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National Aviation University

 Aerospace faculty
Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Department


Report No. 2.2 on the topic:

"Determination of the type of temperament by the method of Eysenck"

Student _________ group ___________________________

Date ______________

Киев 2020
The purpose of the lesson is to study the individual psychological traits of a person, manifested in his
temperament. It is necessary to answer the questions regarding the usual way of human behaviour and give
the first "natural" answer that comes to mind. If you agree with the statement, next to its number is put "+"
(yes), if not - the sign "-" (no). You need to answer quickly and accurately, remembering that there are no
"good" or "bad" answers.
1. Do you have many different hobbies?
2. Do you preliminarily consider what you intend to do?
3. Do you often have ups and downs?
4. Have you ever claimed to be praised for what the other person actually did?
5. Are you a communicative person?
6. Would it bother you that you went into debt?
7. Have you ever felt like an unhappy person for no particular reason?
8. Have you ever been greedy to get more than you should?
9. Do you carefully lock the door at night?
10. Do you consider yourself a cheerful person?
11. Seeing how a child suffers, an animal. Would you be very upset?
12. Do you often worry about doing or saying something that should not be done or said?
13. Do you always keep your promises, even if it’s very inconvenient for you personally?
14. Would you enjoy skydiving?
15. Are you able to give free rein to feelings and have fun from the heart in a noisy company?
16. Are you irritable?
17. Have you ever blamed anyone for what you yourself were really to blame?
18. Do you like meeting new people?
19. Do you believe in insurance?
20. Is it easy to offend you?
21. Are all your habits good and desirable?
22. Do you try to be in the shadows while in society?
23. Would you take drugs that could put you in an unusual or dangerous condition (alcohol, drugs)?
24. Do you often experience a state where everything is tired?
25. Have you ever taken things belonging to another person, even if it was such a trifle as a pin or a button?
26. Do you like to often visit someone and be in society?
27. Do you enjoy offending those you love?
28. Do you often feel guilty?
29. Have you talked about what you are not good at?
30. Do you usually prefer books to meetings with people?
31. Do you have any clear enemies?
32. Would you call yourself a nervous person?
33. Do you always apologize when rude to another?
34. Do you have many friends?
35. Do you enjoy jokes and jokes that can sometimes really hurt people?
36. Are you a troubled person?
37. As a child, you always meekly and immediately carried out what you were ordered?
38. Do you consider yourself a carefree person?
39. Do good manners and cleanliness mean a lot to you?
40. Are you worried about any terrible events that might have happened but did not happen?
41. Have you ever broken or lost someone else's thing?
42. Are you usually the first to take the initiative in getting to know each other?
43. Can you easily understand the state of a person if he shares his concerns with you?
44. Do you often have your nerves “stretched” to the limit?
45. Do you throw an unnecessary piece of paper on the floor if there is no basket at hand?
46. Are you more silent while in the company of other people?
47. Do you think marriage is old-fashioned and should be abolished?
48. Do you sometimes feel sorry for yourself?
49. Do you sometimes brag a lot?
50. Can you easily revitalize a rather boring company?
51. Are cautious drivers annoying you?
52. Are you worried about your health?
53. Have you ever talked badly about another person?
54. Do you like to retell jokes and jokes to your friends?
55. Do most foods taste the same for you? (are you indifferent to what you eat)
56. Do you sometimes have a bad mood?
57. Have you ever cheated on your parents as a child?
58. Do you like to chat with people?
59. Do you worry if you find out that you made mistakes in your work?
60. Do you suffer from insomnia?
61. Do you always wash your hands before eating?
62. Are you one of those people who do not go into your pocket for a word?
63. Do you prefer to come to the meeting a little earlier than the appointed time?
64. Do you feel lethargic, tired, for no reason?
65. Do you like work that requires quick action?
66. Do you like to talk so much that you do not miss any opportunity to talk with a new person?
67. Is your mother a good person (was a good person)?
68. Do you often think that life is terribly boring?
69. Have you ever used the oversight of another person for your own purposes?
70. Do you often take on more than time permits?
71. Are there people who try to avoid you?
72. Are you very concerned about your appearance?
73. Are you always polite, even with unpleasant people?
74. Do you think that people spend too much time to secure their future, putting aside their savings, insuring
themselves and their lives?
75. Have you ever had a desire to die?
76. Would you try to avoid paying additional income tax if you were sure that you could never be convicted
of this?
77. Can you bring revitalization to the company?
78. Do you try not to be rude to people?
79. Do you worry for a long time after an embarrassment?
80. Have you ever insisted on what you think?
81. Do you often arrive at the station at the last minute before the train leaves?
82. Have you ever intentionally said anything unpleasant or offensive to a person?
83. Have you been bothered by your nerves?
84. Are you unpleasant to be among people who make fun of comrades?

85. Do you easily lose friends through your own fault?
86. Do you often feel lonely?
87. Do your words always coincide with the deed?
88. Do you sometimes like to tease animals?
89. Are you easily offended by comments concerning you personally and your work?
90. Would life without any danger seem too boring to you? 91. Have you ever been late for a date or work?
92. Do you like the hustle and bustle around you?
93. Do you want people to be afraid of you?
94. Is it true that you are sometimes full of energy and everything burns in your hands, and sometimes it is
completely lethargic?
95. Do you sometimes put off until tomorrow what you have to do today?
96. Do you consider yourself a lively and cheerful person?
97. How often do you tell a lie?
98. Are you very sensitive to certain phenomena, events, things?
99. Are you always ready to admit your mistakes?
100. Have you ever felt sorry for an animal that fell into a trap?
Results Processing
Processing of results begins with a scale of sincerity. This scale does not evaluate the personal
characteristic of “sincerity”, but how honestly the respondent answered the questions.
1. Sincerity Scale:
− the answers "Yes" (+): 13, 21, 33, 37, 61, 73, 87, 99;
− the answers "No" («-») - № 4, 8, 17, 25, 29, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57, 65, 69, 76, 80, 82, 91, 95.
For each answer that corresponds to the key, 1 point is awarded, for the inappropriate - 0. If the number
of points on the sincerity scale exceeds 10, then the results of the examination are considered unreliable and
the subject should be answered more openly.
2. Extroversion Introversion Scale:
− the answers "No" (-): 22, 30, 46, 84;
− the answers "Yes (+): 1, 5, 10, 15, 18, 26, 34, 38, 42, 50, 54, 58, 62, 65, 70, 74, 77, 81, 90, 92, 96.
This characteristic evaluates a person’s “outward facing” - an extrovert or “inward facing himself”
- an introvert.
For a typical extrovert, his sociability, a wide circle of acquaintances, and the need for contacts are
noted. He acts under the influence of the moment, impulsive, quick-tempered, carefree, optimistic,
good-natured, cheerful, prefers movement and action.
Feelings and emotions do not have strict control, prone to risky actions.
A typical introvert is a calm, shy person, prone to introspection, restrained and distant from all but close
friends. He plans his actions in advance, takes decision-making seriously, loves order in everything, controls
his feelings, is not easy to get rid of, has pessimism, and values moral standards. Average indicators on a
scale of 7-15 points. High scores suggest a greater correspondence with the extrovert type, low scores with
the introverted type.

3.Neuroticism scale
− the answers "Yes (+) - 3, 7, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 75, 79, 83, 86, 89,
94, 98.
The scale of neuroticism determines the degree of emotional stability or instability of a person.
Emotional resilience is a trait that characterizes the ability to maintain organized behavior in normal and
stressful situations.

It is characterized by maturity, high adaptation, lack of great tension, anxiety, as well as a tendency to
leadership and sociability.
Neuroticism or emotional instability is expressed in extreme nervousness, a tendency to quickly change
moods, depressive decisions, distracted attention, instability in stressful situations, self-doubt, pronounced
sensitivity, sensitivity, and a tendency to irritability. Neurotism corresponds to emotionality, impulsivity,
unevenness in contacts with people, variability of interests, a sense of guilt and anxiety, poor adaptation, and
concern. The average score is 8-16 points. More than 16 - neuroticism, less - emotional stability.
Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded about the type of temperament (Figure 1). Indicate in
the figure the values obtained on the proposed scales.

Figure 1 - Types of temperament for the Eysenck questionnaire


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