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Reading Comprehension

Knee Joints
 The selection emphasizes that values of Physical fitness
 According to the selection, the knee joint lifts like a lever and swings like a hinge
 The word “jarring” bones means strong shaking bones
 The selection communicates the theme of the importance of the knee
 What type of text is this selection? Scientific – Narration?

 To “eke of living” means to earn income
 Based on the selection, what values seems to be missing in the families of the street children?
 What is most important factor that will equip rural people to survive in the city? Money -
 The selection is simply about factors why children live in the streets
 Based on the text, we can+ conclude that street children are helpless person / victims of

 What would be the best title for the article? The difference between birds and human on
 As used in the selection, the word “inedible” most likely means unfit to be eaten
 Based on the selection, it can be considered that the migration of birds and that of humans
are very different

Richard Cory
 One can be wealthy but still unfulfilled with his/her life
 What is the mood of the selection? Ironic
 Reason why Richard Cory shoot himself – He got tired of living solitude
 What is the sensory image of the following in the poem? Sight
He was gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored and imperially slim

 The word “quarry” means target
 Cats have acute hearing except the white cat with blue eyes which do not hear well
 The sentence, “The cat is precision instrument” is a metaphor
 The selection is mainly about the cat as hunting machine
 We can conclude from the selection that the cat is an animal which can survive on its own

 From the lines “I can hardly breathe or lie in the bed, without their chores in my head”, we can
infer that the writer gets sick with rules
 The line “but without rules.. I coundn’t play..” is example of hyperbole
 The word “deary” as used in the sentence “life would be a dreary plight” most likely means
 The author includes examples of rules to signify the value of obedience
 This poem is mainly about how to obey rules

 What is the main idea of the article? Using MRI to lift depression of bipolar adults
 In the article, the line “funny thing happened” means A hilarious thing happened
 According to the article, depression among bipolar adult can be remedied by Putting them
through MRI machine
 What did the doctors at Mclean Hospital do to confirm the results of their observation?
They put more bipolar adults through the MRI machine

 According to the author, which of the following activates the divine laws of abundance?
Giving thanks
 Which of these statements from the selection expresses cause-effect relationship?
When the universe can see we are grateful for what we have, it is activated to shower us
with move
 Why do we always have to be thankful in life? Being thankful attracts more blessings.
 What is the main idea of the selection? There is good that comes from being thankful

 What is the main idea expressed in the poem? Whatever task we set do; we must do it the
best we can
 As used in the selection, the word “loom” means machine for weaving
 It can be concluded that the action emphasizes pride in hard work
 The idea of the author about his work expressed through poetry
 It can be inferred that the speaker is proud of the work he does

 What is the main idea of the selection? Solar energy
 What does the phrase “the sun is our life source” mean? The life of all living things come
from the sun
 For mankind, the sun is the source of all heat
 The largest part of the radiant energy directed towards the earth is absorbed by the earth’s
 All useful energy on the surface of the earth comes from the energy stored by the sun
 The author presented the selection about the sun by enumerating details
 “Let us get to the bottom”, in the first paragraph means discover the basic facts or cause

Rosetta Stone
 What word would best describe ancient Egyptians based on the selection? Wise
 What literary techniques was used by the writer in a developing the selection?
Narrative chronological order of events
 What conclusion may be drawn from the selection?
Egypt’s civilization benefited only those in ancient times
 Main idea of the selection? Discovery of the Rosetta stone.
 Which country Rosetta stone found? Egypt
 What might have happened if Rosetta were not found?
Ancient Egyptians would have not known their cultural heritage.
 Tone sentence in third paragraph?
The founder of Rosetta knows of its value and turned it own to the proper authorities

Environment – Pollution
 What does the selection generally urge man to realize? The necessity of taking immediate
steps to solve the pollution.
 “Mushrooming of factories” built
 Which part of the passage the ways to prevent pollution? Fifth paragraph
 “a messy animal” man
 What implemented in last paragraph?
Pollution, if unchecked can bring about the destruction of man
 What outcome if we continue polluting environment?
Man will be destroyed by an environment he had polluted
 Cause and effect relationship: Man’s wasteful ways are a perennial problem.

 self-confidence is the key factor in achieving success in life
 paragraph 2
 hitch-fasten
 work hard at having faith in their capabilities
 a person should emulate his ideal person
 giving suggestions
 deal with people who have achieved greatness
 confidence in oneself is crucial in achieving success

 new generation of youth
 have been influenced by western culture
 share many common goals
 many of them still believe in traditional values
 practice new and experimental ideas
 print and broadcast media have a great influence on the youth
 develop foreign values and forget traditional ones
 making profile
Invention of Camera
 Man is constantly in search of new inventions.
 to seek comfort is man’s goal in life
 improve people’s lives
 personification
 ingenuity

Light/Social Changes
 A truly educated Filipino participates actively in the work and progress of the country and the
world as whole
 Conviction - strong belief
 oriental people are contemplative
 active involvement

 A profile of overseas Filipino workers
 Have a family to support and thus need a higher income
 OFW’s in Europe, America and Asia are generally more satisfied than those who work in Saudi
Arabia and the Middle East
 Fourth paragraph
 Families of OFW’s prosper due to a large income
 The economy will remain as it is in spite of workers

Homer (Iliad & Odyssey)

 Homer
 Trojan war
 Classic stories
 Mythical Gods
 Illustrating the despair and useless suffering associated with war
 long suffering along resolving triumph

Iliad & Odyssey

 it is not definite when & where Homer was born
 explains the voyage of a sailor
 have been thought to have different writers

Imaginative Power of Drama

 The imaginative power of drama
 Theater teaches us that suicide is the only solution to the problem
 Absurdity – foolishness
 It is able to create poetry, power enhancement, and truth
 Worry
 Inexplicably – cannot be explained
 Metaphor

Youth by Ullman
 You can be young and old
 Assertive
 Timidity
 He has lost the desire to improve himself
 View about life

Introduction to Poetry
 line 2
 definition 3
 or press an ear against its hive
 cordial and confused
 his readers
 to make its meaning inconspicuous
 frustrates
 ocean
 tone – stanza 4
 the conflict of hopes versus reality
 it became a United Nation Vietnamese Regional Center
 Palawan and its extraordinary natural beauty
 Variety
 El Nido was discovered by a diver

 Explain different customs that some countries have
 It’s interesting to know the diversity of cultures around the world
 Different
 Asian people usually say words at two different moments when they are going to eat
 United States

The Prince & the Rat

 The Prince and the Rat
 The rat will experience freedom
 Men keep on haunting him

 Not imaginable
 Three significant grains, especially wheat may be lost to humans
 More aggressive action against global warming is needed
 Most affected under intense heat
 Exposition

 Camera
 Resembles life
 Simile
 Human eye
 Capture the good times
 Focus on what’s important

Drug Addiction
 Drug addiction
 Nicotine, cocaine, and caffeine
 The addict feels as if he is not aware of his own self and such
 The drug spawns a wide range of disorders like fear, anxiety and a sense of insecurity in the
human mind

Possible Answers
 modern-day phenomena
 very different culture
 placing new thinking
 cannot adjust rapid changes
 household smoking affects cats
 prone to cancer
 swallow – ingested
 cat owners
 sending bad message
 depressed
 emotional trauma
 how to cope with cyberbullying
 4,000 sq. ft.
 poor man
 persistent
 weakened competition
 Americans’ cares are limited
 a reduce
 it became a UMRC
 the discovery of El Nido
 variety – diversity
 natural leanly
 it is able to create
 good everyday
 balanced life
 something common
 our Filipino ancestor
 native born
 people of another country
 being part of America
 bloody details
 protecting the king and rules
 the influence of power
 killing all their enemies
 social media and narcissism
 spend most of
 excessive interest in oneself
 person with narcissist personality
 cause and effect
 harsh environment
 frothy rain
 useful
 they could be understood better
 discoveries can unlock
 the prince and the rat
 the rat will be closer to the prince
 men keep on hunting him


1. Accounting practice is guided by distinct accounting standards, rules, methods and policies.
2. The opening ceremony was graced by the top officials of big companies last year.
3. Over years, economic growth has been of greater concern than environmental preservation.
4. The family went for two-week cruise on a Brand new incredible Italian ocean liner.
5. We become nervous, doubtful because we don’t see our good coming as quickly as we think.
6. A history of depression, denial, injustice, and abuse have the greatest detriment to people of
7. Our bodies expect a constant supply of sleep, and they function best when provided full night’s
8. Increased population and rapid economic growth in recent years have put large and
increasing abuses on the water resources and environment in Ho Chi Minch City of Vietnam.
9. The term medical reversal refers to a replacement of a medical practice that was widely
believed to be beneficial.
10. Foods rich in foliate at form of Vitamin B help reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.
11. History, it is often said, is written by the winners a saying that suggests bias in historical
12. Tardigrades – also known as water bears – are microscopic animals that live in watery
environments and feed on juices from plant cells.
13. They have managed a few crises in their past, so they were able to handle this situation fairly
14. The child was advised to stay away completely from his father because of trauma.
15. Knowing your family history should help you better informed about potential risks, but it
should not be a source of alarm.

 by doing activities
 all men upon his will but wait
 browsing a book is her pastime
 6-foot player
 Leni has score
 Increased population
 Because it links / until it links
 The presence of CCTV cameras records
 A history of depression has been
 Filipino is fortunate because the country
 Richard pleased to

Written Expression
 which should cater to the economic, political, moral
 and solve farming problem
 an ineffective or counter productive
 in effect represents a contractual agreement
 have survived
 gives an antidote so powerful
 silver charming Victorian
 in a low and mystery voice
 beyond the huge population
 sit cramped
 because only you can determine
 has accommodations
 the narrated writing offers writers
 based on the story
 the cancer
 to skip meal
 wallow in disappointed
 moderate quantities of caffeine
 has united to farm
 have become
 say that chemicals from the factory
 your body has got
 lightning never strikes twice
 for “trade off” economic growth
 money is not natural reward of love
 finance statements
 was built by the Incas in the 15th century ad it’s boasts of more than
 from five-star hotels to simple hotels
 give antidote so powerful
 an education really suited to the rural environment
 now hangs over many small ethnic minority
 but it means that one is being able to learn from a situation
 they are people who wishes to learn and
 therefore, you are stretching your lung muscles
 to lessen monthly expense
 for years, aspirin was hailed as a heart hero
 when you can lose it
 for Nigeria’s social, economic, and political future
 I had a stream visitors
 An education really suited to the rural environment
 Despite being crippled arthritis
 The journalism is always updated
 A mother and her newborn baby are encouraged
 now hangs over many small ethnic minority
 for serve classroom teachers in assisting these learners
 but it means that one is being able to learn from a situation
 most important thing in the world
 can be carried highly communicable disease
 haphazard community tree-planting schemes, and meddling practices of indifference individual
 in relation to the sudden increase with
 who in turn gave it to me during
 has united to form
 have became
 say that chemicals from the factory
 because only you can determine
 The house furnishings of the
 While tea with antioxidants can also hydrate body
 Between two peaks Cusco, Peru above the Urubamba Valley
 Everyday turning out more than 1000 works in 25 years
 evidence of having depression is considered a grave risk factor
 only when the environment begins to offer skills, knowledge
 statistics are a method used
 who have kept on when there
 the obligations of the accountant to the client
 to a point that a movie was made
 for fending off lonely, exile and death
 stamp out prostitution
 a book on how it elucidates
 by scuttle out cylindrical blocks
 of social distinct
 fell into first rank in 1985 to fourth rank in 1995
 that it took us inside the head
Finding Errors
 lighting never strike twice
 sit cramped
 outside of written records
 your body has get
 to skip meals
 to a point that a movie was made
 silver charming Victorian
 has accommodations
 wallow in disappointment
 have become
 gives antidote so powerful
 Finance statements
 the cancer
 told in a low mystery voice
 and solve farming problems
 that thrive in the mouth
 many medication are safe and effective when taken alone
 has united to form
 had contaminated sediment in the bay
 money is not a natural reward of love
 for “trade off” economic growth
 showed that for a helpful pursuit
 rested upon the agreed scope
 because only you can determine
 the narrated writing offers writers
 begun in the streets
 too many towns and cities all over the country
 which could be helping the teachers in
 are prevented from any privileges
 the majestic Grand palace which the Prime Minister holds office
 who in turns gave it to me
 they are now gathered more signatures
 feeling in love is difficult
 the lady news anchor looked
 Joseph the man who seemed
 She is truly a role model and deserved an Uliran in a Award
 They are the people who wishes to learn and
 while tea with anti-oxidants can also hydrated of the nature
 therefore you are stretching
 A mother and her new born baby is encouraged
 to pursued her dream of becoming a SPED teacher
 For years, aspirin was hailed as a health hero
 So, therefore, we should all create a consciousness to spot
 Who admires her for being a staunch supporter of the anti-mining and deforestation
 He was a waiter at a certain pizza parlor
 Quitting should never enter in the mind of us
 When it is transforming the lives of the learners
 Mathematics are fun to learn

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