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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

National Aviation University

Aerospace faculty
Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Department



Practical lesson number 1.3 on the topic:

"Diagnosis of the individual propensity to conflict behaviour"

(Allotted time 2 hours)

Student (s) _________ group ____________________________


Date ______________

Kyiv 2016
Methods of diagnosing the propensity of the person to conflictual

With the help of this test is to define your style of behaviour during an argument
between people. There are 5 basic ways to resolve them:
- cooperation (almost always the best);
- compromise (effective under suitable conditions);
- disappearance (recommended in the case of aggressive behaviour partner);
- device (possibly in cases where the partner rights);
- competition (the least efficient, but is most often used as a way of behaviour in a
conflict situation).
To determine what method for resolving disputes more inclined people, each double-
statements should be read carefully (a and b), and select one of them, which is more a measure
suitable to your behavioural actions and deeds.

Sometimes I allow others to take responsibility for

1 solving the problem
b before negotiate what disagree, I try to pay attention to what we agree
a in a dispute, I strive to find a compromise
2 I am eager to solve the case, taking into account the interests of all - how the other person
and their own
a I usually vigorously pursue its
b Sometimes I give in to their interests, for the sake of the other person's interests
a I strive to find a compromise solution
b I'm not trying to affect the feelings of another person
a smoothing out the contentious situation, I always strive to find support from other
b I strive to do everything to avoid unnecessary tension
a I avoid trouble for himself
b I am pursuing me
a I strive to postpone the issue until to eventually solve it
b I think it is possible than the - the sacrifice, to achieve the goal
a I usually firm in pursuing its reach
b I, first of all, seek to define what is the complexity of interests in contentious issues
a I believe that not always need to worry about emerging disputes
b I make an effort to get his
a I am firm in pursuing my
b I strive to find a compromise solution
a Above all, I seek to determine that is the basis of the complexity of interests and disputes
b I seek to soothe the other's feelings and preserve our relationship
a I usually strive to avoid such a position that may cause controversy
b I let the other person something left to his own opinion if he also goes to meet
a I propose a middle ground
b I insist on the fact that everything is done by - my
a I bring a different point of view and you are interested in his opinion
b I strive to bring their logic and another winning hand of my views
a I seek to soothe the other and keep our relationship
b I am eager to do whatever is necessary to avoid tensions
16 a I strive not to affect the other's feelings
b Usually, I aim to convince the other to the merits of my position
a usually, I persevere in their
b I strive to do everything possible to avoid unnecessary tension
a If it makes other people happy, I will allow him to insist on
b I will give another opportunity to stay in the opinion, if he, too, will meet me
Above all, I seek to determine that cause complication and the appearance of conflicts
19 of interest
b I aim to postpone a controversial issue for some time to think it completely
a I strive to urgently overcome the contradictions
b I strive to find the best combination of benefits and costs for both of us
a during the negotiations, I strive to be considerate of others
b I always lean toward a direct dialogue on the problem
a I am eager to find a position that is in the middle
b I defend my position
a As a rule, I'm worried about how to meet the desire of each of us
b sometimes I allow assuming responsibility to anyone for the settlement of disputes
a if the other is his position is very important, I'm going to meet him
b I aim to convince the other to compromise
a I aim to convince the other that they are right
b during the negotiations, I strive to be sensitive to the arguments of others
a usually, I propose a middle ground
b I almost always try to meet the position of each of us
a usually, I strive to eliminate disputes
b If it makes the other person happy, I will allow him to insist on
a usual, I aggressively seek to achieve its
b solving the disputable situation, I usually strive to enlist the support of other
a in controversial matters, I propose a middle ground
b I believe that not always need to worry about any contradictions
a I strive not to affect the other's feelings
b I always share in the debate, so that we can together achieve success

Processing of results. Count the number of points in each column and determine the
dominant style of behaviour you in the settlement of disputes in relationships with other people
(in coincidence with the key (see Table 1), there is one point).

Table 1
1 а b
2 b а
3 а b
4 а b
5 а b
6 b а
7 b а
8 а b
9 b а
10 а b
11 а b
12 b а
13 b а
14 b а
15 b а
16 b а
17 а b
18 b а
19 а b
20 а b
21 b а
22 b а
23 а b
24 b а
25 а b
26 b а
27 а b
28 а b
29 а b
30 b а


Recommended table for obtaining results



I –
II –
IV –
V –


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