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Words Meaning

1 exam an official test of how much you know about something, or how well
you can do something
2 telephone a piece of electronic equipment that you use to talk to someone who is
in another place, or the communication system that allows you to do
3 teenager a young person between 13 and 19 years old
4 customer  a person who buys goods or a service
5 poster  a large, printed picture or notice that you put on a wall, in order to
decorate a place or to advertise something
6 manager someone in control of an office, shop, team, etc.
7 heating the system that keeps a building warm

8 sightseeing the activity of visiting places which are interesting because they are
historical, famous, etc.
9 occupation your job

10 dinosaur a very large animal that used to live millions of years ago
11 electricity a type of energy that can produce light and heat, or make machines
12 instrument an object that is used for playing music, such as a piano, guitar or drum

13 photograph  a picture produced using a camera

14 between in the space that separates two places, people or objects

15 accident something bad which happens that is not expected or intended, and
which causes injury or damage
16 medicine a substance used to cure an illness or injury
17 toothache pain in one or more of your teeth
18 describe to say or write what someone or something is like
19 blackboard a large board with a dark surface that a teacher writes on with chalk

20 omelette a food made with eggs that have been mixed and fried, often with other
foods added

I failed my physics exam, but I passed chemistry.

There was a telephone on the desk.

The magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults.

Mrs. Wilson is one of our regular customers.
The children put up posters on the classroom walls.

She's the manager of the local sports club.

There are many different systems of heating by hot water
circulating in pipes.
Join a sightseeing group that travels to nearby places
You have to give your name, age and occupation on the
application form.
It was attacked by an enormous dinosaur and died.
The electricity has been turned off.

Which instrument do you play?

My parents took a lot of photographs of us when we were

Standing between the two adults was a small child.
Josh had an accident and spilled water all over his work.

Take two spoonfuls of medicine at mealtimes.

I have toothache and I have to go to the dentist.
I would like to describe the food from my country.
She wrote her name on the blackboard.

I love to have mushroom omelette for breakfast.

No. Words Meaning

1 criminal someone who commits a crime

2 appearance the way a person or thing looks to other people

3 dishwasher a machine that washes dirty plates, cups, forks, etc.

4 firefighter  a person whose job is to stop fires from burning
5 handwriting the way that someone forms the letters when they write with a pen or
6 communication the act of communicating with people

7 decision a choice that you make about something after thinking about several
8 celebration  a special social event, such as a party, when you celebrate something,
or the act of celebrating something
9 cyclist someone who rides a bike
10 achievement something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing

11 friendship when two people are friends

12 biography  the life story of a person written by someone else
13 literature books, poems, etc. that are considered to be art
14 bandage a long piece of soft cloth that you tie around an injured part of the body

15 inquiry a question that you ask when you want more information

16 mention to briefly speak or write about something or someone

17 candidate someone who is taking an exam

18 curriculum the group of subjects studied in a school, college, etc.

19 freeze If something freezes or is frozen, it becomes hard and solid because it is

very cold.
20 exchange when you give something to someone and they give you something else

A criminal is a dangerous person.

You can alter/change the whole appearance of a room just
by lighting it in a certain way.
I was just loading the dishwasher.
His cousin works as a firefighter.
His handwriting is impossible to read.

There's very little communication between mother and

She has had to make some very difficult decisions.

There were lively New Year celebrations all over town.

He drove into a cyclist.

An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for
such a young athlete.
I value her friendship above anything else.
He wrote a biography of Winston Churchill.
He has studied English literature at Cambridge University. 
She had a bandage around her wrist.

I've been making inquiries about/into the cost of a round-

the-world ticket.
I'll mention your ideas to Jacinta.
Write your name and candidate number in the spaces at
the top of this page.
Parents can design the homeschool curriculum with their
child's learning style and academic strengths and
weaknesses in mind.
Water freezes at a temperature of 0°C.

hey were given food and shelter in exchange for work.

No. Words Meaning

1 independence when someone looks after themselves and does not need money, help
or permission from other people
2 manufacturer a company that produces goods in large numbers

3 characteristic a typical or noticeable quality of someone or something

4 conservation the protection of nature

5 determination when someone continues trying to do something, although it is very

6 frustration  the feeling of being annoyed because things are not happening in the
way that you want, or in the way that they should
7 generosity the quality of being generous
8 competition when someone, or a company, is trying to win something or be more
successful than someone else
9 criticism when you say that something or someone is bad

10 eagerness when you are eager to do something

11 breakdown a short period of mental illness when people are too ill to continue with
their normal lives
12 compromise to agree to something that is not exactly what you want


It's important that parents should allow their children some

Air pollution could be reduced if car manufacturers and
companies made effective filters [for] car exhausts and
factory chimneys.
The male bird displays several characteristics which
distinguish him from the female.
I think that trying to save the wildlife in your area is a great
aim because you don't have conservation areas and people
can easily go hunting without telling anyone and in that
way they destroy the wildlife

She will need great determination and skill to win this

I could sense his frustration at not being able to help.

Her friends take advantage of her generosity.

There's a lot of competition between computer companies.

The designs for the new building have attracted widespread

In their eagerness to find a solution, they have overlooked
certain difficulties.
Later that year she had a breakdown.

It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today's

No. Words Meaning

1 clarification  an explanation which makes something clearer or easier to understand

2 acknowledge  to accept that something is true or exists

3 facilitate to make something possible or easier

4 reconstruction when you build something again after it has been damaged or destroyed

5 scholarship an amount of money given to a person by an organization to pay for

their education, usually at a college or university
6 magistrate a type of judge who deals with less serious crimes


Our lawyer has advised us to seek clarification on the

He acknowledged that there was a problem.
I will do everything in my power to facilitate the process.

The reconstruction of the city took decades.

She got a scholarship to the college.

A praefect was not one of the magistrates proper; he was, strictly speaking, only the deputy or lieutenant of a super
No. Words Meaning

1 expenditure the total amount of money that a government or person spends

2 impatience when someone is impatient

3 insomnia when you find it difficult to sleep

4 imprisonment when someone is kept in a prison

5 contraceptive a drug or object that prevents a woman from becoming pregnant
6 metaphor a way of describing something by comparing it with something else
which has some of the same qualities
7 discriminate to notice a difference between two things

8 disturbance when people fight or shout

9 implementation when a plan or system is put into operation

10 hierarchy a system or organization in which people or things are arranged

according to their importance

Altogether, half the annual expenditure of the country is

ounside the control of parliament.
She remained silent for a while, taking no notice of my
growing impatience. (Certificate of Proficiency in
If we take the example of the politicians, we will find that
those who are honest are the ones who suffer from
insomnia while the most corrupt ones are safe asleep.

She was sentenced to five years' imprisonment.

They were not using contraceptives.
She used a computer metaphor to explain how the human
brain works.
Police dogs are very good at discriminating between
different smells.
A man was shot during a disturbance in King Street.
The implementation of the new computer system went
There is a very strict hierarchy where I work.

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