twelve (12) consecutive calendar months following the anniversary date.

19.1.3 Compensation, such as, paid holidays, sick, vacation, jury duty and bereavement will be
considered as time worked. Vacation pay shall not exceed forty (40) hours per week.

19.1.4 Compensation for eligible vacation time will be paid in full on the regular payday in the week
containing the employee’s anniversary date. Vacation pay shall be based on the employee’s rate of pay on their
anniversary date.

19.1.5 For the purpose of computing overtime pay, vacation time not worked will be counted as hours

19.2 Pro Rata Vacation Pay:

19.2.1 The hours eligible for vacation pay after completion of one (1) year will be the ratio of
compensated hours in the year to total available compensated hours (Ref. Table 1) in the same year.
Uncompensated time is time off due to illness (unpaid), leave of absence, layoff, or other such reasons.
However, subject to the provisions of the Seniority Article, the employee will continue to accumulate seniority
during such time off from work.

19.2.2 An employee who returns to the active payroll from layoff or leave of absence status (other than
military) and is eligible to retain prior seniority under the provisions of the seniority or Leave of Absence
Article, will be eligible for vacation pay for the number of hours calculated under the provisions of Section
19.2.1 of this Article.

19.2.3 Pro rata vacations will be paid to employees terminated due to layoff, retirement, death, inability
to perform normal job duties due to illness or other physical limitations, who voluntarily quit his/her
employment and to employees granted a leave of absence to enter military service. The number of days will be
calculated by determining the ratio of total compensated time in the pro rata period to appropriate hours in
Table 1 and applying this ratio to the total available vacation hours had the full year been completed. The
amount paid will be calculated at the pay rate in effect at the time of termination or military leave.

19.2.4 An hourly employee transferred to the salaried payroll will receive pro rata vacation pay for that
portion of the year completed while on the hourly payroll. The calculation of the eligible time will be made in
accordance with Section 19.2.3 of this Article and will be made at the hourly rate in effect at the time of the

19.2.5 No pro rata vacation payments will be made to employees who are terminated during their
probationary period.

19.3 Policy - Vacation Time Off:

19.3.1 An employee is eligible for time off without pay in the year following the anniversary date. The
hours eligible for time off will be calculated in the same manner as that for vacation pay.

19.3.2 A maximum of one (1) week of vacation eligibility is available for one (1) day vacations; two of
these days can be taken as ½ days. Otherwise, vacation days should be scheduled in increments of not less than
one (1) week and shall be arranged at a time that will least interfere with production requirements. Approved
one-day vacations cannot be canceled by employee and must be scheduled two (2) weeks in advance. In so far
as practicable, an employee’s vacation time will be arranged to meet the employee’s request. Senior employees
will have preference in selecting vacation time off so long as they express their preference on a timely basis.
However, the final determination with respect to vacation scheduling shall be made by the Company, having
been given forty-five (45) days prior notice for said vacation, confirmation must be given by the Company no
less than thirty (30) days prior to vacation being taken or vacation shall be considered approved. Employee
taking pre-approved vacation time on a Friday or Monday shall not be forced to work on Saturday or Sunday.
19.3.3 When a holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, it will not be counted against his vacation
time off accrual.

19.3.4 Vacation time off cannot be accumulated from year to year and must be taken prior to the next
anniversary date, unless the employee is requested to delay his vacation due to production requirements.


20.0 To be eligible for jury duty pay, an employee must have completed one year of continuous employment
and must be considered a full-time employee of the Company.

20.1 Jury Duty Pay:

20.1.2 An employee called for jury duty service shall be compensated for the difference between the
amount received for jury duty (excluding jury mileage and subsistence allowances) and his effective rate of pay
up to a maximum of eight (8) hours for each day served.

20.1.3 If an employee is excused from jury duty on a scheduled workday, he shall immediately report
for work to complete the remaining hours of his scheduled work shift, unless excused by the Employer.

20.1.4 Eligible employees, who are selected for jury duty, shall be assigned to day shift Monday
through Friday, and such shift shall be limited to the day(s) of the jury duty involved.

20.2 General:

20.2.1 In no case will payment be made for jury duty performed on an employee’s scheduled days off.

20.2.2 Jury duty shall count as time worked when computing daily or weekly overtime or completion
of a vacation cycle.

20.2.3 Jury duty pay shall not exceed ten (10) days within a twelve (12) consecutive month period.

20.2.4 In order to receive jury duty pay, the employee must submit a statement signed by the clerk of
the court to the Company certifying the date(s) and time(s) on which the employee served and any amounts
paid to the employee by the court for such service.


Meal Periods
An employee shall be entitled to take an unpaid meal period of not less than thirty (30) minutes commencing
before the sixth (6th) hour of his shift. If an employee works less than six (6) hours, the meal period may be
waived by mutual consent of the Employer and employee.
An employee who works for a period of more than ten (10) hours in a day is entitled to take a second unpaid
meal period of not less than thirty (30) minutes; provided however, when the total hours worked do not exceed
twelve (12) hours, the second meal period may be waived by mutual consent of the Employer and the employee
as long as the first meal period was not waived.

Employees must clock out and clock in for the unpaid meal period. In addition to the thirty (30) minute meal
period, for the purpose of providing travel time to and from the break room, employees have a five (5) minute
grace period to return to their work station.

An employee must be relieved of all duty during the thirty (30) minute meal period. If an employee is not
relieved of all duty, the meal period shall be considered an “on duty” meal and shall be counted as time worked.

In the event, the Employer fails to provide an employee with a meal period in accordance with the provisions of
this Article, the Employer shall pay the employee one (1) hour of pay at the employee’s regular rate of
compensation for each workday that the meal period is not provided.

Meal periods must be provided by the Employer and cannot be voluntarily waived to allow an employee to
leave work early. Meal periods must be taken separately and cannot be combined with rest breaks.

Rest Breaks
The Employer shall authorize and permit employees to take rest periods, which shall be taken as near as
practicable in the middle of each work period. Employees are entitled to take a ten (10) minute rest period for
each four (4) hours, or major fraction thereof. Rest periods are paid time and shall be counted as hours worked.
In addition to the ten (10) minute rest period, for the purpose of providing travel time to and from the break
room, Employees will have a two (2) minute grace period to return to their work station. Rest periods shall not
be combined and must be taken separately.

If the Employer fails to provide an employee a rest period in accordance with the provisions of this Article, the
Employer shall pay the employee one (1) hour of pay at the employee’s regular rate of compensation for each
workday that the rest period is not provided.


22.0 Nothing in this Agreement is intended to limit the Company’s sole and exclusive right to manage the
business and direct it’s working force, including (by way of example and not by way of limitation) the right to:
Determine the products to be produced, fabricated, processed or manufactured; determine the methods, means
of production and equipment to be used, including the introduction of new or improved methods, processes and
facilities and changes in existing methods; the right to subcontract work; determine the hours of work, work
week and establish or change shifts or starting times, combine or eliminate jobs or job classifications; the right
to establish wage rates for new or changed job classifications; direct the work force in the hiring, selection,
classifying, transferring, assigning, training and determining the skill, ability and competence of its employees;
determine what constitutes efficient plant operations and standards of performance; determine the size of the
work force and the right to increase or reduce the same; determine the extent, means and manner by which its
plant will be operated, relocated, shutdown or abandoned; the right to terminate, merge, consolidate, sell or
otherwise transfer its business or facilities; to establish and require employees to observe reasonable plant rules
and regulations; to discipline, suspend or discharge employees for cause.

22.1 The rights, powers and authority referred to herein shall remain exclusively vested in the Company,
except as specifically restricted by this Agreement.


23.0 Non-bargaining unit employees shall not perform work on a job customarily performed by an employee
in the bargaining unit except that there shall be no restrictions upon the work performed by Supervisors or other
managerial personnel in the instruction and/or training of employees, trouble-shooting, development work of
new products, new or changed equipment or procedures, or in work performed in emergencies of affecting or
threatening to affect the safety of persons assist employees where the work is negligible in the amount and
where would be reasonable to assign to a bargaining unit employee.
23.1 Industrial Accidents:

23.1.1 An employee will be compensated for time lost from work on the day of an industrial injury up
to the maximum of his scheduled regular work hours provided that an attending industrial doctor determines
that the employee should remain off work for the balance of the shift.

23.1.2 Further compensation by the Company for time off from work to receive further medical
treatment required after the date of industrial injury or accident will be made only if the appointment cannot be
scheduled outside of the employee’s normal working hours.

23.2 Employees covered by this Agreement will be required to take a drug screening test and physical
examination. The following tests are required; Pre-employment testing, reasonable suspension testing, return to
duty testing, post-accident testing, and FAA certification requirements. When required, the Company will pay
the cost for all such examinations.

23.3 The parties recognize that the Company must compete in a highly competitive global economy and
commit to achieving the highest level of quality and productivity possible. Both parties recognize that ultimate
job security can only be realized in a work environment that creates operational effectiveness, continuous
improvement and competitiveness. This Agreement has been constructed to realize these objectives. Consistent
with the objectives set forth above, the Company and Union will work together to achieve advances,
improvements and significant changes in methods, materials and technology. The Company and the Union will
share information regarding significant developments, including purchases of major capital equipment.

23.4 The Company agrees to notify the Union Business Representative and Stewards when they decide to
move work or equipment between departments or any issue that may affect operations on a shift. At the request
of the Union, the parties shall meet to discuss any possible issues.

24.0 The Company agrees to maintain a bulletin board for the use of the Union for posting notices to official
Union business. Such notices will be submitted to a Company designated representative by a Union designated
representative before posting. The Union agrees that any notices which are posted will specifically relate to
Union meetings and other official Union business. Approval of such notices shall not be reasonably withheld
by the Company. Violation of this provision by any other type of posting shall be considered reasonable
grounds on the part of the Company for terminating the privilege extended to the Union under this Article.


25.0 The Company will not engage in any lockout of its employees in connection with a labor dispute during
the term of this Agreement.

25.1 The Union and all employees covered by this Agreement, agree individually and collectively not to
engage in any strike, slowdown, sit-down, work stoppage or other concerted interruption, interference,
curtailment or restriction with the business of the Company during the term of this Agreement.

25.2 In the event of the occurrence of any strike, slowdown or any unauthorized refusal to enter upon the
premises of the Company or to perform work hereunder, the Union shall immediately upon receiving notice
thereof, inform the employees that such action is not authorized by the Union and deliver to the Company a
letter advising that such action is not authorized by the Union. Further, the Union will exercise its best efforts
to bring about an immediate cessation of such strike or slowdown or refusal to enter upon the premises of the
Company or to perform work hereunder.

25.3 During the term of this Agreement, any employee who engages in any strike, slowdown or work
stoppage of any kind, or fails to abide by this Agreement may be discharged or suspended immediately.
Discharges or suspensions for violating the terms of this provision shall not be subject to the grievance or
arbitration procedures of this Agreement. However, an issue of fact as to whether or not an individual
employee or group of employees have engaged in, or encouraged, a violation of this Article, may be subject to
the grievance procedure, including arbitration.


26.0 The Employer and the Union do hereby ratify and confirm such “Agreement and Declaration” of a trust
providing for “Labor Alliance Managed Trust Fund Plan MS” and do hereby agree to do and perform each and
every act and thing as required thereof and provided therein. The company agrees to abide by the delinquency
requirements as outlined in the Labor Alliance Managed Trust Fund.

26.1 Effective October 1, 1996, the Employer will contribute premiums as required for each regular full-time
employee to the trust fund to provide Life Insurance, Medical, Hospital, Dental (D3), Vision and Prescription
Drug Benefits for such employees and their eligible dependents. (Refer to Article 28.) Effective December 1,
2003, the Health and Welfare Plan will change to Plan M10, Option II.

26.2 Maintenance of Benefits:

The trustees are authorized and directed to establish reserves under this program based on long-term actuarial
determinations and are further authorized and directed to invest such reserve funds with necessary professional
advice. If the trustees determine that the contributions with respect to the benefit plans must be increased to
maintain the level of benefits provided by each, the Company agrees to pay such increased contributions for
each regular employee. In addition, each regular employee shall contribute fourteen 14% of the total premium
per month to the company for medical benefits. This amount will be automatically deducted from their pay
weekly. Effective September 11, 2022 the amount will increase to 15%.

26.3 If an employee becomes ill or injured and is unable to work, upon notification by the employee to the
company and the Trust Fund plan, the Company will pay up to twelve (12) months of contributions for health
and welfare coverage.


28.0 The Company shall contribute to the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust Fund (WCTPTF)
on behalf of each employee of the bargaining unit. Payments into the Trust will be made for all compensated
hours for each employee on the payroll up to a maximum of 2080 hours per year as set forth below.

28.0.1 The contribution rate includes funding for the Program for Enhanced Early Retirement (“PEER
80”). The contribution to provide for PEER/80 will not be taken into consideration for benefit accrual purposes

under the Pension Plan. The additional contribution for PEER/80 must, at all times, be 16.5% of the basic
contribution and cannot be decreased or discontinued at any time.

Effective January 1, 2014, payments into the Trust will be made for all compensable hours up to 2080
per year for each employee on the payroll. Effective September 12, 2015 the hourly contribution shall
be $1.79 plus PEER.

• Effective September 12, 2022 the hourly contribution base rate will be $0.15 plus
• Effective September 12, 2023 the hourly contribution base rate will be $0.15 plus
• Effective September 12, 2024 the hourly contribution base rate will be $0.15 plus

28.0.2 For probationary employees hired on or after September 11, 2000 the Company will pay an
hourly contribution of $0.10 (including PEER/80) during the probationary period as defined in Article 8 Section
8.1.1, but in no case for a period longer than 60 working days from the employee’s first date of hire. Thereafter,
the contribution rate shall be increased to the full contractual rate. Contributions will be made on the same basis
as set forth above

28.1 Time compensated but not worked, such as holidays and vacation time, shall be considered as time

28.2 It is agreed that the Company’s contributions to the Trust Fund on behalf of the employees in the
bargaining unit, must qualify and conform, presently and in the future in all respects to Section 4040 of the
Internal Revenue Code.

28.3 The total amount due for each calendar month shall be remitted in a lump sum not later than the
twentieth (20th) day of the following month. The Company agrees to abide by such rules as may be established
by the trustees of said Trust Fund to facilitate the prompt and orderly collection of such amounts and the
accurate reporting and recording of such amounts paid on account of the employees. Failure to make payments
herein provided, within time specified, shall be a breach of this Agreement.

28.4 The Company’s liability under this plan shall be limited solely to the payment designated above and no
modification of this plan shall create any other liability to the Employer for a contribution in excess of the
amounts set forth in this Agreement. The employees may divert any part or all of their annual wage increase
into the Pension fund with reasonable notice to the Company and the Pension Trust Fund. Employees must
present to Local 952 a petition which the majority of the employees have signed in order to conduct a vote to
divert wages into the Pension Trust.


29.0 This Agreement shall become effective on September 12, 2021 and shall remain in full force and effect
until midnight, September 11, 2025. Thereafter, the terms of this Agreement shall continue from year to year
unless notice of intent to terminate or modify is given by one party in writing to the other by registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested, at least sixty (60) days prior to the termination date.


30.0 A list of all departments covered by this agreement are outlined in (Appendix A). Wage rates listed in
Appendix A and B are covered by this Agreement and made a part hereof of this reference.

30.1 The Company may establish new or change classifications during the term of this Agreement. In the
event new job classifications are established, the Employer will review them with the Union within ten (10)
days prior to making them effective. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, the Union may review such
action through the grievance procedure.

30.2 Progression increases will be given to employees covered by this Agreement in accordance with the
Wage Progression Schedule in appendices.

30.3 Lead Person/Shift Co-coordinator:

30.3.1 A lead person/Shift Co-coordinator is a working employee who, in addition to his normal duties,
has the responsibility of assigning work and instructing other employees in his group. He is not considered a
Supervisor, so he does not have the authority to hire, discipline or terminate employees. Lead persons/Shift Co-
coordinator remain subject to established Rules of Conduct applicable to all other bargaining unit employees.

30.3.2 The appointment of an employee to or from lead person/Shift Co-coordinator status is solely at
the discretion of the Company. Therefore, such openings are not subject to the Promotion Article of this
Agreement. In addition, layoff or recall from lead person/Shift Co-coordinator status are also solely at the
discretion of the Company. However, a lead person/Shift Coordinator will be subject to the normal seniority
provisions of this Agreement.

30.3.3 Upon being appointed to lead person status, the employee will receive a sixty cent ($.60) per
hour lead person bonus. Shift Co-coordinators shall receive a two-dollar ($2.00) per hour bonus above the
highest classification led.

30.3.4 If a lead worker position/Shift Co-coordinator is accepted by any employee, such employee will
move to the top of the A rate plus lead man bonus. If that employee leaves the lead worker position/Shift Co-
coordinator for any reason, he/she will move back to the position in the wage progression as if they had not
taken the position.


31.0 It is agreed and understood that the members of the Joint Labor Management Committee are mutually
desirous to effectuate a spirit of fair dealings between the Company and employee and to assist in stabilizing
conditions so as to retain the standard of the Company in high public repute and further to promote the general
welfare of GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems and its employees. The permanent members of the
committee shall be the representatives of the Local Union and the Company. The Committee Chairpersons
shall be the Local Union Business Representative and the Company’s Human Resources Manager.

It is agreed and understood that this Committee acts in an advisory capacity and does not have the authority to
change, modify or add to the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Committee shall meet on an as-needed
basis, but in no event less than every three (3) months.


The Employer recognizes the right of the Union to designate shop stewards and alternates. The Union shall
notify the Company in writing of the election or appointment of a Steward in advance of assuming those
duties. Shop stewards shall have no authority to take strike action or any other action interrupting the
Employer's business.

Upon the request of an employee a shop steward may attend any investigatory interview between the employer
and the employee that an employee reasonably believes may lead to discipline. If a steward is unavailable,
another available bargaining unit member may attend the meeting. Time spent in these meetings during the
shop steward's regular working hours shall be paid as time worked.
The shop steward shall be permitted reasonable time to investigate, present and process grievances, without
loss of time or pay during his regular working hours and without interruption of the Employer's operation by
calling group meetings. Such time spent in handling grievances during the shop steward's regular working
hours shall be considered working hours in computing daily and/or weekly overtime if within the regular
schedule of the shop steward.

When necessary, the Company will not deny a Union Steward time during working hours to ascertain the
seriousness of a grievance in progress involving disciplinary action, suspension or discharge. The Steward shall
first notify his Production Supervisor and report back after having taken care of the investigation in an
expeditious manner. If a Union Steward's presence is required in a meeting during his/her scheduled work time,
he/she will be compensated by the Company.

The shop steward shall be permitted reasonable time off, without pay, to attend Union meetings called by the
union. For general membership meetings, joint council meetings and conventions, the Employer shall be given
one (1) week prior notice by the Union.

For the purpose of carrying out the terms of this Agreement only, an authorized full-time representative of the
Union may, upon reasonable notice to the Company's Human Resources Executive (or designee), be permitted
to confer with a Steward or an aggrieved employee in a plant office designated by the Company. Such
discussions will be at reasonable times so as not to interfere in any way with the orderly operation of the plant.
Time spent in these meetings during an employee’s regular working hours shall be paid as time worked.


A. Entire Agreement. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement,
each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or
matter and that the understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right, and
opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. All prior agreements, conditions, practices, customs, usages, and
obligations are completely superseded and revoked insofar as any such prior agreement, condition, practice,
custom, usage or obligation might have given rise to any enforceable right. Therefore, the Employer and the
Union, for the life of this Agreement, each waive the right, and each agree that the other shall not be obligated
to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter unless otherwise required by law.

B. Separability. If any part of this Agreement is rendered or declared invalid by reason of any existing or
subsequently enacted legislation, government regulations or order, or decree of court, the invalidation of such
part of this Agreement shall not render invalid the remaining parts.

C. Amendment. This Agreement can be altered or amended only by written Agreement between the parties.

D. Successors and Assigns. Prior to the sale, consolidation, merger, assignment, or transfer of majority
control of the business, or any change of ownership of the business, the Company shall notify the purchaser,
assignee or transferee of the existence of this Agreement, and as soon as practicable, prior to the closing of the
transaction, the Company shall notify the Union.

The Company will encourage the purchaser, assignee, or transferee to offer employment to all bargaining unit
employees and to maintain the provisions of the current collective bargaining agreement.


Commencing on the date of hire, for the first 90 days of employment only, an employee will accrue 1.85 hours
of paid sick leave per week so the employee has 24 hours of paid sick leave on the ninetieth (90th) day of
employment, payable at the effective rate of pay, which may be used on, or after, the ninetieth (90th) day of
employment. Commencing on an employee’s first anniversary date, and thereafter, he will receive forty (40)
hours of paid sick leave, payable at the effective rate of pay.

As required by the Healthy Workplace, Healthy Family Act of 2014 (California Labor Code §§ 245-249
(2020), sick leave commences on the first (1st) day of each absence and must be paid no later than the payday
for the next regular payroll period after the sick leave is taken. In addition, the number of hours of regular sick
leave available for use by each employee shall be shown on the employee’s paystub for each pay period.

Sick leave may be used for the diagnosis, care, or treatment of an existing health condition or for preventive
care for an employee or an employee’s family member. An employee, who is a victim of domestic violence,
sexual assault, or stalking, may also use sick leave for reasons covered by state law.

Earned sick pay may be integrated with Workmen's Compensation or Unemployment Compensation Disability
Benefits when requested. It is the employee's responsibility to notify the HR department of their desire to
integrate sick pay and to provide necessary details. Failure to do so will not obligate the Company in any

Employees qualifying for FMLA shall have the option of using their paid sick leave. They must notify the HR
Department of their option as soon as possible.

Use of the five (5) available sick days shall not be counted as points on the attendance policy.


A. Progressive Discipline:

1. First offense; documented verbal warning

2. Second offense; written warning
3. Third offense; final written warning
4. Fourth offense; three (3) day suspension
5. Fifth offense; termination

B. Cause for Discharge or Suspension : The Employer may discipline or discharge an employee for just
cause. Just cause for discharge (or a lesser penalty if the Employer so chooses within its discretion) shall
include, but not be limited to the acts set forth in Employee Plant Rules of Conduct, Section 4.2:
Bringing explosives, firearms, and/or weapons of any kind on company property.

Possessing and/or using alcohol or other intoxicants or illegal behavior influencing drugs onto
company property (including parking lots). Reporting to work under the influence of the above
controlled substances. Refusing to submit to a medical examination at company expense, when
there is reasonable suspicion on the part of supervision or management that an employee is under
the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Falsifying any reports or records such as personnel, attendance, sickness, production records,
time/job cards or insurance claims of any kind.

Violation of Safety Rules and Regulations that endangers the employee’s life, health, and well-
being or that of another.

Sleeping while on duty.

Insubordinate conduct, refusal to follow a direct order by supervision or other management


Deliberately damaging company property including products, machines, equipment, etc. due to
deliberate actions of abuse or misuse. Theft from the company or other employees at the company.

Removing from the company premises, without prior proper written approval, company tools,
equipment, records, or other materials.

Punching the timecard/badge of another employee, having one’s timecard/badge punched by

another employee, or the alteration of time records.

Engaging in industrial sabotage or espionage.

Being absent from work for three (3) or more consecutive workdays without proper authorization.

Overstaying a Leave of Absence, holiday or vacation without management’s permission or without

offering a satisfactory explanation acceptable to the company.

Interfering with fellow employees or a management employee so as to hinder or prevent them

from fulfilling their responsibilities and job performance.

Falsely stating or making claims of injury, supplying the company with fraudulent medical
documents of any kind.

Leaving the company premises during working hours without management’s permission, except
for the meal period.

Unlawful or improper conduct off the plant premises outside of working hours which may
adversely affect the employee’s relation to his job, his fellow employees, his supervisors, or the
Company’s products, reputation or goodwill in the community.

Multiple disciplinary suspensions or a combination of a suspension and one or more reprimands

for violation of any of the company rules of conduct.

Engaging in and/or provoking or taking part in a fight on company property.

Theft from the company or from another employee of the company.

Gambling on company premises while on the clock.

Discharge or suspension must be by proper written notice to the employee and the Union within fifteen (15)
calendar days of knowledge of the occurrence giving rise to the discharge or suspension; provided however, if
additional time is needed to investigate an accident, the fifteen (15) calendar day period may be extended by
thirty (30) calendar days upon timely notification to the Union.

C. Time Limits: Time limits referenced in this article are mandatory. A time limit may only be extended by
mutual agreement of the parties, which shall be in writing and shall include the reason for, and the date of, the
extension. Any extension of time shall be agreed upon prior to expiration of the time limit.

D. Disciplinary Notices: A disciplinary notice shall not remain in effect for a period of more than twelve (12)
months from the date of occurrence giving rise to the disciplinary notice. For other offenses not listed in
Section B, an employee may not be discharged or suspended unless he has received progressive discipline for
such an offense within the last twelve (12) months, with a copy sent to the Union. To be considered valid,
disciplinary notices must be issued to the employee within fifteen (15) calendar days of knowledge of the
occurrence of the violation claimed by the Employer unless otherwise provided in this Article.

GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems General Truck Drivers, Office, Food & Warehouse
Union, Local 952, International Brotherhood of

Signature: __________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________

Print name: _________________________________ Print name: _______________________________________

Title: ______________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________


Acrylic*** Passenger Windows**** Transparency**

Inspection Maintenance* Shipping

JSF***** Thin Films Tooling*

* In each of these Departments, there are individual employees who are skilled in certain aspects of the work being performed in the

department. For example, in the Tool Development Department, there are individual employees who specialize in welding, plastic

tool building or machining. For this reason, employees in these departments will be subject to layoff from their particular skill area

(i.e., if the welding work load in the Tooling Department goes down to the extent that a layoff is required, the least senior welder will

be the employee laid off unless he is qualified to displace a less senior machinist or plastic tooling builder.)

** Machining, Cleanup, Forming, Cementing, Polycarbonate, Wrapping and CIP were merged into one department called

Transparency, effective September 1, 1992. Effective October 11, 2003, Dept 31 (Transparencies) and Dept 60 (Composites) were

combined into one department.

***Acrylic Department – Effective October 11, 2003, Dept 33 (Cell Cast), Dept 46 (Layout), Dept 49 (Stretch) and Dept 50 (Grind &

Polish) were combined into one department

****Passenger Window Department – Effective October 11, 2003, Dept 27 (Passenger Windows) and Dept 52 (PW ARC) were

combined into one department.

*****JSF Department -.


This will document the understanding between GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems Inc. (the Company) and Teamsters Local 952
(the Union) regarding the Joint Strike Fighter Department aka JSF #65:

1. Security clearances are required for employees who bid into a secure area as their primary bid job:

Vacuum Chamber Operator

Fabricator "A" - Coater

Additional bid jobs in the department may require a security clearance for secondary responsibilities in the secure area. In all cases,
jobs requiring a security clearance will be identified on the bid notice. Once a clearance is granted, they must maintain the clearance
to remain in the bid job.

2. Up to 40% of the department shall require a security clearance. This may increase depending on growth in production
requirements. The Company will notify the Union in writing then meet and confer with the Union if additional clearances are

3. If the population of cleared personnel in the department falls below that required to meet customer demand, the Company
and Union will meet to confer on retaining cleared personnel in the department until new cleared personnel are available.

4. Successful bidders must start clearance application within 10 workdays of acceptance of the bid award.

5. Security clearance application must be completed by the employee within 45 days from the date he receives access to apply. If
employee fails to complete the application within the 45 days, he will be denied the bid and returned to his previously held position
and department.

Note: If business requirements in the future support combining Department 65 and Department 31, the Company will meet and confer
with the Union to discuss the issue.


GKN Aerospace (the Company) and Teamsters Local 952 (Local 952 or the Union), collectively, the Parties,
agree as follows:

During Contract negotiations, the Parties discussed that some bargaining unit work, particularly some of the
“Section A” jobs set forth in Article 11 that have customarily been performed by members of the bargaining unit, are
currently being subcontracted due to a lack of trained staff.

Therefore, upon ratification of the contract, to ensure bargaining unit work is preserved and performed by
members of the bargaining unit, the Parties agree as follows:

The Company and the Union shall, within the first quarter of 2022, establish a committee of an equal number of
Company representatives and Union representatives, or designees, to review bargaining unit work and training
programs for skilled workers. The Committee will meet on an as needed basis with the goal of making initial
recommendations within the second quarter of 2022 and will continue to meet and to make recommendations
every six months thereafter through the term of the agreement;

The purpose of the training program is to restore to the bargaining unit work that has been subcontracted because
there are not sufficient trained, skilled employees to do the work;

The Company shall provide the necessary training, taking into consideration the recommendations of the
Committee, including apprenticeship programs through local colleges and on the job training to ensure that
sufficient bargaining unit members possess the necessary training and skills to perform bargaining unit work;

In the Tooling and Maintenance Departments, which do not have sufficient trained workers to perform bargaining
unit work, the Company shall continue to hire or train bargaining unit employees to perform work customarily
performed by members of the bargaining unit;

Upon request, the Company will provide information to the Union regarding training and bargaining unit work,
including but not limited to: the names of employees who received training; the type of training provided;
bargaining unit work subcontracted; the number of subcontractor employees performing the work; and the reason
for subcontracting.

The Union recognizes the Company has the contractual right to subcontract work. The parties agree the
Company does not have the unrestricted right to subcontract bargaining unit work.

Disputes regarding the provisions of this Letter of Understanding may be submitted to Article 5 Grievance and Article 6
Arbitration of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.


Acrylic Supply - Cell Casting (33)
Passenger Cabin Windows (27)
Passenger Cabin Windows Coatings (52)
Transparency (31) aka Plastics Transparencies
 Classification: Machine Operator
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $18.54 $19.14 $19.71 $20.40
2 month: $21.37 $22.07 $22.73 $23.52
4 month: $22.16 $22.88 $23.57 $24.39
8 month: $22.98 $23.72 $24.44 $25.29
12 month: $23.78 $24.56 $25.29 $26.18
16 month: $24.52 $25.32 $26.08 $26.99
20 month: $25.47 $26.30 $27.09 $28.04
24 month: $28.62 $29.55 $30.43 $31.50

Department: Cell Casting (33)

 Classification: Cell Cast Mix Operator
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $18.01 $18.59 $19.15 $19.82
8 month: $20.06 $20.71 $21.33 $22.08
12 month: $21.34 $22.04 $22.70 $23.49
16 month: $22.55 $23.29 $23.98 $24.82
20 month: $23.88 $24.65 $25.39 $26.28
24 month: $24.38 $25.18 $25.93 $26.84
28 month: $24.96 $25.78 $26.55 $27.48
32 month: $26.04 $26.89 $27.69 $28.66
36 month: $27.26 $28.15 $28.99 $30.01
40 month: $28.62 $29.55 $30.43 $31.50

Department: Tooling (35)

 Classification: Master Tool Development
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $30.70 $31.70 $32.65 $33.79
1 month: $35.28 $36.43 $37.52 $38.84
4 month: $36.32 $37.50 $38.62 $39.98
7 month: $37.57 $38.79 $39.96 $41.35
10 month: $39.52 $40.80 $42.02 $43.50

 Classification: Tool Development A
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $20.70 $21.37 $22.01 $22.78
8 month: $23.76 $24.54 $25.27 $26.16
12 month: $24.13 $24.91 $25.66 $26.56
16 month: $25.13 $25.95 $26.72 $27.66
20 month: $26.21 $27.06 $27.87 $28.85
24month: $27.25 $28.14 $28.98 $30.00
28 month: $28.27 $29.18 $30.06 $31.11
32 month: $29.31 $30.26 $31.17 $32.26
36 month: $30.23 $31.21 $32.15 $33.28
40 month: $31.23 $32.24 $33.21 $34.37
44 month: $32.21 $33.26 $34.25 $35.45
48 month: $34.14 $35.25 $36.31 $37.58

Department: Maintenance (36) aka Plant Engineering

 Classifications:
Electrician A
HVAC Mechanic
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $20.33 $20.99 $21.62 $22.37
2 month: $23.78 $24.56 $25.29 $26.18
4 month: $24.92 $25.73 $26.50 $27.43
8 month: $26.04 $26.89 $27.69 $28.66
12 month: $27.01 $27.89 $28.73 $29.73
16 month: $28.09 $29.00 $29.87 $30.92
20 month: $29.09 $30.04 $30.94 $32.02
24 month: $30.23 $31.21 $32.15 $33.28
28 month: $31.21 $32.22 $33.19 $34.35
32 month: $32.91 $33.98 $35.00 $36.23
36 month: $34.07 $35.18 $36.23 $37.50
40 month: $35.26 $36.41 $37.50 $38.81
44 month: $36.36 $37.54 $38.67 $40.02
48 month: $36.91 $38.11 $39.25 $40.62

 Classification: Electrician B
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $19.93 $20.58 $21.20 $21.94
8 month: $22.56 $23.30 $24.00 $24.84
12 month: $23.78 $24.56 $25.29 $26.18
16 month: $24.92 $25.73 $26.50 $27.43
20 month: $26.04 $26.89 $27.69 $28.66
24month: $27.01 $27.89 $28.73 $29.73
28 month: $28.09 $29.00 $29.87 $30.92
32 month: $29.09 $30.04 $30.94 $32.02
36 month: $30.23 $31.21 $32.15 $33.28
40 month: $31.23 $32.24 $33.21 $34.37
44 month: $32.21 $33.26 $34.25 $35.45
48 month: $34.14 $35.25 $36.31 $37.58

 Classification: General Maintenance Mechanic
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $19.93 $20.58 $21.20 $21.94
8 month: $22.56 $23.30 $24.00 $24.84
12 month: $23.78 $24.56 $25.29 $26.18
16 month: $24.92 $25.73 $26.50 $27.43
20 month: $26.04 $26.89 $27.69 $28.66
24 month: $27.01 $27.89 $28.73 $29.73
28 month: $28.09 $29.00 $29.87 $30.92
32 month: $29.09 $30.04 $30.94 $32.02
36 month: $30.23 $31.21 $32.15 $33.28
40 month: $31.23 $32.24 $33.21 $34.37
44 month: $32.21 $33.26 $34.25 $35.45
48 month: $34.14 $35.25 $36.31 $37.58

Department: Acrylic Supply – Layout Inspection (46a)

2021 2022 2023 2024
 Classification: ***Material Selector:
Minimum Rate $18.54 $19.14 $19.71 $20.40
6 month: $21.34 $22.04 $22.70 $23.49
10 month: $22.55 $23.29 $23.98 $24.82
14 month: $23.87 $24.64 $25.38 $26.27
18 month: $24.38 $25.18 $25.93 $26.84
22 month: $24.97 $25.79 $26.56 $27.49
26 month: $26.05 $26.90 $27.70 $28.67
30 month: $27.26 $28.15 $28.99 $30.01
34 month: $28.62 $29.55 $30.43 $31.50

Department: Inspection (44)

 Classification: General Inspector
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $18.54 $19.14 $19.71 $20.40
6 month; $21.34 $22.04 $22.70 $23.49
10 month: $22.55 $23.29 $23.98 $24.82
14 month: $23.87 $24.64 $25.38 $26.27
18 month: $24.38 $25.18 $25.93 $26.84
22 month: $24.97 $25.79 $26.56 $27.49
26 month: $26.05 $26.90 $27.70 $28.67
30 month: $27.26 $28.15 $28.99 $30.01
34 month: $28.62 $29.55 $30.43 $31.50

 Classification: DMIR Inspector
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $19.93 $20.58 $21.20 $21.94
6 month: $22.28 $23.01 $23.70 $24.53
10 month: $22.74 $23.48 $24.18 $25.03
14 month: $24.26 $25.05 $25.80 $26.70
18 month: $25.73 $26.57 $27.36 $28.32
22 month: $27.24 $28.13 $28.97 $29.98
26 month: $28.75 $29.69 $30.58 $31.65
30 month: $30.23 $31.21 $32.15 $33.28
34 month: $31.54 $32.56 $33.54 $34.71
38 month: $32.11 $33.15 $34.14 $35.34

Thin Films (51)
JSF (65) aka Joint Strike Fighter Department & F-35
 Classification: Thin Films Vacuum Chamber Operator
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $19.93 $20.58 $21.20 $21.94
6 month: $22.27 $23.00 $23.69 $24.52
10 month: $22.80 $23.54 $24.25 $25.10
14 month: $24.26 $25.05 $25.80 $26.70
18 month: $25.73 $26.57 $27.36 $28.32
22 month: $27.24 $28.13 $28.97 $29.98
26 month: $28.73 $29.67 $30.56 $31.62
30 month: $30.21 $31.19 $32.13 $33.25
34 month: $31.23 $32.24 $33.21 $34.37
38 month: $32.22 $33.27 $34.26 $35.46
42 month: $34.14 $35.25 $36.31 $37.58

Transparency (31) aka Plastic Transparencies;
Thin Films (51); JSF (65)
 Classification: Pressure Vessel Operator
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $18.54 $19.14 $19.71 $20.40
6 month: $21.34 $22.04 $22.70 $23.49
10 month: $22.55 $23.29 $23.98 $24.82
14 month: $23.87 $24.64 $25.38 $26.27
18 month: $24.38 $25.18 $25.93 $26.84
22 month: $24.97 $25.79 $26.56 $27.49
26 month: $26.05 $26.90 $27.70 $28.67
30 month: $27.26 $28.15 $28.99 $30.01
34 month: $28.62 $29.55 $30.43 $31.50

All Departments
Shift Coordinator- Top Rate Plus $2.00
Lead Person- Top Rate Plus $0.60
All general wage increases will be effective the first Monday after September 11 for each year of the


Acrylic Supply - Cell Casting (33), Stretch (49), Grind & Polish (50)
Thin films (51)
JSF (65)
Passenger Cabin Windows (27)
Transparency/Plastic Transparencies (31)
Passenger Cabin Windows Coating (52)
 Classification: Production Fab Operator A
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $18.01 $18.59 $19.15 $19.82
4 month: $18.89 $19.50 $20.09 $20.79
8 month: $20.06 $20.71 $21.33 $22.08
12 month: $21.34 $22.04 $22.70 $23.49
16 month: $22.55 $23.29 $23.98 $24.82
20 month: $23.88 $24.65 $25.39 $26.28
24 month: $24.38 $25.18 $25.93 $26.84
28 month: $24.96 $25.78 $26.55 $27.48
32 month: $27.26 $28.15 $28.99 $30.01

Department: Maintenance (36) aka Plant Engineering

 Classification: Utility Worker A
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $16.76 $17.30 $17.82 $18.44
4 month: $18.90 $19.51 $20.10 $20.80
8 month: $20.11 $20.76 $21.39 $22.14
12 month: $24.96 $25.78 $26.55 $27.48

Department: Utility Worker/Material Handler(46b)

 Classification: Utility
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $17.37 $17.93 $18.47 $19.12
4 month: $18.90 $19.51 $20.10 $20.80
8 month: $20.06 $20.71 $21.33 $22.08
12 month: $26.04 $26.89 $27.69 $28.66

Department: Shipping (37)

 Classification: Shipping Clerk
2021 2022 2023 2024
Minimum Rate $18.01 $18.59 $19.15 $19.82
8 month: $20.06 $20.71 $21.33 $22.08
12 month: $21.34 $22.04 $22.70 $23.49
16 month: $22.55 $23.29 $23.98 $24.82
20 month: $23.88 $24.65 $25.39 $26.28
24 month: $27.26 $28.15 $28.99 $30.01
All general wage increases will be effective the first Monday after September 11 in each year of the contract.


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