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1 a) Define disaster, Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk analysis (5)

b) Explain clearly about Geological Disasters and their management.(5)

2 a) Discuss in detail about Disaster management cycle.(5)

b) Discuss in detail about Global Disaster Trends. (5)

3 a) What is drought? And explain worst cases in India in detail. (5)

b) Explain about Urban and Rural disasters. (5)
4 a) Discuss about Risk assessment, Risk analysis, Risk mapping (5)
b) Explain Preparedness, Capacity Development and awareness. (5)

5 a) Explain institutional and financial mechanism in Disaster Management (5)

b) What are national Guidelines and plans on Disaster Management? (5)

6 a) Discuss application of RS, GIS & GPS In disaster management (5)

b) Discuss about Early warning systems and its Dissemination of Disaster management. (5)
7 a) Role of G.O’S & NGO’S in disaster management (5)
b) Discuss about Mega Disasters of India. (5)

8 a) Define disaster and list out the important perceptions on disasters (5)

b) Explain clearly about landscape approach and perception approach of disaster


9 a) List the various types of hazards associated with earthquakes and discuss their impacts.(5)
b) Identify and discuss the various hazards which are associated with volcanic eruptions. (5)

10 a) Define Flood. And explain causes, effects and remedial measures. (5)
b) Discuss the importance of forecasting, warning & monitoring system of floods in India. (5)
11 a) Explain tropical cyclones & local storms along the steps to be adopted in mitigation. (5)
b) Explain the different types of exogenous hazards. (5)

12 Explain institutional and financial mechanism on Disaster Management (10)

13 Discuss application of RS,GIS & GPS In disaster management (10)

14 a) Role of G.O’S & NGO’S in disaster management (5)
b) Discuss Disaster profile of India along with examples. (5)



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