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Communication Through Print, Electronic and Social Media

Farooq Shah
Media In Charge

Print Media
The creation and dissemination of news and information through printed
publications is known as print media. These facts, images, or visuals are distributed
to the broader public in printed form, often known as hard copy—the written form
of communication that is printed on tangible copies in either colour or

Printers often display print media on paper. Printing companies may, however, also
make use of a variety of substrates, including canvas, fabric, vinyl, and others. The
following print media examples are widely known to readers, advertisers, and other
media consumers.

Newspapers and Weeklies

Newspapers are good examples of print media where advertisers have a wide
variety of options available. The various types of newspapers include weekly,
local, regional, evening, or Sunday editions.
Who are the leading newspaper readers? A diverse audience reads this print media.
They comprise people with a variety of interests, such as those in sports, business,
entertainment, fashion, politics, and local and global news.
Newspapers can offer advertising space to businesses that require assistance in
displaying text, graphics, images, and other types of illustrations. While some
advertising firms spend a fortune on double-page spreads, others make lower
payments for text-only classified ads.

Advertisers can promote their products and services in a variety of magazines.
Trade publications support a variety of businesses, including manufacturing
finance, electronics, and more. Numerous interests, such as fashion, health,
athletics, hobbies, and current events are promoted in consumer publications.
Other periodicals concentrate on manager- and career-related literature, including
those for marketing experts, engineers, human resource managers, and others.
Most magazines come out once a week, once a month, or once every three months.
Advertisers can still purchase space to display advertisements, whether they are in
colour or black & white.

Print media such as billboards and posters allow advertisers to reach consumers
who are on the go. They are often positioned outdoors and feature enormous prints
and artwork. These banners assist advertisers influence customers close to the sales
counters by being placed in strategic locations, such as close to malls.
To reach larger audiences of potential customers, advertising agencies use
billboards in public spaces like airports and train stations. These enormous boards'
size makes it nearly difficult for anyone to miss the advertisement.
Additionally, advertisers can change the text, slogans, or images on billboards at
predetermined times by combining digital and traditional media.

Communication Through Electronic Media

Electronic media, which include radio and television, are media that disseminate
your message via some sort of electronic device. TV is seen as having a big effect
because it frequently draws tens of thousands or even millions of viewers.

The lead periods are typically very short; if a television station receives your press
release, your story will air in less than 24 hours. Radio typically has a less impact
than television because fewer people will hear your tale and there won't be any
visuals to accompany it.

As a result, you must create press releases for both of these media types that make
the most of their respective platforms. For example, a press release for TV MUST
have excellent visual potential (and be more than just a talking head), and a press
release for radio MUST have an excellent soundscape (background noises that add
to the story). An electronic media story's lifespan might be quite brief. Millions of
people may see a 15 second news clip, yet it might never be repeated.

Other forms of electronic communication can be achieved through Email,

Blogging, videoconferencing, telex, voice mail, et al.

Social Media

This is the media that you use to distribute information from your own company
online. It consists of other other sites as such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and
Pinterest. In contrast to conventional media, social media requires you to gradually
establish your own following rather than relying on a TV, radio, or newspaper to
do so. Social media has incredibly quick lead periods (seconds for some news), and
its trends and flows cannot be controlled.
To target specialised interest groups, nevertheless, it can be very effectively used.
To create buzz on social media, you must turn your hype into it. The greatest buzz
is when your piece "goes viral," or when a lot of people read (or "click") the
content and it seems to take on a life of its own. A tale you post on social media
may be difficult to take down... therefore take great care!

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