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Grammar and Vocabulary Pre-intermediate to intermediate Malcolm Mann Steve Taylore-Knowles Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 SPP. ‘A civision of Macmillan Publishers Limited ‘Companies and representatives throughout the world Grammar and Vocabulary Preintermeciate to intermediate ISBN Student's Book: 978-0-230-71649.0 Grammar and Vocabulary Preintermediate to intermediate ISBN Teacher's Edition: 978-0-230-716506 ‘© Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles 2007 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007 First published in 2007 This edition 2008 Glossary definitions and examples from Macmillan Essential Dictionary, text © Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2003, All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. Original design by Georgia Liberopoulou Page make-up by Andrey Nikulin Cover designed by Eleni Fine and Valery Kozlov The publishers would lke to thank Lee Coveney, Nina Derham, Ruth Jimack, Tatyana Arkhipova, Olga Dmitrieva, Elena Dolskaya, Marina Druchina, Rouzanna Manassyan, Nadezhda Nezhurina, Anna Petrenkova, Maya Tsiperson, Evelina Tumanova, Alla Wwedenskaya, Lyubov Yeliseeva. Note to teachers Photocopies may be made, for classroom use, of pages 217-230 without the prior writen permission of Macmillan Publishers Limited. However, please note that the copyright law, which does ‘not normally permit multiple copying of published material, applies to the rest of this book Printed and bound in Great Britain by Scotprint 2012 2011 2010 2009 1098765432 | A TET TEA Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 SPP. ‘A civision of Macmillan Publishers Limited ‘Companies and representatives throughout the world Grammar and Vocabulary Preintermeciate to intermediate ISBN Student's Book: 978-0-230-71649.0 Grammar and Vocabulary Preintermediate to intermediate ISBN Teacher's Edition: 978-0-230-716506 ‘© Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles 2007 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007 First published in 2007 This edition 2008 Glossary definitions and examples from Macmillan Essential Dictionary, text © Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2003, All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. Original design by Georgia Liberopoulou Page make-up by Andrey Nikulin Cover designed by Eleni Fine and Valery Kozlov The publishers would lke to thank Lee Coveney, Nina Derham, Ruth Jimack, Tatyana Arkhipova, Olga Dmitrieva, Elena Dolskaya, Marina Druchina, Rouzanna Manassyan, Nadezhda Nezhurina, Anna Petrenkova, Maya Tsiperson, Evelina Tumanova, Alla Wwedenskaya, Lyubov Yeliseeva. Note to teachers Photocopies may be made, for classroom use, of pages 217-230 without the prior writen permission of Macmillan Publishers Limited. However, please note that the copyright law, which does ‘not normally permit multiple copying of published material, applies to the rest of this book Printed and bound in Great Britain by Scotprint 2012 2011 2010 2009 1098765432 | A TET TEA TNL Cy ‘Yue6Hoe nocoGve ‘Grammar and Vocabulary: Pre-intermediate to intermediate’ npeaiasHaveno Arn scex, KTO ‘O¥eT YoosepUleHCTBOBaTS CBOM sHaHMA 8 OGNACTH rpaMMATHKA M NeKCHKM COBpeMeNHOrO AHTnMIICKOrO ASLIKA. Ockostan saqava noco6a COcTOWT 8 TON, HTOGH NOMOYS YAULNNCR nonrOTOBITECR K cAaYe 2KGaNeHOR NO aNTAMICKOMY RabiKy 8 9 Knacce cpenveli oGqeoGpasosarensHoi komm. flanHoe nocoGue c yerexOM MOMeT ObsTe NCTOMSSOBaHO KaK HavANeHAtA 3TaN NOAroTOBKH K cave BUINYCKHOrO 3KaMeHa B 1 Knacce 8 bopNate EquHoro rocynapcrseHoro 3xsaMeKa (E13), a Take pam noAroTOBKN x cqave 2K3amMeHOB NO aNMAKIICKOMY ASBIKY Ha yposeHb B1 (Threshold) O6weeaponciicKor cucrenm oyenka BnanenuA HHOCTpaNHLIM ABLKOM (HanpuMep, KeNODHAKCKOrO aKzaNeHa Preliminary English Test (PET). Crpykrypa Kuurn ana yuawjeroca Kira exniovaer 8 cen 42 ypoxa m crpyktypHo nonpasnensercs Ha 14 Gnoxos. Kamau 6nOK COCTONT M9 ABY Fpanwarwvecknx pa3AeNO8, OAHOTO NeKCHYECKOFO H ORHOTO pasmena Ha NosTOpeHMe. BCe TPM paanena oAHOTO Sroka oGveiNenls TeMaTHYeckH, TO OGecneyMBdeT NpOCTOTy M NerKOcT® yCBoeHMA rpaNMaTHYeCKOrO wnexcavecxoro marepyana, Tpammaruueckme pasnenbi Thanmarmveckwe pasnensi HaNKNalorca c TeoperHNecKo WacTH, 8 KOTOpOM B NpocTOH M AOCTYNHOH HopNe OGeacunlotea rpanmarnveckie aBneHne. HaNGonee CnoxkHHE MOMEHTH BbiAeneHH! 8 pyBpMKe “Watch out”. B pyGpnxe ‘Helpful hints’ aaorca noneskwe cosets: no npaekam ynotpeGnenna Way¥aensix rpannarHwecki rpyxryp. Mpakraveckaa vacte tpammariveckoro pasnena BxmovaeT 8 ce6n pasHooSpasee no Gopme H CROHOCTH anahitn 8 bopmarax EF n Bl, Hanpasneneie Ha nosTanvoe 3aKpenaekwe npoAAeHHoro MaTepHana.. JleKcnveckne pasnentt Tlexcnveckne pagent skniovaior & ce6a ace THnks Sagan, cooTBeTCTayInM\He TpeGOBAHKAM ET3 M 9K3aMeHA hayposens 81. Kaxauil yok HaunHaetcn c BBemenis eKcHveckoro Marepnana: neKcHYeCKHe enMHMULI NO HayaeMO‘ TesATHKe, pasonbie marons, ycrortsnBsie npEMMOKHe CO¥eTAHNA, CNOBOOBPAzOBaHHe M peYesHe OBpAdUI. Jlexciveckwe ynpaxnenmn pasnisHof creneHh cnoxocTa OGecneNnsaioT nosTanHyio orpaBorky Mm ZaxKpenneHne atepwana 6noxa. Mosropenne n 3akpennenme npoligenuoro marepuana Oco6ice skumaHine 8 nocoBN yenserca nosTOpeHio M 3aKpenneHl NpoiineHHoro MarepHana. Moco6ve sxmouaer 8 ce6: © épaanenos Ha nosropenne npofigennoro mareprana (nocie KaxAoro Tperser0 ypoxa); © cons npomenyrountix Tecros Ha 3aKpennenue npoligenHoro Marepwana (nocne KaXAOTO WeCTOFO ypOKa), pencrannenibnx 6 Knure nna ysurenn: * ga Tecra Ha nposepwy creneHn ycsoeHia npofigenHoro marepnana (nocne ypoKos 21 u 42). Aononkurentuwie marepuanst Aononnurencivie cnpasoynwe atepnans, pasmeuieHiie 8 KoHYe KANT Aas awerocR: * cnpasownt narepnan no o6pas0sahio ope Hacronuero speMeNn praia riaronos; * ccox HanGonee wacro ynorpeSnaeMbix WenpaBiinsixx maronos; * cCnHCOK aKTHBHOM neKCHKM no KaKAOKY GnoKY ¢ NepesOnOM Ha PYCCKKA A3bIK M NPHNEpANH ee ynorpeGnenia, asarsinn v3 Macmillan Essential Dictionary; * cciteox ippasostix maronos c oBtacHeHnamH 3Ha¥eHHit W npHMepaNH Hx ynoTpeGNeMHs 8 pesM; © cnitcok ycroriuneiix npennonnitix coveTanni c npHmepaMH Hx ynoTpeGneNKA B pes: * enpasountie marepnants no co¥eTaeMocTa cnoB; ‘enpasounse marepwanss no cnosoo6paz0BaHHio. a are Units Pages Unit 1 Grammar Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs 6 Unit 2 Grammar Past simple, past continuous, usedto ir 9 Unit3 Vocabulary Fun and games _ i 2 Review 1 Units 1, 2 and 3 Le ae 16 Unit 4 Gramm Present perfect simple, present perfect continuous 18 Unit Grammar __Past perfect simple, past perfect continuous i a1 Unit 6 Vocabulary arning - Lae soon Review 2 Units 4, 5 and 6 ies Unit7 Grammar " Future time (present continuous, wil, be going to, present simple) 30. Unit 8 Grammar "Prepositions of time and place ia srs laid Unit 9 Vocabulary Coming and going (ih 36 Review 3 Units 7, 8 and 9 ae tae Unit 10 Grammar The passive 1 oe 42 Unit 11 Grammar The passive 2 Rivonia es Unit 12 Vocabulary _ Friends and relations f 48 Review4 Units10,11and12 00 a 52 Unit 13 Grammar —__ Countable and uncountable nouns 54 Unit 14 Grammar Articles 87 Unit 15 Vocabulary Buying and selling 60 Review 5 Units 13, 14 and 15 ee if i 64 Unit 16 Grammar Pronouns and possessive determiner: - 6 Unit 17 Grammar __Relative clauses fan Beukes wacacies 6 Unit 18 Vocabulary Inventions and discoveries a rR Review 6 Units 16, 17 and 18 e owe Unit 19 Grammar Modals 1: abiity, permission, advice eas 78 Unit 20 Grammar Modals 2: obligation, probabilty, possibilty saan 8 Unit 21 Vocabulary Sending andreceving = 4 Review 7 Units 19, 20 and 21 fs ines arco Units 1 - 21 i)0) Unit 22 Grammar Modals 3: the modal perfect 94 Unit 23 Grammar Questions, question tags, indirect questions 97 Unit 24 Vocabulary People and daily life cee ee ~ 100 Units Review Units 22, 23 and 24 104 Pages | Unit25 Grammar So and such, too and enough — 106 Unit 26 Grammar —_—_Comparatives and superlatives q 109 Unit 27 Vocabulary Working and earning = 112 6 ee = Bi Review 9 Units 25, 26 and 27 zs ts 116 ad Unit 28 Grammar ra Conditionals 1: (zero, first, second) 2 oe 118 18 Unit29 Grammar Conditionals 2: (third) © 121 ee Unit 30. ws Vocabulary Body and lifestyle 124 8 Review 10 Units 28, 29 and 30 128 [i Unit 31 Grammar _ Reported speech 130 30 Unit32_ Grammar Reported questions, orders, requests aoe eae 133 733, Unit 33 Vocabulary Creating and building io 136 3g | Review Units 31, 32and33 0 a 140 fe Unit34 = Grammar a Direct and indirect objects =e 142 42 Unit 35 Grammar —__wish ge hwlamasl vee P46 Bas Unit 36 Vocabulary Nature and the universe 148 ag | Review 12 Units 34, 35 and 36 152 Unit37 Grammar “ng and infinitive 154 Unit38 Grammar Both, either, neither, so, nor ieee let Unit 39 Vocabulary Laughing and crying : 160 Review 13 Units 37, 38and 39 ines 164 Unit 40 Grammar Grammar The causative 169 Connectives 166 Vocabulary 14 Units 40, 41 Topic vocabulary 184 Phrasal verbs 202 Prepositional phrases : Word patterns cio206 Word formation re © Present simple _)- Grammar Present ple, present continuous, stative verbs. Hacroaujee npoctoe, Hacroauee qnMTenbHoe, raronbl COCTOAHKA Yrsepawrensiaa cbopma Orpayarensuas cbopma Bonpocurenbuan copma Vyou/we/they play ... Vyou/we/they do not (don't) play Do |/you/we/they play ...? He/she/{t plays ... He/she/it does not (doesn’t) play .. Does he/she/it play | Fatt rena 3 ynorpe6naetcr ana onucanun: ‘osrepnouicnneicraW nacronue Sancta ILD Soy 0 rr OSS Does Dan work atthe cinema? Tike the new James Bond fm. You play chess with 32 pieces: Poe Tne cyan ‘yee, nui, cocronnnh ‘oBuenaBecTHNNX aOR Marsha goes to dance lessons every Saturday. Cnpmxenite maronos to be to have npuseneno wa c. 182. resent continuous Yreepanrensuan opma | am ('m) playing ... He/she/it is ('s) playing Present continuous ymorpeGnaerca Ana onvcanna: isin eNa Jan is watching 2 DVD upstairs. ‘elie, nponcxonaun owen pew ‘Aeicron, nponexonAMnr 8 Texehe ‘rpanniennoro nepHona apeneni ‘oTpaTensHax 2¥OuN __oxpanneennoro nepnona apenen until the end of the month, _| ‘My brother is always borrowing: (pasapaneins, Boanyuenis wm.) ‘uso co.croaon always @ Stative verbs)——— ‘Stative verbs ~ 210 rnarons,, Kovopiie onviceisaioT Oxpmuarenbian cbopua J am not ('m not) playing ... He/she/it is not (isn’t / 's not) playing ... | Youwe/they are (re) playing... You/we/hey ae not (aren't /’re not) playin Mpumepot: ‘She fe working at the museum tnt the end of the month. ‘my CDs without asking! Han6onee pacnpocrpavennbie rmaronti cocTonH Present simple oGusHo ynorpebnaerca Cc Bupaxennanin: © every Monday/week/ete ‘= each Monday/week/etc ‘= once/twice a week/month/etc « three times a week/month/etc cc Hapesnamn: = always © usually » often + sometimes « rarely » never | ak npaaino, 3TH Hapewna craBsrca nepeg embicnosbim maronom, Ho noce rnarona to be. « [often play football with my friends. = | am often late for my piano lessons. era] Bonpocuenbian bopma Am | playing Js he/she/it playing...” Are you/we/they playing nis Present continuous 060 ynorpeGnaerca c: + now » right now » at the moment * today « this weekymonth/etc Gysctea, wbienm, cocroakua. Kak npaswno, 21h appear include see Taronsi ue ynorpeOnsorcs 60 BpeNeNax TPYAINE be know seem icontiauetss believe lke taste / Ilike reading books in my free time. belong to love think i i hate need understand have prefer want Tnaronu to be, to have, to think moryr ucronbsosaTecn 80 epeMeHax rpynnts continuous 8 TON ‘caysae, ecni OK onlcuIBaioT aeficrane KaK npouecc. 7 What do you think about his new song? (MHeNme) ¥ I'm thinking about last night's match. (paawsunenve) Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs Unit 1 A] Mocuorpure na kaprunin, cocrassre m HanmuinTe npeproweHun 0 TOM, “To OGtINHO Aenaer Xenen. Wcnonbayiire coorsercrayiowne cbopmbi rnaronos 8 present simple. 1 very. day, Helen. gets up.at half pas seven. 2 every EES once a week / watch a film post seven 3 4 5 6 Jn the evening / usually / have a driving lesson / ‘meat her friends for coflee twice a week B] Packpoiire cxo6xn, nocrasue rnaronbi B present continuous. Hexoroptie npennoxenua MoryT 6uirs orpuuarenbabiMn. 1 Gordon? | think he ..... ... (write) a letter at the moment. 2. Yes, the match is on TV now, but we... TEE 2e: (asa), 3 Right now, Margaret ..(have) a shower. Do you want to ring later? 4 Sally. (stay) with her aunt for a few days. 51. . (lie It’s true! | did see Madonna at the supermarket. 6 Josh... conn (alWays / use) my bike! I's so annoying. We as (have) lunch, but | can come round and help you later. 8 .. (you / play) music up there? It’s really noisy! LC] Mepennuure ssinenennbie acu npeanoxenna npasnnsio. Are top musicians studying for many years? What's going on? | hope you don't touch my things! It’s a small business, so each person is doing lots of diferent jobs. Does Christine listen to the radio, or is that the TV | can hear? lam usually buying a special ticket each week forthe bus because its cheaper. Our washing machine is starting when you press this button. .... How's the match going? Does our team win? : Many people are enjoying spending time on the beach on holiday. PUM ROY Unit 1 Grommar D] Ossequre npasuneuesit sapmanr orsera. | work / am working at the local library for the summer. We don't go / aren't going to the theatre very often. Stacy gets / is getting ready for school, so she can't come to the phone. Does Gary ever talk / Is Gary ever talking about his expedition to the Amazon jungle? In squash, you hit / are hitting a ball against a wall. lread / am reading a newspaper at least once a week. Do you practise / Are you practising the piano for two hours every day? Nadine and Claire do / are doing quite well at school at the moment. A good friend knows / is knowing when you're upset about something. 10 How do you spell / are you spelling your name? woVvanrwne E]) 3anonnure nponycku, nocrasms rnaronbi 8 present simple unu present continuous. Hexoropbie npennoxenia moryr 6biT> orpuyaTenbHbinin. 1 InMonopoly, you... : around the board, buying houses and hotels. 2 emma: YOU soninnnnnnnen this programme or can | tum the TV off? 3 Regular exerCiSE eennnrmnven you to stay healthy. AE easier we My brother's guitar until | get a new one. Bi Simon always ‘the washing-up after lunch? 6 you any sweaters in a larger size? 7 You commun the kite right. Let me show you. 8B Dad won to the local astronomy club. LF] Hatiqure necare omméox u wenpassre mx. Ine game | am loving is backgammon.You are throwing the dice and then you move your |, pieces around the board. It is seeming quite easy, but in fact you are needing to be quite careful. When your piece lands on one of the other person's pieces, you are taking it off the board and you send it back to the beginning. You are winning by getting all your pieces to the end and off the board. Some people are preferring chess, but | am not understanding that game. Right now, | wait to have a game with my brother. He does his homework. | usually win,so I think he doesn’t want to play a game with me!” Grammar Past simple, past continuous, used to Npowequiee npoctoe, npoweawiee anuTensHoe, used to 2S Past simple Yrsepanrenbian cbopma Vyou/ne/she/it/we/hey played . Past simple ynorpe6aaerca ana onucanna: JaKOWVeNHO ATICTON nosropmownxca aeAcTsHm & npownom a6 wenasecritn Gatcoa v npownow riocnenosarensntn ReicTewi © npownow Orpnuarensian opma Vyou/ne/she/it/we/they did not (didn't) play... Apumepsi: I saw the new James Bond fm yesterday. {went to the theatre four tines last month Fifty years ago, people didn’t spend as} much on entertaiment as they do today. ‘Josh pushed the door open and looked inside the room. Bonpocurensiiaa cpopma Did /you/he/she/it/we/they play ...? Past simple o6usH0 ynorpe6naerca c: '* yesterday + last week/summer/year/etc + in January/2001/etc ‘= an hour/a week/a year ago @Past continuous Ynotpe6naerca ana onucanun: ‘peficni, noropue npowcxoaMsn 8 onpeaenennit owexT Wn epvOon Bpenenm & npownoM ‘ORWoBpeMeNHO NPOWEXOARUINR ReRCTENT 8 npow.non. “Bona coBurwiw paccxazax Vreepamrenbiaadopma Otpauarensitan cbopma \ne/she/it was playing ... Vhe/she/t was not (wasn't) playing ... You/we/they were playing ... Mpumepbt: At nine o'clock lastnight, | was watching TV. Twas reading a book while you were doing the washing-up. Tt was raining so Wendy decided to go to the cinema. Bonpocurenbitan gopma Was I/he/she/it playing? You/we/they were not (weren't) playing... Were you/we/they playing? mia Past continuous o6u14H0 ynorpe6naerca c: » at that moment + at one/two/etc o'clock |» while + Past simple u past continuous acto wcnonbaylorca sMecTe, KOrAa HYPKHO NOKaSaTE, TO OHO Aeiicrene nponcxomiT 80 spena apyroro aelicrana. 7 The phone rang while | was watching a DVD. + Past continuous ¥e wcnonbsyerca Ana onvicakna perynapHo NOBTOpAIOUINXCA AeliCTBKi 8 NPOWNOM, x 3 used to used to + wnbmiurne Vreepgntentian bopma ——-Orpauarenbuan bopma Bonpocurensiaa copma Yycwhe/shewe fey Vyow'ne/she/t/ue/they never used to... Did /you/he/she/it/we/they used to... use to...? Vyou/ne/she/it/we/they didn't use to Used to ynorpe6naerca ana onucanua: _Npnuep: Perynspno nosropsiowyxca Reicraui e npownon When {was four, | used to eat ice cream every day. 10 Unit 2. Grammar A 3anonuure nponyckn B npegnoxeHuax, nocrasne rnaronbi 8 past simple. Hexoropbie npeqmomenua MoryT 6biTb oTpMuare Mi. [come » give * go * have » know * make » send » take 1 | got to the post office just before it closed and ... 2 We invited Stephanie to the party, but she 3 Jack lost his job because he % sme tOO Marly mistakes. 4 Everyone sommes that it was Bill's fault, but nobody said anything, 5 Karen... ‘the keys from the kitchen table and ran out the door. 6 Iwas bored, so Mum me some money to go shopping. 7 Do you remember the time we .--» to India on holiday? 8 It started raining, but luckily 1 elt an umbrella in my bag Mlocmorpure Ha KapTHHKM M 3aKOH4MTe npeAMODKeHUA, HcnONbayA COOTBeTCTByIOW\NE opui rnaronos e past simple. last week yesterday 1 I don't want to go and see the film because Jsa.ttJast week. 2 | don't need a football because 3 | know a lot about Paris because mai 4 | don't need to worry about my homework because ... 5 Ihaven't got a PlayStation any more because 6 Mum is angry with me because Packpoitre cko6xu, nocrasms raronbi past continuous. 1 Ted ae (play) his guitar at half past seven. 2 Atmidnight, | (sleep), but Jane..... . .» (listen) to music. 3 Luke (stand) outside the bank when suddenly two robbers ran past him. 4 VkMOW DOUR enn .»» (work) late at the office because | saw him when ! (leave). i you (have) a shower when the earthquake happened? 6 Penny (run) to catch the bus when she slipped and fell. 7 When you saw Eugene he (go) home? 8 At midnight? Erm ... we (watch) a DVD, | think, Past simple, past continuous, wedto Unit 2 D) dssequre npasnnssnid sapuanr orsera. When we were in Canada, we went / were going skiing almost every day. ‘About four years ago, | decided / was deciding to become a chef, Georgia had / was having a shower when someone knocked at the door. Holly and Iran from the house to the taxi because it rained / was raining heavily, Two men argued / were arguing outside, so | went to see what was happening. Daniel called / was calling you at one o'clock yesterday, but you were here with me. We ate / were eating breakfast when a letter came through the letter box. ‘As I walked past the window, | saw that Paula made / was making a cake. dreamt / was dreaming about my favourite band when the alarm clock went off. 10 While | practised / was practising the trumpet late last night, a neighbour came to complain. woVranswene HE} Sancawnre nponycx, nocrauus raaronui past simple un past continous, e * continue ring * say answer have * open = practise + put sing * wake Amber’s Big Match — e One morning, Amber (1) . up early. The sun (2) and the DiS (3) sennneninninnnennnsan « Amber (4) very excited because it was the day of the big tennis match. ‘Amber (5) downstairs and into the kitchen, where her father (6) =< breakfast. ‘Morning, Amber. Today's the day! he (7) ‘Amber smiled nervously. ‘Don't worry! he (8) “You'll be fine.” ‘Amber (9) : ‘some toast into the toaster and (10) the fridge. Just as she (11) the butter out, the phone (12) Her father (13) sms it, After a few minutes, he put the phone down, ‘Bad news, I'm afraid. The other player (14) .sn:mon . yesterday when she had an accident. The match is off.’ ‘Amber ate her toast slowly. She was surprised she didn't feel disappointed, EF] 3anoanure nponyckn, ucnoneaya used to 8 coorsercrayiomen ope. 1 When | was younger, | ‘ eat pizza almost every day! 2 there be a supermarket on the comer? 3. Bradley is a teacher, but he want to be a train driver. al like eating cabbage, but now | love it! 5 Rick have blond hair when he was a litle boy? 6 VKNOW Lily .ssnsmnnnnsnnnnnn COOK Much, but now | think she makes dinner every day. Mi 12 @Ia Fun and games Vocabulary nepeaog w punepu ynorpeGnenina nos w Bupanenil mpMacent: Hac. 184 organise () pleasure (n) referee (n) rym (n) risk (v, n) score (ym) ‘support (v, n) team (n) train (v) video game (n ph) beat (v) ‘concert (n) board game (n ph) defeat (v,n) captain (n) entertaining (adi) challenge (v, n) folk music (n phn) champion (n) ‘group (n) cheat (v) gym (n) classical music (n phr) have fun (v phr) club (a) interest (v,n) coach (n} member (n) competition (n) ‘opponent (n) ig carry on eat out give up join in send off take up turn down turn up continue eat at a restaurant stop doing sth you do regularly participate, take part make a player leave a game (eg, football) start (a hobby, sport, etc) lower the volume of increase the volume of ‘© Word formation for along time for fun inthe middle (of) in time (for) ‘on CD/DVD/video on stage act action, inactive, actor hhero heroic, heroine athlete athletic, athletics ‘music musical, musician child children, childhood play player, playful collect collection, collector sail sailing, sailor entertain entertainment sing sang, sung, song, singer, singing ‘adjectives bored with verbs feel lke crazy about listen to ood at ‘take part in al interested in | nouns a book (by sb) about keen on | a fan of Popular with | a game against Fun and games Unit Topic vocabulary A] Pewmre xpocceopa. Mo ropwsovranu: 1 Ifhe wins this match, he'll be the world 1(8) 4. I'm thinking of joining a . to get more exercise. (3) 5 Our basketball ‘said that | can play on Saturday! (5) . ee 8 The blew his whistle and the game started. (7) 9 Which team do you 27) 11 Mark's band play traditional ii music — they often perform at country fairs and festivals. (4) To septukanu: 2 tm sorry, but you have to be a of the golf club to play here. (6) a 3 My was a brilliant player and | didn’t manage to win the match. (8) 6 Tom is really good at cards. He would never 15) 7 Lisa's has just reached number one with their new song! (5) 10 | took a big by doing the parachute jump, but | loved every second of it (4) B] Mpeospasyirre cnosa, aannsie 8 panne, Tak, ¥roGbi OM rpaMaTHHecKH M NeKcH¥ECKH coorsercraonann conepxanwo TexcTa. 3anonHnTe nponyckH STAMM cnoBaMn, beat challenge » have fun interest rganise * score ° train | Start your ow, sports club! | ewelldreamn of (1) the winning goal in a football match, orl2} atop tennis player? Spor {3} most young people, and it’s a great way to stay healthy and (4) at the same time. That's why the local council has decided to help young people who want to (5) their own sports club. We know it’s @ big 6) and that’s why we'll give you the money you need to get started. We'll help you find a place to (7) and give you money to find good players in your area. Contact the Town Hall for details, SG) Ossequre npasunbisii sapwans orsera. 1 really lke playing board / video games like Monopoly and Cluedo. 2 Roy was the best player, so he wasn't surprised when he became captain / club of the team. 3 Lots of people get defeat / pleasure from just watching sport from their armchairs 4 | thought the music at the concert / rhythm we went to last night was great. 5 Everyone in my family supports the same competition / team. 6 | find classical / entertaining music really boring, and | prefer pop. ki 4 Unit 3 Vocabutary Phrasal verbs DB] Bs :pure npaBMAbHBIA BapMaHT oTBeTa, 1 You should take ... a sport and then you would get more exercise. Aoft Bup C down 2 Tim trying to work! Could you please turn your music . a? A down Bin Cout 3. Just ask and fm sure the other children will let you join Aout Bup Cin 4 The referee sent David ...oronn fOr arguing with him, A off B down Cup 5. This is my favourite song! Turn it ! Aoff Bout Cup 6 Amobile phone rang, but the musician just CatFI2d nnn Playing Aon Bup Cin 7 We can't afford to eat very often, Aff Bup C out 8 ve decided to become a vegetarian and give . meat. Aup Boff C out Prepositional phrases E] Bnuwure nponywentoe cnoso. 1 We were waiting outside the stadium .....0n.mu» 2 long time before they finally let us in. 2 Ive got that concert DVD - it's fantastic! 3 Iran all the way home and I was just .» time for my favourite programme. 4 Everyone clapped when the singer came vom Stage. 5 At the cinema, Mum sat on the right, Dad sat on the left and I sat the middle. 6 Ed doesn't want to become a professional footballer. He just d0@S it sa. FUN. Word formation _F] 3anonture nponycks, usmenue abiqenennte cnosa tam, rae sto HeoGxonuo. 1 What's the name of that 0.0mm you were singing earlier? SING 2 | started to learn the piano, but | don't think I've got much a talent, to be honest. MUSIC 3 My dad used to be really fit and was on his college team, ATHLETE 4 When you were young, did you ever play in the street with other local ? CHILD 5 Alan is studying to be an ee , but | don't think he’s enjoying it. ACT 6 They have a wondertul..... vnsee Of Old toys at the museum in town. COLLECT 7 My grandad l0veS 0 jon comm and We often go out on his boat. SAIL 8 You have to practise a lot if you want to Work 8S & vsnennma Music Funand games Unit 3 G] 3anonnure nponycku, npeoSpasya sbiqenenibie cnopa Tak, “ToGbI OnM rpauMaruuecien W neKcH¥eckn CooTBercrsoBann conepxKaHio TeKcTa, B The need to play Why are kittens such (1) reared animals? They love chasing a PLAY ball or a piece of wool, and they always play in a Very (2) .n.nn.mnnn ATHLETE way. But why? All of a kitten’s (3) -..cnnsnsne when playing are, in ACT fact, important for the future. It might look like (4).... vonree o DUE ENTERTAIN ‘the kitten is practising its hunting skills. That (5) jump HERO onto a toy teaches the kitten a lot. Think about your own n(6).. el CHILD and you'll see that you learnt a lot through play. Word patterns JH] Banwnre nponywentioe cnoso. Diana: Hello, is that Jenny? tm bored (1) o Watching TV and | fet (2) veosnsnnsnnnn & Chat. What are you doing? Jenny: Hi, Diana, Well, 'm reading a book (3) . a Russian writer. I's (4) how to become a great actor. Diana: Really? Oh, I'm really interested (5) acting. Tell me about it. Jenny: He says it takes a long time to get good (6) w-» acting. To become POPUIAE (7) snnnnnnnnns the public, you need to really understand people. Diana: That sounds just like me! Tell me more. What else does he say? Wenpasbre own6kn, sameHus BbiqenenHbie cnoza. 1 Im completely crazy with skateboarding! | love it! 2 In my free time | listen on music on CD or on the radio, 3 Elsa isn't very keen for this group, but they're one of my favourites. 4 Next week we've got a game to a team from Hungary. 5 Is that Kylie? Oh, I'm a really big fan from hers. 6 | was really scared when | took part to the singing competition last year. 16 A] 32nonnire nponycin, npeoSpasys abiaenenisie cnoea TaK, sT06ts on rpamMaTH¥ectin M neKcH4eckM CooTBeTCTBOBANM ConepIKaHM TKCTa. Collecting records These days, most of us have a CD (1) nnn Before the CD, COLLECT (2)... : vw» Made LPs, or ‘ong-playing’ records. Although many SING @) have never seen an LP, they were once very popular. CHILD To play these records, you needed a record (4) Soe awitha: | PLAY needle that ran along the record and produced the sound. Some (5) e .. Say the sound of LPs was better than CDs — and music many (6) .. agree! LPs are no longer very popular as a COLLECT PORTION) aeesere eer , but many people buy and sell them. Some ENTERTAIN. | of them remember the LP from their (8) .. and listening to. CHILD records reminds them of the past. (no 1 Ganay 3a xannnsii npasuabnsiit orser) B] 3anonnwre nponycks, nenonsayn nannsie rnaronsi » coorsercreyiowe GopHe, Ogun rnaron moxer mcronbsonarbca aBaxnbl. cary © eat * give + join > send > take 9. Now, everyone knows this song, so I want you all to z vo in with met 10 I's so noisy in this restaurant. Could you ask them to ree the music down? LL There was a fight during the match and the referee .....unsnmnnnninnn WO Players off. 12 We... : ‘out about once a week and we cook at home the rest ofthe time, 13 Hove this SOM! .uunsnnsonienenonannne it UPL 14 used to play the trumpet, but | .-p last year because | didr't have time. 15 We stopped playing because of the rain, but when it stopped we ee 16 A good way of getting more exercise is to _-» up a sport, ike basketball, (no 1 anny 2a xan npapuaeusil oreer) Aononsure Kaxgoe sTopoe npeanomeHne TaKHM O6paz0M, 4TOGBI no cMbICAY OHO CoBnajano Cneppbim npeqnoxennem. Mcnonbayiire oF AByx 0 NATH CoB, BKmIOUaA BbijeneHHOe cnoBO. 17 Jack really likes football and never misses a match. crazy MOK isdn -onemnnn fOOtball and never misses a match. 18 My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty. was My unele ..... ae vo Until he was thirty. 19 Do you want to watch TV? feel Do yous ee w 20 John participated in a swimming competition last week. part John = . in a swimming competition last week. 21 June and | had a game of tennis. against Thad w June, 22 played chess almost every day when | was young. used j 1 : 23 Volleyball doesn't really interest me, in Imnot ...... 24, eee myself at your bray party. fun , 25 ae children ke Disneyland, popular Disneyland : 26 Karen doesr't like etching sport on TV. Keen Karen ie Brats sccurere 27. When you rang, |. my bike. ‘Acleaned C used to clean B was cleaning D clean 28 At my last basketball club, we ... : every Saturday for three hours. Avwere training C train 7 B training D used to train 29 Veal on nonnns the meal we had at your house last Tuesday. Awas liking C like Biked Dam tking 30 We... ..to the beach every day when ‘we were on holiday. Awent Cgo Buwere going Dused to going LE] Coennnure ase sacri npennonensa. 35 | waited outside the tennis club for 36 When you rang, | was in 37 We finally got to the stadium just in 38 | just play football for 39 | loved that film and when it comes out AD Its great to appear on volleyball 31 32 33 chess almost every day when | was young. +. t your birthday party. young children. watching sport on TV. (no 2 Ganna sa wanqbii npasnnsnbil oreer) | broke my leg when Tony and I... for the school sports day. A practised C were practising Bused to practise Dare practising Leon never about it, but he was ‘once a world champion skier. Atalks C was talking Bis talking D talk ' sus like golf, but now I really like it, ‘Adon't use to C didn’t used to B don't used to D didn't use to Denise vw at the stadium until she finds a better job. Aworks Cused to work Bis working. D was working (no 1 Ganny sa kancauii npasnneueil orser) A fun, and | don't want to do it as a job. B stage, with all the audience clapping, C time to see the match start: D a long time, but George didn't appear. E on DVD, Il definitely get it. F the middle of cleaning my football boots. (no 1 Ganny 3a karat npasunsueii oreer) Wroroseii Gann: Grammar Present perfect simple, present perfect continuous Hacronujee copepuieHHoe npoctoe, HacTosujee COBepUIeHHOe ANKTENBHOE penis a ees (@ Present perfect simple) ——— have/has + IIT dbopma cmbicnogoro rnarona: Vrnepanrensian dbopna Orpmyarenbran bopma Bonpocurensian cbopma ‘Yyou/ne/they have ('ve) learnt ... /you/we/they have not (haven't) learnt ... Have /you/we/they learnt ...? He/she/it has ('s) learnt... __He/she/tt has not (hasn't) learnt Has he/she/it learnt ...? Present perfectsimple ——_‘Tpamepwi a —_—_— ynorpetnnerca ana Present perfect simple o6usvo ynorpe6nsercac: onmcanun: for She's taught German here for over five years. pesynoaraaerarn Theyve al done ther | » since Mr Gray has taught French here since 2006. Ss ‘We've just done this exercise. aefcrenkxoropun sone Two aeaiyreadiat |, aready Weve already done ths exercise. eae « yet We haven't checked the answers yet. “AeNcTANA WAM COCTORHHA, ‘irs Jenkins has been | * ever Have you ever had guitar lessons? oropuevovanesetpousex the head teacher "| «never Ive never understood why they give us so ‘ponomocr wractonusi forthe years. | ‘much homework ones «i's the W's the first time we've watched a video in first tme class Present perfect simple we ynotpe6naercs, ecan TONHO ykas2Ho BpeMA cosepwlenun neficrBHA. B raxix cnyanx ynovpeSnercs past simple. 1 did my homework last night. « Present perfect simple ucnonvayetca 8 ToM cayae, Kora BaKeH PesynbTar, a He BpeMA CoBepWEHHA aelicren ‘lve finished! Can | go home now? «+ Crpmxenne HenpaswnbHsix rnaronos npwseReHo Ha c. 182. © Present perfect continuous a have/has + been + -ing | Yreepanrensian dopma Orpnuarensian hopma Bonpocurensian opma Vyou/we/they have ('ve) ‘Yyou/we/they have not (haven't) Have /you/we/they been been studying ... been studying studying ..? He/she/t has'’s) been studying ... e/she/it has not{hasn't)been studying ..Has he/she/it been studying ...! Present perfect continuous Nipnmepss: yorpeGanerca ann onicanis: Present perfect continuous o6u4H0 ynorpe6nrerca c: reicrani,xoropnenesarnes We've been doing grammar | * for Ive been learning English for over three years. ‘inpouron wmporonxaercs® exercises for over an hour. | » since He's been learning Chinese since 2004. nario pan rahe ee ee row! |» just ve just been reading the school newspaper. they've been working 50 hard. Present perfect simple nonepxnaaer pesynirar AelicratA. Y She's written an article forthe school newspaper. (oka 3aKoHHna cTaTbt0) « Present perfect continuous nopepxibaer nponomantensHoCre ReACTEMA, a He ero pesynsrar. 7 She's been writing an article for the schoo! newspaper. (owa Havana craTbio, Ho ewe He saKonsina ee) A] Present periect simple, present perfect continuous Unit 4 Packpoitre cko6Kn, nocrasws rnaronbi B present perfect simple. 1 (see) this film already. John and Julie a ve (Rad) their car for about a year. Sheet merci (not / take) her driving test yet. Sue (be) a tour guide since she left university. 3 (you / ride) into town on your new bike yet? This new computer .. (make) my life a lot easier. We {not / decide) what to get Mark for his birthday yet. (Paul / ever / meet) a famous person? oy ansene BuGepwre npasninbnil sapuanr orsera. 1 cesonnsnm ROvEr played this game before. 5 It's the first time cur flat, inti? ive BI Ayouive visited B you visited 2 Adam .. his room last night san the baby a name yet. Ahas tidied B tidied given —_B didn't give 3 here since 2005? 7 exmnsen 19 New York when you went to AlHave youlived —B Did you ve 1 States last summer? Ee AK Did 4 Cafol and | to the cinema three So aue nights ago. ace an email before? Ahave been B went Have you ever sent 6 Did you ever send Mocmorpure Ha kaprinxy u cocrasbre npejnoxenua e present perfect simple. 1 lesson / not / start / yet 2 teacher / already / write / on the board 3 Joe and Tim / just / come / into the classroom 4 Tony / not / finished / getting /books ready 6 Dave / drop / pen / on the floor 5 Christine / already / open / book 7 he / not / pick it up / yet 19 20 Unit 4 Grammar D] Packpofire cxo6un, nocrasue rnaronss 8 present perfect continuous. Menonsayiire COKPaueHHbIe opMmbt rnaronos Tam, rAe 2TO BOIMOKHO, Mandy: Hi Matt. How are you? What (2)... Matt: Oh, hi Mandy! Well, (2).. you / do) recently? (1/ study) for my exams. Mandy: That sounds boring! (3) (you / work) hard? Matt: Very! Basically, (4)... f cum (L/ just / sit) at my desk in my bedroom for the past three weeks and (5)... cn (1 / not / go) out at all. lee (17 work) with Michael, my best friend, some of the time, ‘though, so at least I've had some company. How about you? Mandy: Well, my MUM and (7) snr (17 paint) my bedroom for the last few days. That has been fun! And (8). Matt: Great! Where are you going? Mandy: Well, we haven't decided yet. (9) to see which we like best Matt: I'm sure you'll have a great time, wherever you go. Oh, by the way, (10) -». (L7 think) of having a party when [finish my exams. Would. you like to come? Mandy: Sure! That would be great! .». (We / also / plan) our summer holiday. (We / look) at different places E] o6senure npasuasnsii sapuanr orsera. 1 I think 've heard / been hearing that song before, 2 They haver't arrived / been arriving yet, but they should be here soon. 3 Youve written / been writing that email for over an hour. How long is it going to take you? 4 Have you talked / been talking on the phone since eight o'clock? 5 Johas already invited / been inviting Shirley to dinner. 6 Ive read / been reading an interview with Brad Pitt, but | haven't finished it yet. 7 Have the boys played / been playing computer games since this morning? F } 3anonunre nponyckn cnosamn, qaHHbinn B pamne. for » just since » yet 1 I haver't listened to their new CD vw IS it any good? 2 We've been waiting fOr YOU sims ‘over an hour. Where have you been? 3 Have you .» been to the UK before? 4 I'm afraid we've made plans for this weekend, so we won't be free. 5. Pedro has been having English leSSONS w....0..min he was five years old. 6 Its strange that you mention the film Crash. Ive been reading about it in the paper. TONG on heard of a ‘sudoku’. What is it? Grammar Past perfect simple, past perfect continuous Npowenwee conepuresioe npocroe, npowequiee cosepuentioe annTensHoe @ Past perfect simple) hhad + 111 bopma cmticnozoro rarona ‘YVreepanrensiian tbopma Orpnuarensiian hopma Bonpocurensian bopma Vyoushe/she/l/we/ney had ('d) Yyou/he/she/it/e/they had not (hadn't) Had /you/he/she/it/we/they Past perfect simple Monmepu ynorpeGaneren ann Post perfect simple o6u1sno ynorpe6nserca c: ‘ncn: «by 1 finished my homework by eight Zehcroni wa coon, Pd finished my Homework o'clock. evopueseronwanes 30 afew minutes before the | « by the te By the me I got to class, the lesson npenerenioro vonenre _(esson started had started. tink apyror getcroen Hrs Cross had been 2 aa seehrtamyyars | * fee The acerca ovr Cea tae after Heft after Fd finished the test. aatnaeae We ea + just Simon had just finished the test nen Toropecsammumcces welders our the bel ran, ‘npenenemeny vonerry homework. © when eft when J finished the test. npounom : YnorpeGnenne past simple unu past perfect simple woner uamennts cusicn npegnonenna. ¥ The lesson started wiven | arrived. (a npruin, @ sarem wavanca ypox) The lesson had started when | arrived. (ypox wavanca, a norow A npiuien) * TIT opma Henpasuinsiuix maronos npwsegena ua c. 182, (© Past perfect continuous ———— had + been + -ing Yreepanrensian ipopua Orpnuatensiian bopma Bonpocurenbiaa opma Yyou/ne/sheAt/wefthey had (4) /you/he/she/it/ue/they had not (hadn't) Had |you/he/she/itAve/Ahey been writing . _ been writing .. been writing ...? Postperfectcontinuous —_pwmeput: Helpful hints synorpe6naerca nna Past perfect continuous o6ssno ynorpeGanerca c: cement = for Tony had been studying for hours, elicreni, xoropue We'd been doing grammar ‘so he had a headache. ‘anes onpeaenenoro exercises for over an hou, 80| » since She'd been hoping to win the Honekrasngounow W we were really bored competition since the summer. enter They had a break because | «before We'd been taking about the Torey muoswenannice yd been working so hard Internet before the lesson started. © all day/hight/etc Id been studying all day. » Past perfect simple o6tuswo noavepknsaer peayavrar nelicraun. + She'd written the article before she phoned the ector. (oNa savonura crarsio) « Past perfect continuous noaepkneaer antTensHocTs gelictsu, a He ero peayabrar. ¥ She'd been writing the article for an hour before she phoned the editor. (ova Wavana nucarb CTatbIO, HO elle He 3aKoHUNIna ee) au 22 Unit 5 Grammar Al Packpoitre cxo6ki, nocraame rnarone By the time | arrived, everyone Steve Tina igus Andrea to tell her she would be late. wn ‘The car broke dowm just after | didn't eat anything at the party because Noos past perfect simple. . (leave)! {already / see) the film, so he didn’t come with us to the cinema ... (not / finish) doing the housework by seven o'clock, so she called (you / just / speak) to Billy when | rang? (we / set off). (I / already / eat) at home. .» (you / hear) about the accident before you saw it on TV? Ms ppyx sapuatrros (A nan B) ebiGepure npenmomenna, chHOHUMHUNDIE npeATONENKAM 1-7. 1. We'd had dinner when Wendy arrived. ‘A. Wendy arrived and then we had dinner. B We had dinner and then Wendy arrived. 2 read the book after Pd seen the film. A. | saw the film and then | read the book B | read the book and then I saw the film. 3. By the time Dad came home, I'd gone to bed. A. went to bed before Dad came home. B I went to bed after Dad came home. 4. She didn't go to bed until her mum had come home. ‘A She went to bed and then her mum came home. B Her mum came home and then she went to bed. 5. Mr Banks hadn't arrived at the office by the time | got there. A. Larrived before Mr Banks. B Mr Banks arrived before me. 6 They'd bought the, Hae tickets before they heard about the cheaper flight. A They bought the plane tickets and later they heard about the cheaper flight. B They heard about the cheaper flight and then they bought the plane tickets. 7. The girls had tidied the house when the Visitors arrived. A The visitors arrived and later the girls tidied the house. B The girls tidied the house and then the visitors arrived. C] Cocrassre npeanowennn, ncnonbsya rnaronbi 6 past simple past perfect simple. 1 we /just /hear / the news / when / you / ring 2 |/ already / think of / that / before / you / suggest / it 3 when /1/ turn on / the TV / the programme / already / start 4 she / be / hungry / because / she / not / eat / anything / all day 5, by the time / | leave / school /1 / decide / to become / a musician Past perfect simple, past peroct continuous Unit § D] Mocmorpure Ha kaprunkn. 3aKonuure npeanomeHna, nocrasns rnaronti e past perfect continuous. BuiGepure npasnnbusiit eapaHT orsera, 1 td only ‘the washingup for a few minutes when Clare came home, so she offered to finish it. Adone B been doing 2 Had you already .uenunonnune JAMES his birthday present when we gave him ours? Agiven B been giving 3 Gail hadn't me that she would helo me, so | wasn't angry when she didn't. Atold B been teling FF] merere npannninveerpounstanow (/) Een crpore ects muta cxose, 1. She was tired because ..... ._ (run. 2 They were hot because (dance). 3 The garden was flooded because (it / rain / all night). 4. Did they crash because ee (drive / too fast’? 5 When | arrived, ieeeccoaheng (they / wait / for over half an hour). When | got there, ees . (they / not / wait / long) 4 Mum had .. swew her cup of tea for several minutes before she realised it had salt init Adrunk B been drinking 5 Weld... ready all day when they called to say the party had been cancelled, Agot B been getting 6 It was a fantastic experience because I'd never ina plane before. Aflown B been flying innuinre ero. = tas This morning my exam results finally had came. I'd been expecting them for the last week. | knew I'd been done quite well, but | was still nervous as | had opened the envelope. Before I'd had a chance to look at them, my sister ran up and pulled them out of my hand! She had read them out one by one. ‘English A, maths A, biology A, French A ...' This was the news I'd been waiting for. I'd got As in every subject ~ even geography, which I hadn't been making sure about! When Mum and Dad heard the news, they immediately started been shouting with joy. By the time I'd had breakfast, Mum had already called Grandma and Grandpa and had yet told the neighbours! 23 24 rrepesoa « npnnepui ynorpeSneKia cnos x supanenni npneementi Ha ¢ 185 achieve (v) brain clever (adi) concentrate (v) ‘consider (v) course (n) degree (n} ‘experience (vn) ‘expert (n, adj) fail v) guess (v, n) hesitate (v) instruction (n) make progress (v phr) ‘make sure (v phr) mark (vn) ‘mental (adi) ass (v) ‘qualfication (n) remind (V) report in) revise (v) search (vn) skil (9) smart (ad) subject (n) take an exam (v ph) talented (ad) ‘cross out draw allne through sth written by heart ’ look up try to find information in a book, etc | for instance point out tell sb important information in conclusion read out say sth out loud which you are reading in fact rip up tear into pieces in favour (of rub out remove with a rubber in general turn over turn sth so the other side is towards you m write down _ write information on a piece of paper d form oa begin began, begun, beginner, beginning | instruct instruction, instructor brave bravery memory memorise, memorial correct correction, incorrect refer reference divide division silent silence, silently educate education simple simply, simplicity eT capable of help (sb) with | talented at know about verbs cheat atin learn about | confuse sth with succeed in I continue with ‘nouns an opinion aboul/ot ‘cope with a question about Leaning ond doing Unit 6 Topic vocabulary A] 3anonuure nponycin, wcnonsaya npasuniyi opmy cnos H abipameHuil, AAHHEIX A pamKe. achieve + fail pass | 1 We had our English exam this morning, | hope I've a 2 Pete couldn't answer any questions, so he thinks he has : 3. Our teacher said that we've all allot this year. degree * experience + instruction | 4 Ie left you a list of .. os on the kitchen table. Make sure you follow them! 5 Meeting Brad Pitt was an amazing ! 6 My sister left Warwick University after she got her . course * qualification * skill 7 Being able to use a computer is a very useful 8 Im thinking of going on @ computer 9 You can only apply for this job if you've got a. make progress » make sure ° take an exam ] .. in website design. 10 You've all ee ALO an vw this year. Well done! LL Lalways get nervous before | - ee 21 that I'd answered all the questions and then | handed in my test paper. B] o6sequre npasnnsssiit napuanr orsera. 1 I search / wonder how difficult the maths test tomorrow will be. 2 It’s nearly the end of term / mark, so it will be the holidays soon! 3 Could you revise / remind me to take this book back to the library? 4 Carl is a computer brain / expert. Why don't you ask him to fix your computer? 5 Rosalind is a really smart / talented musician, but she doesn't practise enough. 6 Rebecca is really clever / mental. She always knows the answer! 7 Iwasr't sure of the answer so | guessed / hesitated and | was right! 8 Have you ever concentrated / considered becoming a professional singer? 9 After every experiment in chemistry, we have to write a subject / report on what happened. 25 Unit 6 Vocabutary C]] Pewnre xpoccsopa, Orsersi ~ cnova, phigeneHHbie xupHbim wipucbrom & ynpaxHeHnH B. Mo ropusomrann: ; 2 Iwant you to... Unit 6 at the weekend because Fe 4 Another word for ‘clever’ 15 \.u.o.mmnn!s (5) r Sey 6 What's your favourite... at school? (7) 8 The other students were talking and laughing but et JAMIE renee OF is Work. (12) Mo sepruxann: F 1 Ifyou can do maths problems in your head, then you're good at . arithmetic. (6) a — [got 2 nse OF nineteen out of twenty in the test. (4) have to for that book because I've no idea where itis. (6) Kelly didn’t know what to say so she before she answered. (9) Everyone uses thei ...ononmne When they think. (5) Nore | Phrasal verbs >) Bnuwsre no onkomy cnosy 8 Kapil nponycK. ” ae, 24th June We had) our English exson oday Uf nas a disaster! We all sal there nervously, waikng lor Mes Jennings fo say ne could start Finally, she told as to tarm our extm papers (8) wou, THEN ‘she read (2) the mstructons to make sure we att understood We kad to ante three essays in tuo hours! We weren't attowed {0 look (3) any words in the dichomary, and sve nid {0 watle in pen Thad meand ae couldn't rab anyliing (4) it we made 4 mistibe. We eae) fo cross tf (S) ovamannnnn WEY OF fast AP (6) renee the athole piece of paper and star again. So, | read turough the Uiree questions very carefully and ough abeud wat was 4oing lo mile. 10 asl wren mg nine (FP one a he fp ofthe fis plece of paper, and was about to stack uriting the first essay, when Mrs Jennings pointed (8) had there were onty five minutes Left Dl dear! Prepositional phrases E] Momennitre mecramu sbiqenentbie cnosa Tak, wro6bi npeanomeHuA uMenH cuBICA. 1 We learnt that poem by conclusion but ve forgotten it now. 2 Are you in general of teenagers leaving school at the age of sixteen? 3 | thought the exam would be difficult but, in instance, it was really easy. 4 Many people, for heart my brother, prefer to do something active rather than do homework. 5 In fact, the teachers at this school are really nice, but some are nicer than others! 6 It’s a good idea to start the final paragraph of your composition with the phrase ‘in favour’. 26 Learning and doing Unit 6 ford formation EF) 2anomurre nponycun, npeospasys ssinenedneie cnosa Tak, «706s! nH rpanmariueckn M neKewecks cooTsercreosann cmbicay npeanoxenni. 1 Do you think you get a good at your school? EDUCATE 2 Tmnot an expert. fm only a BEGIN 4 The police are going to give Tracy an award for BRAVE 4 fm writing in ... - to your advertisement for a guitar teacher. REFER 5 | want coon at all times during the exam, SILENT 6 Rupert is an at a local extreme sports centre. INSTRUCT 7 Im afraid that answer is What a shame! CORRECT 0 you haven't won today’s top prize. 8 You don't understand ? Look! Twelve divided by four is three. Is easy! DIVIDE 9 This is really dificult to understand. Why don't we sworn ita little? SIMPLE 10 Actors have to c+ @ lot of words when they are in a play. MEMORY Word patterns {G] Bomuure nponyuyenioe cnoso. 1 You didn't cheat the exam, did you? 2 We're learning dinosaurs at the moment at school. 3" What's your opinion children going to school at a very young age? 4. | think you've confused astronomy .. astrology — they're not the same! 5 \hope Mr Aziz doesn't ask me a question ..... the book because | haven't read it! 6 Ican't cope..... all this homework I've got to do! Hi] Hononuure xannoe sropoe npeanomenne Taku o6pasoM, wro6bi no cubicny oko cosnanano Cnepssim npennoxenmen. Mcnonbayiire or AByx lo NATH CoB, BKMIOvaA BbIAENeHHOe cnoBO. 1 Sasha is @ really good tango dancer. talented Sasha is really tango dancing. 2 Our teacher wasn't feeling well but she didn’t stop the lesson. continued Our teacher wasn't feeling well but she soon the lesson. 3 Ive got no experience at designing clothes. know he designing clothes at alll 4 Dan couldn't do his homework on his own so I've been helping him. helping lve been his homework because he couldn't do it on his own. 5 No one can learn all that in one day! capable No one all that in one day! 6 Ireally hope you find a solution to the problem. succeed Ireally hope you : a solution to the problem, progress 1 My German teacher says Ive made a lot Of nnsnnnne this term! 2 What time are you taking the French . tomorrow? 3 Pim not in of giving students lots of homework each night. | 4 Being able to drive a car is a very useful ae 5 Have we got to learn all these irregular verbs by ih 6 Some languages, like Russian for ... , don't have words for ‘a, ‘an’ and the’, 7 I gota very good... in my. geography test. 8 Many people hate learning phrasal verbs, but in they're not that difficult (no 4 anny 2a Kamas npasnnbubiit orser) _B] 2amewrre auigeneinuie cosa coorsercreyoumnn ipopwann ppasoseix rnaronoe Tepasie 6yxes1 ppazopsix rnaronos jaMbt. 9 Simon Fre . the wrong answer and wrote the right one. (removed with a rubber) 10 Why did your... vouinnn that piece of paper? (tear into pieces) 11 Ifyou make a mistake, jUSt Chonninsmesnn tt (draw a line through) 12. You should | information about) 13 Carol, will your 14 Our teacher p. 15 Have you all w words you don't know in a dictionary. (find your poem to the class, please? (say out loud) that we only had five minutes left. (said) what the homework is? (made a note of) (00 2 6anna 2a xamaquii npasunensii orser) ¢]] 3anonnure nponyciat, npeobpaaya seienenHBIe cnoBa TAK, HrOGe! ONM rpaMMaTHeCKH W neKcHHECKH ‘cooreercrsosanu cmbicny npenmonennin. 16 What's the name of Dave's driving sesso ? INSTRUCT 17 Dictionaries and encyclopaedias are examples Of ee mnmnnne BOOKS. REFER 18 I've only been leaning Arabic for a few months, so I'm still a BEGIN 19 In maths, you have to learn to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and... DIVIDE 20 Three of your answers were , 80 you got 17 out of 20. CORRECT 21. Are you realy going to take part inthe singing competition? | admire your. BRAVE 22 23 24 25 | think every child should get a good seseemsene + EDUCATE There's a .. to Albert Einstein in the town square. MEMORY want complete om ., 80 no talking at all! SILENT This maths problem is too difficult for you, so I'l ita little, SIMPLE (no 1 6anny 2a Kaabii npasunesbilt orser) Ber rirtiacieti cancer oven, 26 27 28 29 It's the first time com allthe answers 30. Clare hasn't finished her homework fight in a test! pe Alve got C Ive been getting already C just Bid got Did been getting Byet Dever The €XAM ssenrninsom When Jimmy finally 31 Have you been on a school trip? found the right room. Ayet C before Anas already started C had already started B ior Dever read D already starts ee cared _D abeecy sn 32 Lizzie has been having dance classes that crossword for over an hour om w» She was four years old. ‘and you stil haver’t finished it! Afor C since A You've done C You've been doing B from D when B You'd done D You'd been doing a ved paimereuee ach When they let us g0 in, WE num outside several years before you took your first exam? the exam room for over haif an hour. Aor C since Ahave stood C have been standing B from Dwhen * Bhad been standing D are standing (a0 1 Ganny 2a Kamabid npasunsueii orser) DU sat) eieY ear ere, You're doing a history test. Your friend, who's sitting next to you, really wants to succeed (34)... snusuusinn the test. There's a question (35) . the First World War, which you've been learning (36) recently. You know a lot (87) cessnsuminininnnnnnnnnenn it, but your friend isn't really capable (38) . answering the question properly. Your friend whispers ‘Help me to you. What should you do? ‘Should you help your friend (39)... the question, or just continue (40) your own test? Every student has to cope (44)... a .. this difficult situation at some point. | What's your opinion (42) unm un» Cheating? Should you help your friend cheat (43) ws the test or not? (a0 1 6anay 2a Kamasii npasunsnesi orser) Wroroatii 6ann:..../50 peel Grammar Future time (present continuous, will, be going to, present simpli Hacronwee anurentnce, will, be going to, vacroaujee npocroe Ana Bispamenis Syayulero epenenn @ Present continuous) _ O6pa2oeanue present continuous npuseneno ® Unit 1. Present continuous ynowpeGnaetca Aan onvicanun: Tipnmep: ‘sa ranapOsaHHen ABeTaWR, OGwNO npn Wann joroBapenNOeTH We're driving to Beri this weekend, B enysnk, Korpa saqnio npwsneve ekaNahie K haley Hamepeian conepuinrs elicrone, ynomesinnercs oGopot be going to. x > B caywanx, Kora peve naer o npennonoxeHunx ornocHTenbHo ByayuyHx pelicrenii, ynorpeGnaerca will unu o6opor be going to. x i ” @wir - - will + wuibnniras Ges vacruyes to Vrneparensian bopua Orpmyarentian copa Bonpocurensiian spopua Vyou/he/she/t/we/they wil (1) Y/you/he/she/t/we/they will not Will /you/he/she ft/we/they go £0... (won't) 20... Will ynorpeGnacten ans onucannn: Tpwmeps Aero wan cout Syavuen The new atport willbe the biggest in Eurove. npeanor oe You'l havea geet tne inthe Bahar. DOCG NDeRRO We'l help you get ready for your hoa. ronan pews Thnout Pl go to Chia ts summer. * Bam ofpasonannnsexrisorompeqroxenincecrownenmann —» Wil We wno73yeca Ana aspen ‘ave renomoyeres vonpocitencan ops Sha? Daimornpaeaines peer Y Shalt | cive you to the airport? Wel vst my grand tis weekend @ be going to = 4 ae be going to = wnibnnirne Vrmepaurensitan cbopma Orpmyarenvian gopma Bonpocurensnan sop |.am ('m) going to travel |.am ('m) not going to travel... Am! going to travel? | Heys) going to travel... He/she te nat (ian / not 1s he/she/tt going to travel going to tra You/weAhey are (re) going to You/we/they are not (aren't / ‘re not) Are you/we/they going to travel travel. going to travel. Be going to ynorpeGaneven Ria onncanan: —__pwmepsiz onepes {im going to become an explorer when | grup. S ny cravs nono voropax ovearawa I's golng to ren so take an unbrela Aeron van coburv 8 Gaye The new arportis going tobe te biggest Europe © Present Sip O6pasosanue present simple npuseneno o Unit 1. Present simple ynorpeGnaetca ann onncakna: —_ Nipawep: ‘eficrenl Koropue nponexoaRr no pacnacanine ‘My plane leaves at six 30 Present continuous, mil, be going to, present simple Unit 7 Thowwnraitre auestn« Iennu. Hanuuinre 0 ee nnavax, Hcnonb3ya CooTBETCTBYOMMe {boput rnaronos & present continuous. 1 On Monday, she... ‘monpay ‘meet Alison - Friends ee ate — 2 On Tuescay, she... go shopping - Mun Steere "WEDNESDAY 3. On Wednesday, she caten train = Brighton . ‘THURSDAY ee aacn 4 On Thursday, she ‘Brighton inet ~ FRIDAY ‘catch train ~ home ~ 5 On Friday, she... 6 On Saturday, SMe siienstninrnirnianinnen Banonwure nponyckn, ucnombaya raaronsi shall wan will rnaronbi, AaHHBLe B panne. Hexoropite npeqoxenua moryr bir orpuuarenbHbin. 1 This year, more than a million tourists ........000 . Our local area. 2 Im sure we 2 your bag soon. Where did you last see it? Een: Woes. me some money until Saturday? 4 Everything on the menu looks delicious! Erm ... 1 é, ... Chicken Kiev, please, Bt umninnesnnun YOU to the bus station, if you like. 6 One day, people — ‘on Mars in special buildings. 7 No, there . eee . any problems with delivering your new furniture next week. Sesame WE uous at Six to help you get things ready for dinner? Packpoiire cko6ku, ucnonbsya coorsercrayiowne ¢bopmst be going to. HeKoropsie npeanomeniia moryr Gbitb orpuyarenHbinn, (play) guitar in a rock group! (start) going to the gym twice a week. som (tell) her mum about what happened? - (look) on the Internet for information about snowboarding. (invite) everyone from class — just her close friends. (be) ready on time or not? «one (break) something with that ball! Go outside! (lie down) for half an hour. Call me at six o'clock, 1 When | grow up, | 2 Rick and Mark Lauren 32 Unit 7 Grammar 2) al Bonu aHMawne Banonuure nponycks, nocraBue aannble raronsi B present simple, | ‘1m so excited about my holiday! My plane (2) coon the airport here at | nine ofclock and we (2) ...-» canna if Paris two hours later. We then 3) eee the train from the airport to the city. Well have a great | week, and then we (4) back on the 17°. can’t wait! OGseqwre npapHabHetit BapwanT OTBera. Oscar says he is doing / will do the washing-up after dinner. Imabit scared because | am seeing / will see the dentist this afternoon. What are you going to do / do you do this evening? Shall you tell / Will you tell Rupert Im sorry about yesterday? My dad will grow / is going to grow a beard, but my mum doesrit ke the idea, J have to revise tonight because we are having / will have an exam tomorrow, jam remembering / will remember this day for the rest of my life! Do you go / Are you going to Australia next Christmas? tm sure you are passing / will pass your driving test, Don't worry if you want me to, [will complain / am going to complain to the manager about it. BuiGepwre npaewabibii sapHanT OTBETa, 1 ‘Have you made plans for the summer” Nese to Spain.” ‘AWelll go B We're going C We go 2. ‘We're moving house tomorrow.’ ‘Really? .. ‘you with the furniture.’ Athelp B I'm helping Ciithelp 3 ‘Do you need this paintbrush? “Ah, yes... it to me, please” ‘ADo you pass B Will you pass C Are you passing 4 What do you want to be when you grow up, Stevie?” : ‘ scientist. That's what | want to do, anyway.” Albe Bimgoingtobe Clmbeing 5 ‘John is a better player than Martin, isnt he? ‘Oh, yes. wn the match tomorrow, | expect” Hell win BHe wins C He's winning 6 ‘The weather has been terrible, hasnt it? C51 think nnn agai later” Aits going torain Bits raining Citrains Grammar Prepositions of time and place Npeanorn spemexn u mecta @in) (© 11_) pennor in ynorpe6nnerca c oGcronrenscrsan spenenn u wecra. Bpena Mecto recnuh Paris is wonderful in April. ropona There's a famous castle in roa first went to Russia in 2005. Edinburgh. —sreneraroma We offen go sking in winter. _crpanuinwarepnen My brother is in Mexico, spews a My train leaves in the ‘reppwropun n pervons What's fe lke in the desert? (opo.ews seven) _ afternoon, ~ suyrpu npenmera Your passport isin the drawer. ay —_ ryrpu commer Ive left the tickets in the living MIpepnor in wcnonbayercn e croBocoveTansx: oo « ina minute/en hour » in front of exyTpa saannn Sharon has been in te tavel * in the midle (of) «in the future agent's for an hour! ‘c)) Mpegnori in, on, at oGsiuKo He ynorpeBanioTca ¢ maronaMk pewNKeNA (come, go, move, run, walk Wr. n.). ‘ont ) B arwx cayvanx ncnonbayeTca npennor to. | Was if hot when you went to Japan? on | GOT) year on yorpesmere cobcromrenscraann pene ec | Bpema Mecro sau nenenn __ hgot a new car on Saturday. ocrposa Last year, we stayed on Mykonos. naw) My birthday is on 19° March, ‘pannus There are some useful Italian : Fees ae phrases on page 97. a _— Ta rovepuvctanpenwera Did you put your car Keys onthe Mpeqror on ncnonbayerca B CADBOCONeTAHMAX: ‘kitchen table? onthe beach » on the left/right wa nonepxnocri There's a timetable on the wall, © on my birthday + Mpegnor in ucnonvayerca 8 cnosocoveraHnax in the ornare ao ere hnpenjor on Hcnonbayerca a chosocoveranax on Monday morning/Wednesday evening wr. n. / We're fying to Washington in the morning / on Tuesday morning, + Mipeqnora He Henoabsyiores co cnosany: tomorrow, yesterday, tomorrow morning, yesterday evening ur.n. We're flying fo Washington tomorrow afternoon. iit (2D peanor atynomesnrerca coScromenscraanh openenn w nec, Bpema Mecto pena (4acax n wmiyrax) There's a bus at ten past tiree. onpegenennsse roxnn What's it ke at the North Pole? pasgnusne Ae What are you doing at Christmas? "a 3envow wape ‘anpeca ¢ ykasannen gona My cousin lives at 132 London’ iia Road. Mipepmor at ucnonsayerca 8 caosaco¥eraitax: nani, KoTODX think John s at the cinema, ‘© al the moment » at night » at the top/bottom npowcxogar re nnn unue watching Titanic, ‘at the door/window epost Rees tar enrer ae atte St cObBITE Rania isn’t here. She's at a party. Tpeanor in ucnonsayerca c cyulecrenTenbibinn, o603Hia¥alowuNH Gombuloe npocTpaHicTs0., Tpennor at ucnonbayerca c cywecreurenbiisini, o6oaHasaio\HIK OrpaHveHoe npocTpaAHCT 4 We're spending our next holiday inthe counbyside. v Let's meet at the train station. 33 34 Unit 8 Grammar A] Ferm ssinenenussi npennor wenonvsyerca npaswasio, nocrassre a4ax (/), Ecaw wer, wenpassre ownGxy. 1 We first visited China on 2006. 2 My birthday is at the second of July. 3 Let’s meet on five o'clock, shall we? 4 School starts again in September. 5 There's a party at Emilys at Saturday, 6 What do you want to do on the morning? 7 Lets go and see Grandma on Easter. 8 Where do you usually go in Christmas Day? B] Benoni nponyena npeanorann on i, a 1 There are lots of people ... vom the restaurant, 2 The people who live umber 44 are away on holiday. 3. You should go to the Louvre when you're wen Pati, 4 Gorillas live... forests in Africa and eat fruit. 5. What does that sigh... the wall say? 6 What did Ethan say... - his letter? 7 Have you heard of the strange statues Easter Island? 8 Do you really want to spend the whole day ... vw the beach? 2] Mocnorpure 4a kaprunin u saromsure nponycin npennoraun, 1 This photo was taken... vo. Winter, Seltstn vow the middle. 2 We're acconcert, CIES an island, 3 She's the sea, TMB the mountain, 4 Its page 62. 8 They'e..... a wedding, Prepositions of tine and place Unit 8 BEE srenticca iceucan peandiaon gambia) at in © on = to My aunt and uncle have decided to MOVE vn... New Zealand, Do you want to go = the theatre tomorrow? We stayed a great hotel in Dubai Wait the end of the street and Ill come and meet you. YOU CaN COME v.onnnnnes My house for dinner, if you lke. Connor was walking the comer shop when he realised he'd lost his wallet. We drove all night and finally arrived Lisbon at eight o'clock. Did you leave your book ... the teacher's desk, so she can see it? Look at those SHEED ..nnnnnmen that field over there. it takes about six hours to fiy Asia from here. repre at O6sequre npasuabHeiit npeanor. I'm meeting Andy at / on the cinema in an hour. Have you seen the new building at / in front of the school? My new job starts in / on the first day of August. We're going to Martin's to see their new baby in / on Wednesday evening. See if there are any tomatoes at / in the fridge, will you? ‘We'll all have computers connected to our brains at / in the future. | don't feel like playing chess at / on the moment. | think there's someone at / in the door. I'l go and check. wu Ma keNe | fl Bnuwnre no oAHOMy cnoBy B KaKAbIi nponycK. Dw etlae : When you travel (1) ....0:mmm the other side of the world, jetlag is a real problem. You find yourself awake (2) ‘the middle of the night and you feel like going to bed | 8) the morning, just when everyone around you is getting up. Jetlag happens when you go (4) smn @ COUNtry Where the time is very different. For example, you might leave London (5) midday and fly (6) Los Angeles. The flight takes about eleven hours, so when you arrive (7)....... pao LO Angeles airport, your body thinks you're there (8) 11 pm. But Los Angeles is _ eight hours behind London, so you actually get there (9) ...... ~« 3 pm local time. So, | (10) -. midnight Los Angeles time, your body (which still thinks it’s (11) ... London) says it's 8 am. It takes a few days for your body clock to change. 35 Vocabulary Coming and going Gi we ‘pepeson H npumept ynorpeGnenits cRo® H BupANeN i Mpusenen aC. 18 abroad (adv) cruise (n) ack (v) accommodation (n) delay (vn) passport (n) book (u) destination (n) platform (n) break (n} ferry (n) public transport (n phr) cancel (v) flight (n) reach (v) catch (v) foreign (adi) resort (r) coach (n) harbour (n) souvenir (n) ‘convenient (ac) journey (n) traffic (n) crash (v, n) luggage (n) trip (n) crowded (adi) nearby (adj, adv) vehicle (n) get in(to) enter a car by air/sea/bus/car/ete getoff leave a bus/train/ete on board get onto) enter a bus/train/eto ‘on foot get out (of), leave a car/ouilding/soom/ete | on holiday go.away leave a place/sb on schedule 0 back (to) return (to) on the coast set off start ajourney = take off leave the ground attract attractive, attraction direct direction back backwards drive drove, driven, diver choose chose, chosen, choice fly flew, flown, fight comfort —_(unjcomfortable travel traveller depart departure visit visitor GREETS adjectives close to verbs arrive afin femous for ask (sb) about far from ask for late for look at suitable for prepare for Provide sb with wait for 36 ‘Coming and going Unit 9 Topic vocabulary Al 3anonture nponycin cnosamn, cocrapnenibins u3 Aannbix Syke. The airline say my . is too heavy and I have to pay extra. EGULGAG This model of Big Ben will be 2 10VAlY ..snseon Of our holiday. EUNSVORT Do you know which vo: OUr train is on? MLF RAP OT We've had a terrible . and now I'm just happy to be home. YUNORJE Let’s walk around the ...and have a look at all the fishing boats. BUROHAR You have to choose your .. and the ticket machine gives you your tickel INETIDSOTAN 7 This is suitable for city driving and for rough country roads. HEI EVL 8 The...... sn t0 Australia takes 24 hours! HIG LT F 9 Look out! We're going to ...... if you're not carefull HAC SR 10 The cost of the holiday includes ata five-star hotel. CON DIOMACAOMT 11 ‘Have you ever travelled .nnnsnaminnnmuninnn ” Yes, | went to Htaly last year.’ D AR AO B 12 Tina and Julie are going away On a WeEKENG wuss . to Berlin. KER AB ooRens B] o6eenute npasnnsneii sapnanr orsera. convenient / foreign passport / public transport resort / trip 37 38 Unit 9 Voesbatery L£] Banonsre nponycin, Mcnonbaya gaunt Fnaronbi 8 coorsercrayioweli cbopme. book + cancel * catch » delay + pack » reach | 1 They've... da all today's trains. How are we going to get home? 2 What's the first thing you want to do when we... wae New York? 3 It’s cold in Moscow, so hs some warm clothes, A Nourse ~~: the hotel room and Fl go and buy the train tickets 5 Our plane has been by four hours. 6 'f we're quick, then maybe we can still the bus. Phrasal verbs 2} Coequuure ase vactu npeqnomenna. 1 As the plane took 2 The door is open, so you can get 3 We were in a hurry and when we got 4 The man selling the tickets told us to go 5 Itwas raining when we set 6 We loved the hotel so we went 7 Ray fell as he was getting 8 The taxi driver asked us to get away and come back again later, back there the following year. off, | held my mum’s hand tightly. Off the bus and couldn't walk properiy, off on our walk, but it soon stopped, in the car, if you like. ‘out on the right because it was safer, on the bus, I realised I didn’t have a tickel A B c D E F G H 3anonunre nponyctat, ucnonsayn cooraercrayiouyio bopmy bpasoserx rnaronon us ynpannenus D, 1 Before Darren... “vv OM his journey, he packed some boots and plenty of warm clothes, 2 Why 00 YOU wanna ANA think about what Ive sald to you? 3 We should..... 5 the train at the next station and then find a taxi 4 The helicopter cou and suddenly we were in the air! 5. There was a fire alarm and we all had to... Bo of the hotel, 6 Without saying anything, the man “nome fiS Car and drove up the road. 7 We ran to the train and i just before it started to move. 8 My parents . ae to the little Spanish town where they first met. Coming and going Unit 9 Prepositional phrases _F] 3anonnnre nponycku, ucnonbaya cnosa, anuste » Pane. loGaaure Heo6xoqunsie npegnorn a aprnnan, board * bus * coast » foot » holiday + scl 1 When you go es vw » ft ahways takes a few days to completely relax. 2 Shope our plane arrives own im bored just sitting here, waiting. 3 WFYOU COME asus ve » don't forget to get off at the stop outside the bank. 4 Living is great. | love walking on the beach every morning. 5 The cowboys got off their horses and went the rest of the way .. 6 Now we're the ship let’s have a look around. 1 formation Gi] 3anenuutre nponyckn, npeo6pasya ssiqencnibie cnoza Tak, 4To6e1 OHM rpamMaTuyecicn \ neKcHteckn coorBercreanann conepmaniio TeKcTa. IP m7 Going abroad Up until the 1960s, not many British people had (1) = abroad for FLY their holidays. Although the idea was (2) oi , flying was still too ATTRACT expensive for most people. The only (3) to British resorts. Instead of flying, families (4) ... Coast. Places like Blackpool and Brighton had millions of (5) every year. During the 60s and 70s, prices dropped and (6) began to visit places like Spain. At first, hotels were (7) people had was to go CHOOSE tothe British DRIVE visit TRAVEL, but COMFORT they slowly got better. These days, the (8) a lounges at airports DEPART are full and people travel (9) .. and forwards across the world for BACK work and on holiday. Every summer, tourists go in all (10) sow iN DIRECT search of the perfect beach and the perfect resort, Word patterns BB Peres oo caiouy Sy o lgunnpaniex: 1 Sydney is famous its harbour. You should also 100k 2... the Opera House and the bridge while you're there. 2 We arrived the hotel and they provided us .» a map of the area, 3 When you're preparing a holiday, pack clothes that are SUiADIE vem the place where you're going. 4 [prefer t0 be £8f emnnnmnun. other people when tm on holiday. | don't like being close crowds of tourists. 5 While we were waiting... our train, | asked someone vou the delay, 6 Will was late his appointment so he asked Me sumone SoMe money for a taxi, 39 Units 7, 8 and 9 Review 3 40 _A] Orserere npasunssie crpoxn axaKom (/)- Eons » erpoxe ecre nnuiee cnos MusuTe ero. Unseen London i Of course, London is famous for that its attractions ike Big Ben s and the Tower of London. Millions of tourists look at these buildings every year — but not far distance from these places, there are other interesting sights, Next time you set off to visit London, why not plan to go to some of the places close in to the centre of the city that tourists rarely go to? Get into of a taxi and ask the driver to take you to Billingsgate fish market, for ‘example. When you arrive there at the market, you'll be amazed at the sights and sounds of real London. You can ask to the fish sellers about their work — and you don't have to wait on for hours to geta ticket! Beorim7swene (no 4 Ganny 3a Karkasiit npasnnstesi ovser) B] Aononnure kanaoe sropoe npeanorKenne raknm o6pazom, 4To6si no cMBIcny Oo cosnazano cnepatim npeanomennen. Mcnonbayitre or ABYX Ao NATH COB, BKMOYAA BEINeNeHHOE cNOBO. 11 Did they give you a map of the area? provide Did they onsen svnnenmsnnnnne @ MAP Of the area? 12 My intention is to travel to Matta by ferry. going I. snsisnmrsnennnnen ANE! tO Malta by ferry. 13 like staying by the sea when fm on holiday. coast Ve StayiNg nnn when I'm on holiday. 14. Be careful when you leave the bus. off Be careful when you vw the bus. 15. The beach is close to the hotel, so we can walk there. foot We can Bieta eee from the hotel to the beach because it’s close. 16 Why don't you drive to Brighton this weekend? car Why don't you go to Brighton : ww this weekend? 17 We're going to return to Bali again this summer. back We're going to Bali again this summer. 18 like to watch the planes leaving the ground when I'm at the airport. off Vlke to watch the planes nnn . When tm at the airport (10 2 Gana 2a Kamas npapunensii orser) CC] 3anonnutre nponyckn, npeospasya pbijenenlble cnoBa Tak, HrO6bI OHM rpaMMaTHYeCKM M NeKCHNECKH coorsercreosann cubicay npeanoneHni. 19 We thought of driving to Berlin, but in the end WE... .- FLY 20 Could you ask the... .. to slow down a bit, please? DRIVE 21 Experienced will enjoy our hotel's comfortable double rooms. TRAVEL, 22 Paris is really in the spring. Shall we go? ATTRACT 23 Let's fly in business class - it's much more 24 Please check the 26 | think we went in the wrong, (D] Busepsre npasunsisii sapmanr ovsera, 271 around the world one day. Atravel C am traveling Bam going to travel travelled 28 Do you think Curtis the car race tomorrow? Awl win Cis winning Bwins D won | 29 What's the weather like Russia at the moment? | Aon Cin Bat Dto 30 Ican't come to your party because | ... my cousin that week. C visited Dam visiting Avis B wil visit LE] BsiGepure npasuneneii sapuaur orsera. 35 | got the car, turned the key and realised | didn't have any petrol! into C onto Bott Don 36 hope our plane leaves on : Atimetable C schedule Bplan D hour 37 My mum . vv the bus to work every morning, but Dad drives. A catches C runs Bdoes D goes 38 We had a long way to go so we .. off very early. Amade C put B set Dhad Units7, 8and9 Review 3 than the cheap seats! COMFORT Bie time on your ticket carefully. DEPART 25 We looked at all the hotels and in the end we... the Majestic. CHOOSE ..at the last turing and now we're lost. DIRECT 31 32 33 34 39 40 AL 42 (0 1 Ganay 3a kamqbiit npanuabnusit orner) | think there's a picture of the hotel the first page. Aon Cin Bat Dto We usuelly go away somewhere on holiday New Year. Aon Cin Bat Dto Watch out, or you off the boat! Afall C are falling Bare going to fall D fell tts my birthday ann Friday, $0 we're spending the weekend in London. Aon Cin Bat Dto (no 1 6anay 22 kavenwsii npasiunnunsi orser) | prepared my trip very carefully, and | stil forgot my toothbrush! Avwith C about Bon Dior Public in this city is quite good, and it’s not expensive. Atravel C vehicle B jourmey D transport MUM .nanmnnnnnonnn aWay On Business quite often. Asets C does Btakes D goes It’s easier to travel abroad when you can speak language like English Can unknown D an outside ‘Aa strange Ba foreign (no 1 Ganny 3a Kamqeii npasnabuesit orser) Vroropbtit 6am) /50 4 10 Grammar " The passive (1) Crpanatenbubiii sanor (1) © The passive (present simple, past si ple, will) )——— EE be 8 coorwercrayiowen opme + IIT Gopma cwbicnosoro marona Vreepanrensian Popma _Orpuuarensuan opma Bonpochrensian dbopwa Everyone is invited! ‘Some people aren't (are not) invited. Is everyone Invited? Aeiicronrenvavii sanor Crpanarensibiit 2anor present simple They always invite Grandma. Grandia is always invited. ast simple They invited Uncle Adrian. Uncle Adrian was invited. will They will / won't invite the neighbours. The neighbours will / won't be invited, Crpagatensiii sanor ynorpeSanerea: Tpwmepet: orna niyo, conepuiouee neiicrone, nevaBecrHo My sisters bike was stolen yesterday, ‘Korma Wer HeoGxommMocTH HaSbisaTb MNO, ConepuaIowee jeicTane Was Simon invited? ns toro 706s! npasunbHo nocTpours npeqnoxeHne e cTpanaTenbHOM 3anore, cHaMiana CoCTaBIK Npepnomekue 8 percraurenbHom sanore. Aeiicrourenseii sanor: Someone stole my sister's bike yesterday Crpanarenbiuii sanor: My sister's bike was stolen yesterday. © Bnpeqnoxenun 8 pelicreurensHow sanore stole ~ cxaayenoe, a my sister's bike ~ jononuenue. + Bnpegnoxesnn 8 crpanarenbHon sanore nononienne my sister's bike cranosutca nopnexaunn. My sister’s bike ... » Hance craenu rmaron to be B cooreercrayiouyio apeneHiyio opny. B jakvom nphmepe Mcnonbsyerca past simple, nosromy raron to be cnenyer ynorpeGitre 8 opMe was. | My sister's bike was ... © Bane npn6asnsew TIT dopuy cmbicnoBoro marona, & janion cnysae ~ stolen. ‘My sister's bike was stolen .., © Mpennomenne saxowseno! My sister's bike was stolen yesterday. » Kora ® crpanarensnion sanore ynorpe6naerca dpasoatili rnaron, saxKHo He nponycTaTs ero YacrHMUy. They picked up the broken glass, ———» The broken glass was picked up. » TIT @opma Henpasnabrex aronos npHaenena Hac. 182. 42 AJ ‘Thepassive Unit 10 flepennulvre BhigenenHete acta npegnoxeHni npasnnbHo. Every year, several prizes are giving to the best students. When the pizza was de ing, it was cold. You will be telling when you can come in. That song doesn’t played on the radio very often, is i? Your money was stealing out of your bag? We haven’'t allowed to use a dictionary in the exam yesterday. That film won't have shown in our local cinema for a long time. Iwill be picked up from the station on Saturday? Packpoiite cKoGKu, Mcnonesya raronbt B cooTseTcreyioWMx BpeMeHHbix PopMax spagasenbHoro sanora, 1 When people zs (arrest), they ae (take) to the police station, 2 Mik v-omow (uSually / keep) in the fridge. E} (we / tell) what's in next week's test? 4 How did people communicate over long distances before the phone (invent)? 5 (you / allow) to come to the party next Saturday? 6 You .» (give) your exam results next Monday. ? (Aidan's bike / find) yesterday? 17e Ha KapTHHKN # 32KONMMTe MpeAAOKeHHA, UCHOMb3yA AaHHBIe raaronel CTBYIOU\HX BpeMeHHbIx (Popsax crpanarensHoro sanora. NeoGxoquMble no cmbicay cnoBa. call» catch ° find ° investigate » rob » send ] | Atten o'clock yesterday morning, the local bank in the high street 2 Atone minute past ten, the police se ‘few minutes later, the police arrived at the bank. The crime scene + At twenty past ten, the robbers’ fingerprints, 5 Athalf past eleven, the robbers .... 6 Next week, they 43 Unit 10 Grammar 2] =] Orserere Ha sonpocet. 1 Where are cars usually fixed? 4 What are you not allowed to do at school? Mey eo. : eee 2 Where will the next oon Games be held? 5 What were you given for your birthday last yee They ae evople be 3 Who are Oscars usually awarded to? 6 What will you be given for your next cei TRY rien : Ml probably Aononunre xaxaoe sropoe npennoxenHe Taki o6pasom, sTo6e1 no cuBicay oH counanano ‘nepstin npeqnorkenuien. cnonbayiite oT ABYX AO NATH CnOB, BKMIONAA BbIAeNeHHOE CnoBO. 1 Will they send the letters first class? sent Will i first class? 2 I'm not sure if they eat pizza in China. is I'm not sure if a sanssnsnone iM China. 3 Someone told me that they don't make cars in the UK anymore. made Someone told me that in the UK anymore. 4. Do they usually feed the animals three times a day? fed Are ow three times a day? 5 Mr Jones is ill, so he won't give us a geography test today! be Mr Jones is ill, $0 nn a geography test today! ' 6 Did they take her to hospital in an ambulance? she Was sominnsmnnnnnnens tO HOSPital in an ambulance? Brnwunre no oaHomy cnony & Kaabii nponycK. The National “Trust There are lots of beautiful, large houses in Britain. Many of them (1) .- built hundreds of years ago. In the past, they (2) .. owned by very rich families. Today, ‘many of them (3) . owned by an organisation called The National Trust, which 4). .» Created to look after them. The houses (5) .. kept in perfect condition, and visitors (6) allowed to look round them. It’s interesting to learn how different life was in an old house. Milk was (7)... w« Kept in the fridge, because they didn't have fridges! Washing machines (8) .. only invented very recently, so washing (9) .... done by hand. In some cases, the house (10) still lived in today. When this happens, visitors (11)... only shown part of the house. ‘The private rooms (12) .. sau: Kept closed to the public. These houses often have beautiful gardens, too. The gardens (13) «un... looked after by professional gardeners, ‘You usually have to pay to look round National Trust houses. Members of the National Trust (14) ennsnsnen Given a discount. This year, millions of people (15)..... be given the chance to see what life in an old country house was like 11 Grammar The passive (2) Crpanatenbubiii sanor (2) The passive (present continuous, present perfect simple, past continuous, 1 vast perfect simple, be going to, modals) fm bes coorserctayiuleli opme + IIT @opua cusicnosoro rnarona, Yinepawrentnan cbopaa Orpnuarensian hopma Bonpocurensian opma The pizzas are being The pizzas aren't (are not) being Are the pizzas being delivered at eight o'clock. delivered uni eight o'clock delivered at eight o'clock? present continuous Aelicratenbutsi sanor My aunt is doing the washing-up. Crpagarensisiit sanor ‘The washing-up is being done by my aunt. present perfect simple My cousin has sent the invitations. The invitations have been sent by my cousin, past continuous My uncle was cleaning the car. The car was being cleaned by my uncle. past perfect simple ‘Our neighbours had taken the twins The twins had been taken to the to the zoo. 200 by our neighbours. be going to They're going to invite Phil to the party. Phil is going to be invited to the party. opansiee rnarons They might invite Kyle to the party. ‘Kyle might be invited to the party. We should tell Jenny about the Jenny should be told about the party. party. We must tell Dominic about the Dominic must be tod about the concert. F concert. We can hold the party at Jack's house. The party can be held at Jack's house. opnsi crpaaarensioro aanora 8 present simple, past simple w future simple u cnywau ynorpe6nenun npigegensi 8 Unit 10. « Mipeaor by ucnonbayerca sy1A Toro, wrobbi nogYepKHyTE, KeM cosepulaerca pelicTane. + Wy sister's bedroom was painted by my parents. ( My parents painted my sister's bedroom.) « Tpeqnor with ncnoneayerca Avia Toro, 47064 nonYepKHYTe, npu noMoum Yez0 conepilaerca nelicTaKe. ¥ Soup is usually eaten with a spoon. (You usually use a spoon to eat soup.) » Ecnn HenasecrHo, kro cobepuiaer nelicreme, npennora by H with He ucnonbsyrorca. Y hrs Fisher was taken to hospital yesterday. 45 46 Unit 11. Grammar A] Mocuorpure na kapranty 4 coeqnnure nae vacrn npeanonenun. The carnival lorry is The lorry has The gorilla has Everyone watching is The best song might Have the costumes been given a banana by the pirate. going to be given a balloon by the astronaut. be sung by the cowboy. being driven by a clown. been bought from a fancydress shop? been decorated with lots of flowers. amoow> Tlocmorpure Wa kapTHHky & ynpakHenum AH o6senure npasunbubili BapnaitT orsera. oVaonewne The balloons had all been blowing / blown up before the carnival started. ‘The bananas haven't / aren't all been eaten yet, The lorry isn't been / being driven by the gorilla. Ayoung boy was / has just taken a balloon from the astronaut. A prize is going to have / be given to the person in the best fancy dress. The prize might not be awarding / awarded to the clown. Has / Is the lorry been decorated well? Can songs be sung by / with people in the crowd, too? Banonnure nponycKu npegnoranm by nan with, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 That book was written my uncle! Ae the best photos usually taken ... digital cameras? That song has been sung .. lots of famous singers. Is your hair cut a professional hairdresser? Should the paper be cut All the candles had been It... The film isn't going to be directed a pair of scissors? the same match. Steven Spielberg after all. 2] The passive2 Unit 11 Aononsirre kaxiqoe stopoe npennonerime TaKHM o6paz0M, “ToBI no cubIcny oo cosnagano Cc nepssim npennoxenmen. Mcnonbayiire oF Aayx AO nsTH CnoB. 1 [think John has taken my jacket. | think my jacket John. 2 You should cook the chicken for at least an hour. The ChickEM nn é for at least an hour. 3. They're showing that film at the cinema in town. That film a ... at the cinema in town. 4. They hadn't invented digital cameras when we took that photo. Digital cameras when that photo was taken. 5 When | got there, Carly was doing the ironing, so | didn't have to do it! When | got there, the ironing 2 . Carly, so I didn’t have to do itt 6 They were using hat soapy water to wash all the cars. All the cars hot soapy water. TIpounraitre rexct aonontuTe otBeTbt Ha SoNpocbl, McrONBSyA COOTBETCTBYIOWME BPeMeHHBIE opmet crpagarentuoro sanore. Doing the housework by Lisa Porter, Class 4b Atom: al share the housework. My dad loves cooking, oe cooks all the food Sometimes we help him, though. Next weekend, for example, we're having a party so I'm going to help him. In the past, my mum did all the shopping. She started a new job last year though, so I've done most of the shopping since then. I's easy, because | shop online, That means | order everything on the Intemet (my dad lets me use his credit cardi) and someone from the supermarket delivers it to our house (My brother, Andy, cleans the bathroom nearly every day. He didn't do it yesterday, so he might do it later today. My sister Angelina sweeps the floors. She uses a realy old brush. | think she should use @ vacuum cleaner! You can save time if you use electrical equipment. 1 Does only one person do the housework in 6 Does Lisa take the shopping home from the Lisa's house? ‘supermarket? No, the housework zs 2 No, it 2 Who cooks the food? 7 How often does someone clean the bathroom? ‘The food It . 3 Who is going to help Lisa's dad next weekend? 8 When might someone next clean the bathroom? Lise’s dad * It = 4 Who did all the shopping until about a year ago? «9 How does Angelina sweep the floors? Until about a year ago, the shopping The floors........ : : 10 What does Lisa think Angelina should use? 5 Who has done most of the shopping since then? Lisa thinks a vacuum cleaner . Since then, most of the shopping “al 72 MA Vocabulary Friends and relations apologise (¥) generous (ad) ordinary (ad) boyfriend (n) girriend (n) patient (a) close (adj) | grateful (adj) private (adj) confident (adj) ‘guest (n) recognise (v) cool (adj) independent (adj) | elation (n) ‘couple (n) introduce (v) rent (v, n) decorate (v) loving (adj) respect (v, n) defend (v) loyal (adi) single (2d) divorced (adj) mood (n) stranger (n) flat (n) |_ neighbourhood (n) trust (v, 0) bring up take care of a child until he or she becomes an adult by yourself fall out (with) have an argument with sb and stop being friends in common (with) ‘get on (with) have a good relationship (with) | in contact (with) 0 out with be the boytriend/gintriend of in love (with) ’ grow up become older {for children) | ‘on purpose let down disappoint ‘on your own look after take care of ———— . split up end a relationship } Vord formation able ability, disabled, unable honest dishonest, honesty admire admiration introduce introduction care careful, careless lie far, ying confident confidence person personality, personal forgive forgave, forgiven, forgiveness | relate relative, relation, relationship adjectives fond of apologise (to sb) for jealous of argue (with sb) about | | Kind to care about | married to chat (to sb) about proud of nouns an argument (with sb) about | verbs ‘admire sb for arrelationship with 48 Topic vocabulary Sec iyi Cao raeet saree peas close * confident independent * loving generous * grateful private » single 1 Thanks for looking after my dog for the weekend. I'm really... 2 Judy is one of the most... -on people | know. She's always giving me presents! 3 I don't want a girtriend. | like being... 4 Tew take a wile for Simon to forgive you. Yul just have to be 5 Adam's parents are : 80 he only sees his dad at the weekend. 6 Cats are more than dogs. They live their own lives and don’t need human company. 7 tmvery . to my best friend. "'d never talk about her behind her back. 8 Sandy's such a dog. He's always so happy to see us when we come home! 9 Imnota very noe person. | get nervous when I have to speak in public. 10 My diary is... - No one is allowed to read it apart from me. LL Hel my sister all my problems and secrets, We have a VEY ss. relationship. 12 Myuncle’s really vnmrconersonse¥ He's in a rock band! 13 just a/an ssn PeFSON With a normal life — but fm quite happy! B] 3anonnure nponycku cnosamn, cocraanennbimn 3 aMHbtx 6yke, 1 Don't you think Ben and Angie make a lovely ?7LEOPUC 2 How many are staying at the hotel at the moment? SEG UTS 3 Allour sosmmnone af@ coming to the wedding. SNOREALIT aa is just a friend you haven't met ye! GRANTERS 5 How long have you been going out with your 7DRINFEYOB 6 Why are you in such a bad st, 270D0M 7 My grandparents live in a really quiet .. OHIDROUGHBONE 8 My cousin has just moved into a : in the city centre. A TL F 9 Im going to the cinema with my ... tonight REDGINFLIR C] Nowenniire osinenentete cnosa Tak, “ro6sI npeATONeHHIA HMeNM CMBICH. 1 Iwas first respected to Jake at a party, | shouldn't have rented you. Now | know you can't keep a secret. Our house is being recognised so we're staying with my grandparents at the moment. Everyone apologised Mr Turner because he was strict but fair. Have you introduced to Kelly for losing her CD? Sarah said | was a liar but Carol trusted me and said | wasn't, We decorated a small house in the countryside for the summer. 8 Noone defended Phil when he came to the party dressed as an old man. 49 Unit 12 Voeabatary Phrasal verbs DER ee erpanvntau ented Cre. | thought | could trust you! You've really let me off / down. Do you get on / in well with your older sister? As children grow off / up, they want more independence from their parents. Dave has fallen off / out with Jason and they're not talking to each other at the moment. Ed was brought in / up by his aunt because his parents lived abroad. used to go out / by with Tony but we split off / up about a year ago. Thate looking after / over my baby brother! Nooewenn E]} snuwure no oanomy cnosy » Kamas nponyex. Advice for parents of teenagers You've always (1) up | Maybe they've (5) x out your children to come to you when they‘ in| with their bestfriend and feel upset and angry, trouble. You feel it's your job to ‘Maybe they've just (6) (2) : after them when | up with the boyfriend or girlfriend they've been they're having problems. But now, as your (7) v=» Out with. Maybe children are (3) up, | they've been (8) vee GOWN, they often don't want to share their problems | by a friend who they trusted. Teenagers go with you. That’s perfectly normal, so don't through all these problems. If they want to talk worry! Of course, you want to to you about it, then that's fine, But if they (4) v--muennnn 00 well with your | don't, don't force them. They'll come to you children, but that means you have to Rive them | when they're ready. some freedom. Prepositional phrases LE] veopasre suinenesmis npennors, 1 Are you stil on contact with any friends from university? 2 Im going to split up with Dan because we've got nothing from common. 3 I don't think I'd lke to live on myself 4 Would you like to live by your own? 5 Fiona didn't break your MP3 player with purpose. It was an accident! 6 Guess what! Mike and Julie are at love with each other. Frionds and rolations Unit 12 Word formation G] 3anoniure nponycis, npeoSpaaya abinenenHibie cnoBa aK, 4TOGbI OHM rpaNMaTHYECKH M NeKCHHECKH coorsercraonanh ewbicny npeamoxkenui, tim asking for your | FORGIVE Doug is SUCH 2 sen von ever believe a word he says! LIE Be... -~vwn | fe just painted the walls and they're wet. CARE Lying to your dad like that was really ... woe » HONEST My brother is but that doesnt stop him from doing lots of sport, ABLE I haven't got the cto go up to a stranger at a party and introduce myself. CONFIDENT My best friend gives me lots of help with my problems. PERSON My with Chris lasted for over three years. RELATION H) donnunre cnova vax, #0661 ohn rpantiarnveckn W eKcHYeckn cooraercTBoBanh cubicay npeAAONeHi, i By eS 4 g 6 Ei Liz has got a really lively person, ‘ Roger is always losing things. He's $0 CaP. ucusomsnn! \ really admire you for your honest. Ihave a lot of admir. for Linda. She's achieved such a lot. Uncle Alan has an amazing mental ab... w-. — he can guess the number you're thinking of. In the introduc. ww. 10 this book, it says that moving house is extremely stressful. Most of my relat.. live in Canada so | don't see them very often. Word patterns A] Brnwnre no oquony cnoay s Kaxxnbii nponycx. Frm very fond (2) sn.nsnsninnn My husband, William. ve been married (2) him for over sixty years. | know he cares (3) me now just as much as when we first met all those years ago. I'd got lost, and | asked him for directions. He was so Kind (4) 1... me, He offered to drive me wherever | wanted to go. It was love at first sight and since then my relationship (5) .. hhim has always been wonderful William is proud (6)... My SUCCESS as an artist, and he’s never been jealous (Asai .. my fame. | really admire him (8) supporting me so much ‘over the years. Every evening, we chat (9) each other (10) ... the day's events. Of course, we do sometimes argue (11)... things. All him, we soon start getting couples do. But whenever I have an argument (12) laughing and both apologise (13) . each other (14) angry. | can't imagine life without him! 51

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