Snow White Yt

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Snow white

Once upon a time, in a far, faraway land, there lived a queen who had a beautiful daughter
with skin as white as snow. The child was named snow white. But sadly, the queen soon
became sick and passed away. Then the king married a new queen. But she was evil. The evil
queen liked to ask her magic mirror every day.
“Mirror..oh..mirror. who is the fairest of them all?”
The magic mirror would always answer. “ My queen. You are the fairest of them all.”
But one day the magic mirror answered “ My queen, princess snow white is the fairest.”
The evil queen became very angry!
“ What? Nonsense! I am the fairest of them all! Not snow white! NEVER!
The angry queen ordered her hunter to throw Snow white into the woods.
The hunter found Snow white. “ I’m so sorry. Princess Snow White. But the queen ordered
me to get rid of you.”
“Please Sir. I beg of you. I will run away and never show myself again.”
The hunter let snow white go. And snow white ran away far into the woods.
Snow white became scared.
“Oh, no! What shall I do? It’s so dark and scary here.”
Then, snow white spotted a small light up on a small hill.
Oh, my! It’s pretty little cottage!
Snow white found a small cottage on the hill. Show white went inside the cottage.
“Look! Seven small plates. Seven small cups. Seven small spoons. And seven small forks.
Wow! Seven small beds too.”
Snow white ate some food and took a nap. Seven dwarves who live in the cottage came
home. The dwarves shouted.
“what happened to our food? Who’s that sleeping in my bed? Isn’t she Princess Snow
At that moment, Snow White woke up. Soon they all became good friends. She lived with
them in their small cottage.
One day the evil queen asked her magic mirror again. “Mirror.. oh mirror.. am I now the
fairest of them all?”
Then the mirror answered. “My queen. You are fair, too. But Princess Snow White is fairer
than you.”
The queen became more angry and scramed. “What?! Snow White is still alive?”
The angry queen decided to get rid of snow white with some poisoned apples.
She dressed up as an old lady.
“Apples, apples, buy some apples, my dear. They are so red and juicy, my dear.”
Snow white asked for one apple. Snow white took one big bite. But soon after, snow white
fell to the ground. The seven dwarves came home and saw snow white.
“Princess Snow white! 2x … please… please open your eyes!” The dwarves shouted.
But snow white did not open her eyes.
“Oh, No! maybe she’s dead! Oh No!”
The dwarves were so sad and could not stop crying. one day, a prince through the
forest then lead him to the dwarves house. He saw snow princess sleeping in bed beautiful.
The prince asked the dwarves about what happened to her. The dwarf was telling him all
about the snow white.
The prince asked permission to the dwarves to bring snow white to the palace so she
can be treated by the royal physician. But no one can woke her up. The  Prince finally gave
up and kiss the snow white because he  loved her so much. Suddenly, the snow white
awoken.actually the cure of the poison that was given by the evil queen is the kiss of a man
who loved her  with all his heart.The prince was then proposed for the snow white to became
her queen and snow white accepted happily. So the prince and snow white married and lived
happily ever after.

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