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Journal of Neurochemistry

Raven Press, Ltd., New York

0 1989 International Society for Neurochemistry

Proteolytic Cleavage of Tetanus Toxin Increases Activity

*?Gregory K. Bergey, /William H. Habig, *Jeffrey I. Bennett, and /Clara S. Lin

Departments of *Neurology and ?Physiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, and $Centerfor
Biologics Evaluation and Research, Laboratory of Bacterial Toxins, Division of Bacterial Products,
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.

Abstract: Tetanus toxin is initially synthesized in the form preparations can be explained by the small amounts of re-
of a single polypeptide chain and then proteolytically sidual two-chain toxin present in these extracts. Using a pro-
“nicked” by the bacteria to produce a two-chain structure tease from a toxin-minus strain of Clostridium tetani to con-
joined by a disulfide bond. This two-chain form of the toxin vert a single-chain toxin preparation to two-chain toxin in-
is the form known to be biologically active. Whether such creases toxin activity. In vivo the single-chain toxin
nicking is necessary for activity, as it is for certain other bac- preparation is also less toxic. These findings indicate that
terial toxins, has not been demonstrated previously. Single- proteolytic nicking of tetanus toxin increases activity. The
chain toxin preparations produced by salt extraction from unnicked, single-chain form of tetanus toxin may be a rela-
the bacteria are characterized and compared with pure two- tively nontoxic protoxin form of the toxin; this is a structure-
chain toxin obtained from extracellular filtrates. The ability function relationship similar to that of other bacterial protein
of these various toxin preparations to produce paroxysmal toxins. Key Words: Tetanus toxin-Spinal cord-Proteoly-
activity in mouse spinal cord neurons grown in dissociated sis-Tissue culture-Protoxin. Bergey G . K. et al. Proteolytic
cell culture is described. The pure two-chain toxin is dem- cleavage of tetanus toxin increases activity. J. Neurochem.
onstrated to have greater activity than the single-chain toxin 53, 155-161 (1989).
preparations. Indeed the activity of the single-chain toxin

Tetanus toxin, one of the most toxic biological sub- mon two-chain structure of bacterial toxins it has been
stances known, is initially produced by the Clostridium postulated that the single-chain form of tetanus toxin
tetani bacterium in a single polypeptide chain of about is also an inactive protoxin that is proteolytically
150,000 MW. This single-chain toxin is then subse- cleaved and activated as the two-chain form found ex-
quently “nicked” or cleaved by endogenous bacterial tracellularly (Middlebrook and Dorland, 1984). No di-
proteases to form a two-chain structure, a heavy chain rect evidence to support this relationship exists for tet-
of about 100,000MW and a light chain of 50,000 MW, anus toxin. Studies to date with tetanus toxin have
joined by a disulfide bond (Matsuda and Yoneda, 1975; been limited by the unavailability of suitable prepa-
Helting and Zwisler, 1977; Helting et al., 1979). This rations of single-chain tetanus toxin and the fact that
is the form of the toxin normally found in culture su- intact animal systems contain endogenous protease
pernatant and the form known to produce the dramatic activity.
effects of tetanus. Whether this proteolytic cleavage is Recently fetal mouse spinal cord neurons in disso-
necessary for or enhances toxin activity is unknown. ciated cell culture have been utilized to characterize
Other bacterial toxins (e.g., cholera, diphtheria, Pseu- the action of tetanus toxin (Bergey et al., 1983, 1987;
domonas, Shigella, botulinum) have a somewhat sim- Habig et al., 1986). Using this system tetanus toxin has
ilar two-chain structure ( D r a i n et al., 1971; Gill, 1976; been demonstrated to act at a presynaptic locus (Bergey
Vasil et al., 1977; Olsnes et al., 1981; Simpson, 1981). et al., 1987) to produce relative disinhibition following
For these other toxins, proteolytic cleavage appears a dose-dependent latent period (Bergey et al., 1983).
necessary for activity (diphtheria toxin also requires The relative activity of various toxin preparations can
additional reduction for activity). Because of the com- be directly compared using this system to quantitate

Received August 9, 1988; revised manuscript received December Abbreviations used: H S , horse serum; MEM, minimum essential
5, 1988; accepted December 13, 1988. medium; PDE, paroxysmal depolarizingevents; SDS, sodium dodecyl
Address correspondenceand reprint requests to Dr. G. K. Bergey sulfate.
at Department of Neurology, University of Maryland School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, U.S.A.

the time of onset of paroxysmal activity, a time marked phoresis was then performed in the presence of 2-mercap-
by reduced inhibitory activity that results in increased toethanol. Gels (10 cm length) were sliced into 2-mm fractions
polysynaptic excitation and prominent paroxysmal using an Aliquogel Fractionator (Gilson Medical Electronics)
depolarizing events. and the gel fractions counted. The percentage of nicked toxin
We report here the results utilizing intracellular re- was calculated from the total counts in the unnicked toxin,
cordings from mouse spinal cord neurons grown in heavy chain and light chain regions of the reduced SDS gels
and compared to gels obtained with stock (100%nicked, two-
dissociated cell culture. T h e activity of a tetanus toxin chain) toxin. For all physiological experiments a preparation
preparation containing predominantly the single-chain that was 10% nicked and 90% unnicked was used. This was
form is compared with a pure two-chain toxin prepa- the preparation most enriched for unnicked toxin. For ex-
ration to demonstrate that proteolytic cleavage is im- periments assaying for endogenous protease activity in the
portant for toxin activity. Portions of these data have cultures another preparation that was 22% nicked, 78% un-
been reported in abstract form previously (Bergey et nicked was also used. Previous experiments have demon-
al., 1986). strated preservation of bioactivity of tetanus toxin following
labeling with the Bolton-Hunter reagent (Habig et al., 1986).
MATERIALS A N D METHODS 1251-labeledtoxin was added for either 10 min or 14 h to
Culture techniques spinal cord cultures that had been washed free of horse serum
Cultures of fetal mouse spinal cord neurons were prepared and placed in MEM. The cultures were then washed and the
as described in detail previously by Ransom et al. (1 977). structure of the cell-associated toxin was analyzed by SDS
Spinal cords were removed from 124- to 14-day-old fetal gel electrophoresis in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. A
mice, trypsin treated, and mechanically dissociated and plated total of three cultures were pooled for each gel analysis.
on collagen-coated 35-mm plastic dishes. The culture me- For experiments to test whether nicking of the 90% single-
dium was Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM) s u p chain toxin preparation increased activity, radiolabeled un-
plemented with glucose (final concentration 30 mM) and nicked tetanus toxin (90%unnicked) was treated with partially
bicarbonate (final concentration 44 mM). Cultures were purified nicking protease from a toxin minus strain of C.
grown and maintained at 35°C in 10%C 0 2 . During the first tetani (strain BT 101; Laird et al., 1980; Finn et al., 1984).
24 h both 10% fetal calf serum and 10% horse serum (HS) After treatment both the control and protease-treated toxin
were included in the culture medium. After this time only samples were passed over a Sephadex G-100 column pn-
5% HS was included and 1% solution containing supplements manly to remove any contaminating clostridial hemolysin
(Romijn et al., 1982) to reduce the amount of serum needed (tetanolysin) present in the protease preparation which could
was added. The antimetabolite 5-fluoro-2deoxyuridine damage cultured neuronal cells. SDS gels of 1251-labeledun-
(concentration 54 pM with 140 p M uridine) was used for a treated and protease-treated toxins were obtained after the
24-h period after day 7 to limit the growth of nonneuronal respective toxin preparations were reduced with 1% 2-mer-
cells. Cultures were maintained with biweekly subtotal captoethanol. These labeled toxin preparations were used in
changes of medium for 4-8 weeks at which time they were both neuronal cell physiologic assays and mouse toxicity
used for experiments. studies. In neuronal cell physiologic assays 50,000 counts of
either the unnicked preparation or the protease-treated toxin
Tetanus toxin preparation were added to each culture. Intracellular record-
Homogeneous nicked tetanus toxin was prepared from ings (described below) determined the onset of convulsant
sterile culture filtrates of the Massachusetts C2 strain of Clos- activity. To check for residual hemolysin activity additional
tridium tetani cultures. Unnicked toxin was extracted from cultures were incubated with 50,000 counts of the protease-
washed C. tetani cells with 1 M NaCI, 0.1 M sodium citrate treated toxin for 72 h and examined under phase optics for
at pH 8.7 (Raynaud, 1951). The extraction solution also con- gross morphological changes.
tained 1 mM EDTA, I mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride Bioassays of the unnicked and protease-nicked toxins in
(PMSF), and 10 mM benzamidine as potential protease in- mice were performed. Dilutions of 1.5-fold of the labeled
hibitors. Both toxin preparations were purified by (NH&S04 toxin preparations were counted and injected into groups of
precipitation with 60% saturated ammonium sulfate, and gel four mice per dilution. The percentages of mortality were
filtration on Sephadex G-100. The toxin fractions were calculated after 96 h.
pooled, dialyzed against 5 mM potassium phosphate, pH 6.8,
and were applied to a hydroxyapatite column and eluted with Electroph ysiology
a gradient of 5 mM to 250 mM potassium phosphate, pH Cultures grown for 4-8 weeks were selected for physiolog-
6.8. After concentration by ultrafiltration, protein was mea- ical studies. Because HS contains significant amounts of an-
sured by the Lowry protein assay using bovine serum albumin titetanus toxin antibodies, cultures were washed three times
as a standard (Lowry et al., 1951). Electrophoretic analysis in MEM without HS. Following this washing procedure, no
of the toxin preparations on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) detectable antitoxin antibodies remained as determined by
gels in the presence and absence of mercaptoethanol deter- mouse bioassay (<0.001 U; 1 U is sufficient to neutralize
mined the proportion of unnicked, single-chain toxin. Re- approximately 2 pg of toxin). Cultures were placed in a
duction of disulfide bonds in nicked toxin results in complete HEPES-buffered MEM solution prior to physiologic studies.
dissociation into heavy and light chains whereas the unnicked, Culture dishes were placed on a temperature-controlled stage
single-chain toxin is not dissociable. Gels stained with Coo- of an inverted phase microscope. Using a thermister probe
massie Brilliant Blue R-250 (Bio-Rad Laboratories) were used with a feedback heating loop (Medical Systems) the temper-
for qualitative indications of the compositions, but for quan- ature at the culture dish periphery was carefully maintained
tification of the amounts of unnicked toxin in the various at 36.6 + 0.2"C. Intracellular recordings were made under
preparations, toxin was labeled with ''1 using the Bolton- direct vision using microelectrodes filled with 4 M potassium
Hunter reagent (Bolton and Hunter, 1973). SDS gel electro- acetate at neutral pH with resistances of 35-55 MOhm.

J. Neurochem., Vol. 53,No. I , 1989


Physiological recordings were obtained using conventional

bridge circuitry in conjunction with a storage oscilloscope x)(xIo CONTROL (22%NICKED1 *I
and a continuous chart recorder.

Several preparations of toxin were produced from
extracts of washed C.tetani cells as described in Ma- 10 MINUTES (18% NICKED)
terials and Methods. SDS gel analyses (Fig. 1) dem-
onstrated the single- and two-chain structures of re-
spective unnicked and nicked toxins. Analysis of ra-
diolabeled toxin (SDS gel electrophoresis with gel
fractionation)allowed quantification of the percentage
of unnicked, single-chain toxin present. After repeated
efforts, a toxin preparation enriched to 90%unnicked
single-chain toxin was obtained and used for all phys-
0 1
iological experiments. No entirely pure unnicked
preparation could be obtained.
To determine whether the spinal cord cultures con-
tained proteases capable of cleaving the single-chain
form of tetanus toxin, cultures were incubated with an
enriched (78%) unnicked toxin preparation. Incubation
of radiolabeled tetanus toxin preparations enriched for 0 10 20 30 40 50
unnicked, single-chain toxin in culture medium for up FRACTION NUMBER
to 14 h did not result in demonstrable proteolytic
cleavage of the cell-associated toxin when the percent- FIG. 2. Cultures of spinal cord neurons do not proteolyticallynick
single-chain tetanus toxin. Analyses of gel fractions from washed
ages of nicked toxin were determined by gel analyses mouse spinal cord cultures exposed to '251-labeledtetanus toxin
(Fig. 2). This suggests that proteases capable of cleaving (22% nicked, 78% unnicked) for 10 min or 14 h are shown. SDS
the toxin were not present or active in these spinal cord gel electrophoresis was in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. A.
cultures during the 14-h incubation period. All phys- Gel analysis of control toxin. 8: Cell-associated toxin after 10 min
iological experiments described below were of much incubation with the spinal cord cultures. C Cell-associated toxin
incubated with cultures for 14 h. No increased percentages of
shorter duration than 14 h. nicked toxin were present at either time.
Intracellular recordings from spinal cord neurons
exposed to tetanus toxin reveal a transition from con-
trolled spontaneous activity to convulsant activity
characterized by paroxysmal depolarizing events (tet-
anus-PDE) and rhythmic depolarizing bursts of action
potentials resulting from decreased inhibition (Fig. 3).
The latent period prior to onset of convulsant activity
may reflect a complicated presynaptic membrane in-
teraction (Schmitt et al., 1981; Yavin et al., 1981;
Critchley et al., 1985).
Determinations of the time to onset of established
paroxysmal activity (appearance of PDE) following the
addition of tetanus toxin preparations were made by
intracellular recordings from spinal cord neurons as
described in Materials and Methods. After PDE was
noted in one neuron, additional recordings from 3-10
adjacent neurons were typically performed to confirm
the presence of paroxysmal activity in the neurons.
The onset of paroxysmal activity (PDE) following ad-
dition of toxin preparations containing 90%unnicked
FIG. 1. Electrophoretic analysis of nicked and unnicked toxin toxin was delayed when compared with similar con-
preparations on 5% SDS gels. Unnicked toxin and nicked toxin
preparationswere preparedas described in Materials and Methods. centrations of pure nicked toxin (Figs. 4 and 5). A dose-
Gels were stained with Coomassie BrilliantBlue. Reduction of the response plot for three concentrations of the two un-
disulfide bonds in nicked toxin by 2-rnercaptoethanol results in labeled toxin preparations illustrates the significantly
complete dissociation into heavy and light chains whereas the un- increased activity of the pure nicked toxin (Fig. 4).
nicked toxin is not dissociable by mercaptoethanol reduction be-
cause of its singlechainstructure. Analysis of radiolabeledunnicked
Furthermore the average times of PDE onset for the
toxin preparation (not shown) indicatedthat it was 90% unnicked, 90% unnicked preparation at and g/ml(53.5
the other 10% being nicked toxin. and 75.0 min, respectively) were not significantly dif-

J. Neurochem., Vol. 53,No. I , 1989

158 G. K. BERGEY ET A L .

with the unnicked preparation. With protease treat-

ment this was shortened to an average of 134 min (SEM
8.27; n = 4, p < 0.01).
Injection of protease-treated (previously 90% un-
nicked) toxin into whole animals also indicated that
protease treatment increased the toxicity of the single-
chain toxin preparation (Fig. 7). With pure nicked
toxin, 250 cpm produced 100%mortality within 4 days,
whereas no mice died when injected with 250 cpm of
the 90% unnicked, single-chain preparation. One
hundred percent mortality was not achieved with the
90% unnicked toxin preparation unless 600 cpm or
more were administered. Analyses of all results indicate
an approximate threefold increase in toxicity on nick-
ing of the unnicked preparation. Similar relationships
were observed with purified, unlabeled, non-protease-
treated 100% nicked and 90% unnicked toxin prepa-
rations. Protease treatment had no effect on the mea-
sured toxicity of nicked toxin preparations (data not
FIG. 3. Top: Fetal mouse spinal cord neurons grown in dissociated
cell culture for 5 weeks. The calibration bar equals 50 Fm. Intra- DISCUSSION
cellular recordings from spinal cord under controlconditions typically
reveal prominent spontaneous postsynaptic potentials (excitatory Because tetanus toxin is not cytotoxic per se, assays
and inhibitory) and spontaneous action potentials as shown on the of toxicity require physiological effects to be measured
chart recorder record under control conditions (A and B). After a and quantitated. Intracellular recordings from spinal
dose-dependentlatent period during which time there may be little
change in spontaneous activity, tetanus toxin produces prominent cord neurons grown in dissociated tissue culture allow
effects characterized by paroxysmaldepolarizing events (tetanus- the demonstration of action and potency of prepara-
PDE), abrupt depolarizing shifts of 5-20 mV with associatedtrig- tions of tetanus toxin by allowing quantification of the
gered action potentials. Inhibitorypostsynaptic potentials dramat- time of onset of paroxysmal activity (Bergey et al., 1983,
ically diminish as the tetanus-PDE become established. The
recording shown in B illustratesan example of a neuron with prom-
1987). Since the onset of this activity has been dem-
inent spontaneous inhibitory activity under control conditions. The onstrated to parallel the reduction of inhibition pro-
onset of activity produced by tetanus toxin is concomitant with duced by tetanus toxin (Bergey et al., 1983, 1987) this
the disappearance of these prominent inhibitory postsynaptic po- is a specific measure of toxin action, more readily
tentials. In these and other chart records the amplitudes of the quantifiable than limb rigidity in whole animals and
action potentials are attenuated by the frequency response of the
penwriter. more closely related to the specific onset of toxin action

ferent from the average times to PDE onset for the

pure nicked toxin preparation at lo-’ g/ml and lo-’ 100-
g/ml(54.8 and 75.8 min, respectively).
Protease derived from a non-toxin-producing strain
of C. tetani was used to treat the 90% unnicked toxin
preparation. After protease treatment little unnicked -
toxin was detectable by radioautography of SDS gels
of the mercaptoethanol-reduced toxin (Fig. 6). Al-

though most of the detectable label was in gel regions eg 40-

corresponding to heavy and light toxin chains, some
small amounts of other cleavage products were de- -t-
tectable. Cultures incubated with the protease-treated
toxin for 72 h showed no gross morphological changes
when examined under phase microscopic optics, in- .
o S O % “NNlCKFDi10% N l C I t D TOXlN P R E P A R A T I O N


dicating that most if not all of the hemolysin was re- *0 10-8 O10’7 10-6 L
moved during preparation. TOXIN CONCENTRATION (g/ml)
Treatment of the 90% unnicked toxin preparation
with bacterial protease significantly shortened the time FIG. 4. Average times to the onset of PDE produced by three
concentrations of the 100% nicked toxin (0)and 90% unnicked
to onset of tetanus-PDE. Following the addition of toxin (0)preparations. Averages shown represent three to five
50,000 counts of each preparation the average time to experiments per point (fSEM). Analysis of covariance produced
onset of tetanus-PDE was 190 min (SEM 9.25; n = 5) a nicked-unnicked difference of 21.8 f 5.5 ( p < 0.001).

J. Neurachern., Val. S3,No. 1. 1989



10 minutes

30 minutes

60 minutes

FIG. 5. Representative penwriter records of intracellular recordings from spinal cord neurons at 10, 30, and 60 min following the addition
of pure nicked, double-chain toxin and 90% unnicked toxin (each g/ml) reveal the earlier onset of action with the pure nicked
preparation. In each instance, intracellular recordings at 10 min reveal a combination of spontaneous action potentials and postsynaptic
potentials (inhibitory and excitatory). After 30 min, the culture exposed to pure nicked toxin shows the early onset of paroxysmal activity
that is even more prominent at 60 min. lntracellular recordings from neurons in a culture exposed to the toxin enriched for the unnicked
form continue to show essentially a control pattern of activity; recordings at 60 min reveal paroxysmal activity (tetanus-PDE).

than death of animals. Using this neuronal culture sys- quent tissue culture and mouse assays of toxicity. This
tem the results above demonstrate that proteolytic experimental nicking of the unnicked toxin with a
nicking of single-chain tetanus toxin into the two-chain clostridial protease increased toxin activity. Gel anal-
structure found extracellularly increases activity of the yses revealed that this experimental nicking produced
toxin. This is illustrated above by the dose-response a two-chain toxin form similar to that naturally pro-
curves of activity of the nicked toxin versus the activity duced by the bacteria.
of a preparation highly enriched for unnicked toxin. Despite considerable effort we have thus far been
Not all strains of Clostridium tetani produce tetanus unable to obtain toxin that was greater than 90% un-
toxin. Toxin production is plasmid related (Laird et nicked. This reflects the difficulty of purifying the in-
al., 1980). Using protease from a toxin minus strain of tracellular toxin without exposure to clostridial pro-
C. tetani allowed an endogenous protease to be used teases. Several protease inhibitors, including benzam-
for the cleavage. Protease from a toxin producing strain idine (as recommended by Helting et al., 1979), have
would have resulted in the addition of tetanus toxin been tried, but did not increase the purity of single-
that would have confounded the results of the subse- chain toxin. Exactly where in the bacteria the toxin is
nicked is not known but the extracellular toxin is in
the nicked two-chain form. A mutant organism lacking
the nicking protease would be useful in producing a
pure single-chain toxin preparation.

- -- -

- /

- i
0 Protease Treated

II 0 Control

500 lo00 1500


FIG. 7. Protease treatment of previously singlechaintetanus toxin

FIG. 6. Radioautography of SDS gels of unnicked toxin before increases in vivo toxicity. A bioassay of the unnicked (0)and pro-
(control) and after protease treatment, using protease derived from tease-nicked (0)toxin in mice is shown. Dilutions of 1.5-fold of
a toxin-minus strain of C. tetani. Control toxin was 90% unnicked, the labeled toxin preparations were counted and injected into
single-chain toxin. After protease treatment little unnicked toxin groups of four mice per dilution. The percentages of mortality after
remained. 96 h in each group are shown.

J. Neurochem.. Vol. 53,No. 1. 1989


The fact that some nicked two-chain toxin was pres- understanding of its site of action and broader use of
ent in all preparations guarantees that all preparations the toxin as a probe for investigating mechanisms of
will have some physiologic activity. Therefore it cannot neurotransmission and vesicular release.
be definitely determined whether the unnicked single- Note added in proof: Weller et al. (1 988) recently reported
chain form of the toxin is atoxic or merely less toxic increased activity of bichain tetanus toxin compared to single
than the two-chain form of toxin. Results from the chain toxin utilizing assays in intact animals and phrenic
dose-response curves for the two preparations, how- nerve-hemidiaphragms as well as measures of noradrenaline
ever, indicate that the activity of the enriched unnicked release from isolated brain cell preparations. The differences
preparation could all be accounted for by the 10% in vivo were only about twofold; in vitro the bichain toxin
nicked toxin present. This suggests that the single chain was five to twelve times more potent than single chain toxin.
form of toxin is of very low potency and may in fact Acknowledgment: This work was supported by grants from
be atoxic. the J o h n A. Hartford Foundation, the Epilepsy Foundation
Injections into whole animals of proteolytically of America and U.S. Army Contract DAMD17-86-C-6056
nicked and 90% unnicked preparations demonstrated to G.K.B. W e wish to express our appreciation to Ms. Yvonne
about a threefold difference in toxicity. This is less than Logan for her expert preparation and maintenance of the
the 10-fold difference that would be predicted and was neuronal cultures used in these experiments. Dr. Thomas
observed in the in vitro preparations. This reduced dif- Permutt kindly provided statistical analyses of the data.
ference probably resulted from protelolytic nicking of
the single-chain preparation by endogenous trypsin- REFERENCES
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J. Neurochem., Vol. 53,No. I , 1989

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