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Operación Mumia sobre el De reinas y

‘Lone Star’ 12 medioambiente 12 capitalismo 12

Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite!   Vol. 64, No. 38   September 22, 2022   $1

Amazon, Starbucks say ‘get back’

Workers say fight back!

By Steve Gillis, Jim McMahan On Sept. 8 a national zoom meeting initiated by
and Minnie Bruce Pratt Support Amazon Workers Network called for national
demonstrations and activities on Sept. 29 (National
Big Business would like to believe that the Coffee Day) and Oct. 1 (International Coffee Day),
wave of class struggle by U.S. workers is fad- which will be the six-month anniversary of the Amazon
ing — d​ espite being so visible in Amazon Labor Labor Union victory at JFK8 — ​the first Amazon facil-
Union’s historic victory at the JFK8 warehouse ity unionized in the U.S. The actions will show solidarity
in Staten Island, New York, and in the lightning with union drives by Amazon and Starbucks workers.
spread of Starbucks Workers United (SBWU). According to an Aug. 30 Gallup poll, 71% of people in
But remember the “Red for Ed” strike wave, the U.S. back unionization. (
begun by the Chicago Teachers Union in 2012, The call included worker-leaders and supporters of
taken up with a vengeance by the West Virginia Starbucks and Amazon workers from across the U.S. For
teachers, then spreading to Oklahoma and to more info, see
Arizona. That has not ended yet, as the Seattle
Education Association strike Sept. 7 shows. (See Facing down Starbucks police tactics in Boston
“Class War in West Virginia: Education Workers Hundreds of Starbucks workers protest company’s ‘Investors Day.’ On Sept. 15, Starbucks management called in the cops to
Strike, Win,” Seattle, Sept. 13. threaten Boston SBWU’s 24/7 encampment. This was the
And what about the longest U.S. strike still two-month mark of a militant strike against discrimina-
underway? The United Mine Workers have been stub- In response to the workers’ tremendous organizing tion and union busting by workers at the Boston University
bornly out on the picket line for 18 months and count- drive, the “reinvention” no doubt includes Starbucks neighborhood shop at 874 Commonwealth Ave.
ing in Brookwood, Alabama. (“Alabama miners defiant,” current anti-union tactics, while adding new technology For the first time since the strike began July 18, cops
Workers World, Sept. 15) to wring huge profits for investors out of workers’ labor. were brought in to threaten arrest — ​on the pretext of
U.S. workers have been organizing unions and striking The SBWU demonstration in front of the massive alleged trespassing. A Boston Police Department cap-
for victory for over 200 years. Not stopping now, espe- Starbucks tower was a show of force to the bosses schem- tain and his Special Operations SWAT squad — ​sporting
cially not Amazon and Starbucks workers! ing inside. “If we don’t get it? Shut it down!” the workers bulletproof vests and driving arrest wagons — ​arrived to
chanted. At the rally, fired-up Starbucks worker-organiz- enforce Starbucks’ global “union avoidance” and infa-
Shaking the walls of Seattle world HQ ers from Seattle; Portland and mous union-busting law firm
Voices of 400 workers reverberated off the walls of Eugene, Oregon; and Olympia, Littler Mendelson’s menacing of
Starbucks world headquarters in Seattle on Sept. 13: Washington, gave moving state- Is it ‘Striketember?’  4-5 the union.
“What do we want? Contract! When do we want it? ments about working conditions Strikers and supporters from
Now!” Organized by SBWU, the block-long picket line at Starbucks and their successful organizing drives. throughout greater Boston — ​including a large contin-
was a push back against Starbucks’ rabid union-busting Marchers included large union contingents from gent of the one-month-old Boston University Graduate
tactics across the country. SBWU, Laborers International Union (LIUNA), Service Students’ Union — m ​ assed in defiance on the strike-line
The union action protested Starbucks Investor Day, Employees Union (SEIU), Communications Workers to confront the corporate-instigated police attack.
held inside where CEO Howard Schultz and company (CWA), the Sheet Metal Workers, International Between songs of resistance and rousing chants led by
were announcing a “Reinvention Plan.” Starbucks soon- Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Locals 19 Workers United strike captain Spencer Costigan, speak-
to-be CEO Laxman Narasimhan was introduced at the and 23, UNITE-HERE Local 8 and Teamsters Local 117, ers condemned the silence of Democratic politicians
meeting, but Schultz, the infamous outgoing CEO, will along with members of the Martin Luther King County about Starbucks’ use of state force and called on Boston
remain on the board. Labor Council and other groups.
Continued on page 5

People’s Townhomes 2
Indigenous Peoples Day  3
Capitalist culture in sports 3
Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 2021
In the streets for
reproductive justice  5, 10
Jeanette Merrill ¡Presente! 8
Alex Saab case breakthrough 11

Editorial: Busing migrants,

targeting socialism 10 Saladin Muhammad,
Rest in power!
6-8 Walk to free Leonard Peltier Saladin Muhammad, a founding member
of Black Workers For Justice, UE 150 and
Pennsylvania prison abuses the Southern Workers Assembly, died on
Sept. 19 in Rocky Mount, North Carolina,
Yvonne Swan Wanrow after a long illness. He consistently
provided a profound, militant defense
Oklahoma serial executions of the Black working class, especially
in the U.S. South.
Oct. 19: All out for Mumia! Muhammad’s revolutionary legacy at

Hurricanes batter Puerto Rico  9   Bogus reports on China  9  

Cuba: vote on inclusive family code  9   Haiti: Down with misery!  11
Page 2    September 22, 2022

People’s Townhomes
residents continue the fight this week
By Joe Piette from the fossil fuel industry and reinvest in the Philadelphia ◆  In the U.S.
community and clean-energy companies and projects. They
Amazon, Starbucks workers say fight back . . . . . . 1
Residents and supporters of the People’s Townhomes, for- held a teach-in Sept. 16 on the struggle of UC Townhomes
merly called University City Townhomes, continue to orga- residents to stop their evictions. Students held the event at People’s Townhomes residents continue fight . . . 2
nize resistance as the eviction date of Oct. 8 fast approaches. a tent city on campus, which they erected Sept. 14 as part of Boston marches for Indigenous Peoples Day . . . . 3
After over a year of meetings, numerous street protests, a global End Fossil Now movement occupying schools and Capitalist culture in sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
a 31-day protest encampment, surprise visits to developers’ universities around the world.
Seattle: Educator-student unity in school strike . . 4
offices and crashing a cocktail fundraiser, resident organizers
have updated their demands. The Save the UC Townhomes Interfaith leaders say housing is a human right Philly Museum of Art workers strike . . . . . . . . . . . 4
now calls on Mayor Jim Kenney and other city and state offi- On Sept. 18, Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, North On the picket line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
cials, University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University lead- Carolina architect of the Moral Monday movement and West Virginia politicians ban abortion . . . . . . . . . . 5
ers and real estate executives to not only stop any evictions co-chair of the national Poor People’s Campaign, spoke at
Biden, Walsh try to block railroad strike . . . . . . . . 5
of the 70 resident families of 400 people. They want a com- a UC Townhomes rally of residents, activists and clergy.
mitment to a process to preserve the UC Townhomes and to “You’re a hypocrite if you’re a politician participating in Jeanette Merrill ¡Presente! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
further commit resources to the acquisition of the property. throwing people out of their homes. You’re a hypocrite if Defend reproductive rights in the streets . . . . . . . 10
you say you’re a developer, and you want to tear down UC U.S recognizes Alex Saab as Special Envoy . . . . . 11
Reparations for UPenn complicity in Black displacement Townhomes. That’s not development,” he said.
People’s Townhomes activists interrupted the “University of Pennsylvania and Drexel, if you’re not ◆  Around the world
University of Pennsylvania incoming student convocation in the fight with these residents, then you might as well Puerto Rico: Five years after Hurricane Maria . . . 9
Aug. 29 to demand UPenn’s financial support for People’s close down your political science departments and your
Cubans vote on family code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Townhomes residents as partial reparations for the Ivy public policy departments and your sociology departments
League university’s long history of displacing Black res- and your law departments. You should not only be saying Friends of Socialist China statement . . . . . . . . . . . 9
idents from adjacent neighborhoods. ‘leave UC Townhomes alone,’ you should be saying any- Haiti explodes with cries of ‘down with misery’ . 11
In a reactionary response, UPenn President Liz Magill body who lives in UC Townhomes and their children can
◆  Tear down the walls
retaliated with disciplinary hearings for students who were go free to Drexel and UPenn.”
involved in disrupting her speech. Organizers point out Barber volunteered to stay at UC Townhomes at a future Walk for Justice, free Leonard Peltier . . . . . . . . . . 6
that if Magill hadn’t dismissed residents’ requests to speak date if that would help direct media attention to the struggle. Violent squad attacks Pennsylvania prisoners . . . 6
to her, there would never have been a disruption. After several residents described why they became orga- PA DOC reclassifies Latinx as ‘white’ . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Despite Magill’s displeasure, Fossil Free Penn, a student nizers, several clergy from the POWER Interfaith Coalition
Yvonne Swan Wanrow and self-defense . . . . . . . . .7
activism group, is demanding Penn divest its endowment spoke. A dozen ministers and rabbis followed up by sign-
ing a letter to Mayor Kenney, Oklahoma serial executions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
which included the Townhomes
◆ Editorial
demands. It asks him to meet
with resident leaders to discuss Busing migrants, targeting socialism . . . . . . . . . . 10
how to stop their evictions and ◆  Noticias en Español
how he’s going to handle dozens
of other expiring HUD housing Operación ‘Lone Star’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
contracts in this city. Mumia sobre el medioambiente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Resident organizer Mel De reinas y capitalismo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Hairston, one of the last speak-
WW PHOTO: JOE PIETTE WW PHOTO: JOE PIETTE ers, brought the crowd to its
Peoples Townhomes resident Krystal Surrounded by residents and clergy, Rev. feet with the words, “Housing Workers World
Young (sitting with her dog Shadow) William Barber speaks to the crowd in front is not only a human right,
147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl.
teaches UPenn students how to fight for of the Peoples Townhomes complex,
housing is OUR right!” ☐ New York, NY 10011
housing rights, Sept. 16. Sept. 18.
Phone: 212.627.2994

Join us in the fight for socialism!

Vol. 64, No. 38  •  September 22, 2022
Closing date: September 21, 2022
Workers World Party is a revolutionary Marxist- worldwide. If you’re interested in Marxism, socialism
Editors: John Catalinotto, Martha Grevatt, Deirdre
Leninist party inside the belly of the imperialist and fighting for a socialist future, please contact a WWP
Griswold, Monica Moorehead, Betsey Piette,
beast. We are a multinational, multigenerational and branch near you.  ☐
Minnie Bruce Pratt
multigendered organization that not only aims to abolish
capitalism, but to build a socialist society because it’s the Web Editors: ABear, Harvey Markowitz, Janet Mayes
only way forward! If you are interested in joining Workers Tear Down the Walls! Editors: Mirinda Crissman,
Capitalism and imperialism threaten the peoples of the World Party contact: 212.627.2994 Ted Kelly
world and the planet itself in the neverending quest for National Office Cleveland Production & Design Editors: Gery Armsby, Sasha
ever-greater profits. 147 W. 24th St., 2nd floor Mazumder
Capitalism means war and austerity, racism and New York, NY 10011
repression, attacks on im/migrants, misogyny, Durham, N.C. Copyediting and Proofreading: Paddy Colligan,
919.322.9970 S. Hedgecoke
LGBTQ2S+ oppression and mistreatment of people with
disabilities. It means joblessness, increasing homeless- Contributing Editors: LeiLani Dowell, G. Dunkel,
ness and impoverishment and lack of hope for the future. Houston K. Durkin, Sara Flounders, Gloria Rubac
PO Box 18123
No social problems can be solved under capitalism. P.O. Box 3454
Atlanta, GA 30316 Mundo Obrero: Carlos Vargas
The U.S. is the richest country in the world, yet no one Houston, TX 77253-3454
has a guaranteed right to shelter, food, water, health care, 713.503.2633 Copyright © 2022 Workers World. Verbatim copying and distribution of articles is permitted in any medium
education or anything else — ​unless they can pay for it.
Austin without royalty provided this notice is preserved.
Wages are lower than ever, and youth are saddled with Minnesota
seemingly insurmountable student debt, if they even Workers World (ISSN-1070-4205) is published
make it to college. Black, Brown and Indigenous youth Bay Area monthly by WW Publishers, 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl.,
and trans people are gunned down by cops and bigots on P.O. Box 22947 New York, NY 10011. Phone: 212.627.2994.
P.O. Box 34249
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The ruthless ruling class today seeks to wipe out 510.394.2207
610.931.2615 Letters to the editor may be condensed and edited.
decades of gains and benefits won by hard-fought strug- Articles can be freely reprinted, with credit to Workers
gles by people’s movements. The super-rich and their Boston World, 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl., New York, NY 10011.
Portland, Ore.
political representatives have intensified their attacks 284 Amory St. Back issues and individual articles are available on
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WWP fights for socialism because the working class Buffalo, N.Y.
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Since 1959, Workers World Party has been out in the (Alabama, Florida, Mississippi) Workers World, 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl.
streets defending the workers and oppressed here and New York, N.Y. 10011.    September 22, 2022    Page 3

Boston Marches for Indigenous Peoples Day

By K. James then-Boston Mayor Kim Janey signed are celebrating
an Executive Order declaring the sec- IPD, Columbus Day
Protesters will march through the ond Monday in October to henceforth is still being cele-
streets of Boston on Oct. 8 to demand be recognized as Indigenous Peoples brated statewide.
that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Day. However, Boston has failed to meet We call upon the
celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day (IPD) with local Indigenous organizations to Massachusetts legis-
instead of Columbus Day. For decades, plan any city celebrations for IPD. Local lature to step up in
Indigenous peoples in the United States Indigenous groups, including the United the 2023-2024 leg-
have been demanding an end to the pub- American Indians of New England islative session and
lic celebration of Christopher Columbus, (UAINE), are demanding that Boston pass our statewide
who committed brutal atrocities against meet with Indigenous organizations to Indigenous Peoples
the Indigenous people he encountered, plan IPD events in the future. Day bill.
including rape, theft, enslavement, muti- The Massachusetts state legislature has “It will also be
lation and genocide. Columbus is also failed over the course of the last four years important for them
to pass our other Oct. 9, 2021, Boston
recognized as having initiated the trans- to pass a bill that would declare Indigenous
Atlantic slave trade, which resulted in Peoples Day statewide. Mahtowin Munro, legislation currently
the enslavement and deaths of millions co-leader of UAINE and lead orga- before them, including bills to ban Native American heritage and to improve
of Africans. nizer for IndigenousPeoplesDayMA. American team mascots, to provide for educational outcomes for Indigenous
Indigenous people in Boston scored org said, “While we’re glad that some Indigenous curriculum content in the students.” ☐
a major victory Oct. 6, 2021, when cities and towns across Massachusetts public schools, to protect sacred Native

Slap on Sarver’s wrist, funds for Favre

Capitalist culture in sports
By Monica Moorehead absolutely calling for that [life- Department of Human Services misspend-
time ban]. We do not want him ing of at least $77 million of welfare funds
U.S. sports — w​ hether profes- to be in a position where he that were diverted toward personal spend-
sional or amateur — ​like almost is managing or engaging with ing by officials and projects like the volley-
every institution under capital- individuals who are engaging ball center.
ism, is all about making profits with our players or the play- Usually misappropriation of funds
before meeting human needs. ers themselves. We are abso- provided by the federal government goes
Bosses of professional teams, lutely clear from the findings on uninterrupted and unknown in every
usually referred to as owners, that are in the report that we state, but it took a case of someone with
are billionaires who mostly do not want him to be in that an almost mythical stature like Favre —​
gained their wealth from invest- position.” Tremaglio stated also a known misogynist — ​to bring what
ing in speculation, real estate, that she spoke on behalf of the happened in this state to light.
entertainment or other Wall entire NBPA with this demand. This scandal is especially galling consid-
Street ventures. PayPal, which provides their ering the facts that Mississippi has a 20%
Some professional athletes NBPA Executive Director Tamika Tremaglio calls for lifetime ban logo patches on the Suns and poverty rate and has the highest child pov-
on Robert Sarver on NBA Today, Sept. 16.
may earn multimillion-dollar Mercury playing jerseys, stated erty rate, with 27.9% of its under-18 popu-
salaries, but they don’t compare that they will not renew their lation meeting federal poverty guidelines,
to the billions that owners receive in ticket physical conduct toward male employees. contract with the team if Sarver is allowed and 15% of residents food insecure. While
sales and cable and streaming revenues Engaged in demeaning and harsh treat- to return following the one-year suspen- Black people comprise 13% of the general
for games that fill stadiums and arenas. ment of employees, including by yelling sion. And Jahm Najafi, the Suns’ vice chair- U.S. population, Black people make up
So it should come as no surprise that and cursing at them.” person and second-largest stakeholder, 38% of Mississippi’s population. There is a
widespread corruption, which is endemic The entire report can be read at called for the resignation of Sarver. horrific crisis in Jackson, the state’s capital,
to this system, expresses itself politically The NBA bylaws state that a vote of where the entire water treatment facilities
with racism, misogyny, anti-LGBTQ2S+ three-fourths of the 30 NBA owners is cannot provide drinkable water, due to the
bigotry and anti-worker behavior within Reaction to the suspension needed for a permanent ban of another city’s antiquated infrastructure and flood-
sports. Once Adam Silver, the NBA commis- owner. There has been some speculation ing caused by climate change.
Recent major developments involv- sioner, announced the punishment for that NBA owners want to avoid setting a And abortions have been banned, with
ing the two most popular professional Sarver, the reaction was one of shock, precedent of banning one of their own, for the exception of when a pregnant person’s
sports in the U.S. — football and basket- anger and dismay. Both LeBron James fear that their own despicable behavior life is in danger or a rape has been reported
ball — show that this reality is the norm and Chris Paul, the Suns guard, declared may come under scrutiny. to law enforcement. Anyone performing
not the exception. that the punishment was not harsh or attempting to perform an abortion can
On Sept. 13 Robert Sarver, major- enough against Sarver. Theft of Mississippi funds be charged with a felony offense and sen-
ity owner of the National Basketball Silver represents the interests of the Meanwhile, another scandal was tenced to up to 10 years in prison.
Association’s Phoenix Suns for 17 years, owners in any negotiations or decisions. unfolding within the poorest state in So yes, $77 million may seem like a
was suspended for the entire 2022-’23 James posted on Twitter Sept. 14: “Read the U.S. — ​ M ississippi. On the same drop in the bucket; but with the current
season and fined $10 million for racist through the Sarver stories a few times now. day that Sarver was suspended, it was social crisis gripping the poorest state,
and sexist behavior. The ruling is based I gotta be honest. … Our league definitely revealed that former Mississippi Gov. Phil every penny and more should be used
on a 70-page NBA report on an investi- got this wrong. I don’t need to explain why. Bryant assisted retired National Football to provide drinkable water, health care
gation that began November 2021, when Y’all read the stories and decide for your- League’s Green Bay Packers quarter- including abortions, nutritious food, jobs,
Suns employees exposed that Sarver had self. I said it before, and I’m gonna say it back, Brett Favre, with $5 million in housing, education and much more.
repeatedly used racist language and had again, there is no place in this league for welfare funds to construct a state-of-the- Sports, like every other institution, can
exhibited misogynist behavior toward that kind of behavior. I love this league, and art volleyball center at the University of only be liberated from greed, corruption
women. Sarver is also the owner of the I deeply respect our leadership. But this Southern Mississippi, Favre’s alma mater. and inequality — ​like in the two examples
Women’s NBA Phoenix Mercury team, isn’t right. There is no place for misogyny, The news service Mississippi Today mentioned here — ​once all of society is
which multiplies the impact of his behav- sexism and racism in any workplace. Don’t exposed text messages exchanged between liberated from the scourge of capitalism.
ior on women and gender-oppressed ath- matter if you own the team or play for the Favre, Bryant and Nancy New from the And the key to that liberation is socialism,
letes and team employees. team. We hold our league up as an example Mississippi Community Education Center, where the workers can collectively use
The investigation included interviews of our values, and this ain’t it.” between 2017 and 2019, conspiring to their productivity to provide for all human
with over 300 current and former work- Paul stated on Twitter Sept.14, “Like divert state welfare funds into building the needs. This need includes the joy of sports
ers with the Suns and 80,000 emails, text many others, I reviewed the report. I facility. This scandal has been included in in the spirit of friendly competition and
messages, videos and other documents. was and am horrified and disappointed a broader civil lawsuit involving the state’s not profit. ☐
The summary of the investigation by what I read. This conduct especially
states that, on at least five occasions, toward women is unacceptable and must
Sarver “repeated the N-word when never be repeated. I am of the view that Back to the Streets — Say NO to U.S. wars!
recounting the statements of others,” and the sanctions fell short in truly address-
he “Engaged in instances of inequitable ing what we can all agree was atrocious Stop Washington’s war moves toward Russia and China.
conduct toward female employees, made behavior. My heart goes out to all of the Stop endless wars: Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Palestine, everywhere.
many sex-related comments in the work- people that were affected.”
place, made inappropriate comments National Basketball Players Association Join protests during the week of Oct. 15 – 22.
about the physical appearance of female Executive Director Tamika Tremaglio Organize an action in your local area or join one.
employees and other women, and on sev- stated Sept. 16 on ESPN’s NBA Today
eral occasions engaged in inappropriate regarding the Sarver suspension: “We are
Page 4    September 22, 2022

Seattle Educator-student unity in school strike

By Jim McMahan The agreement provides people, as high costs make living in Seattle
Seattle workplace protections for untenable. (Seattle Times, Sept. 14)
teachers, school coun- With superhigh housing costs, many
A five-day strike by the selors, nurses and social educators can’t afford to live in Seattle.
Seattle Education Association workers. There are to be In a city with megabillionaires like Bill
(SEA) produced gains for increased benefits for Gates, Jeff Bezos and Starbucks’ Howard
the district’s 6,000 educa- substitute teachers. The Schultz, Seattle Public Schools’ story that
tors and 50,000 students. district agreed to provide it doesn’t have enough money was absurd.
Despite rhetoric from the dis- teachers with interpreters The education workers have built bonds
trict management against the and translator services for of solidarity in the strike. The Parent
strike, the educators walked meetings with multilingual Teacher Student Association and the newly
out Sept. 7, the scheduled parents. formed Seattle Student Union both came
first day of school. Now a The teachers won a 7% out in support. At Franklin High School,
tentative agreement has been pay increase, although there was an active picket line with chants
reached as educators headed As education workers at Seattle Public Schools picket on Sept. 7, the 5.5% of that is automati- all day; the pedestrian overpass was dec-
back to work Sept. 14. first day of their strike, teachers from neighboring Kent, Washington —​ cally provided by the state orated with pro-union banners, and there
After the tentative agree- who struck their school district Sept. 1 — ​assemble signs in solidarity. to all schools for inflation were continuous honks from vehicles.
ment was reached Sept. 13, adjustment. The picket line discussions with educa-
the SEA members voted 57% to 43% to A summary of the SEA’s wins in the SEA Vice-President and bargaining tors, students and parents have brought
suspend their strike until the members tentative contract include the following: chair Uti Hawkins emphasized that even more understanding of the issues workers
could vote on ratification. The vote to sus- Educators struck for and gained specific with the new contract, the union has to face in their struggle.  ☐
pend was taken after an eight-hour mem- staffing ratios for special needs students. continue to fight to recruit and retain
bership zoom meeting. Highlights of the

Philly Museum of Art workers strike

agreement have been distributed to mem-
bers for a final vote.
The strike came as part of an upheaval
of workers everywhere who have had
enough of cutbacks and worker oppres- During a one-day strike Sept. 16, workers at the Philadelphia
sion and exhaustion. Mass picketing with Museum of Art picketed the renowned institution as a warning
full participation increased unity between to senior management of what will happen if the bosses con-
teachers, education worker staff, students tinue their unfair labor practices.
and parents. The SEA had the experience With 180 members, the PMA Union (Local 397 of AFSCME
of a 2015 strike during the national “strike District Council 47) has been negotiating with museum officials
wave” of education workers. since October 2020. Local 397 filed eight Unfair Labor Practice
The leadership of Seattle Public Schools charges with the National Labor Relations Board on Aug. 26,
seemed to be taking a cue from the charging PMA management with repeatedly violating federal
union-busting tactics of locally headquar- law by engaging in union-busting activity during contract nego-
tered Amazon and Starbucks monopolies. tiations. On Aug. 30, union members voted to authorize a strike.
SPS management refused to propose any- “After massive layoffs, years without raises and an ongoing
thing but take-backs from what the union pandemic, museum management expects us to accept meager
had previously won. raises, insufficient paid-parental leave and no improvements
The overriding issues of the strike dealt to our health care benefits, whatsoever. We won’t,” said Adam
with shortages of teachers and education Rizzo, Museum Educator and Local 397 President. “PMA Board
staff workers. Not only has the administra- Chair Leslie Anne Miller and COO Bill Petersen have the power
tion failed to adequately provide for educa- to avert a strike: Start respecting this union; stop acting unilat-
tion during COVID‑19, but previous years erally in violation of federal labor law; and come to the table President of AFSCME District Council 47 Cathy Scott said:
of cutbacks have damaged public schools. with real responses and a real commitment to reaching a fair “Our membership would not have authorized a strike if they
Another key demand in SEA’s strike resolution.” were not united in these demands. We cannot accept a status
was more support for special education Picketing sites included all entrances to the museum’s main quo that subjects workers to violations of federal law, wages
students, many of whom are disabled. The building, the Perelman Annex and the Rodin Museum. Local well below the national average for art museums and benefits
lack of funding for disabled students has 397 represents workers across nearly all museum depart- that do not allow workers to support their families.”
been a scandal in the school district going ments, including visitor services, retail, education, installa-
— Report and photo by Joe Piette
back decades. tions, curatorial, conservation, marketing and development.

profession, that is a public health their September strike following a tentative system, repair of broken machinery and
crisis.” ( agreement with university administration. overtime protections.
when we
Maine Medical Center nurses Contract negotiations centered around Mississippi poultry plant workers are

On the
fight voted 3-to-1 to recertify their salary and prohibitive health insurance organizing at the Peco Foods plant in West
we win! union and won a contract that increases. This same administration sought Point, Mississippi, for recognition with

picket line
begins to address safe staffing a court injunction, claiming the strike was United Food and Commercial Workers
and work-life balance. Lastly, illegal, but it was denied by the judge. The (UFCW) Local 1529. Poultry plants
the University of Wisconsin Eastern Michigan University-American in Mississippi have been the target of
Health nurses, represented Association of Union Professors (EMU- Immigration and Customs Enforcement
By Marie Kelly by Service Employees Union AAUP) represents 500 tenured and ten- (ICE) raids, like the one in 2019 at the
(SEIU) Healthcare Wisconsin, ure-track faculty. Koch Food plant in Morton, Mississippi.
won union recognition despite Ridgefield, Oregon, schools remain It was part of the largest workplace immi-
Nurses across U.S. attempts by UW Health corporate bosses closed, and teachers there passed a no-con- gration raids in state history. Almost 700

declare: Safe staffing to bust the union’s efforts. After a rally by

nurses and a three-day strike planned, the
fidence vote against school district admin-
istrators. The 200 Ridgefield Education
workers were arrested, half of them from
Morton, which the community has not
saves lives hospital agreed to recognize the union and
begin to renegotiate a contract.
Association (REA) members have been
on strike since Sept. 9 demanding smaller
recovered from.

Nurses must sound like a broken record class sizes, more student mental health
Minor league baseball
to some, especially the greedy hospital
CEOs who continue to equate health care Educators strike to and special education resources, and pay
increases to improve teacher retention players win
with corporate profits. Instead of “show
me the money,” nurses across the U.S.
demand fair contracts rates. (, Sept. 12)
Minor league baseball players have won
are demanding retention incentives and According to Cornell University
recruitment strategies, so enough nurses Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) Factory workers their fight for a union! They will join the
Major League Baseball Players Association
remain working to deliver optimal safe School’s Labor Tracker, since August 2022
patient care. there have been eight teacher strikes at 14
build labor power (MLBPA). Finally, the minor leaguers may
win some of the perks that major league
This mid-September, some 15,000 schools, spanning pre-K to university edu- United Auto Workers (UAW) Local players had won from MLB corporations
Minnesota nurses held a three-day strike cation. Seattle teachers reached a tentative 1166 represents workers at the Stellantis that reap profits from lucrative television
at 15 area hospitals over stalled con- agreement to end their strike begun on NV plant in Kokomo, Indiana. The plant contracts. Minor league baseball has a 120-
tract negotiations. Minnesota Nurses Sept. 7. Teachers in Columbus, Ohio, struck is owned by Stellantis, formerly Fiat year history of abusing players, offering
Association President Mary C. Turner, an for four days last month before approving a Chrysler Automobiles. After a strike in meager salaries, no job security and other
RN at North Memorial Hospital, explained contract that guarantees a pay increase and early September, the workers ratified a mistreatment. The union drive was orga-
why the nurses struck: “When our exec- climate-control upgrades to all schools. new contract addressing the deteriorating nized at the player level, and the MLBPA
utives refuse to fully staff our hospitals Faculty members at Eastern Michigan conditions inside the plant. The contract is ready to work to make the minor league
and continue to push nurses out of the University, southwest of Detroit, ended guarantees the installation of a new HVAC players’ lives easier. Play ball!  ☐    September 22, 2022    Page 5

Amazon, Starbucks workers say fight back!

Continued from page 1 The walkout came a day after a co-worker walked out Aug. 15 over
passed out from heat exhaustion and was similar demands; their
Mayor Michelle Wu to order the city’s taken to the hospital, a crisis videotaped facility is one of only three
armed forces withdrawn immediately. and shared widely on social media. U.S. Amazon air hubs.
Inland Empire Amazon Workers Union Stone Mountain work-
Defying Amazon and white supremacy tweeted Sept. 14: “IE AWU stands in sol- ers received more support
at Stone Mountain, Georgia idarity with the Amazon employees that Sept. 15: “The Amazon
Amazon workers at the ATL2 Warehouse walked out in protest for better pay and Labor Union stands in sol-
in Stone Mountain, Georgia, took the tech working conditions in Stone Mountain, idarity with the @amazon
giant by surprise Sept. 13, when they walked [Georgia]. We employees deserve the workers at ATL2 in Stone
out over low pay, dangerous working con- basic life necessities, and we demand Mountain, Georgia.
ditions and management intimidation. them without any retaliation and back- Workers all around are
Workers chanted: “No respect, no work—​ lash in return. #AmazonHurts.” Those tired of unfair treatment,
no cap!” The latter is slang to emphasize: workers in San Bernardino, California, and we’re not sitting
“I’m telling the truth. No exaggeration!” based in the Inland Empire region, around waiting for change;
we’re demanding it.” WW PHOTO: STEVE GILLIS

West Virginia On Twitter, Lynn Schore Starbucks Workers United and supporters, Boston
commented: “#Amazon University area, Sept. 13.

Politicians ban abortion,

workers go out on strike in
#StoneMountain, Georgia. Perfect place anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-Black
to do it. Stone Mountain is the beating “second Klan” that policed “morals” and

but not without a fight

heart of Southern racism and white-su- became a political force for white suprem-
premacist hatred.” (Sept. 14) acy throughout the U.S.
She is referring to a giant 90-foot-high Now workers are uniting across nation-
memorial to white supremacy and the ality, language, sexual and gender iden-
By Otis Grotewohl bill passed, police randomly arrested one
Confederacy, sandblasted into the moun- tity, age and ability to forge a unity that
Charleston, West Virginia pro-choice picketer. When other protest-
tain rock, featuring enslavers President defies the forces of patriarchal racism
ers asked why, the police responded with
Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. and the assaults of capitalism — i​ ncluding
Sept. 14 — ​The Republican-majority threats of further arrests.
Lee and “Stonewall” Jackson, galloping right there at Amazon ATL2 at the foot of
West Virginia legislature passed an abor-
The need to continue the fight on horseback. Ku Klux Klan members and Stone Mountain.
tion ban during a Sept. 13 special session.
admirers organized the stone sculpture,
The same legislature had introduced the The solution being pushed for some
and in 1915 they burned a cross at the McMahan in Seattle and Gillis in
bill to ban abortion, known as HB 302, who passionately picketed the backward
mountain’s summit to announce a revived Boston provided on-the-ground reports.
in late July. (See “Abortion access under legislature is to focus energy on the elec-
attack in West Virginia,” Workers World, tions in November. Many others in the
July 29.) crowd, on the other hand, clearly feel dis-
Anti-choice state senators wanted to
pass HB 302 with limited exceptions, but
ultrarightist sponsors of the bill in the
illusioned with the fact that a couple of
the Democrats voted for the bill.
As one protester, Dani, told Workers
Biden, Walsh try to
block railroad strike
House of Delegates wanted a complete World: “We can say ‘wait until November’
ban, without any exemptions. all we want, but the attack is happening
With the help of anti-choice Democrats now. And Democrats in D.C. are doing
and “moderate” Republicans, the two nothing! They have had plenty of time to
By Martha Grevatt the “operating ratio” — ​the relationship
chambers passed an amended HB 302 codify abortion and protect us, but they
between a company’s costs and its reve-
with exceptions in the case of rape, incest have failed to do it. Capitalist politicians
As the deadline for a national railroad nue, i.e., the rate of profit. When the num-
and/or if one’s life is at risk — ​but all have gone unchecked for far too long, and
strike loomed, President Joe Biden and ber of workers is held to a minimum — ​in
requiring arbitrary qualifications that they are too comfortable in their efforts
U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh ham- this case by an extreme, PSR-driven
must be preapproved. Governor Jim to oppress us, so we need to continue to
mered out a tentative agreement between attendance policy — ​profits are higher.
Justice — ​an openly anti-choice chauvin- organize and make them afraid of us.”
the rail freight bosses and those railroad The federal Surface Transportation
ist — ​stated he would gladly sign the bill The far right is currently mobilizing
unions which had not already agreed to a Board estimates that freight carriers have
and did so Sept. 16. their forces through various venues, so
contract. For now, this maneuvering has cut 30% of their workforces over the past
it is crucial that working and oppressed
Courageous response by young averted a strike that was set to commence six years. In 2021 BNSF made $6 billion
people organize “Workers Assemblies”
workers and community activists when a 60-day “cooling off period” —​ in profit, and Union Pacific made $6.5
to collectively counter their attacks on
ordered by the federal government — c​ on- billion, both an increase of 16% over the
The bigoted, corporate-funded House abortion rights, which amount to fascistic
cluded Sept. 16. Union members have not prior year.
speaker, Roger Hanshaw, announced a coercions. Workers Assemblies can bring
yet begun voting on the contracts. The rail bosses did not want a disrup-
“legislative cookout” at the governor’s people into the labor movement who have
At the heart of the impasse between tive strike, nor did the capitalist class as
mansion near the state capitol building for traditionally felt excluded, and they can
the two sides was a ruthless absenteeism a whole, as its business depends on rail
Sept. 12, the day before the vote. Activists also help educate people as to why social-
policy, which, combined with excessive transport for the movement of raw mate-
from the Women’s Health Center in West ism is the only alternative to the vicious
mandatory overtime, pushed workers rials and finished products. Walsh and
Virginia, Planned Parenthood, ACLU-WV system of capitalism.
into working while sick, including with Biden were working at the bosses’ behest,
and WV Free organized a protest, suitably An abortion ban is an assault by the
COVID‑19, skipping doctor visits and despite all their nice talk. “The Biden
called “Picket the Picnic.” state on all working-class and oppressed
missing family events. Administration applauds all parties for
More than 200 protesters showed up people, especially poor and Black and
The consequences have been devas- reaching this hard-fought, mutually ben-
with signs and shouted down the leg- Brown women and other people who can
tating and even fatal, as in the case of eficial deal,” Walsh babbled after working
islators who attended the posh event. become pregnant.
Aaron Hiles, a 51-year-old BNSF Railway 20 hours round-the-clock to secure the
Picketers chanted,“1, 2, 3, 4! Abortion Due to the sexist and anti-working-
worker. Hiles scheduled a doctor’s tentative agreement.
is worth fighting for! 5, 6, 7, 8! Separate class rhetoric of the ultrarightist legisla-
appointment, after he “felt different,” but In fact the deal is limited in how “ben-
the church and state!” and “‘Pro-life,’ tors who want a complete abortion ban,
canceled it when he was called in to work, eficial” it is to union members. The con-
that’s a lie, you don’t care if people die.” many people in West Virginia fear that
fearing penalties under the company’s tracts contain new language so that
Organizers passed out noisemaker bull- they will try to chip away at the few stipu-
recently introduced attendance policy. workers can take time off — ​without pay,
horns and tambourines. lations that exist in the recently passed bill
Hiles suffered a fatal heart attack June 21 of course — ​for medical conditions. But
Hundreds of protesters packed the to permit abortion with strict limitations.
while at work on a freight train. other circumstances, such as unexpected
capitol building Sept. 13, the day the bill Collective action, along with the revo-
The railroads’ policy, considered by car trouble or attending a child’s sport-
passed. The mood of the angry crowd was lutionary science of Marxism-Leninism,
unions to be the worst in the country, is ing event or school play, can still cost a
much more militant; and as the legisla- is the strongest form of resistance to the
even harsher. Workers are given a certain worker points.
ture shamefully hustled their bigoted bill, brutal onslaught against reproductive
number of “points.” Points are deducted Pay is raised 24% over five years going
protesters made a lot of noise. After the rights.  ☐
for missing work regardless of circum- back to 2020. While that looks like a lot
stances, with a low point balance leading of money, it doesn’t keep up with today’s
to warnings and then firings. But a worker rampant inflation. And the more import-
who agrees to be on call for 14 consecutive ant question is this: How do you put a
days can build their point balance back up. price on one’s health — ​or in the case of
Aaron Hiles, one’s life?
A deadly operating model It’s entirely possible that rail work-
Rail companies such as Union Pacific ers will reject this government-brokered
and BNSF have adopted a cost-cutting deal. As Gabe Christenson, co-chair of
model known as Precision Scheduled the rank and file-led group Railroad
Railroading (PSR). Shipping processes, Workers United, tweeted after the deal
equipment and, most importantly, the was announced: “A full-blown strike is
Sept. 12 protest for reproductive rights, Charleston, West Virginia. WW PHOTO labor force are streamlined to control still a distinct possibility this Fall.”  ☐
Page 6    September 22, 2022

Walk for Justice: Free Leonard Peltier

By Stephanie Hedgecoke “The day of the shoot-out in 1975, the FBI created a nar-
rative that some super soldier killed two FBI agents,” Dr.
The American Indian Movement (AIM) Grand Nick Estes of The Red Nation said to the Minneapolis rally.
Governing Council held a rally Aug. 31 in Cedar Field “They don’t tell you that the vast majority of people at that
Park, Minneapolis, to launch a 15-week march to demand shoot-out were under the age of 18.” (
President Joe Biden release Indigenous political pris- An international effort grew to seek legal clemency
oner, Native elder Leonard Peltier. The “Leonard Peltier’s in 1993, after all court venues to obtain his release were
Walk to Justice” left Minneapolis for the 2 ½-month exhausted. In 1994 the FBI issued a memorandum outline
march, which will arrive in Washington, D.C. Nov. 18. to counter that campaign, according to Leonard Peltier
Rallies are planned in cities along the way. (See map: Defense Council spokespersons. Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark used blunt words to describe Peltier’s
Leonard Peltier, Anishinaabe and Dakota, a member of trial and conviction: “There was no evidence that he did it,
the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, who turned 78 except fabricated, circumstantial evidence, overwhelmingly
years old Sept. 11, is recognized around the world as a polit- misused, concealed and perverted.”
ical prisoner; Peltier was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Former U.S. Attorney James Reynolds, who was the
Peace Prize. He has been in prison now for 46 years for a government’s prosecutor in Peltier’s trial, sent a letter to
crime he did not commit. In violation of its own statutes, the then-President Barack Obama to urge clemency. In the
U.S. government has repeatedly refused him parole. letter, Reynolds argued for Peltier’s Clemency Petition “as
The U.S. suppressed hundreds of thousands of pages of being in the best interests of justice considering the total-
documents which would indicate Peltier’s innocence, includ- ity of all matters involved.”
ing ballistic evidence, in a June 1975 shoot-out at Pine Ridge Worldwide supporters who have called for freedom
Reservation in South Dakota. Two FBI agents opened fire for Leonard Peltier include Nelson Mandela and Bishop
on a tiny village, while children, elders and adults slept in Desmond Tutu, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Coretta Scott King,
their homes. In the resulting firefight, Joseph Bedell Stuntz, Harry Belafonte, Pete Seeger, the National Congress of
Lakota AIM member, and the two agents died. U.S. prose- American Indians, Amnesty International, a working
cutors publicly admitted that they do not know who actually group of the U.N. Human Rights Council and thousands
fired the shots that killed the agents. of activists. ☐

Violent squadron attacks Pennsylvania prisoners

By Miley Fletcher woman. The CERT Team guards do against inmates on a special needs unit the CERT Team goons are there.
not wear name tags, so we aren’t able block. These goons went cell-to-cell on The PA DOC and Administration snub
The State Correctional Institution to identify them. On the back of their the unit, terrorizing mental health-af- their noses and deny any wrongdoing,
Forest, the Pennsylvania Department of black shirts, “Pennsylvania Department fected inmates, destroying property, writ- even when they know it’s true. They deny
Corrections (PA DOC) and the institution’s of Corrections CERT” is in white letters, ing and drawing inappropriate sexualized it ever happened, because they know
administration ordered the Correctional along with a white skull and two military pictures on their personal family pictures. inmates with mental health issues can-
Emergency Response Team into SCI Forest machine guns crossing each other. This is terrorism. not do the paperwork or write to organi-
on Sept. 2 for the second time within a On Sept. 2, approximately 50-60 CERT Three of the inmates with mental health zations to help them — ​and these attacks
three-month period. The CERT consists of Team walked into the Special Needs Unit issues were physically grabbed and forced have happened twice in a 90-day period.
guards from other institutions within the at SCI Forest with no name tags to identify to the floor. They were dragged to the RHU I ask your readers to send a letter,
state correctional institutions. them. They came in and started harassing with physical force, hurting them. This is email or phone call to the Pennsylvania
The guards on this CERT Team were people, destroying property, treating us failure to protect. This is not care, custody Department of Corrections (Department
from SCI Somerset, SCI Smithfield, SCI with disrespectful attitudes, racism and and control. The backs of their shirts say it of Corrections, 1920 Technology Parkway,
Albion and SCI Greene. They are a bunch discriminatory treatment of transgender all. They say, “this is a dictatorship, not a Mechanicsburg, PA 17050; 717.728.2573,
of goons who use racism, bigotry and dis- women, and asking what we were in jail for, democracy. Get used to it.” and ask why this
crimination. They violate inmates’ rights which is none of their business. is being done to inmates during CERT
by destroying property, reading court Being transgender, I should only be Complaints, grievances denied Team searches. Ask why they wear these
transcripts, drawing penises on family strip-searched by a woman, not a bunch When you complain to administra- black shirts with such a logo on the back,
photos and asking inmates what they are of bigoted men, ignorant about the trans- tion and/or file grievances, you are told: and why they don’t wear name tags.
in prison for. They take commissary food, gender community. Denied, lack of evidence. The PA DOC Say something because what these
smearing it into court appeal papers. They Three inmates with mental health has the same response on their grievance goons are doing is wrong.
made racist comments about African issues were taken to the restricted hous- appeals. They say: Do you have their
American inmates. ing unit (RHU), because these CERT names? But they know the CERT goons Miley Fletcher is incarcerated at SCI
This CERT Team taunted me about my goons taunted them until they snapped don’t use name tags. They also know there Forest.
sexual orientation of being a transgender back at them. This is a cowardly act is no camera footage in the cell area when

Pennsylvania DOC reclassifies Latinx

incarcerated workers as ‘white’
By Bryant Arroyo and Betsey Piette incontrovertibly Hispanic/Latino (race) … the PA DOC institutions. grievance as “racist.”
If I can’t be labeled as the Hispanic/Latino “There is no doubt, the PA DOC and Arroyo’s response to the OPM in his
In late August, environmental justice man that I am, then I am requesting for PA-Justice Network didn’t consider the next-level grievance states: “The adver-
advocate and Puerto Rican political pris- both the PA DOC and PA-Justice Network racial impact this does or will poten- sarial administration unconstitutionally
oner Bryant Arroyo was notified that the to relabel me as Asian—​not white!!! tially have upon the Hispanic/Latino eviscerated and deprived all Hispanic/
Pennsylvania Department of Corrections “… Currently, the bogus white-race race at large. This is not only troubling Latinx ethnicity/race, culture and her-
(DOC) and the Pennsylvania change has placed me in an but imposing, invasive, intrusive and cat- itage across the PA DOC, by failing to
Justice Network, arbitrarily atypical, uncertain, danger- egorically unacceptable for the PA DOC provide any one of us with a choice to
and without prior notice, ous and unpredictable predic- and PA-Justice Network to continue to choose our own race, in accordance with
changed his Hispanic/Latino ament, [if] I’m forced to being deceive the taxpaying citizens by perpet- the Census Bureau of Vital Statistics
race classification to “white.” celled with a white inmate, uating a fraud about our Hispanic/Latino [which notes]: ‘Two-thirds of Hispanic/
The misnamed “Justice” who is inconspicuously a xeno- race being counted as white. This needs Latinx adults say being Hispanic is part
Network is a statewide associ- phobe, bigot or has personal to be properly addressed and rectified by of their racial background. When it comes
ation of cops and other polic- addictions, hang-ups, who reversing the status of our race back to to reporting their racial identity, Latinx
ing agents. cowardly hates Hispanics/ Hispanic/Latino, posthaste!” stands out from other Americans.’
Bryant Arroyo As expected, Arroyo’s initial grievance “… So, the PA DOC involuntarily reclas-
As Arroyo notes in his initial Latinos.”
grievance: “They want us to be The DOC’s practice is to was rejected. In their response the Office sifies every Hispanic/Latino without any
reclassified as white, in order to raise the house prisoners by race. of Population Management (OPM) states: notice/memo and whitewashes our cul-
numbers in their demographics in and Arroyo continues: “As I understand it, “The PA DOC is now consistent with all ture, and we are the ‘racist?’ PA DOC is
around the prison populations, across the both PA Justice Network and PA DOC do enforcement agencies in tracking race racially divisive and didn’t anticipate for
state of Pennsylvania.” not have any rule-making authority when and ethnicity. Since Hispanic is not a race, any prisoner to catch them in their insid-
His grievance requested the DOC and it comes to race change(s). They don’t have it is no longer tracked that way, but it is ious act of genocide towards our specific
Justice Network “rescind their inaccu- any quasi-judicial or legislative authority, listed under his ethnicity. Therefore, he culture — ​Latinx. I’m white for their ben-
rate, manufactured, false and misleading either implied or explicit, when it comes to has not lost the designation of Hispanic efit, not mine?! What if their race was
mis-identity, as being white, when I’m changing an inmate(s) identifying race in in our system.” The OPM labeled Arroyo’s reclassified as Black. Another Jan. 6?” ☐    September 22, 2022    Page 7

Yvonne Swan Wanrow set

precedent for self-defense cases
By Phebe Eckfeldt occupied the town of Wounded Knee, South into account not whether they thought Here are a few cases:
Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Reservation on the defender was actually in danger, Joann Little was the first woman
Record numbers of women and Feb. 27, 1973, in response to a call for sup- but whether the defender themselves to be acquitted of murder in the name
­ender-oppressed people are being
g port from traditional elders in the com- thought they were in danger. The judge of self-defense. If convicted, she would
locked up. munity. The 71-day occupation occurred had restricted Wanrow’s ability to use a have faced the gas chamber. Little, while
Writing for the Guardian, Mariame during a period of violence by then-Oglala self-defense claim. Racism and sexism in prison, defended herself against a jailor
Kaba quoted multiple studies that have Tribal Chairperson Dick Wilson’s tribal also needed to be taken into account. This who was raping her. The guard was 6 feet
indicated that between 71% and 95% of police, who were collaborating with the FBI is what her defense committees and law- tall and 200 lbs. Little was 5'3" and 120
incarcerated women have experienced and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. yers worked hard to do. lbs. Joann Little defense committees,
physical violence from an intimate part- AIM had been protesting the U.S. gov- vocal and active, were set up across the
ner. As children and adults they expe- ernment’s “termination policy,” which U.S. and internationally and were a key
rienced multiple forms of physical and tore Indigenous children from their fam- to her acquittal.
sexual violence. This has been dubbed the ilies, weakened the power of tribal gov- Angela Davis wrote of her case: “Joann
“abuse-to-prison pipeline.” (Jan. 3, 2019) ernments and cut federal assistance for Little may not only have been the victim of
Advocates who work with women education and health care, keeping the a rape attempt by a white racist jailer; she
and gender-oppressed people who have majority of Indigenous people living has truly been raped and wronged many
defended themselves against violence in poverty. They were active in fighting times over by the exploitative and discrim-
state that they are being imprisoned against police harassment, especially in inatory institutions of this society. All peo-
in large numbers, sometimes receiv- Minneapolis where AIM was founded. ple who see themselves as members of the
ing extreme sentences like life without AIM stated that Indigenous people existing community of struggle for justice,
parole, while others are deported. made up 70% of the population in the equality and progress have a responsibility
Survivors are punished for defending Minneapolis city jail but were only 10% to fulfill toward Joann Little.
themselves and their children. They are of the overall population. (John William “Those of us — w ​ omen and men — w ​ ho
criminalized because they have removed Sayer, “Ghost Dancing the Law: the are Black or people of color must under-
their children from abusive situations, Wounded Knee Trials,” 1997) stand the connection between racism and
have been coerced into criminal activity Wanrow and her sisters set up the sexism that is so strikingly manifested in
and have committed “crimes of survival” Defense Committee for Yvonne Wanrow, PAINTING VIA NO SELVES TO DEFEND her case. Those of us who are white and
in order to live. Poverty makes women which AIM supported actively. Feminists Yvonne Swan Wanrow women must grasp the issue of male
and gender-oppressed people more vul- from Minneapolis drove to Spokane and supremacy in relationship to the racism
nerable to violence under capitalism, set up the Free Yvonne Wanrow cam- On the morning of Feb. 23, 1976, and class bias which complicate and exac-
whether it is from the state or domestic paign, which worked together with the Wanrow sat in a Spokane, Washington, erbate it.” (“Joann Little: The Dialectics
partners. Defense Committee and was focused on courtroom, flanked by her two women of Rape,” 1975)
As of 2019, there were 231,000 women educating and winning over white work- lawyers. AIM members packed the court- Days after giving birth, Marissa
in jails and prisons in the U.S. Right now ing-class people to support Wanrow’s room, standing against the walls and Alexander, a Black woman in Florida,
approximately 5,000 transgender peo- cause. filling the aisles. Outside, the sound of fired a warning shot at the wall, when her
ple are in state prisons. Most of them are The prosecution appealed the rever- drumming, singing and chanting filled abusive, estranged husband threatened
people of color. In Texas the number of sal of her conviction to the Washington the air, as hundreds more AIM members her and she was unable to escape. The
women incarcerated has risen by over Supreme Court. When Wanrow attended and supporters took over the parking lot. mother of three was in prison for three
1,000% since 1980. the trial of AIM leader Russell Means in years and under house arrest for two. She
1975, she saw Center for Constitutional Case became precedent setting was released in 2015 following a national
Yvonne Swan Wanrow − first Rights lawyer William Kunstler at work, Wanrow could not know it at the time, campaign to free her.
women’s self-defense case and she wanted him for her lawyer. He but her case would be precedent setting CeCe McDonald, a Black trans
Yvonne Swan Wanrow, a Sinixt referred her to their women’s division, for women who defend themselves or woman, and her friends were forced
Indigenous mother, shot and killed and Elizabeth Schneider and Nancy their children against domestic, physical to defend themselves on the streets of
a known sexual predator William Stearns became her attorneys. They filed or sexual violence. Minneapolis. Struck in the face with a glass
Wesler in August 1972 in the Spokane, a supplemental brief for Wanrow with the On Jan. 7, 1977, the Supreme Court of by a white bar patron with Nazi tattoos,
Washington, area. He had tried to grab Washington State Supreme Court in 1976. Washington ruled in her favor; a new trial CeCe stabbed him in self-defense, and
her son and threateningly approached was ordered. In April 1979 Wanrow pled he died. An international defense com-
her young nephew when he was asleep. Wanrow makes self-defense viable guilty to manslaughter and second-degree mittee was mounted. McDonald served
He had previously raped her babysit- Up until this point, the law or a court assault. She received five years probation 19 months in prison and was released in
ter’s daughter. When told by neighbors had never taken into account the right and one year of community service. She January 2014. McDonald spoke around
of Wesler’s actions and that he had been of a woman to self-defense and what had only served three days in jail. the country in support of survivors of vio-
seen prowling around the area, the police self-defense meant. Before the Wanrow Reflecting on her struggle, Wanrow lence and abuse, especially trans people.
did nothing. case, self-defense was not seen as a via- said, “That was what saved me, to focus Workers World writer Leslie Feinberg
Wesler, more than 6 feet tall and a ble defense strategy for women who killed on something else, minimize my per- wrote extensively on McDonald’s case.
heavy man, was intoxicated when he their abusers. The jury in her case was sonal struggles. It put me in solidarity (
entered Wanrow’s friends’ home, where with other Indian people. In California, Wendy Howard and
she was with her family. He refused to Instantly, I was sympa- her children had been abused by her part-
leave. Wanrow was 5'4" tall, weighed 120 thetic to AIM. I understood ner since 2002. The abuse was verbal,
lbs and at the time she was wearing a cast it as being a spiritual move- physical and sexual. Howard tried to stop
on her foot and using a crutch. When ment. American Indian the abuse, but the district attorney and
Wanrow called out the front door for Movement — ​that doesn’t police did nothing. In 2019 the abuser
help, no one responded. When she turned sound like any military attacked Wendy in her home while her
around, Wesler was almost upon her, and force to me. It sounds like children and grandchildren were there.
Wanrow pulled her gun and shot him. the wind. It sounds like a Forced to shoot him in self-defense, she
She was convicted by an all-white jury spirit, a spirit of defense. was charged with first-degree murder.
and found guilty of second-degree mur- We are in defense of our Howard faces a maximum sentence of 50
der and first-degree assault. Her case land, our life and our years to life.
became known as the first women’s human rights. There is Wendy Howard’s new trial date is
self-defense case. It set a legal precedent nothing wrong with self-de- set. During her bail hearing, the judge
and would impact other cases of self-de- fense, and self-defense is agreed that there was evidence of justified
fense by women and gender-oppressed not a crime. …” (“Fighter self-defense and lowered the bail from
people to come. for Women’s Rights Tells $1 million to $500,000. But the Kern
Yvonne Swan speaks at the 2009 AIM Fall Conference Her Story of Self-Defense,” County District Attorney still refused to
Impact of the American in San Francisco. Watch her discuss the events Seattle Post Intelligencer, drop the charges. Please go to her web-
Indian Movement surrounding her famous trial in the early 1970s at April 8, 1983) site: and see how you
In 1975 an appeals court reversed Many cases of women can help.
Wanrow’s conviction and ordered a and gender-oppressed peo- Self-defense against abuse is not a
retrial. ( instructed to determine what degree of ple defending themselves and their fam- crime! Trying to survive under capitalism
During the period of her trial and after, force would be necessary to use for a man ilies against violence followed Wanrow. is not a crime! End the “abuse to prison
the anti-Vietnam War movement, the facing a man, not a woman against a man. Some are well-known but most are pipeline”!
Indigenous struggle, the women’s move- The use of weapons was not taken into unknown. Political discussion and activ-
ment and the movements against racism, account for a conflict of women against ism around self-defense and violence This author’s aunt, Polly Taylor, initi-
sexism and for self-determination were in men, or if the person believed they were against women became a very important ated the Free Yvonne Wanrow campaign
full swing. in danger. topic of political action and discussion in with her partner Marge Nelson.
The American Indian Movement (AIM) A new law instructed the jury to take the progressive movement at that time.
Page 8    September 22, 2022

Oklahoma serial executions WW Commentary

By Gloria Rubac arm of Clayton Lockett. They decided to instead used potassium acetate, which issues, is reflected in statistics, many
insert an IV in his groin, but they used was wrongfully delivered to the state and stories, trends, important dates, public
The state of Oklahoma is making exe- a wrong-sized needle. Finally, after 45 went unnoticed by those carrying out the events, press coverage and history. Texas
cution history. It is poised to become a minutes, Oklahoma officials decided to execution. has made much history in what is called
serial killer. On July 1, an Oklahoma halt the execution. Lockett then died of a Last October, Oklahoma carried out “the modern era” by using executions
court set execution dates for 25 men on heart attack while lying in the execution its first execution since those that were so often that no state will ever catch up
its death row who have exhausted their chamber. botched in 2014 and 2015. John Marion with its total of 575 executions. Stories
appeals. Executions will take place each Grant was put to death of the 186 innocent people who actually
month for 25 months. Oct. 28, 2021, and he had survived death row in the U.S., since the
The first, James Coddington’s exe- around two dozen con- death penalty was reinstated in 1976, and
cution, was carried out Aug. 25, after vulsions and vomited as were exonerated are stories that should
Governor Kevin Stitt rejected the the drugs were given. At be turned into movies.
Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board’s one point a doctor went Former President Donald Trump’s
recommendation of clemency. in to wipe the vomit off execution spree was historic. Between
Richard Glossip, a man who has strong Grant’s face and neck. The July 2020 and January 2021, during the
claims of innocence, had been scheduled prison director said there height of the COVID‑19 pandemic, which
for Sept. 22 but was reset for Dec. 8. would be no changes was raging in prisons, the federal gov-
The next Oklahoma execution is set for made. So apparently, this ernment executed 13 people. There had
Benjamin Cole, Oct. 20. was just killing as usual. not been a federal execution in 17 years.
Executions in Oklahoma had been held ( And nine members of the execution team
off for several years, after several execu- If you can tolerate read- at the federal prison in Terra Haute,
tions were horrifically botched. However, ing about torture, there Indiana, contracted COVID‑19, according
Tabling at Oklahoma Peace Festival, 2018.
courts finally approved a series of drugs is a list of botched exe- to the Death Penalty Information Center.
to be used, and the court set these 25 cutions in the U.S. that Oklahoma’s planned spree of legal
dates. There are 43 people on death row Oklahoma officials did not follow exe- prove that legal lynchings are experi- lynching gives more credence to abo-
in Oklahoma, so over half those on the cution protocol Jan. 15, 2015, and used ments taking place on live human beings, litionists — ​who demand no more exe-
row are scheduled for execution. a wrong drug as they were murdering without a predictable outcome. Those cutions. Period. There is no way, no
Charles Warner. His final words were, on death row are human guinea pigs for manner, no plan to humanely lynch peo-
Botched executions “My body is on fire!” He was supposed to states trying to figure out how to kill a ple. Capital punishment must go into the
On April 29, 2014, the execution be unconscious! They were supposed to person. ( dustbin of history. It is one more racist
team had trouble finding a vein in the use a drug called potassium chloride but The use of the death penalty, like many and anti-worker attack on our class. ☐

Jeanette Merrill ¡Presente!

‘You have to be a partisan in the class struggle’
By Ellie Dorritie for Rob Williams in North Carolina — ​an co-workers saw her being publicly red-
Buffalo, New York effort which drew attention and retalia- baited and asked, “Aren’t you a com-
tion from the FBI. munist?” she didn’t deny it. Instead, she
The class struggle lost our very parti- Jeanette was a militant voice in sup- always explained: “If you mean, am I for
san comrade Jeanette Fusco Merrill in port of liberation movements in the U.S. free health care?” and went on to describe
the 90th year of her revolutionary life in and around the world, beginning with the the proletarian vision of a better world.
August. Jeanette was a founding mem- Cuban Revolution in 1959. Jeanette was fearless in speaking
ber of Workers World Party, for decades She was outspoken in the struggle to out, disrupting the House Un-American
a National Committee member and a defend the Young Lords, the Organization Activities Committee hearings in Buffalo
member of the Steering Committee of the of Afro-American Unity under Malcolm in 1964. When HUAC rolled into Buffalo,
Buffalo branch. X and the Deacons for Defense and not only were they greeted by 1,500 pick-
During the 1950s and 1960s, Jeanette, Justice, and to free jailed fighters in the ets, mostly students — ​but they were
who was born in Buffalo, took up the Black Panther Party, and Martin Sostre unable to hold their witch-hunt hearings
fight against racism in this city. Together and Geraldine Robinson. Robinson, now without disruptions. In the end they were Jeanette Merrill demonstrates for U.S.
with her spouse, comrade and life part- Geraldine Pointer, spoke at Ed Merrill’s run out of town. political prisoner and revolutionary
ner Ed and the rest of the comrades in funeral in 2005, recalling that Ed and After most of the founding members of journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal and for an
the newly-formed Workers World Party, Jeanette, representing the Martin Sostre Workers World Party moved the party’s end to the death penalty.
they supported the Mothers Alliance in Defense Committee, supported her and headquarters from Buffalo to New York
its fight to stop racist school segregation, her children during the frame-up of the City, Jeanette and Ed started the Buffalo Committee of YAWF was called upon by
to end hiring discrimination at retail African American bookstore owner. branch over again. They organized meet- the Attica prisoners during the September
stores Grant’s and Woolworth’s, and ings that inspired students on the res- 1971 rebellion to send in an observer,
against gentrification and displacement Fearless against red-baiting tive campus of the University of Buffalo, Jeanette accompanied our comrade Tom
of low-income housing. Being a target of red-baiting — ​the injecting a class-conscious worldview Soto, who went inside while the rest of the
In the early 1960s, Mae Mallory was government’s tool to weaken the effec- of the anti-war struggle. Together they Buffalo branch was outside the walls with
fighting extradition from Cleveland to tiveness of activists — ​became a way of helped kindle a chapter of the militant the families of the prisoners — ​cops and
Monroe, North Carolina, over false kid- life for Jeanette and the other Buffalo Youth Against War and Fascism. Many troopers aiming their rifles at us, before
napping charges against her and Robert comrades. FBI agents visited the bosses youths soon joined the Buffalo branch of they began the assault and massacre.
Williams. They were targeted because at their workplaces and used infiltrators Workers World Party. When Workers World Party was build-
they supported the right of the Black to plant divisive fears among them. More Jeanette never paused in teaching revo- ing for the 1974 National March Against
community to arm and defend itself from than once, Jeanette’s name and her com- lutionary Marxism-Leninism by example, Racism in Boston, Jeanette stood on
the Ku Klux Klan. Jeanette spent many munist affiliation appeared on the front and the new members quickly grasped that a bench with a bullhorn in downtown
months fundraising and agitating to build page of the local paper. their work in the anti-war movement was Buffalo at lunchtime, raising money for
support for Mae’s freedom and holding Jeanette, a telephone company worker, to build a direct connection to the ongoing buses to go to Boston.
public meetings to raise money for guns was never afraid of a challenge. When war against the Black community and to Jeanette’s imagination for outra-
defend the right of the Vietnamese people geous but incredibly effective action led
to make their own decisions about the war, Buffalo’s chapter of Women United for
negotiations and demands. Action to hold our first huge rummage
sale, to enable us to fund communi-
Teaching Marxism by example ty-based free distributions of apples and
Women comrades were able to grow potatoes that local farmers would oth-
as leaders with Jeanette’s guidance and erwise have destroyed. These rummage
to bring an understanding of class to the sales and food distributions were accom-
1970s women’s movement. panied by mass distributions of litera-
Jeanette’s strong class-conscious per- ture decrying capitalism’s failed system
spective on oppression was what drew of profit before people’s needs.
students and workers alike into action Although her health kept her from
with Workers World Party on such issues activism in recent years, Jeanette will
as prisons, food and utility prices, Native always be an example and an inspiration
rights, LGBTQ+ rights, Palestine and so for those of us who experienced firsthand
much more. She knew how to organize, her fiercely working-class passion, com-
and we learned! passion, courage, pride and strength as a
When the Prisoners Solidarity revolutionary woman leader. ☐    September 22, 2022    Page 9

Five years after Hurricane Maria

Puerto Ricans continue to struggle
By Deborah Rodriguez of the electrical grid. Compounded by a the masses of working-class people. The
debt crisis imposed on them by President effects of over 400 years of colonialism
A Call to Action on Puerto Rico, a U.S.- Barack Obama’s PROMESA Act, through and neocolonial policies have laid the
based collective with an anti-colonial, its Fiscal Control Board, “La Junta,” in groundwork for organized mass protests.
pro-independence perspective stated, 2016, the impact of Maria was inevita- The limited housing, due to overvalu-
“Given the damages caused by Hurricane ble. Puerto Rican people were not pre- ation and prioritization of tourism compa-
Fiona, we demand that Gobernador pared for the destruction left behind by nies, has made it difficult for Puerto Ricans
Hurricane Maria, September 2017
Pierluisi issue an executive order request- Hurricane Maria and, more importantly, to purchase homes, resulting in the forced
ing that AEE (Electric Power Authority) the over 3,000 lives lost. displacement of Puerto Ricans to the U.S.
recruit all the men and women dis- Post-Maria, the Puerto Rican people to the extent that there are now more of
placed and retired from AEE to address have been in the streets protesting the us Puerto Ricans here than on the island.
the emergency. We need knowledge treatment of the people by the govern- The privatized roads, beaches and other
and experience Now! #Utiertotherescue ment (, assets should instead be zones protected
#Onlythepeopleforthepeople.” cuts to public service employee pen- as natural resources. There are increases
sions (, in essentials such as water and tolls and
It’s been five years since Hurricane policies that create tax havens for for- the outright sale of the national university,
Maria ravaged the archipelago of Puerto eign investors (Ley 20 and Ley 22), and Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR).
Rico and changed the lives of its people. the privatization of electrical services. Of course, not to be forgotten is the
Today, Puerto Rico is being hit hard once ( foreign electrical company LUMA, whose
again with Hurricane Fiona, with 80 mph The protest calls are loud and clear: services have been linked to several elec- Hurricane Fiona, September 2022
winds that have knocked out all power on “RICKY RENUNCIA”; “FUERA LUMA!” trical fires in Puerto Rico and constant
the island, while many of the people are and “PUERTO RICO NO SE VENDE!” outages often lasting hours, all while The struggle continues; victory is cer-
still recovering from the disaster of five The Puerto Rican people understand imposing seven rate hikes in the last year. tain. A luta continua, vitória é certa.
years ago. that their enemy is the U.S. and its cro- The Puerto Rican people understand
The effects of years of austerity laid bare nies. Their policies have created condi- that the ruling class will never concede an To join the “Puerto Rico No Se Vende /
and the years of neglect to Puerto Rico’s tions that have amplified the distinctions inch and that they must fight and protest Puerto Rico Not for Sale” campaign, see
infrastructure were evident in the collapse between the wealthy and power elite from for every gain.

Cubans vote on Family Code that ‘protects human dignity’

By Bill Sacks Code “protects human dignity … and the Federation of Cuban Women, the
eliminates any vestige of discrimination Committees to Defend the Revolution
The Cuban people will vote in a Sept. 25 in the family sphere and rejects violence. (CDRs) and other community organiza-
referendum on a new Family Code, which, He further explained that the Code “is tions to offer proposals and amendments
if approved, would expand women’s and for the benefit of all … has an inclusive, to the proposed Code. Over 400,000 pro-
LGBT+ rights, as well as the concept of protective and equal character, does not posals were offered by the people, which
the nuclear family. Cubans living outside regulate rigid or pre-established family were submitted to the National Assembly
the country voted on Sept. 18. models and allows the people to solve of People’s Power for evaluation and then
The new Code would legalize same-sex the conflicts that occur and exercise the returned to the people again for further
marriage, allow same-sex couples to adopt rights recognized in that area, taking into discussion and proposals.
children, promote equal sharing of domes- account the characteristics, situations The proposed Code to be voted on this
This cartoon from the Cuban newspaper and possibilities of each person.”
tic responsibilities and extend labor rights month represents the 25th draft and was
Granma shows a range of people protected
(including pay) for those who care full- The referendum is the culmination of a unanimously approved by the National
by the shelter of the new Family Code.
time for children, the elderly and people years-long democratic process of discus- Assembly, after evaluating the thousands
with disabilities. It would further confirm sion and debate among the Cuban people of proposals submitted.
the right to free abortion, paid family leave family that could include grandparents, to update the 1975 Code, which codified Unlike in the U.S., where state after
and assisted and surrogate pregnancies stepparents and surrogate mothers. gender equality in law — ​a process man- state is making it more difficult for people
(but not for profit), and it would fight gen- And while the right to reproductive dated by the new Constitution that was of color and poor and working people to
der-based violence and expand the rights choice and reproductive health is being passed in 2019. A drafting commission vote, all Cuban citizens and residents are
of children and grandparents. eliminated or severely restricted in the began working on a new Code in 2019 automatically registered to vote at age 16
For example, the Code would estab- U.S., the new Code strengthens the right and in 2021 presented 22 versions to the and can cast a ballot in the referendum.
lish the right of all Cubans to form a fam- to free and safe abortion in a hospital or National Assembly of People’s Power,
ily, regardless of sex or gender identity, clinic for all Cubans. which approved a draft to then be submit- Bill Sacks has been an organizer
thereby recognizing all variety of family ted to the people for discussion and debate. and participant with the Venceremos
forms, including multiparental families New code ‘protects human dignity’ Between February and April, nearly Brigade, breaking the travel blockade to
and allowing parental rights to be shared In the words of Cuban Minister of 6.5 million Cubans took part in more Cuba, for over 50 years.
among an extended and nontraditional Justice Oscar Silvera Martínez, the new than 79,000 meetings facilitated by

Statement condemns OHCHR’s ‘Assessment of human

rights concerns’ in China’s Uyghur Autonomous Region
The following statement has been initi- Institute (ASPI), along with professional May 2022. Having visited a prison and wishes and interests of the mainstream of
ated by Friends of Socialist China. You can anti-communists such as Adrian Zenz, as spoken to former trainees at a vocational the international community. A joint state-
add your name as an individual signatory legitimate sources. Meanwhile the voices education and training center; having ment delivered by Cuba at the 50th session
using the form at Once of Chinese NGOs, academics and individ- interacted with civil society organizations, of  the Human Rights Council in June this
you do so, your name will appear on this uals are suppressed, as are the numerous academics, and community and religious year stated its firm opposition to the “polit-
page within a few hours. Organizations reports of diplomatic trips to Xinjiang—​ leaders; Bachelet found no evidence of icization of human rights and double stan-
wishing to sign on to this statement including by representatives of Muslim- crimes against humanity. The numerous dards, or interference in China’s internal
should contact Friends of Socialist China majority countries—​that have taken place conversations she had do not form part of affairs under the pretext of human rights.”
at in recent years. the data set for the Assessment. This statement was signed by 69 coun-
The Assessment pointedly ignores What is the reason for the dispar- tries, the overwhelming majority from the
We strongly condemn the publication China’s extraordinary progress in promot- ity between the OHCHR report and Global South.
by the Office of the High Commissioner ing the human rights of all ethnic groups Bachelet’s end-of-mission statement? It Given the OHCHR’s relative silence
for Human Rights of its Assessment of in Xinjiang: in relation to poverty alle- is painfully obvious that the OHCHR has in relation to persistent human rights
human rights concerns in the Xinjiang viation, social welfare, economic devel- come under intense pressure from the abuses by the imperialist powers, it is
Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s opment, safety from terrorist attacks, U.S. to bolster the credibility of the lurid impossible to avoid the conclusion that
Republic of China. In the words of former and more. Instead, the document uses slanders that have been thrown at China the Assessment is politically motivated,
OHCHR lawyer and human rights expert deliberately ambiguous language — ​that by Western politicians and journalists. produced under pressure from the U.S.
Alfred de Zayas, this document “should China’s actions “may” constitute crimes Such propaganda forms part of the West’s and designed to contribute to a danger-
be discarded as propagandistic, biased against humanity — ​in order to slander imperial agenda of undermining China. ous, escalating new Cold War.
and methodologically flawed.” the People’s Republic of China whilst The OHCHR Assessment does a pro- We call on the OHCHR to withdraw
Based on substandard research meth- maintaining some plausible deniability. found disservice to the cause of strength- its Assessment, and we stand in solidar-
ods and biased sources, the Assessment is It is highly suspicious that the ening global human rights cooperation. ity with the people of China, subjected to
completely lacking in credibility. It treats Assessment makes no mention of then- The report does not enjoy a mandate abhorrent and baseless accusations.
arms of the military-industrial complex, U.N. Human Rights Commissioner from the General Assembly or the Human
such as the Australian Strategic Policy Michelle Bachelet’s visit to Xinjiang in Rights Council, and it runs counter to the See for list of signers.
Page 10    September 22, 2022

editorials Busing migrants, targeting socialism

Playing with human lives in a despi- Instead, let’s ask: What is the ideological “instruction” on the “poverty, starvation, sanctions and military interventions —​
cable racist political stunt, Greg Abbott, point these right-wingers are trying to make migration, systemic lethal violence and against any country trying to assert
right-wing governor of Texas, has bused to their base through political bullying? suppression of speech” that supposedly independence from the brutal hand of
thousands of undocumented migrants occur under socialism. capitalism. The deadly impact is great
north from the U.S. border with Mexico Attack on right to shelter DeSantis does not acknowledge that deprivation, starvation, internal upheaval
since the beginning of August. New York City has a “right to shelter” 56% of those killed by Florida cops in in many countries — ​ a nd subsequent
The buses dump homeless, jobless, law guaranteeing a safe place to sleep recent years were people of color — ​abso- migration for survival.
hungry people — f​ ar from their own coun- to all homeless people, men, women, lutely victims of “systemic lethal violence.” The U.S. is conducting a global class
tries, with few to no resources — ​into New children, families — ​in place since the As for “suppression of speech” — ​he per- war against all working and oppressed
York City, Chicago or Washington, D.C. Coalition for the Homeless won the 1979 sonally pushed through laws to make ille- people, including in this hemisphere.
That is, if they don’t get abandoned by Callahan v. Carey lawsuit and fought to gal any discussion of enslavement, racism, The grandstanding ploys of Abbott and
their driver in the middle of rural Georgia, enlarge its coverage since then. gender identity and sexuality in the state’s DeSantis are coldhearted, hateful mani-
as almost happened to one busload. Massachusetts is the only U.S. right- public schools! ( festations of those larger capitalist attacks
White-supremacist Gov. Ron DeSantis to-shelter state for homeless families. These proto-fascists are targeting cities against the possibility of socialism.
jumped into this meanness on Sept. 15, Washington, D.C., and Chicago are “sanc- where “right to shelter” and to “sanctuary” Yes, in the U.S. we are nowhere near
flying two planeloads of migrants —​ tuary cities” for undocumented migrants. have been won by a peoples’ struggle. These socialism. The capitalist class has a choke-
who had been misled — ​ f rom Texas These places have those protections programs are only a glimmer of the secu- hold on national and state governments.
into tiny Martha’s Vineyard island in for the common good of people who live rity that socialism could offer working and But the rising younger generation is busy
Massachusetts. there. But to anti-communist DeSantis oppressed people in our daily lives. unionizing across lines of nationality,
Maybe social media discussion tempted and Abbott, these protections are sus- The governors and others are scheming sexuality, gender, abilities and language.
some people to dismiss these actions as pect — ​they reek of socialism. to undermine the hope socialism offers —​ They are expanding the possibilities for
mere midterm election jockeying between Abbott has warned of the emerging dramatizing that some current migrants the future.
far-right Republicans in the South and battle between socialism and capitalism are from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela. Our hope is in the consciousness emerg-
“liberal” Democrats in the North. in the U.S., saying, “Texas is the leader of This is supposed to prove people are flee- ing in workers and oppressed people,
But this is a political “game” only if you the national movement for capitalism.” ing “repression” in anti-imperialist coun- worldwide, who are caught in the grip of the
forget that the people being “jockeyed” are (Houston Chronicle, Aug. 6, 2018) tries open — ​or already on the road — ​to forces of capitalist production and exploita-
people being moved around by the hand of DeSantis has established a “Victims socialism. tion— ​the consciousness that will begin the
the capitalist state — ​whether Democrats of Communism Day” in the Florida pub- Conveniently omitted is the fact of U.S. struggle for socialism, starting now.   ☐
or Republicans hold office. lic schools, requiring students to receive actions that kill — ​economic blockades,

WW Commentary Defend abortion access in the streets

By Monica Moorehead on their right to choose for themselves as “Abolish SCOTUS!” and “Abort the
when it comes to having a child or not. court!” for having the power to hold
The following article first appeared as an editorial in This ruling reflects how patriarchy, the fate of millions of people in their
the June 30 WW issue. It is being reprinted and updated misogyny and racism are deeply rooted hands.
as a commentary in light of the upcoming Oct. 7-9 nation- in U.S. society. There were signs emphasizing that
ally coordinated actions to defend reproductive rights. The ruling signals a return to SCOTUS cared more about people
See for “states’ rights.” At one point in U.S. having the right to carry guns than
more information. history, states had the right to enslave people having a right to an abortion.
African people before the U.S. Civil This was in response to a SCOTUS
Tens of thousands of mainly young people took to the War resulted in the military defeat of decision, issued June 23, that struck
streets in utter outrage on June 24 and June 25 when the Confederacy. One pro-life, right- down a New York State law that
the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade — ​the wing politician had the unmitigated gall to put an equal banned people from carrying guns in public.
legalization of federal protection of the right to abortion sign between the end of abortion and the end of slavery. In a 1989 political report to a Workers World Party
for the past 49 years. This comparison is meant to confuse the masses into conference, Chairperson Sam Marcy stated in response
Various groups are scrambling to find ways to make believing that to be anti-racist, you have to be anti-abor- to the weakening of Roe v. Wade by SCOTUS: “The abor-
sure abortion on demand is accessible, including provid- tion — ​when in reality Black enslaved women were sys- tion decision confirms that whenever the bourgeoisie is
ing necessary funds for those forced to travel hundreds temically raped by their white enslavers and forced to in a crisis, they will let nine people, unelected, appointed
of miles to other states where clinics still provide this carry the resulting pregnancies to term — ​and the child for life, decide the most critical issues concerning life in
essential health care. was then the property of the enslaver. the United States.”
This reactionary, barbaric ruling will turn back the In many of the protests held since June 24, not only This observation is very timely today as the bourgeoisie
clock for women — ​especially those of color — ​as well as were there signs defending the right to abortion but also and their fragile system face an unprecedented economic
gender-nonconforming and trans people. This is an attack those saying “Defund the police.” There were signs such Continued on page 11

Hail Indigenous Peoples Day! Support Workers World

Boston’s proclamation last year that the second righteous struggles of Native peoples on Unforeseen circumstances during the
Monday of October every year would be Indigenous the streets and in our newspaper. WW pandemic caused us to reduce the number
Peoples Day, “in lieu of” Columbus Day, was a victory for joins Indigenous communities to demand: of printed issues to once a month. But the
Native peoples, since the creation of U.S. settler colonial- Drop “Columbus Day” as a federal holiday! weekly online newspaper has never been
ism, the theft and devastation of their lands and cultures, Commemorate Indigenous Peoples Day skipped during this 2 ½-year health crisis.
denial of all rights, the torture and genocide, began and in every city, town and state! Down with While WW’s staff is voluntary, both the
continued in what is now the state of Massachusetts. white supremacy! printed newspaper and the website require
Then on Oct. 8, 2021, President Joe Biden proclaimed that monthly expenses be paid. Although
a federal Indigenous Peoples Day and acknowledged Your donations matter! many online publications require fees to
the atrocities “European explorers inflicted on Tribal Workers World relies on our readers’ read their articles, WW does not. Our arti-
nations and Indigenous communities.” These pro- backing. The WW Supporter Program cles are free to all readers.
nouncements came about due to the strong, unified was founded 45 years ago to help build But WW needs your help! Join the WW
struggles by Indigenous peoples and their allies, nota- this socialist newspaper. Since the early Supporter Program! Can you give $50,
bly at Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline 1990s, the fund has supported the web- $100, $200, $300 or more per year? For
and the courageous, militant fight that shut down the site, where WW articles are a contribution of $50 or more, you will
Keystone XL Pipeline. posted daily and the PDF file of every receive 12 print issues a year and a weekly
The movement for recognition of Oct. 12 as weekly paper is displayed. email of the online issue. Supporters can
Indigenous Peoples Day began in Berkeley, California, contains news and an receive the book, “What road to social-
following a huge march called by the American Indian analysis of global and U.S. struggles and ism?” by notifying us. By donating, you
Movement in San Francisco on Oct. 10, 1992, protest- is a resource for political activists. The help class truth reach more readers.
ing the celebration of conquistador mass murderer website posts firsthand accounts by writ- Write monthly or annual checks to
Christopher Columbus’s arrival 500 years earlier. Since er-activists in many countries, translated Workers World. Mail them with your
then, 14 states, Washington, D.C., and over 130 cities by our staff. Timely articles by worker-or- name, address and email address to
have dumped the holiday honoring the genocidal con- ganizers keep the newspaper current on Workers World, 147 W. 24th St., 2nd
queror and recognize Indigenous peoples, their knowl- U.S. union drives, along with reports on Floor, New York, NY 10011. Or sign up to
edge and cultures on that day. antiwar, anti-racist and other progressive donate online at
Workers World has continually supported the movements. We appreciate your support. ☐    September 22, 2022    Page 11

Dramatic U-turn

U.S. recognizes Alex Saab as Special Envoy of Venezuela

By William Camacaro the prosecution of evidence favorable to was further supported by rul-
a defendant who has requested it violates ings from the United Nations
This article was first published by due process. Human Rights Commission
Orinoco Tribune. William Camacaro The Department of Justice has stead- in Geneva. Similarly, Saab’s
is a Venezuelan-American, National fastly dragged its heels in producing the detention was condemned by
Co-Coordinator in the Alliance for Global requested documents, leaving Saab’s several other U.N. bodies. Cape
Justice and was a co-founder of the defense no choice but to file a motion to Verde bowed to political pres-
Bolivarian Circle of New York “Alberto compel the hastening of the process. sure from the United States and
Lovera” and Senior Analyst for the Saab’s defense team is adamant that, agreed to extradite Alex Saab.
Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA). given the importance of the case, other Even though the domestic judi-
branches of the U.S. government — ​such cial process was not completed,
After more than two years question- as the Department of State, DOJ’s Office Alex Saab was forcibly removed PHOTO: FUSER NEWS

ing Venezuelan Alex Saab’s diplomatic of International Affairs, Department of to Miami on Oct. 16, 2021. Puerto Rican Day Parade, New York City, June 12.
status, the U.S. Department of Justice Defense and the Washington Interpol Throughout Tuesday’s hear-
(DOJ) has now conceded that he is a spe- liaison office — ​all hold information that ing, the DOJ appeared off-balance, and that Alex Saab is a special envoy, the court
cial envoy. The dramatic U-turn was made supports the notion that Alex Saab is a Justice Scola’s comments on the perfor- will effectively be left with only the issue of
in a filing before Judge Robert Scola on Venezuelan special envoy entitled to dip- mance were on several occasions bathed Saab’s entitlement to immunity to address.
Tuesday, Sept. 13, in a hearing that was lomatic immunity and inviolability. in scorn, if not outright sarcasm. Central
held regarding Saab’s motion to compel Alex Saab was detained June 12, 2020, to the discussion was whether or not the The film “Alex Saab: a kidnapped dip-
the DOJ to hand over certain documents, on the Cape Verdean Island of Sal, on DOJ intended to use any classified mate- lomat” premiered in Caracas and was
which his defense believes would be bene- instructions from the United States to rials to support its position. After some then shown in 10 U.S. cities on the same
ficial to his claim of diplomatic immunity. the tiny West African archipelago. At the prevarication, it admitted that it was still day. This film really exposes the starva-
Alex Saab’s defense has been pushing time, which coincided with the peak of “reviewing the matter” and that “technol- tion in Venezuela caused by U.S. sanc-
the DOJ for some months now to make the COVID‑19 pandemic, Alex Saab was ogy issues” were making the review more tions. The role of Alex Saab in organizing
what are called “Brady disclosures.” These undertaking a humanitarian special mis- difficult than usual. Justice Scola asked the supplies of basic foods and essential
require that information and evidence sion to Iran to procure medicines, medical Alex Saab’s defense team if they objected supplies to every family in Venezuela
that is material to the guilt or innocence equipment and equipment for the oil sec- to granting the DOJ more time, to which through the CLAP food distribution pro-
of a defendant must be disclosed by the tor in Venezuela. they agreed. gram is highlighted.
prosecutor to the defense team. The term His detention was declared illegal twice The date for the hearing on Alex Saab’s The 48-minute film is available on
comes from the 1963 U.S. Supreme Court by the Court of Justice of the Economic status as a diplomat entitled to immunity Youtube. We encourage people to down-
case (Brady v. Maryland), in which the Community of West African States, in has now been pushed back to Dec. 12. load it and organize screenings of this
Supreme Court ruled that suppression by March and June of 2021, a claim that Following the DOJ’s acceptance of the fact film. (

Haiti explodes with cries of ‘down with misery’

By G. Dunkel But could the U.S. find a better tool for
keeping Haiti in line is a question they
Since August 22, the date when the haven’t yet answered.
Haitian Revolution began in 1791, hun- The Miami Herald ran a Sept. 16 story
dreds of thousands of Haitians have taken that the U.S. has a program to equip and
to the streets in every city and many towns train more SWAT teams for the Haitian
to repeatedly say “down with misery.” police but not pay their salaries.
They are staying in the streets even in Dominican Republic President Luis
the face of warnings about inundations Abinader came a week before the U.N.’s
from Hurricane Fiona, which is currently annual week of General Assembly activ-
devastating Puerto Rico. The mass anger ities in New York City to push for mili-
has been reflected in the streets of Port- tary intervention in Haiti, with speeches
au-Prince and other cities filled with March in Hinche (Ench in Creyol), Haiti. Banner in Creyol gives the date and place of the before U.S. as well as Dominican audi-
march, organizations involved, and says, roughly, “We say no to: hunger, speculation in
burning barricades and closed stores. ences. He claims that there is a low-level,
gas, lawlessness, kidnapping.”
Many embassies and consulates have incipient civil war going on in Haiti.
closed to avoid confrontations that could Whatever U.S. imperialism decides
turn deadly. Hinche is one of the oldest towns on national protests over high fuel prices. He to do in Haiti, progressives in the U.S.
Haitians demand that Acting Prime the island of Hispaniola, on the Central had the gall to claim “The State needs 3 bil- should oppose any interference in Haiti’s
Minister Ariel Henry pull up his stakes Plateau, about equidistant from Cap- lion gourds [Haiti’s national currency] to internal affairs and support reparations
and leave, an end to high prices — l​ avichè, Haïtien and Port-au-Prince, close to the launch some social program.” Fanning the for all the past and present racist atroc-
an end to the climate of fear and insta- Dominican border. It has about 25,000 flames, albeit with the blessings of the IMF. ities the U.S. has inflicted.  ☐
bility, an end to a state that doesn’t even people. Hinche was the site of a his-
provide drinkable water, much less pub- toric rally in 1990, when Jean-Bertrand
lic health and education. Many poor and
working-class neighborhoods in Port-au-
Prince are running short on water, since
Aristide’s campaign drew 30,000 people
out to support him.
The Sept. 6 protest was organized by a
Defend reproductive rights
their usual water truck deliveries have coalition called the Table of Opposition, Continued from page 8 for billions of people may justify such a
been disrupted by the protests. which held three simultaneous demonstra- call sooner rather than later.
As the demonstrations have grown tions. Each demonstration denounced law- crisis on a global scale. And who will bear There is mass anger against this political
more militant, the cops have grown more lessness, kidnappings, cost of living going the brunt of this crisis? The economic and offensive by the rabid right wing and against
aggressive, as the killing of two journalists through the roof and the current govern- political rights of all sectors of the multi- the ineffectiveness of the Democratic Party
recorded on video indicated. ment’s incapacity to resolve this crisis. national, multigendered working class are that has had ample time to strengthen
The demonstrations eventually merged on the chopping block. abortion laws. The mass anger expressed
Protests in Gonaïves and Hinche and marched together through Hinche, now and over the coming months will be
Gonaïves is a seacoast city with a pop- setting up burning barricades. Banks, Widespread radicalization an important barometer for the outcome of
ulation of 300,000, north of Port-au- public transport and the Hinche market There is an old Marxist axiom, “Being the November midterm elections.
Prince, where Jean-Jacques Dessalines were closed. The cops used tear gas to determines consciousness,” meaning that But while these elections come and go,
proclaimed Haiti’s independence in 1804. disperse the crowd. There were injuries social conditions shape how one thinks. what will remain are the bread-and-but-
Protesters in Gonaïves attacked six insti- but no deaths. The Table of Opposition In terms of the attacks on abortion ter, life-and-death issues propelling the
tutions: the U.N.’s World Food Program, included civic and community organiza- rights, workers’ rights and police vio- masses into the streets. They will come to
the Holy Family Church, the United tions, some small political parties, human lence against people of color and now rely less and less on the phony-baloney
Nations Office for Project Services, the rights organizations and the teachers against anti-SCOTUS protesters, there is promises of capitalist politicians to meet
offices of the clergy, the La Couronne union. ( great potential for class consciousness to their human needs — ​including health
brewery and the headquarters of the be shifted and to grow on a mass scale. care, housing, education, an end to state
former departmental director of Public U.S. response The militancy and scale of the initial pro- repression and the right to organize.
Works. ( Haitians are generally fed up with tests against SCOTUS have not been seen L.D. Barkley, one of the martyred lead-
Video of the Gonaïves protests show both the U.N., which has refused to take since the aftermath of the police lynching ers of the 1971 Attica Prison uprising,
people, mainly women, carrying off big responsibility for the cholera it introduced of George Floyd in May 2020, when mil- stated that the heroic prison rebellion was
sacks of grain or flour. The WFP claimed into Haiti — t​ wice — a​ nd the United States lions took the streets during that summer. “the sound before the fury.” Well, what we
that it lost 1,400 metric tons of food that it which has deported over 20,000 Haitians Today some are calling on social media are seeing in the streets today, over 50
was planning on giving as 600,000 meals in 2022 under atrocious conditions. for a general strike of women and their years later, is another reminder that mass
to children over the rest of the year. But The satrap they picked, Ariel Henry, allies. This may be a premature call — ​but fury, despite ebbs and flows, will always
people are hungry NOW! raised fuel prices by 100% in the midst of worsening conditions here and globally rage until the people win justice.  ☐
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¡Proletarios y oprimidos de todos los paises unios!   Vol. 64 Núm. 38  22 de septiembre 2022   $1


Manifestación en Venezuela. Los tribunales
estadounidenses finalmente admitieron el
13 de septiembre que Alex Saab, secuestrado
por EE.UU., era de hecho un enviado especial

‘Operación Estrella Solitaria’:

de Venezuela, por lo que se le debe otorgar
inmunidad diplomática frente a enjuiciamiento.

una estratagema de los supremacistas blancos

El gobernador protofascista de Texas, Greg Abbott, enfermedad y a menudo la muerte como resultado. sede en Missouri, continuó la labor intolerante, utili-
está recibiendo mucha publicidad estos días por enviar La actual lucha entre el “poder federal” y los “derechos zando las listas de correo del CMI y a algunos de los
en autobús a los migrantes que solicitan asilo y que han de los estados” es una repetición de la miembros de su junta directiva. El CCC
entrado en Estados Unidos desde la frontera mexicana, lucha sobre qué corriente dentro del tiene estrechos vínculos con el Partido
hacia el norte, a Washington, D.C., y a la ciudad de Nueva capitalismo puede reclamar el poder Republicano en el Sur, y políticos pro-
York. Ahora se le ha unido en esta maniobra política el y el control sobre los destinos de los editorial minentes como el líder de la mayoría
gobernador de Arizona, Doug Ducey. Desde mediados trabajadores y los oprimidos. del Senado, Trent Lott, fueron miem-
de abril, Abbott ha enviado a 5.100 migrantes a D.C. Y la supremacía blanca es una premisa mortal en la bros abiertos mientras estuvieron en el cargo.
desde Texas, en más de 135 autobuses, como parte de la que se basa ese poder. Cualquiera de las dos corrientes Una de las directoras de Workers World, que creció en
“Operación Estrella Solitaria” (Operation Lone Star). En la capitalistas está dispuesta a utilizar cualquier técnica Alabama bajo la segregación, fue testigo de una campaña
ciudad de Nueva York, el comisionado del Departamento disponible para ganar: la supresión legal, incluyendo el de la CCC en su pequeña ciudad para “enviar a los negros
de Servicios Sociales, Gary Jenkins, dijo que calcula que encarcelamiento y el trabajo forzado, el lenguaje racista al Norte” y denunciar la “hipocresía” de la lucha contra
desde mayo han llegado allí más de 3.000 migrantes, entre “dog whistle” y los trucos publicitarios como el busing. el racismo. Un reportaje fotográfico de primera plana en
ellos un número importante de familias con niños. Estas prácticas se transmiten de generación en genera- el periódico local mostraba a los líderes empresariales
¿La razón que dan estos gobernadores supremacistas ción de un político de la clase dominante a otro. blancos del Partido Demócrata local “escoltando” a un
blancos? Según Abbott el 5 de agosto, “el caos creado por grupo de negros en un autobús Greyhound, con destino
las políticas de frontera abierta de Biden”. ( La historia de la estratagema final a Detroit.
De hecho, muchas de las políticas fronterizas racistas de Porque la estratagema del busing de Abbott no es A los supremacistas blancos que organizaban estas
Trump se han mantenido durante la presidencia de Biden, nueva. Es una página sacada del repugnante libro de maniobras políticas entonces, al igual que Abbott y
debido a las múltiples demandas jugadas del Consejo de Ciudadanos Ducey ahora, no les importaba ni un ápice el destino de
antiinmigrantes encabezadas por Blancos que luchó contra la segre- los desplazados y trasladados, tratando a la gente como
funcionarios estatales republicanos gación en el Sur durante los años piezas de un juego de ajedrez político.
y respaldadas por la SCOTUS y los 50 y 60, bajo la bandera de los De hecho, el 11 de agosto, en el norte de Georgia, las
tribunales inferiores. “derechos de los estados”. autoridades recibieron una llamada en la que se les infor-
Lo que estamos viendo en tiempo Fundado en 1954 en Mississippi, maba de que los migrantes enviados desde Texas en un
real es el feo espectáculo de dos par- como parte de la reacción seg- autobús de la Operación Lone Star estaban a punto de
tidos políticos controlados por los regacionista a la sentencia de ser abandonados cerca de la zona rural de Rising Fawn,
capitalistas que compiten por sacar desegregación Brown v. Board of Georgia, donde sólo había una gasolinera y tierras de cul-
el mayor beneficio político de la des- Education del Tribunal Supremo tivo. A los migrantes se les dijo que era sólo una “corta
esperada situación de los migrantes de EE.UU., el WCC era “el Klan caminata” a Chattanooga, Tennessee — ​25 millas (40 kiló-
que huyen de sus países devastados de los empresarios”. Alcaldes, edi- metros) de distancia en las carreteras locales montañosas.
por el imperialismo militar y econó- tores de periódicos, propietarios Workers World está comprometido con la lucha para
mico de Estados Unidos. de empresas y líderes de los Boy combatir y acabar con la supremacía blanca. Estamos har-
Y esta pugna no se limita a las Scouts se reunían abiertamente tos de la farsa hipócrita del llamado gobierno “democrá-
Un traductor habla con los migrantes
palabras. No. Las personas reales en esta red de organizaciones tico” bajo el capitalismo. Exigimos y ganaremos un refugio
que son transportados en autobús
están siendo empujadas de un lado supremacistas blancas en todo seguro, refugio, atención sanitaria, puestos de trabajo,
por la Operación Lone Star de Texas a
a otro, a través de miles y miles de Washington, D.C. Fueron amenazados Estados Unidos. educación, libertad de encarcelamiento y la oportunidad
kilómetros, con la desesperación, con ser abandonados en Rising Fawn, En 1985, el Consejo de de “pan y rosas” para todos bajo el socialismo. ¡No hay
la falta de vivienda, el hambre, la Georgia. Ciudadanos Conservadores, con fronteras en la lucha de los trabajadores! ☐

Cuando el medioambiente De reinas y capitalismo

da vueltas
Qué anacronismo es que, en esta época Dos guerras mundiales entre bloques
moderna de exploración de la luna y de las rivales imperialistas costaron muy caro.
profundidades de los océanos más gran- Millones de personas murieron en estas
des, los medios de comunicación de masas luchas por el dominio del mundo. El blo-
Por Mumia Abu-Jamal La búsqueda de Estados Unidos que anglo-estadou-
desenfrenada de lloren la muerte de la nidense ganó las dos
Fuertes inundaciones azotan el estado ganancias ilimi- reina Isabel de Gran veces, y en 1952, cuando
de Misisipi, mientras las sequías abundan
en el Oeste del país. Las áreas en medio
tadas pone en
peligro el aire,
Bretaña. La adulación
a la monarquía britá-
editorial Isabel subió al trono,
el Imperio Británico
se atrapan en el apretón sudoroso de una agua, tempera- nica rezuma de la llamada prensa libre de gobernaba unos 70 países.
ola de calor. En Europa, cientos de per- turas, y niveles Mumia Abu-Jamal Estados Unidos. La clase dominante estadounidense se
sonas mueren debido al calor excesivo. El de agua alrede- Parece que se ha olvidado la guerra enorgullece de sus orígenes revolucionarios
cambio climático, a veces llamado “calen- dor del mundo. Y los seres humanos revolucionaria de 1776, en la que murieron en el derrocamiento del dominio británico
tamiento global”, es una realidad. enfrentan amenazas a la supervivencia miles de personas para asegurar la inde- y hace del 4 de julio una ocasión para feli-
Por su parte, los políticos que desde- imposibles de superar con la formida- pendencia de las 13 colonias americanas de citarse. Esto no ha tenido ningún impacto
ñaron la idea del cambio climático ahora ble máquinaria de guerra de Estados Gran Bretaña. Pero la clase gobernante de en la alianza entre las clases dominantes de
suenan increíblemente estúpidos. Han Unidos. Estados Unidos, que ahora es posiblemente Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña.
sido apologistas para los industriales Tal vez la siembra de millones de la más rica del mundo, tiene más en común Son aliados de clase con el objetivo
mientras la Tierra sigue hirviendo a fuego árboles y la conversión de los hábitats con la monarquía de Gran Bretaña que con compartido de cosechar superbeneficios
lento. También parece que las soluciones humanos en espacios verdes podría los millones de personas, en todo el mundo, a partir del trabajo de los trabajadores de
políticas a medias, como tratados y pro- retrasar la carnicería ambiental que que todavía sufren bajo el dominio colonial ambos países y de todo el mundo.
mesas de menos daño ambiental, se han viene. Tal vez. británico de una forma u otra. El capitalismo es un sistema económico
vuelto insuficientes y han llegado dema- Con amor, no miedo, soy Mumia En su apogeo, en 1921, el Imperio basado en la explotación de la clase traba-
siado tarde. Asimismo, los conservadores Abu-Jamal. Británico dominaba una cuarta parte de jadora. El resultado es una riqueza incalcu-
pronósticos científicos de derretimientos todas las tierras de la Tierra. El saqueo lable para unos pocos, mientras millones
de hielo han gravemente subestimado los 31 de agosto de 2022 de sus colonias convirtió a la clase diri- luchan por sobrevivir. Esto es intrínseca-
problemas enfrentados por las poblacio- (c)’22 maj gente británica en una de las más ricas del mente inestable, independientemente de
nes humanas. Audio grabado por Prison Radio mundo. También inspiró rebeliones con- que lo gestione un presidente o un monarca.
Dicho sencillamente, el capitalismo Traducción Amig@s de Mumia en tra los colonizadores, que fueron aplasta-
mata. México. das sin piedad. Traducción: Deborah Rodriguez.

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