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Name: John Vincent B. Mercado Year & Section: 1st year BSECE - 1A
Instructor: Walvies Mc Alcos Date: October / 16 / 2021

3.2 Pre-Assessment

1. Identify the different command tools that can be used in the drawing and
discussed it for at least one sentence each. (10 pts.)

Line command – creates straight line segments and this command you can
draw a simple line from one point to another.
Polyline command – creates 2D polyline and is similar to the line command
except that the resulting object may be composed of a number of segments
which form a single object.
Circle command - is used to draw circles.
Arch command - allows you to draw an arc of a circle.
Rectangle command – creates rectangle polyline.
Center command – creates an ellipse using a specified center point.
Hatches command – fills an enclosed area or selected object with a hatch
pattern fill.
Spine fit command – draws spine with fit points.
Spine CV command – draws spine with control vertices.
Construction line – creates line with infinite length.
Ray command – creates a line that starts at a point and continues to
Multiple points command – creates multiple point objects.
Divide command – creates evenly point objects or block along the length or
perimeter of an object.
Measure command – creates point objects or block at measured intervals
along the length or perimeter of an object.
Region command – converts an object that encloses an area into a region
Wipeout command – creates a wipeout object.
3D polyline command – creates three-dimension polyline.
Helix command – creates a 2D and 3D spring.
Donut command – creates a filled circle or wide ring.

2. Identify the different shortcuts for the drawing command tools. (5 pts.)
spline- SPL
line- L
pline- PL
polygon- POL
rectangle- REC
multiline- ML
arc- A
ellipse- EL
region- REG
array- AR
rectangular array- RA
dimensions- D
text- T
linear dimension- DBA
angular dimension- DAN

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