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SECTION 1(50 marks) ATTEMPT ALL THE QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION 1. On average, the rate of depression of a water pump is 9% per annum. After three complete -years it was Kshs. 150,700. Find its value at the start of the three years period, (3 marks) AS P(1-By8 P= 152,100 Toe > 1 04> Isoave = PCI- ay ™, © \) = (WING A 1s9,7od= (0.41) P ! 2 ohm truncated "to 3 decimal places. Calculate the percentage error resulting from the truncating. 4 01079 (3marks) SUE Be o Aetncanny +0 3dy. OIT7- VW (ovo FAage\u ened a SqGew! eee) a trae (1 +4),) x - Govo “V4roa 74) A IDO Kh M, =soik a 3. Solve the equation4 sin? + 4 cos =5 for 0°<@ < 360° Give your answer in degrees. (3marks) A Sin 44 CE-S zo £ A 2meqe-l=oO ACi-ws*e)+ a@O-s =O M, A-4stO 4 KUsO-S =O Ce = < aS Oz Go 7 3 — 4Ost@ +4 Ce 1 4 Os ae 4 Cos - KC Ot| =O C4 Coste on Cos) -A cue +(\za Cm Sess) Giese Oirny ‘Bunda. sub cowny joint evaluation mathematics pp2 of an arithmetic sequence is (2x1) and the common difference is (x+ 1) if the 4. The first te first and the second terms is zero, find the frst three terme af the two possible : (Gmmks) Az axl (ext Cax +2) =on, d=xa A = acct! AxtKI=TO Ay o(OXttHEt) oc = a => Bx42 oe fy Ade ot m™, al borntcrend BSxf{2r~=oO oc -%s. 5. TAE and EDN are tangents to a circle at A and D respectively. Line AB and DC are parallel chords, BD is another chord of the circle. Angle TAB is 46°. Find angle CDN giving reasons. {3 marks} ° B=akG ® : Lar posed BBB 'S 35° eS, Queer wanTeR Qo: n eS v Gy ie? @ Fo & 6. Use logarithm table to evaluate 8 Gaqiinats) pases t aC 94)+0.2861 21x 9.0243 13 \: = Qh 4ary 6-024 1 5. 4644 t = 5 BATLIE Y = eet 7,_a) Find the expansion of (1 ~ 2)’in ascending Seeaeay a termin x? (1mark) SA Q 28 INES e a re) = y= pet ye S ») use the expansion above to find (0.99)'to four significant figures (2marks) Capt sy A =2xG:0)| x= O03 CF = 1 Ylood+YO-0i) Zs (Sai £ 0.002, aks -comitenictmmatnnis 2 = OGR Q | A 9. Given tha the position vector ofp in terms of i,j —- op = \amarey = {joo = (0 ones T = Sons Guerre =H S49) a a cs) (b) Find the equation of the tan, BA > 3-6-2 “Yall, 302) Grades 2 igent at Q in the form ax + by +e =0 "S 21% and ¥ the equation ofthe crete 1 for rages ams uation of the crete in the form =estey as)? + a® mks) y-sf os -m, oetox += “ey Fara (2 mks) mY 4 7-4 GOTO A, he. % oc 434 é Axt+34-GO= Oo 1 OA = 3i +2) 4k and B= and k 1 -Rat3b Wy mW) = 2 (ac+e Hida x(aiese“ Go—Ujt KT IO SK = -eU- = gL tyjtaK A Butula sub - county joint evaluation maths pp2 4i+5)-2k and that p divides AB in the ratio 3: -2, determine 9) poms) a 5 75~80 Calculate the quartile deviation, lower quate Wy ASD mia. gts STS + (2 (3mks) Quartile cevGtun, =p(Go8s se.) = S671 Kq, wine =F 0 & OP Buavide = 3 sep» ait 84 3 4 Gas + is=23) xe Ro = G85 kk 11. Machine A can complete a piece of work in 6 hours white machine B can complete the same work in 10 hours. If both machines start working together and machine A breaks down after two hours, how long will it take machine B to complete the rest of the work (mks) Goud ir st gc “MS 3te z m, Bom mw Qhiys = ge =f . ‘Ss Bomar aoe nay er is | \s 5? ue > AX = Mathes, 37% EMS Qlars ASenin. Butula sub ~ county joint evaluation maths pp2 6 i * +\ % g “i ! ° Be ala - ° LG vy ‘ ai o ' * “ : : : ie & ¢ “a Pa 5 ‘ byes ce |3 1 ga's “EF hae ‘ Ce. vag 1 3 ¢ an ult ii ety AC at \ oh i : : o r B Deets © . 14, Ina transformation, an object with area Sem? j ; is mapped Given thatthe matrix of transformatia [ Tyna mae whos arene Ste nis eoxnd 2G] find the value of x (Gimks) chet = ne) - 2 (ad Sj Ux-20e42 6=axta => act. n= pia Ask = Pivragy a= 15, P varies as the cube of Q and inversely as the square root of R. 1fQ is increased by 20% and R decreased by 36%, find the percentage change in. (3mhs) 3 PoK@? Pr BERS Sie C= Rony “Lcusge: 6P = 6s £) no rotted, e [a foorr = 2 2 1 = W1asK® = wel OBR = Wels: 16, Amare subtends an angle of 0.9 radians. If radius of giele is |3em, find the length ofthe are. ce ° I or ot, 3° (3 marks) Ore = 657, Acagt cqnwalautt L Oate 3o0 SUST xgx Btn 13 My 360 a = [beTlem. Fy SECTION I (50 MARKS) tl Butula sub— county joint evaluation maths p28 (ANSWy 17. The table below, Pi eK Calculate: (@) Ushuru’s annual taxable income, Te lwcome. a ame ngvovv \t AED Hedo-2o0" (®) The tx paid by Ushunninsoea 31 IbD. Sous IF 11 6tG0 KO-1 =U6l6 aM (ogg zon os =e Jy at (oq uy0.K0,20= NSO 4s HH quo KORE =27360) vag 129 ROGI= ANG _® Qes ss Cc. fogs THEE a, Nek tax STUER 12672 HS CHET B, (c) Ushuru’s net income A Mat year (3marks) wel dacketions G+ 5401.33 -+quceyqot B20 +100 D-41OO = 71718533} alorede, HEX Sehory PRE wen BH600— 11S 33 HQ2EBUESS ot a, Butula sub - county joint evaluation maths pp2 OR sdon Es 4.229124" O44 \ (Smarks) [ Mass (ams) [3 [No.of loaves b. Calculate the (4mks) variance a var SE a (&) SE we-Olo Tia Ts Ay = wa a wr ii, Calculate the standard deviation. $= Terese M1 = tale ay (mks) 11's is added to each score and then divided by 3, write down the new standard deviation toy Nokes we 10S ey (mk) = Butula sub county joint evaluation maths pp2_ 10 19. In chemistry form 4 clase 1 are right Raa student breake the gir “Ys of the boys and % ‘wof thata right-handed (b) Determine the probability that student chosen at random form the class is left handed and does not break a conical flask in simplest form. 3 marks) PC-ALG Jor POS) - L «é zx &*S\my = @ oe de ((abecau ae (2 ae \ ncn FES sonseata merck inom a Se? 12 (©) Determine the proBability that a conical flask is woken in any chemistiy practical session in simplest form, 3 marks) Care) sr PCERS) or P(BLB)or Pness, u 3 % 4x3 |m AXE EA GRSgra}t exert) Gxgrd )mt oh. + BUeo’ t 4 “ay ZA AY (d)_ Determine RE probability thata HEIMask isnot brows by a right-handed Student in the simplest form. (2 marks) y ! & Pana) * Plone) 1 ae 2 Ay (2°) HEE) = BO Butula sub — county joint evaluation maths pp? 11 20. The roof of a ware house is in the shape of h ofaw the shap : triangular prism as shown below Calculate (@) _Theangle between faces RSTU and PORS (mks) e- THO a Ge) Qdfak. Guy = LU~+too— 240 COSR, -\BO = —20 COSR eI = Cos® Avia (b) The space occupied by the roof (mks) oluma = Crpss “S202 F120 >< Levan me ecta mio Su BUI 2H Q S = FSQ.4Eem - (4mks) (©) The angle between the plane QTR and PQRS T sen R ay nO - F poe ay eS. 43" Butula sub - county joint evaluation maths pp2_ 12 Qa ye Wea : ay Be a4 “seo = s0udkm: ay RAYBXESTO mM, i x2x¥ °AKEZTO COS 93» 2 =2asooKnm, eo 7 = So Oz aus: \erayeudie marzo ol z (saad wire) 2 C ifits speed is SO0km» (mks) The = V3 ++ 3me Sbe Soo = Blows & mhures, 34S Yu = tsoMme —=7 2WS Bom. Avo + Ahsomu&e Bare Ome 1-BEEm: Butula sub — county joint evaluation maths pp2_ 3 fe State the amplitogs ; m 2 Amit const aes he eatin 2x + 309) = sings +30"). nite: ole 25.a._ Using a ruler, a pair of compasses only construct triangle XYZ, such that XY = 6em, YZ=8cm and ZXYZ=75° (3marks) $) Contre SY ! Ly’ 4Lae by tocar Brom Lod $ Lap" to Date Z x (b) Measure i linexZ = YF tol B] (mark) ii. LXIY 2 ay Te a] (mark) (d) Draw a circle that passes through X, Y and Z. as (Qmarks) . § ee | - Urcering | B-Sides iy — Ciremedentte « (4) A point M moves such that it is always equidistant from Y and Z. construct the locus of Mand define the locus (3marks) M- Parperdionler bites ¢12°B) (bs) % trenertg TE by, matt ae leees. Bunuia sub ~ county joint evaluation mathematics pp2 16 M, Bite 43 236 me fe Wee ‘ X20, y20 BIL | for corvet di ond shading Y BI | forcorect drawing 6. se ancl shading 4x #3y $36 Bi | “ 2x +3Y <24 Biel Profit function 4x + 8y By Maximum profit at (6,4) BI Should hire 6 type A and 4 type B machines BI

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