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Which statistical method to use?

Test T-test ANOVA Binomial Test Chi-square

Number of groups 2 groups 3 or more groups 2 groups 2 groups

Data type Numerical Numerical Binary Categorical

If you have two variables (numerical) You want to compare if the two means of the two variables is statistical different For between subjects experiment Use Independent samples t-test For within subjects experiment Use Paired-samples t-test

Paired-samples t-test

A paired-samples t-test was conducted to compare variable 1 in condition 1 and condition 2. There was no significant difference in the score of variable 1 for condition 1 (M=52.2, SD=10.25) and condition 2 (M=52.8, SD=9.48); t(199)=-.87, p=0.387.

Independent samples t-test

There are two Sig. Check out the Sig. of Levenes Test first If Sig. of Levenes Test < 0.05 If Sig. of Levenes Test > 0.05

Use the Sig. of Equal variance not assumed Use the Sig. of Equal variance assumed

Independent samples t-test

An independent samples t-test was conducted to compare variable 1 in condition 1 and condition 2. There was a significant difference in the score of variable 1 for condition 1 (M=52.2, SD=10.25) and condition 2 (M=52.8, SD=9.48); t(169.71)=-3.656, p=0.000.

If you have more than two variables (numerical) You want to compare if the means of the variables is statistical different Use ANOVA!

SPSS Between Subjects ANOVA

A one-way between subjects ANOVA was conducted to compare variable 1 in condition 1, condition 2 and condition 3. There was a significant difference of variable 1 on variable 2 at the p<.05 level for the N conditions [F(2,12)=4.94, p=0.027].

SPSS Between Subjects ANOVA

Problem: When Sig. < .05, there exists an effect between the some of the conditions, but we do not know specifically between which condition(s) E.g. If we have 3 conditions, and Sig. <.05
Effect between 1&2, no effect between 1&3; 2&3 Effect between 1&3, no effect between 1&2; 2&3 Effect between 2&3, no effect between 1&2; 1&3 Effect between 1&2; 2&3, no effect between 1&3 Effect between 1&3; 2&3, no effect between 1&2 Effect between 1&2; 2&3, no effect between 1&3

SPSS Between Subjects ANOVA Post-hoc test

Post hoc comparisons using Tukey HSD test indicated that the mean score for condition 1 (M=4.20, SD=1.30) was significantly different than condition 3. However, condition 2 (M=3.60, SD=0.89) did not significantly differ from condition 1 and condition 3.

SPSS Within Subjects ANOVA

A one-way within subject ANOVA was conducted to compare the effect of DV on IV in condition 1, condition 2 and condition 3. There was a significant effect of the IV, Wilks Lambda=0.10, F(2,3)=13.42, p=.032.

SPSS Post hoc paired-samples t-test

Perform post hoc paired-sample t-test for each pair of conditions If you have 3 conditions T-test #1 for condition 1&2 T-test #2 for condition 1&3 T-test #3 for condition 2&3 For test of significance, Use Sig. Value of .05 / # of test For 3 conditions, .05/3 = .017 For 4 conditions (6 post hoc tests), .05/6 = .008 Follow the paired-sample t-test procedure...

Binomial Test
For binary variables (Yes, No) E.g. Prospect Theory You have 2 identical choice You want to show a bias in making choice i.e. people tend to make one choice than the other, even though the choices are identical H0: No bias in choice 50/50 in the two conditions H1: Bias in choice not 50/50 in the two conditions

SPSS - Binomial Test

Sig. < .05 Reject H0 i.e. There exists a bias in choice

Chi-Square Test
Two categorical variables [Yes, No] [Male, Female] See if there is a relation between the two variables Use Chi-Square Test H0: No relation between the two variables H1: There exists a relation between the two variables Reject H0 is p<.05 i.e. there exist a significant effect between the two variables

SPSS Chi-Square Test Sig. > .05 Reject H1 i.e. There is no bias in choice between male and female.

The percentage of participants that were republican or democrat did not differ by gender, 2(1, N=12)=0.00, p=1.00.

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