Vocabulary Reading

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Useful Vocabulary for Practice Test 1 Reading

Reading - Part 1
annual (adj) happening once every year
urgent (adj) important and in need of immediate attention
confirm (v) to make an arrangement with someone, often by phone or writing
sightseeing (n) visiting interesting places when on holiday
fantasy (n) a story/film, etc that describes a situation tha: very different from real life
target (v) to direct advertising of a product at a specific g of people
up-to-date (adj) with the latest information unique (adj) being the only one of your type
theme (n) the main subject/topic of a competition, book etc.
Reading - Part 2
designer (n) someone who can imagine how something could be made and then draw a plan for it
gossip (n) conversations, that might be not true, about other people's lives
reality TV (n) television programmes about ordinary people, who are filmed in real-life situations
fabulous (adj) very good or excellent at something
contain (v) to include something as a part
column (n) a piece of writing in a magazine/newspaper/blog website, that is always written by the
same person and has a particular subject
bullying (n) someone's bad behaviour that intentionally hurts or frightens other people
fiction (n) a type of story/book written about not real events and characters
enthusiast (n) a person who has a great interest in a particu a- subject
inspiring (adj) something that is making you feel you want to do something
bravery (n) when your actions or behaviour is brave
Reading - Part 3
responsibly (adv) having good judgment and the ability to act correctly and make decisions on your
standard (n) the level of quality of something
survival (n) when a person, organisation, etc. is continuing to live or exist
ban (v) to refuse to allow something (especially officially)
Vocabulary Development for Test 1 Reading
Reading - Part 4
youth club (n) a place where teenagers can go to meet with other teenagers, play sports and do
different social activities
recently (adv) when something started not long ago
permanently (adv) staying in the same condition for ever
Reading - Part 5
combine (v) to join together, to put things, ideas, etc together
exclusive – something limited only for a few people
crew- the people working together on a plane, ship
pedestrian someone who is walking in an area where vehicles pass
settle – remain permanently in a particular place
Exercise A
Choose the correct answer (A, В or C) to complete the sentences.
1. After travelling to many different countries they are planning to……….in Ireland.
A target В ban C settle
2. Our classroom has one of the most …… computer systems that are available out right now.
A up-to-date. В fabulous C annual
3. Damien writes a very interesting weekly…… about global warming in the local newspaper.
A designer В theme C column

Exercise В Choose the correct word (A, В or C) to fill in the gaps.

4. Matthew went…………..... in Europe.
5. Can I rely on you to behave…………………. while I'm away for the weekend?
6. I can't stand Tom's………………… ; he always tries to scare the younger students.
4. A sightseeing В gossip С reality TV
5. A recently В permanently С responsibly
6. A designer В bullying С crew

Exercise C
Complete the sentences using the correct form of three of the words in the box below.
combine fiction enthusiast bravery contain survival pedestrian

7. He really likes science……………… ; he has watched all the Star Wars films.
8. Two………………… were the victims of an accident today.
9. You can……………………………. hydrogen and oxygen to make water.

Exercise A
Choose the correct answer (A, В or C) to complete the sentences.
1 Nathan put all his school paper into his blue ………….
A race track В folder C paperwork
2 Jennifer's grandfather was a…………..in the Royal Navy.
A sailor В spectator C career advisor
3. She graduated from high school last summer and now she is a……….. student.
A basic В medical C common

Exercise В
Choose the correct word (A, В or C) to fill in the gaps.
3 Once you enter the plane you should put your …….in the locker over your head.
4 Mrs Smith had to………….. Carol that she was able to take part on the sports
5 It's a family……………. to eat together on Christmas Eve.
4 A e-ticket В hold luggage C clue
5 A volunteer В freeze C reassure
6 A training В prediction C tradition

Exercise C
Complete the sentences using the correct form of three of the words in the box below.

sound effects cabin crew allowance career advisor prediction clue decoration

7 If you do not know what you want to do after school you should visit a……
8 The…………… had to be cheap and practical for a family home.
9 We have no………………….. where Mandy is.
volunteer (v) to offer to do something without expecting to get paid
candle (n) a stick of wax, with a piece of string in the middle of it, that you burn in order to produce
decoration (n) making something look nice by putting things

Reading - Part 2
freeze (v) to make something become cold and often hard, because it has reached a low
temperature, below 0°C
freezer (n) a large container that works with electricity and is used for freezing food
race track (n) a wide, circular path with grass, on which horses race

Reading - Part 3
reassure (v) to make someone stop worrying
career advisor (n) a person whose job is to advise others about what type of work they could do
advisor (n) a specialist who gives advice on subjects he/she knows a lot about
basic (adj) simple and not complicated
medical (adj) having to do with medicine and the treatment of diseases and injuries
sailor (n) someone who works on a boat or a ship
navy (n) the part of the armed forces that are trainee ' at sea
folder (n) a folded container used for keeping loose pa

Reading - Part 4
spectator (n) someone who watches a performance, a s: - event, etc
tradition (n) an old belief, custom or way of acting that pe:_ a group (national, local, religious, etc)
have continued to;

Reading - Part 5
paperwork (n) the written records that you need for a particular journey, job etc.
e-ticket (n) a ticket in electronic form (on the mobile, etc usually to travel, to go to the theatre, etc
hold luggage (n) small bags that passengers are allowed to carry with them on an aircraft
cabin crew (n) the people in an aircraft whose job is to look after the passengers
clue (n) a sign or fact that you discover and helps you find the answer to a problem, question, or
prediction (n) something that you say about what you think will happen in the future
common (adj) the same in many places (or for many people
allowance (n) an amount of something (usually money) that you are officially allowed/given

Reading - Part 6
come round go to a place, especially someone's house, in order to visit them
sound effects (n plural) the recorded sounds in a film, TV or radio programme that are added to
make it seem and sound more realistic
training (n) the process of learning all the skills you need, for a job, profession or activity

Exercise A
Choose the correct answer (A, В or C) to complete the sentences.
6 Nathan put all his school paper into his blue ………….
A race track В folder C paperwork
7 Jennifer's grandfather was a…………..in the Royal Navy.
A sailor В spectator C career advisor
3. She graduated from high school last summer and now she is a……….. student.
A basic В medical C common

Exercise В
Choose the correct word (A, В or C) to fill in the gaps.
8 Once you enter the plane you should put your …….in the locker over your head.
9 Mrs Smith had to………….. Carol that she was able to take part on the sports
10 It's a family……………. to eat together on Christmas Eve.
4 A e-ticket В hold luggage C clue
5 A volunteer В freeze C reassure
6 A training В prediction C tradition

Exercise C
Complete the sentences using the correct form of three of the words in the box below.

sound effects cabin crew allowance career advisor prediction clue decoration

7 If you do not know what you want to do after school you should visit a……
8 The…………… had to be cheap and practical for a family home.
9 We have no………………….. where Mandy is.

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