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Letter to the Justicars –

‘Justicar Yoshida,

This small one extends humble greetings. One hopes this communication finds you in good health
and high spirits. One would offer yourself, or more appropriately your representative, counsel with
regards to the current situation in Chicago. One hopes you might find favor with the actions of
Prince Smith. He has opened the doors to those most often disaffected, one hopes the sad state of
affairs with the Camerilla losing loyal citizens to the Anarch movement or even worse the Sabbat.
This small one anticipates your arrival to the city.

Matteo Fanucci

Chief Harpy of Chicago.’

‘Justicar De Calais,

Greetings from Chicago (insert appropriate title) De Calais. I wish to offer what counsel I might too
yourself or your delegate. Should this be of value, I stand ready to answer your call. (Title) I implore
you to consider Prince Smith’s actions in a favorable light. Far to often those who would sit back
might offer criticism, not aware of the pressures to take action in the midst of the situation. I would
hope than when you have considered the situation, that you would consider joining this city in the
hopes that a more inclusive Camerilla might stem the advance of the Sabbat and perhaps reverse
that dark tide.

I look forward to your presence in the city.

Matteo Fanucci

Chief Harpy of Chicago.’

‘Justicar Banes,

Greetings (title), I should like to meet with you or your representative during your visit to the city of
Chicago for the upcoming conclave. Prince Smiths calls for inclusion into the Camerilla are a blessed
cry in the too long silence. I hope that you find favor in the activities Prince Smith and his
undertakings to diversify and strengthen the Camerilla.

I look forward to your wisdom and insight into these events.

Matteo Fanucci

Chief Harpy of Chicago.’

‘Justicar Robin,

Salutations (title), I would desire a meeting with you or more appropriately one of your
representatives. I should like to offer to discuss Prince Smith’s recent actions, one hopes you have
found favor with these actions, and that if not that you might reconsider.

One hopes to benefit from your knowledge and insight.

Matteo Fanucci

Chief Harpy of Chicago.’

‘Justicar Guil,

Greetings and felicitations Madame Guil, I desire a meeting with yourself or your representative.
One hopes Prince Smith’s recent actions have found favor with yourself. Whilst I’m very young, this
is the first time I have seen the Elders of the clan Tremere challenged. Their conduct has called their
dedication the core pillars of the Camerilla into question. A sad state of affairs, to be sure.

One looks forward to your judicious regard falling upon this city,

Matteo Fanucci

Chief Harpy of Chicago.’

‘Justicar Lucinde,

Dear clanmate, I offer greetings. I hope this communication reaches you in good spirits. I would
request a meeting with your office to discuss the current events in Chicago. I wish to petition you to
consider Prince Smith actions in a positive light. I believe his actions will serve to strengthen the city
and the Camerilla. To long have the Tremere held a monopoly on blood magics, this monopoly
seems to have affected their ability to self-regulate both that monopoly and their mindsets.

I look forward to your arrival,

Matteo Fanucci

Chief Harpy of Chicago.’

Please bear in mind Matteo knows more about this stuff then Jeff, and has much better social and

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