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First of all we thank the almighty for providing us with the strength and courage to proceed with the project. We avail this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude towards Head of Department, Civil Engineering and staff-in-charge, Dr. A.K VASUDEVAN for permitting us to go forward with our project. We thank and express our profound gratitude to our project guide Dr. RESMI G for her inspiring assistance, encouragement and useful guidance. Last but not least; we wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends for their goodwill and constructive ideas.

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This project aims at planning and designing energy efficient, multi- storeyed, commercial building. The building comprises of shops, restaurants, food court, gaming zones, conference halls and the like. Energy efficiency is achieved by providing green roofing system, aluminium composite panels, foam blocks, solar panels, rain water harvesting, light reflecting glass, etc.

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1. GENERAL A shopping mall is a complex of shops representing merchandisers, with interconnecting walkways enabling visitors to easily walk from unit to unit, along with a parking area a modern, indoor version of the traditional marketplace. 2. COMPONENTS OF A MALL

2.1 Food court A common feature of shopping malls is a food court: this typically consists of a number of fast food vendors of various types, surrounding a shared seating area.

2.2 Department stores When the shopping mall format was developed by Victor Gruen in the mid-1950s, signing larger department stores was necessary for the financial stability of the projects, and to draw retail traffic that would result in visits to the smaller stores in the mall as well. These larger stores are termed anchor store or draw tenant. Anchors generally have their rents heavily discounted, and may even receive cash inducements from the mall to remain open. In physical configuration, anchor stores are normally located as far from each other as possible to maximize the amount of traffic from one anchor to another. 2.3 Stand-alone stores Frequently, a shopping mall or shopping center will have satellite buildings located either on the same tract of land or on one abutting it, on which will be located stand-alone stores, which may or may not be legally connected to the central facility through contract or ownership. These

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stores may have their own parking lots, or their lots may interconnect with those of the mall or center. The existence of the stand-alone store may have been planned by the mall's developer, or may have come about through opportunistic actions by others, but visually the central facility the mall or shopping center and the satellite buildings will often be perceived as being a single "unit", even in circumstances where the outlying buildings are not officially or legally connected to the mall in any way.


3.1 Fashion/Specialty Centers Characterized as higher end, fashion oriented centers between 80,000 and 250,000 sq. ft. 3.2 Community Centers Characterized as having between 100,000 and 350,000 sq. ft. Usually two types of anchors, such as a discount department store or large specialty/discount apparel store. 3.3 Lifestyle Centers Generally, lifestyle malls are centres that do not have an anchor tenant in the classic sense (that is, a department store). However, lifestyle centers increasingly have a cinema as a major tenant. Others have just a small collection of exclusive shops.

3.4 Outlet Centers Characterized as manufacturers' outlet centers between 50,000 and 400,000 sq.ft. 3.5 Regional Centers Characterized as having between 400,000 and 800,000 sq. ft. Usually having two or more anchors, such as a conventional department store, junior department store, mass merchant, discount department store, or fashion apparel store.

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3.6 Superregional Centers Characterized as having over 800,000 sq. ft. Usually having three or more anchors, such as a conventional department store, junior department store, mass merchant, or fashion apparel store.

3.7 Theme/Festival Centers Characterized as tourist-oriented, retail and service centers between 80,000 and 250,000 sq.ft.

4. OBJECTIVE The main objective of the project is to maximise energy efficiency in planning, design and functioning of the complex. The proposed building shall use environment friendly materials which do not compromise with strength and other parameters. Maximum reduction in wastage of materials and energy will be exercised and thereby reduce carbon footprint of the building. 5. NECESSITY Responsible construction is the need of the hour. Malls are becoming a part of our landscape. They add much needed style and glamour to our skyline and lifestyle. But along with these pluspoints, malls as public buildings which must convey a message to the society with its construction. It has been reported that malls can be made energy efficient with optimum use of materials and techniques.

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The prime factor that should be taken care in the design of a structure is the functionalism which considers function more than appearance and advocates that each element of the structure should have an expression of its function. Yet the entire element is at reticulated to express the function of the building. Functional planning is essential to maintain good and healthy environment within the building to be constructed. This is closely associated with site condition and the topographical features of site and hence as per the nature of the site, suitable functional planning should be adopted. During the functional planning, regulation and byelaws mentioned by the municipality or town planning authority need to be considered.

2. PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING Planning of building pre-supposes certain principles. The principles of planning are as follows

2.1. Aspect Aspect means the peculiarity of the arrangement of the doors and windows in the external walls of the building. Aspect is also connected to the placement of the different rooms of the building in accordance with the activities of the occupants at the different hours of the day. It is true that ones thoughts are molded by ones surroundings. And surroundings in turn play an important role in development of human mind. A building should be designed to suite the site with all its varying aspects.

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2.2. Prospect Prospect in its proper sense, is the impression that a person viewing from outside is likely to get. It includes taking full advantage to the beauties of the nature in the landscape by revealing certain pleasant features and concealing certain undesirable ones in the general appearance of the house.

2.3. Furniture requirements Furniture is the functional requirement of a room. There is no hard and fast rule to decide the furniture requirements for a particular room, but it should be enough to meet the requirements of the particular function.

2.4. Roominess In planning a building, an architect deals with length, width and height of the rooms. The felling of trees i.e. whether it is sufficient, less, more or cramped depends upon suitable proportions of length, width, height. Maximum benefit should be obtained from the minimum dimensions required for the functions expected to be achieved from the space. On the contrary the buildings like Jails or public buildings of monumental nature, the ceiling height may be kept more to create a feeling of grandeur and solemnity. Roominess envisages the use of every nook and corner of the building and deriving the maximum benefit from the minimum dimensions of the room within developing the cramping effect. Skill is essentially required for making use of the available accommodation by suitable arrangements of the rooms, by locating the doors and passages in such a way that the utility, livability, privacy and external appearance are adversely affected. Even the space is under the flights of stairs may be enclosed and turn in to a useful store room.

2.5. Grouping Grouping means setting different rooms of a building according to their inter relationship. The relationship of the space should be such that there is a feeling of invitation and transition,
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rather than a feeling of abrupt change. The rooms are arranged in the lay out in proper correlation of their functions and in due proximity with each other. The administrative department must be located centrally for convenience and economy of services. In warm countries like ours where warmth prevails most of the months, open relationship of spaces with the building is very essential to ensure thorough ventilation and take full advantages at the prevailing breeze. In all such cases, the entire department should be practically contained yet with proper correlation with each other.

2.6. Circulation Access or internal through fares between rooms of the same floor or between floors is known as circulation. Circulation between the rooms of the same floor is known as horizontal circulation whereas the circulation among various floors is known as vertical circulation. Passages, corridors, halls and lobbies serve the purpose of horizontal circulation. Stairs, lifts, escalators etc. provide the vertical circulation.

2.7. Privacy In all buildings some sort of privacy is an essential feature. In residential buildings, particularly, optimum privacy has to be secured in planning. Privacy may be from one part to another of same building or it may privacy as a whole from neighboring buildings, public streets or by-ways. The interior privacy means screening interior of one room from other rooms or parts screening of all the apartments or some of them from the entrance, corridors etc. is termed as privacy of parts from exterior. The extent of privacy of a building from the streets, by-ways and neighboring buildings depends mainly on its function. Sometimes it may be the privacy of part that is desired from the exterior yet the buildings as a whole may be required to arrest the attention of the public. Toilets, lavatories, W.C, urinals require absolute privacy and as such all these should have an independent access from every room and passage without disturbing the others.

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2.8. Sanitation Sufficient light, cleanliness, ventilation and sanitation conveniences are the main considerations in sanitation. 2.8.1 .Lighting Lighting is important from the point of illumination and hygiene. Lighting may be done by natural lighting, assisted natural lighting or artificial lighting. Artificial lighting is required to supplement or replace natural illumination. Glare should be avoided as it damages the eyes. Natural lighting is achieved by proper positioning the adequate number of windows and admitting only the required amount of sun inside the room. Good day lighting means not too much light but sufficient light free from glare. In buildings day light is admitted through windows on the basis of day light factors. 2.8.2. Ventilation Ventilation is a system of supplying and removing of air by natural or mechanical means to or from any enclosed space to create and maintain comfortable conditions. Orientation of building and location of windows help in providing proper ventilation. Natural ventilation is suitable for houses and flat and achieved by providing windows and ventilators. If the number of persons occupying is more than 50 or where space per occupant is less than 3m2, artificial ventilation has to be provided which may be in the form of extract system, plenum system or balanced system.

2.8.3. Sanitary convenience Water closets, urinals and basins should be provided with dadoes so that they can be cleaned regularly. The flooring and side walls should be finished with water proofing materials before fixing the tiles for floor and dadoes. These sanitary conveniences should be installed adequate in number in relation to the occupant load.

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2.9. Elegance Elegance is related to the effect produced by elevation, which depend upon the proportion of width, height, doors and windows, as also the choice of materials. Selection of site for building greatly affects the elegance. A building located in a depression will always give depressed elegance were that located on elevated spot gives impressive appearance. Also building located on backward sloping upward ground gives good elevation. A plan may be very scientifically designed and yet it may be producing a very dull elevation of building. It is better if elevation is developed first and plan is then adjusted.

2.10. Economy The economy may not be a principle of planning but definitely a factor affecting it, economy restrict the liberties which otherwise would have been enjoyed by the planner. To fit the proposed scheme with in limitations of the resources or budget, certain alternations and omissions in the original plan have to be affected. But while economizing, one thing should be clearly borne in mind, that economy should not affect the utility and strength of the structure.

2.11. Flexibility Present and future requirements of a family change as a family expands. Flexibility means planning the rooms in such a way which through originally designed for the specific purpose may be used other purposes also as and when desired. Furniture also helps in achieving flexibility.

2.12. Practical considerations Besides all fundamentals of planning discussed, following practical point should be additional considered: 1. Provisions for future extinctions without dismantling should be made in the planning. 2. The elements of the building should be strong and capable to withstand the likely adverse effects of natural agencies.

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3. Strength, stability, convenience and comfort of the occupants, should be first considerations in planning. As far as possible size of rooms should be keep large. Large room can be shortened by providing movable partitions but smaller room cannot be enlarging easily. 4. The number of doors and windows should be minimum provisions for built in furniture at proper places are useful from the point of view of utility.

3. GREEN BUILDING Green building is the practice of increasing the efficiency with which buildings use resources such as energy, water, and materials , while reducing building impacts on human health and the environment, through better site, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal (i.e) the complete Building life cycle. The common objectives for a green building are: 1. Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources 2. Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity 3. Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation

Here we mainly discuss only on energy efficiency of a building (mall).

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To bring about energy- efficiency in this structure, after extensive literature survey we decided upon the following materials and systems:

Green roofing system Aluminum Composite Panels Foam block Solar panels Rain water harvesting Light reflecting glass

2. GREEN ROOFING SYSTEM Green roofs are essentially a growing medium and vegetation surface applied to a waterproofing layer of a suitable conventional roof build-up. Generally speaking, there are three main types of green roofs: intensive, semi-intensive and extensive (including biodiverse). These definitions denote the amount of input required in terms of irrigation, nutrients and maintenance to keep the green roof flourishing. Intensive green roofs, therefore, tend to be well manicured and need significant input, whereas extensive roofs need only minimal input.

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Fig.1 Green Roof 2.1 Types of Green Roofing Systems They are generally categorized into three groups: Intensive, semi-intensive and extensive green roofing systems. Extensive Ecological Landscape Moss-Herbs-Grasses 60-200mm 60-150 kg/m2 Low Semi intensive Garden/Ecological Landscape Grass-Herbs-Shrubs 120-250mm 120-200 kg/m2 Periodic Intensive Garden/Park Lawn/Perennials, Shrubs, Trees 150-400mm 180-500 kg/m2 High

Use Type of vegetation Depth of Substrate Weight Cost

Table.1 Types of Green Roofs

2.2 Benefits of green roofs 2.2.1 Storm-Water Retention

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During heavy rainfalls, runoff from surfaces such as pavements and rooftops can cause serious problems such as sewer overflow and water pollution. Green roofs slow down the waterflow by retaining up to 75% of the rainwater, thus alleviating the pressure on storm-water infrastructures. 2.2.2 Reducing Energy Consumption Green roofs are great insulators. They can reduce peak energy demand by lowering a buildings cooling costs in the summer months and heating costs in the winter months. Green roofs also significantly enhance the thermal performance and comfort of buildings, particularly in terms of summer cooling. Studies in North America have shown that an average of 4.15kWhr/m2 can be saved during the summer months. This impressive performance can also reduce the need for expensive air conditioning equipment and associated energy costs.

2.2.3 Reducing the Urban Heat Island Effect More green roofs and fewer dark colored roofs equal a cooler city. Dark roofs retain heat while plants naturally cool their surrounding environments through evapotranspiration cycles. In cities where the ambient temperature can be up to 10 degrees hotter than the surrounding areas, green roofs can help bring the overall temperature down. 2.2.4 Waterproofing Membrane Protection A green roof protects the waterproofing membrane from damaging UV rays, freeze-thaw cycling and repeated foot traffic, extending its lifespan. Some green roofs in Europe have lasted more than 40 years without being replaced. 2.2.5 Improved Air Quality Green roofs filter air by absorbing and converting carbon dioxide to oxygen. 2.2.6 Sound Insulation Soil and plants are an effective sound insulator.
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2.2.7 Aesthetics Green roofs are visually stimulating and can make great areas for recreation and pleasure. 2.3 Disadvantage of Green Roofs The main disadvantage of green roofs is the higher initial cost. It is true that installing adequate waterproofing systems and root barriers can increase the initial cost of the roof, however, due to the fact that a green roof protects the waterproofing membrane from the elements, particularly UV light, the life expectancy of the membranes is doubled or even tripled, leading to recovered initial cost differentials.

3. ACP PANELS Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) or Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) is a widelyused term describing flat panels that consist of a non-aluminium core bonded between two aluminium sheets.They are used for external cladding of buildings (building facades), for insulation and for signage. ACP is very rigid and strong despite its light weight. Aluminium can be painted in any kind of colour, and ACPs are produced in a wide range of metallic and non-metallic colours as well as patterns that imitate other materials, such as wood or marble. Applications of ACPs are not limited to external building cladding, but can also be used in any form of cladding such as partitions, false ceilings etc. Aluminium Composite Panels are also widely used within the signage industry as an alternative to heavier, more expensive substrates. The core is commonly low density Polyethylene or an insulating material no less than 10 cm thick when its use is refrigeration insulation.

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Fig. 2 ACP PANEL 3.1 Features

Excellent durability Aesthetically designed Classy and elegant appeal Corrosion resistance Light weight Capability to withstand extreme weather conditions

3.2 Apt For:

Residential buildings Commercial buildings

4. FOAM CONCRETE BLOCKS Foam concrete is a type of porous concrete. It is created by uniform distribution of air bubbles throughout the mass of concrete. Foam concrete is produced by mechanical mixing of foam prepared in advance with concrete mixture, and not with the help of chemical reactions. Foam is prepared in special device - foam generator and after that mixing in special mixer. Foam concrete blocks are block of foam concrete with length 600mm, height 250mm and thickness varying 75mm,100mm,125mm,150mm and 200mm as per the requirements.

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Fig.3 Foam Block

4.1 Features of foam block 4.1.1Light Weight Foam blocks are lightweight having density range from 650 Kg/m3 to 1250 Kg/m3 as compared to 1800 Kg/m3 and 2400 Kg/m3 for conventional brick and concrete respectively. Despite millions of tiny air filled cells, foam blocks are strong and durable. 4.1.2 Comprehensive Strength Foam blocks are available in wide range of density from 650 Kg/m3 to 1250 Kg/m3 of average compressive strength of 2.0 to 7.0 N/mm2. 4.1.3 Excellent Acoustic Performance Foam blocks has excellent acoustic performance and can be used as effective sound barrier and for acoustic solutions. Hence, it is highly suitable for partition walls, floor screens / roofing and panel material in auditoriums.

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4.1.4 Earthquake Resistant Foam blocks are lighter than concrete & brick respectively. The lightness of the material increases resistance against earthquake as well as less chances of loss / damage to human lives. 4.1.5 Insulation Foam blocks provide superior thermal insulation properties compared to that of conventional brick and concrete. This property of foam block reduces the heating and cooling expenses. 4.1.6 Workability Foam blocks are produced in a rectangular shape for internal and partition walls or in shapes as required. They are lightweight, making them easy to place and secure using less skilled labour. The bricks can be sawed, drilled and shaped like wood using standard hand tools, regular screws and nails. It is simpler than brick or concrete. 4.1.7 LifeSpan Foam blocks are weather proof, termite resistant and fire proof. 4.1.8 Savings in Material Foam blocks reduce dead weight of filler walls in framed structures by more than 50% as compared to brickwork resulting in substantial savings. Due to the bigger and uniform shape of blocks, there is a saving in bed mortar and plaster thickness. 4.1.9 Water Absorption Foam blocks are closed cellular structures and hence have lower water absorption. 4.1.10 Skim Coating Foam blocks do not require plaster and water repellent paint suffices. Wallpapers and plasters can also be applied directly to the surface. 4.1.11 Environment Friendly Blocks products are manufactured with fly ash 100% recycled resource.

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Fig.4 Solar Panel A solar cell is a solid state electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity. Assemblies of cells used to make solar modules which are used to capture energy from sunlight, are known as solar panels. The energy generated from these solar modules, referred to as solar power, is an example of solar energy. There is a perception that a building can either have green roofs or solar production at roof level but not both. However, it is possible to take a more pluralistic approach and use both technologies in tandem. In fact there is substantial evidence from Germany that the use of both solar/photovoltaic and green roofs provides dual benefits in terms of energy production and energy saved. Solar/Photovoltaic A-Frame panels at roof level are known to work more efficiently when installed on a green roof rather than a on a conventional surface. The green roof element not only saves energy during the summer time, but can increase efficiency of PV by reducing fluctuation of temperatures at roof level and by maintaining a more efficient microclimate around the PV Panels. The performance of photovoltaic panels is lowered by 0.5% / oC above or below 25oC. The green roof is able to maintain the ambient temperature of 25oC.

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Most commercially available solar panels are capable of producing electricity for at least twenty years. The typical warranty given by panel manufacturers is over 90% of rated output for the first 10 years, and over 80% for the second 10 years. Panels are expected to function for a period of 30 35 years.

6. RAIN WATER HARVESTING SYSTEM Rainwater harvesting is the accumulating and storing, of rainwater for reuse, before it reaches the aquifer. Rainwater collected from the roofs of houses, tents and local institutions, can make an important contribution to the availability of drinking water. It can supplement the sub soil water level and increase urban greenery. In some cases, rainwater may be the only available, or economical, water source. Rainwater harvesting systems can be simple to construct from inexpensive local materials, and are potentially successful in most habitable locations. Roof rainwater can't be of good quality and may require treatment before consumption. As rainwater rushes from roof it may carry pollutants in it such as the tiniest bit of mercury from coal burning buildings to bird feces. If buildings with impervious roofs are already in place, the catchment area is effectively available free of charge and they provide a supply at the point of consumption. Broadly rainwater can be harvested for two purposes

Storing rainwater for ready use in containers above or below ground Charged into the soil for withdrawal later (groundwater recharging)

6.1 Basic Configuration

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Rainwater harvesting systems channel rainwater that falls on to a roof into storage via a system of gutters and pipes. The first flush of rainwater after a dry season should be allowed to run to waste as it will be contaminated with dust, bird droppings etc. Roof gutters should have sufficient incline to avoid standing water. They must be strong enough, and large enough to carry peak flows. Storage tanks should be covered to prevent mosquito breeding and to reduce evaporation losses, contamination and algal growth. Rainwater harvesting systems require regular maintenance and cleaning to keep the system hygienic.

7. LIGHT REFLECTING GLASSES Reflective coatings on window glazing or glass reduce the transmission of solar radiation, blocking more light than heat. Therefore, they greatly reduce a window's visible transmittance (VT) and glare, but they also reduce a window's solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC). Reflective coatings usually consist of thin, metallic layers. They come in a variety of metallic colors, including silver, gold, and bronze. Reflective window glazing is commonly used in hot climates where solar heat gain control is critical. However, the reduced cooling energy demands they achieve can be offset by the

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resulting need for additional electrical lighting, so reflective glass is mostly used just for special applications.

1. GENERAL This project mainly aims at planning and designing a building for a shopping mall by providing sufficient rooms and spaces to accommodate all elements considering various structural and functional aspects. To achieve this goal, the total work is divided and is done in four phases. In the first phase preliminary investigations and data collection are done by means of

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physical survey. As a second phase planning of building is done considering all important parameters and plan is prepared. In third phase the whole structure is analyzed and the structural members are designed. The sequence of work followed for the completion of this project is represented in the form of a flow chart and is shown in figure.

1.1 Data Collection In order to collect various data pertaining to this project, a number of malls were visited in and around Kerala. Some energy efficient structures in Trivandrum were also included in our itinerary. This was useful in getting an idea of construction and planning of malls. The various amenities provided such as, lobby, lifts, escalators, escape staircase, lift room, restrooms, etc. were duly noted. Kerala Building Rules and Indian Standard Codes were duly referred for clauses and rules concerning commercial buildings.

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It was observed that in general, that malls consume a lot of energy for air conditioning and lighting. Energy efficiency in other structures was brought about by the usage of efficient materials and intelligent planning. During our literature survey, we stumbled upon some materials and processes that can be useful in making a commercial building energy- efficient. They are: Green roofing Foam blocks Heat reflecting glass Solar panels Aluminium composite panels Rain water harvesting

The site plan and soil investigation report of the proposed site were obtained. 1.2 Planning The building is a six- storeyed, having a total floor area of 12,060m2 i.e. 1,29,815sq.ft with each floor having an area of 2010m2 i.e. 21,635 sq.ft. It consists of 122 retail shops in total which include 71 shops of size 5.6m X 5.2m, 22 shops of size 6.7m X 5.2m, 10 shops of size 3m X 5.2m, 10 shops of size 2.6m X 5.2m and 9 shops of size 6.5m X 5.2m. In addition, a conference hall and a restaurant of sizes 11.5m X 12.5m and 11.5m X 17.6m are also provided. The car park of the building was planned to be in the ground floor which can be used as godown as well. The main entrance of the building will be from the first floor. All shops and restaurants are lined on either side of each floor so as to facilitate easy access to all of them. The central space is left as it is to serve as lobby area, party area and also childrens play area. In the upper floors, the central area will serve as courtyard and also play an important role in ventilation and day- lighting. The front curved portion adds to the glam of the building which will house conference rooms and restaurants in the upper floors. Gents and ladies restrooms are arranged at the rear of the
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complex. Other amenities such as lifts, escalators, emergency escape, etc. are incorporated as provided in the Codes.

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1.3 3D Model

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Footing F1 Safe bearing capacity = 20 t/m2 Factor of safety = 1.5 Load = 1200KN Area = = 4m2 Provide footing size 2.1 x 2.1 m Area provided = 4.41m2 Upthrust = = = 272.108 KN Projection = = 0.85m Mu =

x 106

98.6 x 106 KNm

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Moment, Mu = 0.138 fck b d2 d=

= = 188.9 mm Provide a depth of D = 450mm i.e., d = 400 mm Reinforcement = = 0.615 From SP: 16, Table 2

Pt = 100

Ast =
= 841.5 mm2 From SP: 16, Table 96 Provide 12mm bars @ 130 mm spacing Check for one way shear v =

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= = 0.273 N/mm2 From SP: 16, Table 61 c = 0.33 N/mm2 v < c, Hence safe. Check for punching shear v = = = 0.66 N/mm2 v max = 0.25 = 1.25 N/mm2 v < v max, Hence safe.

Footing F2 Safe bearing capacity = 20 t/m2 Factor of safety = 1.5 Load = 1500KN Area = = 5m2 Provide footing size 2.3 x 2.3 m Area provided = 5.29 m2

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Upthrust = = = 283.6 KN Projection = = 0.95m Mu =


x 106

128 x 106 KNm

Moment, Mu = 0.138 fck b d2 d=

= = 215.35 mm Provide a depth of d = 500 mm Reinforcement = = 0.632 From SP: 16, Table 2

Pt = 100

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Ast =
= 935 mm2 From SP: 16, Table 96 Provide 12mm bars @ 120 mm spacing Check for one way shear v = = =0.312 N/mm2 From SP: 16, Table 61 c = 0.33 N/mm2 v < c, Hence safe. Check for punching shear v = = = 0.706 N/mm2 v max = 0.25 = 1.25 N/mm2 v < v max, Hence safe. Footing F3 Safe bearing capacity = 20 t/m2

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Factor of safety = 1.5 Load = 1800KN Area = = 6m2 Provide footing size 2.5 x 2.5 m Area provided = 6.25 m2 Upthrust = = = 288 kN Projection = = 1.05m Mu =

x 106

158.76 x 106 kN-m

Moment, Mu = 0.138 fck b d2 d=

= = 239.84 mm Provide a depth of d = 550 mm

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Reinforcement = = 0.525 From SP: 16, Table 2

Pt = 100

Ast =
=1028 mm2 From SP: 16, Table 96 Provide 12mm bars @ 100 mm spacing Check for one way shear v = = =0.320 N/mm2 From SP: 16, Table 61 c = 0.33 N/mm2 v < c, Hence safe. Check for punching shear v =

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= = 0.737 N/mm2 v max = 0.25 = 1.25 N/mm2 v < v max, Hence safe. 2. DESIGN OF PLINTH BEAM Footings are connected using capping beams or plinth beams Design of plinth beam connecting column 1 and column 2 Span of beam = 4.73m Load on beam = B.W + Beam = 0.4 x 2.9 x 10 + 0.4 x .4 x 25 = 15.6 x 1.5 = 23.4 KN Moment, M = = = 65.44 kN-m Shear Force, V = = = 55.34 kN = Pt = 0.359 Ast = 0.359 x 0.4 x 0.4 / 100 = 574mm2
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= 1.919

Hence provide 3 bars of 16mm bars at bottom and 3 bars of 12mm at the top. Design shear stress, v = = 0.374 c corresponding to Pt from IS: 456 = 0.47 N/mm2 v < c Hence minimum reinforcement is only required So provide stirrups of 8mm bars at 180mm c/c


3 - 12mm


2 legged 8mm stirrups @ 180mm c/c

3 - 16mm


3. DESIGN OF FLOOR BEAM The bending moments and shear force from the analysis results are used for the design floor. Beam between 254 and 377 Beam Reinforcement Detail

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PCC 1:4:8 (typical)


Mix and steel


Left end (254) 85KNm 110KN 1.55 0.494 791mm2 4, 16mm & 2, 20mm (1432mm2)

Mid span

Right end (377) 141KNm 125KN 2.6 0.883 1412mm2 4, 16mm & 2, 20mm (1432mm2)

Beam between M20 and Fe 254 and 377 415 400mm x 400mm

Moment Shear

71KNm 0 1.27 0.395 585mm2 3, 16mm (603mm2)

Pt Ast required Ast provided Stirrups required v = Vu/ (b x d) = (125 x 1000) / (400 x 400) = 0.78 N/mm2 From SP 16, table 61 c = 0.60 N/mm2 < v Therefore shear reinforcement is necessary

= = 0.905

for Pt = 0.883 is 0.6

From SP: 16, Table 62, Spacing for = 0.905, 8 @ 40 c/c

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But provide minimum stirrups of 8 @ 180 c/c

4. DESIGN OF SLABS Design of slab S1

Centre to centre distance of longer span, Ly = 5.20m Centre to centre distance of shorter span, Lx= 3.00m

= 1.73

Type: Two way slab (Ly/Lx<2), Interior panel. Thickness of slab = = =0.09

Provide 100mm thick slab. Load calculations

1) dead load on slab 2) load due to floor finish 3) live load

= 0.1 x 25 = 2.5 KN/m2 = 1 KN/m2 = 4 KN/m2 = 7.5 KN/m2 = 11.25 KN/m2

Total load Factored load

Calculation of bending moments (Bending moment coefficients from IS 456:2000, Table 6) Negative moment at continuous edge of short span =

x W x Lx2

= 0.064 x 11.25 x 32 = 6.48 KNm

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Positive moments on the midsection of short span

x W x Lx2

= 0.048 x 11.25 x 32 = 4.86 KNm Negative moment at continuous edge of long span =

x W x Lx2

= 0.028 x 11.25 x 32 = 2.84 KNm Positive moment at midsection of long span =


x W x Lx2

= 0.037 x 11.25 x 32 = 3.74 KNm Calculation of area of steel required. Referring SP:16, Table 35, for slab thickness 150 mm, reinforcement of slab is found out Slab reinforcement detail Section Edge section of short span Mid-section of short span Edge section of long span Mid-section of long span Check for spacing. Maximum spacing 3d or 300 mm, whichever is less Maximum spacing = 3d = 3 x 76 = 228 mm Therefore provide 8 mm @ 180 mm spacing Check for deflection: As per IS 456-2000 clause 23.2 Percentage of tension reinforcement = pt pt = 100 Ast / (b x d). (d=100-20-4=76mm) Reinforcement required 8 mm @ 210 mm spacing 8 mm @ 210 mm spacing 8 mm @ 210 mm spacing 8 mm @ 210 mm spacing Reinforcement provided 8 mm @ 180 mm spacing 8 mm @ 180 mm spacing 8 mm @ 180 mm spacing 8 mm @ 180 mm spacing

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Here, Then,

Ast = 301.6mm2. pt = (100 x 301.6) / (1000 x 76) = 0.397

Modification Factor from IS 456 - 2000 fig 4. fs = 0.58fy x (Area of steel required) / (Area of steel provided). Area of steel provided = (1000 x 3.14 x 82) / (4 x 180) =279.25 mm2. fs = (0.58 x 415 x 301.6)/279.25 = 260 N/mm2. Modification factor = 1.8

From IS 456:2000 page 39, clause 24.1 Maximum span / depth ratio = 40 x 0.8 x 1.3 = 41.6 Span / depth ratio provided = 3000/76 = 39.5 (Maximum span/depth ratio) > (Span/depth ratio provided.) Hence, deflection is safe with provided depth.

Check for shear: As per IS 456: 2000 clause 40 page 72. Vu= WL/2 = 11.25 x 3 / 2

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= 16.875 kN

Nominal shear stress

v = Vu/ bd = 16.875 x 1000 / (1000 x 76) = 0.222 N/mm2.

As per IS 456 2000 Maximum shear stress As per IS 456 2000 Design shear strength c = 0.36 N/mm2. c max= 3.1 N/mm2.

v < c < c max , so shear reinforcement is not required. 5. DESIGN OF STAIRS Let tread = 250mm and rise = 150mm. Height of room = 3.3m Therefore, no. of risers = 3300/150 = 22 No. of tread = 22-1 = 21 Therefore, provide 2 flights of stairs. No. of treads for flight AB = 11 and BC = 10

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Space occupied by tread on flight AB = 11x 0.25 = 2.75m Space occupied by tread on flight BC = 10x 0.25 = 2.5m Width of flight = 1.5m Space for landing = 1.5m Effective span for flight AB = 250/2 +10x 250 + 1500 + 400/2 = 4325mm = 4.325m Effective span for flight BC = 400/2 +3900+ 400/2 = 4300mmss = 4.3m Assume waist slab thickness = L/20 = 4.325/20 = 0.216m ~ 300mm Assuming 25mm clear cover and 12 main bars.

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d = 33-25-6 = 269mm Load on going on projected plan area Weight of waist slab on slope = 0.3x 25 x 1 x 1 = 7.5 kN/m

Weight of waist slab on horizontal area = 0.3 x 25 x = 8.75 kN Self-weight of steps = 1/2 x 0.15 x 1 x 25 = 1.875 kN/m Total dead weight Assuming finishing load Total Live load Therefore, total design load Load on Landing Weight of slab Finishing load Live load Total load = 7500 N/m = 75 N/m = 3000 N/m = 10575 x 1.5 N/m = 15.862 kN/m = 10.625 kN/m = 75 N/m =10700 N/m = 3000 N/m = 13700 x 1.5 = 20.55 kN/m

RA + RB = 15.862 x 1.7 + 20.55 x 2.75 = 83.48m RB = 44.2 kN RA = 39.28 kN Max BM at the centre = 20.55 x 1.375 x 1.375/2 + 44.2 x 1.375 = 41.35 kN-m

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For M20 and Fe415 (IS 456) cbc = 7 N/mm2 , st = 230 N/mm2 m= k= = 13.33 = 0.289

j = 1- k/3 = 0.904 Q = x cbc x j x k = 1/2 x 7 x 0.904 x 0.289 = 0.914 Qbd2 =M dreq = = = 212.69mm < 269mm SAFE Reinforcement Mu = 0.87fy.Ast.d (1)

41.35 x 106 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 269 Ast = 440.73 mm2 Minimum steel = 0.12 x 1000 x 300/100 = 360mm2 Therefore, Ast = 440.73mm2 > 360mm2 OK Spacing of 12 bar = 113 x 1000/ 440.73 ~ 260mm Provide 12 bars@ 260mm c/c. Distribution steel = 360mm2 Spacing of 10 bars = 0 = 218.05mm2 ~215mm

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Provide 10 bar @ 215mm c/c as distributors.

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