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As a student, I don’t have the vices but I have some habits that I know affects my body which is
considered God’s temple. These bad habits may be cause of sickness. I am fond of playing online games
that leads to lack of sleep and sometimes I often forget eating my meals.

2. I treat other people well and give them the worth and dignity they deserve. I show my respect to
every person I encountered, even though there are circumstances when I find it hard to be friendly all
the time, but I still give my best to be approachable and friendly always.

3. Living an orderly life means so much. It has so many benefits, especially to me as a student. This kind
of practice makes me more mature, responsible and most of all be in good health.

4. As a student I have my priorities, top of which is serving and pleasing God. Some of my priorities too
are my studies and my family. I want to be the best version of myself in terms of my studies for me to be
successful someday and help my family.

5. I am a committed student who always gives my best in everything I do. I always see to it that all my
tasks were finished on time. I also make sure that I make the most out of every chance I face.

6. I am using my God given talents wisely, by using it in serving Him and the people around me. I am
using my talents in doing my every assigned task with joy and dedication. I am good in interacting with
other people, and I am using this talent of mine by being an assistant in our parish.

7. One of the most pressing issues I faced recently is the fact that I didn’t pass the BU entrance
assessment. It is saddening because I know that I gave my best and efforts to be accepted and I really
want the course in which I applied for a slot. But I am not discouraged, and at the same time I am
grateful because of the chance given to me by my beloved school, I was given the opportunity to be part

8. I believe that I am already a loving person. I can maintain and improve this characteristic of mine by
applying it to every person I encounter, without hesitation on our differences.

9. The most important benefit of being a loving person is being loved in return. As I give love to the
people around me, I also receive love which is the greatest gift someone can give. Through love, I also
receive kindness, respect and care from the people that I love.

10. Being friendly, understanding and loving will always give me peace of mind and avoid violence. I
believe that love defeats violence. I know that there are circumstances wherein I will face problems that
will affect my peace of mind but I know that it is just part of my growth and development as an

11. As a loving person I can demonstrate my love for my family by being always around specially when
they need me. Though I’m not a wordy person, I make sure that my family feel loved. As to my friends, I
show them love by being available when they need a friend to talk to or be with.

12. As a student who enjoys his freedom, I always enjoy everything. The tasks given and the rules to be
followed, I do it with joy. I also see to it that the freedom I have is also enjoyed by others, I respect their
choices and they will respect mine.

13. Equality is very important in every aspect of the society. It is something that every people feel,
regardless of their appearance, gender, abilities and talents. Equality brings peace and unity.
14. As a student I can show some simple act of patriotism, by being respectful to my country, its leaders
and people, by patronizing our own products and by proudly using our national language. By being
respectful to the symbolisms my country has, like the Philippine flag, the Philippine National Anthem
and so on.

15. I can develop the value of sharing my blessings by applying it to my day-to-day life. As a student, I
don’t have much, my allowance is just enough to sustain my needs for the whole day, but I still do my
best to share. Sharing of blessing is not just about material things, I also share my love and joy to

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