Impression in Speech

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1. What is your first impression about the undelivered speech?

(5 points)
To be honest, when I first read Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino's unfinished speech, my
first thought was: quite detailed. He appeared to keep a diary for all the dates and events he had
recorded. It was so detailed that you could picture where, how, and when everything happened. It
also includes his unwavering stance on all of the false accusations and stories that surrounded
him during his time in America. But after reading it, I'm left with the impression that there's still
a lot we don't know about his time period. I believe there is a lot of silent truth in our past.
2. Is there a specific date on the speech? If so, when is it? If none, are there clues suggesting
when it
was written? (5 points)
Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. did not write this speech on a precise date, but there is a hint
that it was prepared around that time. He came on August 21, 1983, which may have given him a
hint as to when he composed it.
3. List down at least 5 unfamiliar words or phrases you encountered while reading the speech.
   Habeas corpus
 Subversion
 Bypass
 Communist
 Curbed

4. Is there a specific location mentioned? Where? (2 points)

He indicated that he had returned from the United States of America for a heart bypass
surgery, implying that he is currently in the Philippines.
5. Who do you think is the author? Justify your answer. (2 points)
I think Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. is the author, since he wrote it in the first person, and
it's about his thoughts and experiences.
6. To whom it was written for? Why do you say so? (3 points)
The document addresses those who opposed him and did not believe him because he
spoke in a way that justified himself and his beliefs.
7. What do you think is the purpose of this document? (3 points)
The purpose of the document is to inform people that justice cannot be
achieved only through military solutions but can also be achieved through nonviolence.
8. What conclusions can you draw about the historical period when the speech was written? (10
This speech is related to Senator Benigno Aquino Jr.'s seven acts of defiance against President
Ferdinand Marcos' dictatorship. During their tenure, I conclude that there must have been
violence and economic, political, and social conflict among the Filipino people and the
Philippines, which convicts the Senator to go against President Ferdinand Marcos. These facts
are evident in the released newsback in 2014, as well as the speech written by Senator Benigno
Aquino Jr. himself.

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