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James watt was born in Scotland in 1736 and died in England in 1819 when he was 83

years old, he lived a long time.

He lived with his parents in Greenock and studied at home, he was educated mainly by his
mom and later he studied at the Greenock grammar school. James showed
great manual ability and math aptitude since he was a child.
When he was eighteen years old his mother died and he moved to London where he was
trainee of fabrication of instuments for one year. Later he returned to Scotland and he
worked inmaintenance, and repair of scientisf instruments as telescopes and barometers for
the Glaslow University. In parallel he dedicated himself to the manufacture of
mathematical instruments such as rules and compasses.
He was a key member of the Birmingham Lunar Society. Many of his writings are
preserved in the Birmingham Library.
As a mechanical engineer Watt contributed greatly to the development of the steam
machine, turning it from a technological project into a viable and economical way of
producing energy. James Watt's improvements to the steam machine transformed
Newcomen's machine, because this machine wasted the energy produced as the cylinder
walls were alternately heated and then cooled with each cycle.
Watt's idea was to create a separate condensation chamber to cool the steam, the result was
an increase in the performance of the machine. Because the condenser and the working
cylinder were separated, condensation occurred without significant heat loss from the
cylinder. The condenser remained cold and below atmospheric pressure at all times, while
the cylinder remained hot at all times.
His work served as the basis for the creation of more efficient engines, which would lead to
the transport revolution, introducing new machines such as the steam locomotive and the
steamboat. It made possible the construction of new factories that, as they no longer
depended on the force of water, could work all year round, and could be placed almost
everywhere. The productivity of factories increased enormously, this made possible the
emergence of new types of machine tools that could be used to create better machines.
Como ingeniero mecánico Watt contribuyó en gran medida al desarrollo de la máquina de
vapor, convirtiéndola, de un proyecto tecnológico, a una forma viable y económica de
producir energía. Las mejoras de James Watt en la máquina de vapor transformaron
la máquina de Newcomen, ,pues esta máquina desaprovechaba la energía producida ya que
las paredes del cilindro se calentaban alternativamente y luego se enfriaban con cada ciclo.
La idea de watt consistió en crear una cámara separada de condensación para enfriar el
vapor, el resultado fue un incremento del rendimiento de la máquina. Debido a que el
condensador y el cilindro de trabajo estaban separados, la condensación se producía sin una
pérdida significativa del calor del cilindro. El condensador permanecía frío y por debajo de
la presión atmosférica en todo momento, mientras que el cilindro permanecía caliente en
todo momento.
Su trabajo sirvió de base para la creación de motores más eficientes, que llevarían a la
revolución del transporte, introduciendo nuevas máquinas como la locomotora de vapor y
el barco de vapor. Hizo posible la construcción de nuevas fábricas que, como que ya no
dependían de la fuerza del agua, podían trabajar todo el año, y se podían colocar casi en
todas partes. La productividad de las fábricas aumentó enormemente, esto hizo posible la
aparición de nuevos tipos de máquinas herramienta que se podían usar para crear máquinas

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