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I. Fill in the blanks:
a) 345 is _________ than 175
b) 233 is _________ than 367
c) 732 + ________ = 345 + _______
d) 987 + ________ = 243 + _______
e) The compact form of 400 + 70 is _________
f) The compact form of 800 + 9 is _________
II. Form all possible 3 digit numbers using
a) 5, 4, 6 _________________________________________________

b) 4, 1, 7 _______________________________________________

c) 9, 3, 2 _____________________________________________________
III. Rearrange and form numerals
a) 7 tens 8 ones 5 hundreds
b) 9 ones 5 tens 8 hundreds
IV. Put the correct sign ( >, <, = )
a) 854 ______ 845
b) 345 _______ 500 - 43
c) 300 + 40 + 3 _______ 3 hundreds + 4 tens
d) 743 + 10 ________ 740 - 1
e) Place value of 6 in 657 is _______
f) Place value of 7 in 576 is _________
V. Solve:
a) 6 2 b) 9 5 c) 6 6 5 d) 3 7 7
+7 5 +8 5 +2 9 6 +1 3 6
5 3 2 3 2

e) 6 4 3 f) 5 0 0 g) 8 7 6
- 2 7 5 - 3 5 2 - 4 3 2

VI. Solve:
a) Richard scored 88 runs in the first match and 62 in the second match in the
inter-school games. Find the total number of runs scored by him in the two
b) 63 birds are sitting on a tree. 11 birds fly away. How many birds are on the
tree now?
c) A fruit seller had 98 apples. He sold 55 apples out of it. How many apples left
with him?
d) In a classroom there are 40 boys and 39 girls. How many students are there in
the classroom in all?

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