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The Chipukizi
Scout promise:
On my honour,
I promise that I will do my best;
To do my duty to God and my country;
To help other people at all times;
To obey the Scout Law.


1. A Scout’s honour is to be trusted.
2. A Scout is a good citizen; he/she respects God, his country,
his/her parents, his/her employers, his/her fellow Scouts and others.
3. A Scout’s duty is to be useful and to help others.
4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother/sister to every other Scout,
regardless of the country, community or religion to which the other may belong.
5. A Scout is kind and has respect for others.
6. A Scout is kind to animals, learns about nature and is
concerned with its protection.
7. A Scout obeys orders of those in authority without question.
8. A Scout is cheerful and brave in all difficulties.
9. A Scout makes good use of time, money and any other
resources he or she has.
10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.


“Be Prepared.”




Age 12 to 15 years


Chipukizi Uniforms

1 1
2 2

3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 11

1. Green beret
KEY 2. Beret badge
1. Blue cap 3. Green scarf
2. Scout beret badge 4. Green Chipukizi
3. Green scarf eppaulets
4. Green eppaulets 5. Chui badge
5. Purple shirt 6. Chipukizi badge
6. Air scout badge 7. Proficiency badges
7. Proficiency badges 8. World emblem
8. World badge 9. Kenya emblem
9. Kenya badge 13 10. Short sleeve
10. Scout belt khaki shirt
11. Blue khaki shorts 11. Scout belt
12. Blue stocking 12. Khaki shorts
13. Blue stockings


2 5
3 7


1. Zero cap
KEY 2. Skyblue scarf
1. Green scarf 3. Scout sections
2. Scout tee shirt highest badge
(any colour) 4. Scout sections
3. Scout emblem highest badge
4. Scout belt 5. Proficiency badges
6. World emblem
7. Kenya emblem
8. Navyblue shirt
9. Scout belt
10. Khaki shorts
11. Blue stockings







1. Green beret
2. Beret badge
3. Green scarf
4. Green Chipukizi
5. Africa badge
6. Chipukizi badge
7. Chui badge
8. Proficiency badges
9. World emblem
10. Kenya emblem
11. Scout belt
12. Khaki grey dress or
skirt & blouse


This section is meant for young people between 1. State the Scout Law and Promise and explain
the ages of 12 and 15 years. The requirements for their meaning.
Chipukizi Scouts include: 2. Give a brief description of the history of
1. An admission test, which the Chipukizi Scout 3. State the Chipukizi Scout Motto; demonstrate
will have to pass before being invested. (This the Scout salute and greeting.
section however, will only be compulsory to a 4. Describe the colours of the National Flag and
person joining Scouting for the first time at explain their meaning.
this stage.) 5. Tie the following knots: Reef Knot, Clove Hitch,
2. Three progressive standard badges that the 6. Make a rope of at least one metre long or a
Scout will gain after passing the recommended woggle.
tests. These are Zizi, Shina and Tawi and have
to be attained in that order. INVESTITURE
This is the ceremony where the young Scout is
3. A series of proficiency badges designed to admitted into the worldwide fraternity of the Scout
cater for varied interests. Some of these movement. Although the investiture can be
badges are required before a Scout can attain organised in various ways the recommendations
certain awards or badges. given in the Sungura section should be revisited.

4. The Scout Cord is awarded on attaining the THE CEREMONY

Tawi Badge and six specified proficiency The Scouts stand at attention in a horseshoe
badges. formation. In front of them is a table or other flat
platform on which are laid items needed for the
5. The Chui Badge is the highest a Scout can ceremony. These are the World Badge, the Kenya
attain in this section. It is the equivalent of Emblem and if possible the section scarf, Chipukizi
the Link Badge in the Sungura section. The record book and patrol badge patch. The National
two may not be worn at the same time. flag flies in the background.
However, a Scout may continue wearing the
Chui Badge into the next section (Mwamba) The Scout to be invested is brought forward by
until he attains the corresponding Simba the Patrol Leader or other invested Scout.
Patrol Leader: (Salutes and says:)
Note: While certain badges are designed “I have brought [NAME] who
primarily for Sea or Air Scouts, any Scout can has completed his pre-
attempt any badge provided suitable investiture test and now wishes
arrangements for assessment are made. However, to be invested.”
Chipukizi Scouts may not attempt the proficiency
badges before completing the Zizi Stage. He/she Scout Leader: (In a calm, level voice:) “Do you
may also not wear more than six proficiency want to become a Scout?”
badges before completing the Tawi Stage.
Recruit: “Yes Leader, I do.”
Scout Leader: Do you know what honour
This section is meant for young people who have means?
never been in Scouting before. Before the young
person can be invested as a Chipukizi Scout he Recruit: “Yes. It means that I can be
must pass the following: trusted to be truthful and


Scout Leader: “Do you know the Scout Law?” (All make the Scout Sign. The recruit
recites the Scout Promise).
Recruit: “Yes Leader, I do.”
Scout Leader: “I now welcome you into the
Scout Leader: “Can I trust you on your honour worldwide brotherhood of
to live up to the Scout Scouts.”
(Shakes his/her left hand).
Recruit: “Yes Leader.”
The Scout Leader then presents the new
Scout Leader: “Then recite the Scout Promise Scout with the World Badge, Kenya
as a sign of your commitment Badge, scarf and other optional items.
to the principles of Scouting.”

Chipukizi scouts standard badges

ZIZI STAGE (d) Carry out a project of cutting out animal
Before the Scout can be pictures, sticking them in an exercise book,
awarded the Zizi Badge he labeling them correctly and using them to
must complete the following tell a conservation story or message.
to the satisfaction of the
leader or other appointed 3. HEALTH AND SANITATION
examiner: (a) Demonstrate how to keep a tent or shelter
and campsite clean and tidy.
1. SCOUTING SKILLS (b) Assist the patrol to set up three useful
Do three of the following: camp gadgets relevant to hygiene (wash
(a) Explain what to do in case of fire or hand basin, plate holder, etc).
(b) Cook a dish for the patrol. 4. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT
(c) Identify the five best-known trees in the Do two of the following:
locality and say what they are useful for. (a) Name five national sportsmen and state
(d) Make a personal first aid kit containing what events they specialize in.
basic and easily acquired items (cotton (b) Name two field events and two track
wool, razor blade, bandage, etc). events; then lead a patrol in doing at least
(e) Make own camping gear using locally one of them.
available materials. (c) Make a scrapbook of newspaper or
(f) Demonstrate how to navigate in a given magazine cutouts of national and
area without using a map or compass. international sportsmen.


Do three of the following: (a) Explain the different parts of the
(a) Explain the sources of carbon monoxide Scout uniform.
and the danger this gas poses to life. (b) Do a good turn daily for at least one
(b) Explain what litter is, then make a tong or month.
stake for picking paper and demonstrate (c) Explain the organization of Scouting
how to use it. Use non-soiled waste paper, from patrol to divisional level.
metal or wood to make a ball or other toy
that can be used by small children. 6. SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT
(c) Draw a map of the local area, inserting (a).Give examples of the Scout Law and
pictures or drawings of wild animals found Promise applied in daily life.


(b) Attend religious services for at least 1. SCOUTING SKILLS

two months. Do three of the following:
(c) Read a chapter from a holy book (a) Demonstrate proper maintenance of camp
and discuss it with the Chipukizi gear and help in organizing a campfire
leader. place.
(b) Follow an unfamiliar track of at least 2
7. CITIZENSHIP kilometres and record at least two
(a) Draw the national flag in a notebook and observations on how man has adversely
colour it. affected the environment.
(b) Explain the meaning of the various parts (c) Demonstrate how to use the telephone,
of Kenya Coat of Arms. whistle or tom-tom to transmit a message.
(c) Recite the Kenyan loyalty pledge. (d) Demonstrate how to dress a simple wound.
(e) Prepare a skit, mime or dance with the
8. EDUCATION AND LITERACY patrol for a campfire programme.
(a) Teach a new Scout the Law and Promise. (f) Demonstrate how to tie the following
(b) Copy and narrate in either English or knots: Round Turn and Two Half Hitches,
Kiswahili the story of how Scouting began. Sheepshank, Timber Hitch, and Fisherman’s
(a) Help your patrol in starting a vegetable 2. CONSERVATION
garden, or help raise rabbits, chickens, (a) Explain how plants make oxygen and other
ducks, pigeons or bees. qualities useful to human beings.
(b) Plant two fruit trees or vegetables and (b) Use sand, stones, charcoal and/or other
care for them for at least four months. materials to construct a water-filtering
(a) Trace your family tree as far back as 3. HEALTH AND SANITATION
possible and make either a drawing or a Do two of the following:
model to illustrate it. (a) Plan a menu that demonstrates the
(b) Discuss with your patrol the importance of importance of a balanced diet.
basic family needs: food, water, shelter, (b) When on a Scout camping activity, explain
health and clothing, etc. and demonstrate the importance of boiling
(c) Find out from a health professional about water and proper food storage to your
sexually transmitted diseases. Name at patrol.
least three such diseases and discuss how (c) Dig or make a waste disposal pit with your
to prevent them with your patrol. patrol and describe its proper use.
(d) Discuss with your patrol the effect of
teenage pregnancy. 4. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT
(e) List the most commonly abused drugs in (a) Lead your patrol in two local games or
Kenya and their local names. dances.
(f) What are the effects of drug and substance (b) Lead your patrol in physical exercises
abuse to the abuser, his family and the (jogging, sit-ups, breathing exercises, etc)
community. for at least four troop meetings.
(g) Give reasons for abuse of drugs and
substances. 5. SCOUTING SPIRIT
(h) What are the signs and behaviours of drug (a) Earn money towards buying Scouting items
abusers?. and explain how you did it.
(b) Explain the meaning and importance of the
spirit of service. Demonstrate it in two
SHINA STAGE particular cases in your patrol.
Before the Chipukizi Scout can
be awarded the Shina Badge 6. SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT
they must first complete the (a) Narrate some of your cultural traditions,
following test to the religious or social, and comment on their
satisfaction of the hipukizi usefulness.
Scout Leader:


(b) Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the TAWI STAGE

Chipukizi Scout Leader an ability to work Before being awarded the
co-operatively as part of a patrol by Tawi Stage Badge, the
tolerantly accommodating other people’s Chipukizi Scout must first
behaviour and attitudes. complete the ollowing to the
satisfaction of the Chipukizi
7. CITIZENSHIP Scout Leader:
(a) Lead the flag ceremony properly.
(b) Give the addresses and location of at least 1. SCOUTING SKILLS.
four of the following: the Chief’s office, (a) Using a map and compass, go on a hike of
police station, hospital, local member of at least 24 kilometres. Prepare a log and a
parliament, fire station, place of worship. route map and report to your examiner.
(c) Demonstrate knowledge of Kenya by (b) Take active part in entertaining at a
making a useful collection of fifteen items campfire for at least five minutes with a
(pictures, newspaper cutting, stamps, etc) story, tale, joke, mime, song, etc.
on one of the following topics: tourism, (c) Show how to tie the following lashings;
agriculture, history, culture. • Two Hand Lashing
• Diagonal Lashing
8. EDUCATION AND LITERACY • Filipino Lashing
(a) Collect five local stories told orally, write • Square Lashing
them down in your book and tell them to
the patrol. 2. CONSERVATION
(b) Copy and then briefly narrate the story of (a) Study any three causes of environmental
Baden-Powell to the patrol or troop. pollution and explain how to reduce it.
(b) Take part in a soil conservation activity
9. AGRICULTURE (building gabions, digging terraces, tree
(a) Identify the main crops in your area and planting, etc) for at least one day.
state their nutritional classes.
(b) Explain the importance of fertilizers or 3. HEALTH AND SANITATION
manure for crop production. (a) Name the basic contents of a good first
aid kit.
10.REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH EDUCATION (b) Explain the importance of immunization
(a) Discuss with your patrol the social roles and and name three diseases that can be
relationships of males and females in your prevented by immunizing children.
(b) Collect, for a period of one month, as many 4. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT
magazine or newspaper cuttings as (a) Teach your patrol how to start a race.
possible on the subject of sex and (b) Demonstrate how to climb a tree or high
reproductive health. Organise these items place safely.
into a resource book and present it to your
patrol in the presence of the Scout Leader. 5. SCOUTING SPIRIT
(c) Discuss how the media portrays sex and (a) Identify and name: the age limits, mottos
reproductive health issues. and organizational structures of two other
(d) Name three causes of the spread of Scouts sections.
sexually transmitted infections and (b) Help organise or lead the patrol in a useful
describe how they can be avoided. community service project for at least one
(e) Write out what “HIV/AIDS” stands for in day.
full and describe how it is transmitted.
(f) Define a drug and substance and drug 6. SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT
abuse. (a) Identify and describe three examples of the
(g) List the most commonly abused drugs in presence of God through observing the
Kenya and state the methods through natural environment.
which they are taken or abused?. (b) Relate to your patrol how religious
knowledge helps one in daily life.


(c) Hold a discussion with the Chipukizi Scout (e) State three symptoms or signs of an AIDS
Leader or a religious leader on the basic patient.
beliefs of a religion other than your own. (f) Identify the sources of drugs and give
reasons why they are taken.
7. CITIZENSHIP (g) Define drug abuse and give five different
(a) Explain to the patrol the meaning and the effects of drug abuse to an individual.
importance of two Kenyan National Days. (h) Demonstrate through a role-play, the
(b) Help organise two patrol meetings for new dangers of drugs and what can bedone to
Scouts or Sungura Scouts. avoid drugs.


(a) Teach a new Scout the Scout Law and The Scout Cord is a green, braided lanyard. It is
Promise. worn on the left shoulder. Before being awarded
(b) Write a short essay or compose a song, the Scout Cord a Chipukizi Scout must:
shairi or poem entitled, “The importance • Hold a Tawi Badge.
of knowing how to read and write.” • Hold a First Aid Badge.
• Hold any other five proficiency badges.
(a) Name three common crop pests and THE CHUI BADGE
explain how to protect crops from them. This is the highest badge that a Chipukizi Scout
(b) Sell some produce you have grown or can attain. It is worn on the right breast above
raised, or preserve it so that it lasts at least the pocket and may be worn until one attains the
one month. Simba Badge or becomes a Scout Leader.

10.REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH EDUCATION Before being awarded the Chui Badge the
Do three of the following: Chipukizi Scout must:
(a) Using mime and role-play, demonstrate the 1. Hold the Scout Cord.
various verbal and non-verbal ways of 2. Hold any three other proficiency badges
expressing feelings towards another besides those attained as a requirement
person. for the Scout Cord.
(b) With other members of the patrol, organise 3. Satisfy the Scout Leader, the Area
a debate on the roles of boys and girls in Commissioner or other appointed person
society and how these roles are changing. that he has been of good conduct as a
(The Scout taking the test must be one of Scout and of service to the community.
the speakers.) 4. Be less than16 years of age. (Note: The
(c) Discuss with your patrol the advantages Chui badge is awarded with a
and disadvantages of early marriage. corresponding certificate and if the Scout
(d) Prepare a short talk on: “The importance so wishes this might be presented by the
of teamwork.” Present it to your patrol. Area Commissioner at a suitable occasion.)



Chipukizi scouts
proficiency badges
CHIPUKIZI AFRICA FRIENDSHIP BADGE but on a full-time basis for two periods of not
1. Write a short essay on less than two weeks each.
the history and people
other than your own. 1. Explain the proper conduct to adopt, and the
2. Correspond with a ordinary safety precautions to follow, when on
Scout of another an airfield or near aircraft.
country for not less 2. Demonstrate how to be
than three months. of assistance to a pilot
3. Camp or hike at least when taxing or
three days with Scouts picketing an aircraft.
of another country; 3. Explain the purpose of
OR: a “signal area” at an
Keep an album or scrapbook for at least three airfield and know the
months that depicts national, sports, cultural standard “aldis lamp” and
and Scouting activities of another country. “very light signals” used on airfields.
4. Point out the following movable control
CHIPUKIZI AFYA surfaces of an aircraft and describe their
1. Fulfill all Sungura Scout child health badge functions: rudder, elevators, ailerons, flaps.
requirements. 5. Explain the meaning of the following terms:
2. Construct or take part in fuselage, mainplane, tailplane, leading edge,
constructing a pit latrine mono-plane, dihedral, sweep-back. Show how
and explain how to to be of assistance in the event of an aircraft
maintain it properly. crash.
3. Name two diseases that
have no known cure and CHIPUKIZI AIRCRAFT MODELLER
explain how we can protect 1. Construct a model
ourselves from them. aeroplane (use of kit
4. Explain at least three diseases that commonly permitted) which shall
affect children, as well as symptoms of these have the following
diseases. minimum flight
5. Identify the three food classes and name at performance:
least three foodstuffs in each food class. • Glider (hand-
launched): 25
1. Provide regular, part-time, voluntary service of • Glider (two hand launched with 50m
a useful nature (chopping wood, shopping, etc) maximum line length): 45 seconds in the
to one of the following: air.
a blind, deaf, dumb, • Rubber-band powered: 30 seconds in the
crippled, aged or air.
otherwise physically • Engine-powered (15 second maximum
handicapped person. motor run): 45 seconds in the air.
This should be done in 2. Demonstrate control of your model by making
a cheerful manner and a smooth takeoff. Then do three laps of level
for a period of not less flight at approximately 2m off the ground.
than two hours every week for six months. Then climb and dive, followed by a smooth
OR: landing.
2. Provide the same service as Test No. 1 (above)


3. Explain the basic principles of flight, including 2. Point out and name five star clusters or
the three axles and their effect on stability and constellations and any planets visible to the
control. naked eye at the time of the test.
3. Find direction by night by means of the stars
CHIPUKIZI AIR SPOTTER when both the Plough and the Southern Cross
1. Recognize correctly from photographs or are obscured.
silhouettes (shown for no more than ten 4. Demonstrate a general knowledge of the
seconds each) at least nature, relative positions, movements and sizes
one out of ten different of the sun, earth, moon and planets. Explain
aircraft. the cause of eclipses.
2. Recognize and name
national aircraft CHIPUKIZI ATHLETE
markings (service or 1. Demonstrate the proper
civil) of at least six method of sitting,
countries. The Chipukizi standing, walking and
Scout Leader will provide a list of at least 20 running.
aircraft markings. The Chipukizi Scout being 2. Qualify in four of the
tested must be able to identify at least six. following events in
3. Keep a log of aircraft observed/spotted for a accordance with your
period of not less than one month reporting. age:
Give identity or salient features and
approximate heading. Under 12 yrs Under 13 yrs
4. Describe the recognition features of six aircraft 100 metres 15.5 secs 15 secs
selected by the examiner, in terms commonly 800 metres 2min/57 secs 2min/53 secs
used in aircraft identification. High Jump 1 metre 1.1m
Throwing the
1. Take care of, or raise, one of the following for Long Jump 3.9m 4m
at least six months:
chicken, rabbits, bees, Under 14 yrs Under 15 yrs
fish or other suitable 100 metres 14.5 secs 13.5 secs
animals. 800 metres 2 min 45 secs 2 min 43 secs
2. As part of this project, High Jump 1.2m 1.3m
find out from local Throwing the
experts as much cricket ball 41m 45.7m
information as possible about the animal of Long Jump 4.1m 4.3m
your choice (eating habits, costs involved,
diseases and treatment, etc). 1. Make a satisfactory shelter against wind and
3. Using local material, construct a hutch or rain for two people, using natural materials,
home, feeders, watering dishes, etc, for the and sleep in it alone or with another Scout for
animal of your choice. at least one night.
4. Find out from a veterinary or local expert the 2. Skin and cook (without
common diseases and pests which affect your utensils) a rabbit, or
chosen animal; be able to recognize the small animal,
symptoms, know the treatment and explain the OR:
importance of keeping animals in a hygienic Cook in clay a bird no
and clean environment. smaller than a pigeon,
Clean and cook a fresh fish
1. Demonstrate a good
without utensils. In the case of vegetarians,
general knowledge of
prepare and cook (without utensils) three types
the stars and planets
of vegetables simultaneously.
and their movements.
Use diagrams,
drawings or models.

3. Demonstrate three of the following: 4. Take a leading part in cleaning and painting a
• Improvise methods of moving injured boat.
persons with due regard to their
safety and comfort. CHIPUKIZI BOOKBINDER
• From the foundation of a lookout 1. Prepare the parts or section for sewing and
post, construct a bridge or spar to sew section on tapes.
reach a tree. Then, climb the tree to 2. Fold and paste on end
a height of at least six metres from papers, glue up and line
the ground. with muli (or muslin)
• Row a boat, paddle a canoe, or round the back and add
pole a punt for at least one second lining.
kilometre. 3. Cut boards and cover
• The construction of a sundial or a with cloth or paper, and book into case.
gadget to find True North.
• Devise any satisfactory method of CHIPUKIZI CAMPER
purifying contaminated water and 1. Explain the normal requirements in regards to:
straining muddy water. • Personal kit for a
week of camping.
CHUPUKIZI BASKET MAKER • Personal kit for a
1. Produce two articles of practical use in palm- week of hiking.
leaf, cane, rushes, straw • The equipment,
or similar materials, rations and menu
made entirely by for a weekend patrol
yourself. camp.
2. Explain the raw 2. Demonstrate the packing of your personal kit
materials used: where for a week of hiking in a rucksack or on a pack
they are obtained and - frame or board.
how they are prepared for use. 3. Explain the principle points to look for when
selecting a patrol or troop campsite and
CHIPUKIZI BOATSWAIN describe, with rough plan, how you would lay
1. Repair a small leak in a boat, out a patrol camp with reference to tent,
OR: kitchen, sanitation, etc.
Apply a canvas patch to 4. Explain the meaning of: “Camping Standard.”
a canoe, 5. Make and show four of the following knots in
OR: use: Slip Reef, Double Sheetbend, Figure of
Apply a wooden or tin Eight, Bowline on a bight, Manharness.
patch to a dugout canoe 6. Pack and know how to take care of a patrol
or boat. tent. Show that you can carry out simple tent
2. Make the following bends and hitches: Timber 7. Construct a camp latrine.
Hitch, Rolling Hitch, Marline Spike Hitch, 8. When living in camp, cook all meals for yourself
Blackwell Bowline on a Bight, Running for 24 hours to the satisfaction of the examiner
Bowline, Catspaw. Be able to mouse a hook, or a Scouter. While in camp you must make
Short and Eye Splices, Single Will and Crown satisfactory arrangements for storing food and
and a Mathew Walker. Make one form of refuse disposal.
Stopper Knot. 9. Camp under canvas, or in a weatherproof
OR: shelter built of natural materials, with a troop
Either make a fender, of rope or canvas, for at least 15 nights.
suitable for pulling boat, or make a paddle.
3. Either explain the contents of a Boat’s Bag, CHIPUKIZI CANOEIST
OR: 1. Swim fifty metres in
Name the best trees for making canoes and clothing.
paddles and be able to identify them. 2. Perform the following
in either a single or


two-seater canoe (if in a two-seater, sit in the 3. Demonstrate that you know at least six
rear seat): highway codes and at least six traffic signals,
• Launch canoe in water and “make fast” road signs and rules relating to light and
or reflectors.
tie up. 4. Describe your locality within a radius of 8km
• Get into canoe, paddle 50m offshore, turn of your home or troop headquarters (in towns
and paddle back, demonstrating the over 20,000 inhabitants, 3,000m). Guide the
correct examiner to any place of his choice within this
paddling technique. radius using the quickest route.
• Get out of a waterlogged canoe in deep 5. Know where to find the following: doctors,
water, bring the canoe ashore and empty hospital, health centre or dispensary, police
water out. station or post, garage/petrol stations,
• Re-embark into canoe from knee-deep Regional Provincial Commissioner (P.C.),
water. District Commissioner (D.C.), District Officer
3. Make simple repairs to a canoe, know what (D.O.) or the office and house of the chief and
repair kit to carry in a canoe, and show how sub-chief.
to maintain a canoe in good condition. 6. Demonstrate how to use a map of the locality
and use it to point out at least six examples of
1. List the names of 12 local and six non-local 7. Repeat correctly a verbal message of 24 words
heroes and tell the in a language you easily understand after a
stories of at least four of ride of at least one hour’s duration.
the local and three of 8. Give accurate but simple directions using two
the non-local ones. languages to a place chosen by the examiner,
2. Collect and stick in your not more than 2km distant.
book, pictures or cut-
outs of ten animals and CHIPUKIZI COMPUTERIST
ten plants found in Kenya and discuss them 1. Know how to switch on a computer and “log
with your patrol. on.”
3. Draw up a map of the country with provincial 2. Write a short essay on
boundaries and towns and locate your home Scouting on the
or the area where your parents come from. c o m p u t e r, u s i n g
4. Direct the flag raising ceremony and explain appropriate computer
the attitude people should have towards the tools (spellcheck
national flag. program, formatting, etc)
5. Name five agencies of the United Nations and where possible.
briefly say what role each plays. 3. Be able to print the essay.


1. Demonstrate that you own 1. With other members of the troop, investigate
a bicycle or have used the causes and effects of soil erosion and
one satisfactorily for at illustrate them in a scrapbook or wall display.
least six months. This 2. Prepare a checklist for
bicycle should be campers and hikers of
properly equipped and “what to do” in order
in good working order. not to destroy or harm
You must be willing to use the environment.
it at any time for public service if called upon 3. Demonstrate through
in case of emergency. an experiment the effect
2. Demonstrate how to make simple repairs, of good soil or bad soil for
which might include the following (at the growing seeds.
discretion of the examiner): change tyre and 4. Together with other members of your unit,
tube, mend a puncture, replace a brake, adjust carry out two of the following:
a wheel bearing or any part of the machine. • Make and maintain a nature trail.


• Help clear a stretch of land along a previously visited. The actual route should be
river, creek or lakeside. chosen by the Scout and approved by the
• Plant natural screening or examiner. All equipment should be carried in
landscaping of an unsightly industry rucksacks and include all food. Each rucksack
or rubbish dump. should weigh not more than 14kg.
• Plan and carry out a patrol anti-litter 2. Select a project and submit it to the examiner
campaign. for approval. The type of project should involve
5. Take part in a project, which will improve your simple exploration such as identifying and
environment (a local, national or international mapping all footpaths within a one kilometre
conservation project). radius of a given point. Carry this project out
6. Start or contribute to a Scout tree nursery for alone or with a companion to the examiner’s
at least one month. satisfaction.
3. Complete a journey, with a companion, of
CHIPUKIZI COOK three kilometers using compass bearings only.
1. Set up a properly equipped camp kitchen for a Four different bearings should be used. A map
patrol, with open fire and a camp oven, and may be used.
cook thereon a properly
balanced meal. Make tea, CHIPUKIZI FIRE FIGHTER
coffee or cocoa. 1. Explain how the local fire brigade works in
2. Store food in a hygienic towns and cities.
manner and bring proof OR:
that you have cooked In rural areas, explain the
satisfactorily for a patrol in purpose of firebreaks
camp for at least one complete and how to control grass
day. fires by strip burning.
3. Make two of the following: twist damper, 2. Explain what action
flapjack, scone, mandazi, kaimati, chapati. should be taken, and why, if
fire breaks out indoors or outdoors.
CHIPUKIZI DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION 3. Describe the various methods of calling the
1. What are the main drugs and fire service (where there is a fire service) and
substances abused in Kenya the correct procedure to be taken. Display
and who abuses them?. knowledge of what happens from the time you
2. Who is responsible for call to the time the fire service arrives at the
prevention and stopping scene. Describe the essential actions to be
the abuse as custodians or taken while awaiting the arrival of the fire
gatekeepers of abusers. service and the reasons for such actions,
3. Using drawings, cutouts, OR:
cartoons, etc, make a picture story on the dangers Where no fire station exists, describe actions
of smoking bhang, or taking other illegal drugs. to be taken in case of fire.
4. What do drugs and substance of abuse do to 4. Explain the dangers of: oil lamps, all types of
the health and socio-economic status of heaters and stoves, electrical wiring, fuses, gas
(a) Abusers cookers and switches. Describe precautions
(b) Family of abusers and you can take to avoid these dangers.
(a) The community where abusers come from?. 5. Take part in a bucket chain,
CHIPUKIZI EXPLORER Explain how to use a Stirrup Pump, a Soda Acid
1. Arrange and carry out an expedition for Extinguisher (usually a large conical cylinder
yourself and at least two pattern painted red) or a Carbon Tetrachloride
other Scouts (preferably Extinguisher (“Pyrene” type small cylinder of
members of your patrol). polished brass) and on what kind of fire they
This expedition should be should be used. Demonstrate how to deal with
at least two days (one a person whose clothes are on fire.
night) in duration in a part 6. Demonstrate crowd control methods (keeping
of the country not crowds away from danger areas).


7. Give a simple explanation of the process of 5. Explain the “courtesy on the riverside.”
combustion; understand how people are 6. Explain the sizes of hooks, choose the most
affected by smoke and heat, and; demonstrate suitable and explain the bait.
how to act in a smoky room or situation. 7. Demonstrate the correct way to use a landing
8. Demonstrate proficiency in making a Chair net.
Knot and Bowline on a Bight. 8. Make a float.


1. Show the position of the main arteries and Following consultation with medical
how to stop external bleeding from veins and professionals:
arteries. 1. Demonstrate how to
2. Explain how to treat choose, prepare and
snakebite. ventilate a sickroom
3. Demonstrate how to and how to prepare a
deal with shock, bed for a patient.
including electric shock. 2. Bathe a patient and give
4. Demonstrate how to medicine. Demonstrate how to take
apply the “triangular bandage” to scalp, hand, a temperature, pulse and respiration.
foot, knee and elbow. Demonstrate how to 3. Demonstrate how to prepare invalid food and
apply the “roller bandage” to all limbs. In each serve it in an attractive manner, a little at a
case the demonstration will include applying time.
the dressing. 4. Demonstrate how to prepare dressings and
5. Demonstrate the cardio-pulmonary how to apply a roller bandage to hand, knee
resuscitation (CPR) method. and foot.
6. Demonstrate how to send the correct message 5. Carry out all the above under camp conditions
— oral or written — in case of an accident. (as well as in a sickroom) and know how to
7. Fractures: prepare a stretcher.
• Demonstrate how to deal with fracture of
the collarbone. Note: A Scout who holds the St. John ‘s
Ambulance or Red Cross Home Nursing
• Explain how to immobilize a fractured limb. Certificate is exempt fr om Tests 1-4, but
• Explain precautions to be taken when must be examined in T est No. 5.
moving a patient if fractures are suspected.
8. As a member of a team of three or four Scouts, CHIPUKIZI JOBMAN
deal with a simulated accident staged by the Demonstrate ten of the
examiner. The examiner will test for calmness, following, of which at least
resourcefulness, and proper treatment of the five must be selected by
patient at all stages. the examiner:
• Paint a door or gate.
Note: Possession of St. John’s Ambulance • Whitewash or plaster
or Red Cross Junior Certificate does not a wall.
exempt anyone from any of the
items above.
• Renew the handle of a jembe,
panga or axe.
CHIPUKIZI FISHERMAN • Repair a bicycle puncture.
1. Catch, prepare and cook a fish. • Make a useful box, with hinges and
2. Name five different kinds of fish that inhabit padlock, and paint it.
local waters (local names will do). • Sharpen a panga, knife or axe.
3. Demonstrate how to fit • Make a pair of sandals.
up a rod, line and casts. • String a bed.
4. Explain the rules • Repair a cattle boma fence.
concerning the “closed • Sew on a button and neat patch.
season,” as well as • Make a neat haircut.
fishing limitations on • Clean and change the wick of an oil
size and weight of fish. lamp, or renew the mantle of a pressure


• Explain how to deal with a burst CHIPUKIZI LIFESAVER

1. Demonstrate one method
water pipe. of rescue and release in
• Replace a tap-washer and adjust a water with a patient
ball cock. about the size of the
• Adjust an electric bell, replace a rescuer. Patient to be
bulb and shade, and mend a fuse. carried 9 metres.
• Put a roof on small building, or 2. Demonstrate the revised
repair a leaking roof. Sylvester Method of
• Clean and polish a car. respiratory resuscitation. Using a training
• Cut the top neatly from a debe (tin), model, demonstrate the mouth-to-mouth
and fix a handle, so as to form a method of respiratory resuscitation (in no
water-carrier. circumstances will a living person be used for
demonstration, training or testing purposes).
CHIPUKIZI JOINER 3. Swim 50m on your back wearing shirt and
1. Using a screwdriver, shorts and with a light lifeline attached to you.
drive in screws up to 4. Throw a lifeline that falls between two pegs
5cm without damage at least twice out of every three throws. Pegs
to wood or screws. to be 1.2m apart and 12.2m from thrower.
2. Nail on a packing case 5. Demonstrate method of rescue in the
lid correctly, using 5cm following:
wood and 5cm nails. • Unconscious patient in burning house.
3. Divide lengthwise with an ordinary saw 2.5cm • Contact with live electric wire.
thick board 0.6m long, the cut not to deviate
from the line by more than 2mm. CHIPUKIZI METEOROLOGIST
4. Sharpen a chisel and plane iron and use them 1. Keep a daily record of your observations of the
to make a Housing, Tenon, Mortise and halved weather for one month.
Joint. The record should
5. Either dovetail two pieces of wood together include at least four of
with not less than five dovetails, or make a the following: wind
properly framed stool, chair or other piece of force and direction;
furniture. cloud type and amount;
6. Distinguish woods in local use and know the temperature; pressure and
nature and common uses of each. rainfall. (All measurements and
records to use the Beaufort Scale.)
CHIPUKIZI LEATHER WORKER 2. Construct a simple rain gauge and wind vane
1. Sole and heel a pair of and show how to put up these instruments to
boots or shoes, either obtain reliable records.
sewn or nailed, and 3. Be able to explain the formation of dew, mist
generally repair boots, and rain.
shoes or leather sandals, 4. Briefly name and describe three different ways
OR: in which clouds are formed.
Produce an article made by yourself, such as a 5. Describe at least one natural sign that foretells
handbag, wallet or purse. This item must have dry weather and one that foretells rain.
a design — modeled and stained.
2. Demonstrate how to use and mix various
1. Provide an eight minute
music programme at a
3. Explain and name the tools required.
camp fire consisting of:
4. List different kinds of leather used and
• A solo item
how to select them; or how to cure
performed by
hide or skin.
• Lead group in singing
well-known African,
European or Asian songs.


2. Read at sight a simple tune, either singing anchoring, bringing alongside and making fast.
unaccompanied or playing on an instrument. 2. Demonstrate the right way to board a boat
In case of singing you may use either staff or with either stores or
solfa notation. people. Show how to
OR: trim it correctly.
Demonstrate competence in playing a musical 3. Use a heaving line
instrument by either carrying a tune or playing from a boat.
it as an accompanied to a song chosen by the 4. Name and explain
examiner. the safety rules
3. Transpose a simple tune from staff notation to applicable to boating.
tonic solfa, treble or bass clef, 5. Demonstrate how to board a dingy from the
OR: water.
Transpose a simple tune from treble clef to 6. Name all parts of a boat and gear and draw
bass-clef or vice versa. and label a diagram of a boat.
4. Know (both tune and words) at least 12 songs
or rounds, African, Asian or European music, CHIPUKIZI OBSERVER
suitable for use in community singing. 1. After one minute, be able to remember 24 out
of 30 different articles and objects. (This test
CHIPUKIZI NATURALIST to be performed twice with
1. Keep a diary for six different articles or
months that records objects each time.
dates and places of at Every remembered
least ten birds, ten article or object to be
plants, ten trees, ten adequately described.)
butterflies and/ or 2. Using hearing alone,
moths as well as short recognize eight out of ten
account of other animals seen. Illustrate the simple sounds.
records with pencil sketches or photographs, 3. Using smell alone, recognize four out of six
carbon impressions of leaves, pressed familiar liquids or solids blindfolded.
specimens or cutouts. 4. Follow two simple nature trails (each one
2. Make a collection of 20 different species of kilometre long) containing at least 20 signs
wild flowers, ferns, grasses and weeds, giving (these 20 should be composed of at least five
names and places where they were found. different kinds of signs) made of natural
Give a short description of at least ten of the materials. Test to be performed on ground the
specimens, Scout is unfamiliar with and, if possible, in
OR: varying weather conditions.
Make a collection of photographic or carbon 5. Give an accurate account of an incident lasting
impressions, sketches or plaster casts of the not less than one minute and involving at least
leaves of 20 different trees and five shrubs. three persons. This report, oral or written, must
Give names, places and dates of where the include a full description of one of the persons
specimens were found. Give a description of involved (to be selected by the examiner).
ten of the trees and three shrubs indicating
where they come from, CHIPUKIZI PHOTOGRAPHER
OR: 1. Take pictures with any camera, develop and
Make 15 sketches of animals or birds from life print three photographs of wildlife (birds nests,
and give the life history of five of them, trees, nature scenes, etc). Take three
OR: photographs of different aspects of a potential
Keep a simple aquarium for three months, campsite. Take three
stocked with specimens you have collected. photographs of people
Discuss your observations with the examiner. (such as a group of
Scouts), who should not
CHIPUKIZI OARSMAN be aware they are being
1. Take charge of a small dingy or similar craft in photographed.
response to orders that shall include: sculling 2. Discuss 12 photographs
over the stern, supplied by the examiner and


arrange them in order of merit and/or appeal. yourself and approved by the examiner. This
State your reasons for ordering them thusly. may be done at a campfire or troop meeting.
3. Name three main differences between still-life 3. Read aloud or recite a piece of prose chosen
and motion picture photography and mention one by the examiner, who will judge diction,
of the latest developments in any of the two fields. emphasis and poise. (The Scout may practice
reading the piece first.)
CHIPUKIZI PIONEER 4. Discuss and explain the most important rules
1. Demonstrate (with ropes, etc) two of the of good public speaking.
• Two types of holdfast for different types CHIPUKIZI RADIO MECHANIC
of soil. 1. Connect a wireless receiver to its external
• A West Country Whipping. connections including aerial,
• An Eye Bowline. earth and power supply.
2. Pass or re-pass the Scouting skills Demonstrate
tests in Tawi Stage. knowledge of the
3. S u p e r v i s e the safety precautions
construction of either a necessary with main
simple bridge of more sets.
than three metres in 2. Construct a very simple
length, or a raft that can wireless receiver and tune it to a local
carry yourself and another broadcast or other transmitter signals
Scout. receivable on headphones or loudspeaker. Kits
4. Construct a flagstaff from three Scout staves may be used.
using sheer end-to-end lashings and fixed with 3. Soft solder a joint between two copper wires
adjustable guy-ropes. smaller than 16 SWG.
5. Demonstrate a satisfactory method of 4. Run the wiring for an extension loudspeaker
purifying contaminated water, neatly from one room to another and ensure
OR: that both loudspeakers operate simultaneously
6. Demonstrate three methods of lighting a fire and satisfactorily.
without using matchsticks. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of how to minimize
interference from domestic appliances, with
CHIPUKIZI PRINTER broadcast and television receivers.
1. Set up by yourself a handbill or page of type
and produce machined CHIPUKIZI READER
prints. 1. Prior to the test, give the examiner a list of at
2. Describe the point least six books of reasonable
system of type and size (other than school set
mention the names of books) from those that
three common you have read during the
typefaces. previous 12 months. Not
3. Demonstrate the printer more than three books
correction signs and mention the names of by any one author.
different paper sizes and their measurements. 2. Discuss these books with the
4. Briefly describe the process involved in any examiner, explain why you read them and
machine printing. answer questions on the contents of the books.
3. Demonstrate how to care for books.
CHIPUKIZI PUBLIC SPEAKER 4. Write a summary (of not more than 200 words)
1. Recite from memory a piece on the contents of one of the selected books.
of good prose and some
English or Kiswahili. 1. Make a list of the traditional roles of boys and
2. Make a five-minute girls in the community and explain how society
speech to the troop on helps to form these roles.
a subject chosen by 2. Visit the nearest health centre and write down


the names of ten killer diseases of children. and name any three-parcel
Find out which of these can be prevented by delivery services other
immunization and how. than the post office.
3. Explain how to prepare 3. Reduce a passage
a baby’s food and (chosen by the examiner)
demonstrate how to of about 200 words to 50
bathe a baby words, while still retaining
properly. Learn two the essential meaning of the passage.
lullabies and sing 4. Write a satisfactory report of a meeting, camp,
them to the patrol. etc.
4. Find out three main causes of teenage 5. Keep a patrol log satisfactorily or a personal
pregnancies and how to prevent it. log of your Scout activities for at least six
5. Demonstrate how to make oral dehydration months.
salts and name four ways of preventing
diarrheal diseases. CHIPUKIZI SIGNALLER
1. Send and receive a
CHIPUKIZI ROPE MAKER message of not less than
1. Name at least three fibre 80 letters at rate 6 (30
plants and produce fibre letters per minute) in
from one of them. Semaphore; or rate 4 (20
2. Make out of fibre, letters per minute) by flag
collected by yourself, a in Morse.
three-strand rope of 2. Send and receive a similar message in Morse
minimum length three on:
metres and diameter 10mm. • A buzzer at rate 5 (25 letters per minute).
3. Demonstrate four different types of rope and • A lamp at rate 4 (20 letters per minute).
how to make each of them. 3. Demonstrate that you know recognized
4. Name five uses of rope and demonstrate at procedures when sending and receiving
least four of them. messages.
5. Demonstrate how to care for a rope.
6. Make three of the following splices: Back Note: 80% accuracy is required for all tests.
Outdoor stations for sending and receiving
Splice, Short Splice, Long Splice and Eye Splice. to be not less than 80 metres apart.
Buzzer stations to be in separate rooms.
1. Explain the movement of currents. CHIPUKIZI SPORTSMAN
2. Describe the different parts of a boat (spar, 1. Name the rules of two outdoor games. Be
sails, rigging, etc). capable of acting as a referee
3. Demonstrate and explain or other official in one such
how to right a capsized game.
boat and board it again. 2. Take an active part in at
4. Get a sailing boat under least two types of team
way, come about and games and show
return to shore, using the reasonable proficiency and
appropriate orders to the good sportsmanship.
crew (if any). Demonstrate how to sail under 3. In any two games chosen by the Scout Leader,
normal weather conditions. name ten leading national players of each
5. Demonstrate and explain how to use a life game.
jacket. 4. Name at least one indigenous African game
or children’s game and teach one other person
CHIPUKIZI SCRIBE how to play it.
1. Write a letter from memory on a subject
discussed verbally five minutes earlier. CHIPUKIZI STAMP COLLECTOR
2. Name the Kenyan surface postage rates, the 1. Collect not less than 1,000 stamps in good
airmail rates to Africa and the rest of the world, condition.


2. Neatly mount and and pass between them without being

systematically arrange observed.
your collection. 4. Give proof of having stalked and studied at
3. Identify 12 stamps least four wild animals or birds in their natural
shown by the examiner state by describing the results of your
and identify simple observations or by producing sketches or
watermarks. photographs taken.
4. Demonstrate a knowledge of the basic 5. Make at least three plaster casts of the track
concepts of stamp collecting. of animals, one of which must be wild.


1. Swim 25 metres with clothes on and undress 1. Fulfill all the
in water with feet off the bottom. requirements in the
2. Swim 25 metres breaststroke, Sungura section under
25 metres backstroke and Utamaduni Badge.
25 metres any style 2. Stage one play or two
(making 75 metres dances from a Kenyan
total). community.
3. Recover an object at 3. Identify traditional costumes
least 1 kg weight lying as worn by different age groups in your
six feet underwater. Use your community.
hands to recover the object. 4. Draw or make a model of a traditional home.
4. Execute a neat dive or stride jump from the 5. Make one traditional musical instrument and
pool or bankside. demonstrate how to use it.
5. Demonstrate the cardio-pulmonary 6. Describe the traditional value of domestic
resuscitation (C.P.R) method. animals.
7.Identify or name at least three traditional
CHIPUKIZI TRACKER medicines or poisonous trees or fruits.
1. Demonstrate an ability to 8. Cook a traditional dish of your community for
stalk and use cover, your patrol.
camouflage, winds,
background by doing 1. Execute some work in
the following by day: beaten brass, sheet,
(In rural areas): Cross iron or copper.
1km of open country to 2. Exhibit the tools used
approach an observer in a known position, and demonstrate the uses
OR: of each.
(In towns): Without being seen, follow another 3. Explain the compositions and properties of
person (appointed by the examiner) for 1 km solders and fluxes.
and report on their actions. 4. Make and solder a tin to measure, with a lid
2. Conceal yourself against three different to fit.
backgrounds. If possible, do this under varying 5. Convert waste metal into a usable item using
weather conditions. metal work skills.
3. Do one of the following by night: 6. Name at least three metal working machines
• Approach, unseen and unheard and within and explain their functions.
a reasonable distance according to local CHIPUKIZI YOUNG FARMER
conditions, an observer whose position is To gain this badge the
known. Scout must complete all
• Locate two observers stationed at a the tests of one of the
reasonable distance apart (according to following categories:
conditions prevailing at the time of the test)


A. Agriculture appropriate proportions of cereals,

1. Cultivate one acre (1/ 10 hectare) and grow roots and green stuff.
at least three types of crops, bearing in 2. Describe the best breeds, the weight
mind the requirements of crop rotation. and the qualities of a good rabbit
2. Keep records of crops planted for eating.
(quantities, dates, position) and 3. Skin a rabbit and prepare it for
show the examiner some of the market.
3. Describe the system of farming D. Cattle
recommended in your district. 1. Keep and rear a young calf for at least 12
4. Name the food crops grown in your months (or up to the age of weaning. The
district, state time of planting and calf may be reared either on its mother or
harvesting, as well as method of bucket-fed).
marketing and approximate local 2. Demonstrate:
cash value. • How to milk a cow.
• How to handle a calf.
B. Poultry: • How to feed calves and older cattle.
1. Keep at least six chickens for a minimum 3. Name two main cattle diseases and explain
of 12 months and demonstrate a practical how they are treated.
knowledge of:
• Advantages/disadvantages of two E. Sheep or Goats
popular breeds in relation to their value 1. Keep and rear a kid or lamb for at least 12
as egg producers and eating (taste). months.
• Handling birds and recognizing those 2. Demonstrate a practical knowledge of
that are not healthy. handling, feeding and managing a sheep/
• The common diseases of poultry goat.
prevalent in the area and how to deal 3. Describe the damage goats or sheep
with them. can cause.
2. Demonstrate the treatment of a broody 4. Name two main diseases of sheep
hen, and then explain how to feed chicks or goats and explain how to treat
and young birds and the different methods them.
of rearing them. Describe how to produce
poultry in sufficient number for commercial F. Pigeons
purposes. 1. Keep and care for pigeons for at least 12
3. Explain how to prepare a chicken months.
for cooking. 2. Describe the proper diet and feeding
schedule of pigeons.
C. Rabbits 3. Explain symptoms of the main pigeon
1. Keep and rear rabbits for at least 12 diseases and how to treat them.
months. Make a hutch. Then, 4. Demonstrate ability to handle birds,
measure different rations to show the including attaching messages or rubber
rings to bird legs.


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This record book has been produced
progress record card
with the generous support of UNFPA
and UNDCP Kenya. 02124
KAS No:....................................



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