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City Hall Menu


 Enables the debugging for this mod. Unless requested by a developer, do not alter this setting.

 Default: False

Enable Auto Restock

 A master switch to enable/disable the entire restock routine including displays with settings.

 Default: True

Random: Affect Active

 Whether to allow the random restock system to stock displays on active or active owned community lots.

 Default: False

Random: Disable Auto Restock

 A switch to enable/disable the random restock system and only restock those displays that have settings set.

 Default: False

Random: Enable Elegant Restocking

 Only fills slots that the user can normally put dishes in, rather than every slot available, for a less cluttered look.

Note: For random restocking only.

 Default: False

Random: Fill Entire Display With One Recipe

 Whether to pick one recipe and fill the entire display with it when using the random restock system.

 Default: False

Random: Set Recipe Selection

 Provides a menu allowing you to select which recipes the random restock system will use should a display not have settings set.

 Default: All base game / EP / bakery sweets.

Random: Stock Wedding Cakes on Top of Displays

 Whether to put wedding cakes on top of both display types when using the random restock system.

 Default: True

Reset to Default

 Resets this mod's settings back to their tuning defaults


 Displays the currently installed version of the mod

Display/Rack Object Menu

Clear Settings By Slot

 Prompts with a list of all slots in the display allowing you to select which to clear settings for.

Copy Settings to All Displays on Lot

 Allows you to copy settings from one display to all displays of that type on the lot.

 Requires an active display be selected first.

Copy Settings to Display

 Allows you to copy settings from one display to another of that type.

 Requires an active display be selected first.

Copy Slots to Slots

 Allows you to copy settings from specific slots to slots on another display of that type.

 Requires an active display be selected first.

 If you select one slot to copy from, you can select multiple slots on the target display.

 If you select multiple slots to copy from, you will not be prompted to select slots on the target display. It will mirror the settings of the selected slots to the exact slots on the

target display instead.

Disable/Enable Auto Restock

 Allows you to exempt a display from auto restock. Neither the random system nor any settings you have applied to this display will be used when the restock routine runs.

Empty Display

 Deletes all display contents that are of food type.

Reset Display Settings

 Completely removes any settings applied to the display including recipes, qualities and auto restock disablement.

Restock Now

 Runs the restock routine on this display immediately.


 Provides you a means to select an active display for the options that require one.

 Changes the opacity of the display to let you know which is selected.

 Use Deselect when you are done.

Set Display Settings

 Allows you to set the display's auto restock settings.

 You can view the current settings of a display in this window.

 Select multiple slots to set more than one at a time. Also has "All" and "All but top" (on the chiller cases) options to save selecting time.

 Select one or more recipes from all recipes you have installed in your game. If you select more than one the restock system will randomize between your choices.

 Select one or more qualities. Randomizes if more than one or "Any" is picked.

Set Display Settings With Current Configuration

 Allows you to stock the display as you would like manually then set the restock settings to that configuration.

 Note not all slots in the displays can be set this way due to the hand tool not allowing you to overlap slots.

NRaas Nav


 Update History

 Update History Testing

 Mod Updater


 Chatterbox


 Mod Docs / FAQs

 Where Can I Find?

 Gameplay FAQs and Tips

 Tips For Better Game Performance


 Recent Changes
 Twallan's Archives and Tributes


 Creating an NRaas Project


 How To Translate

 Localization Pages

Animator 10
Scroll 9
Careers 87
Consigner 22
Cupcake 6
bler 54
Decensor 14
Dreamer 15
Dresser 38
p 100
GoHere 44
ner 11
Hybrid 10
ntroller 134
Mover 28
NoCD 1
OnceRead 13
h 122
Packer (e
ditor) 7
tector 2
Porter 42
nel 33
Register 81
Relativity 23
ipPanel 20
Retuner 10
Saver 21
age 5
Selector 13
Shooless 18
dom 21
ression 267
Tagger 4
Tempest 15
Traffic 21
Traveler 87
tedKey 1.67
Vector 19
Woohooer 129
ord 10

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