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Where I was first prepared to be a mason:

Upon embarking on a journey in the earth school, the eternal soul borrows the organic body
from mother earth and a lifetime is spent until the day comes when the organic body is reunited
with mother earth and the soul returns to the other side and prepares for yet another lesson.

Once born on earth, we are bombarded with the sensations that shape our perception of the
world we filter through our senses. Interestingly, every person on earth has their own version of
reality, making the true nature of reality a mystery. We are born into a world of sensations, yet
we tend to remain in the womb of chaos, ever present, mixed with random probabilities of
myriad possibilities, a state of eternal turmoil.

Emboldened by his life experiences, the mentally adept eventually realizes the need for an
order in life conducive to discovering our true purpose of being here, in addition to learning
humility, patience, honesty in our interactions with people and society at large, combined with a
strong will to uphold order in life.

Over the course of exploring my self, the doors of freemasonry eventually loomed in the
horizon, a brotherhood in existence for centuries focused on love for all brethren, free will, a
silent torch bearer upholding the collective order, cemented on the foundations of brotherly love,
relief and truth.

I finally found a place where I could be at peace, with men from all walks of life, united together
around a common purpose and becoming conscientious, honorable and just men in the process
of the quest for truth. A place that evoked a strong sense of connection. This is the point where I
listened to my heart and made up my mind to join Freemasonry.

In the process of working towards bringing about order out of chaos, we are eventually born
again, out of the womb of chaos.

So, where does this womb of chaos exist? Is it something tangible?

Well, this is all in the mind; in fact everything is in the mind.

He, who discovers his true self, discovers God!

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