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Deal with the Gilded Devil

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Relationship: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Reader
Character: Dabi | Todoroki Touya
Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Extremely Dubious Consent, brat taming, Stalker
kink, Rough Oral Sex, Dabi is a Todoroki (My Hero Academia), Dabi |
Todoroki Touya-centric, Consensual Kink, soa au, Alternate Universe -
Sons of Anarchy Fusion, Inspired by Sons of Anarchy
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-16 Chapters: 1/? Words: 5892

Deal with the Gilded Devil

by LilithTheGardener


Lets throw Dabi and the Todoroki family into a biker gang AU where quirks are only a few
generations in. Warning: So much dub con smut. So. Much.

Preview: Your eyes raked up, giving him that little doe-eyed stare that sometimes made his
cheeks tinge pink before making your tongue wide and flat, gliding it up and down from the
base of his member all the way to the very tip until it was glistening as much as the studs
that practically gilted him. He drew in a choked breath but held your gaze, no hint of that
curious flush, just pure need. "Be a good girl," he murmured wretchedly, knowing you
*hated* the sentiment, his blue eyes flashing dangerously when your innocent look turned
into a haughty glare. Dabi's fingers immediately knotted against your scalp so tight you
winced, your lips parting further with a soundless cry.

[I have a little surprise for all my patient followers! Just a quick filthy fic for an AU Dabi. Set in a
family-business biker gang setting (because I wanna rewatch SoA) where only two generations of
quirks exist. This is my first attempt at a '(character) x You' format rather than a third-person
reader insert, and IF THERE'S ENOUGH INTEREST I *hope* to add a few chapters to it as a
random side project while I explore writing with that method. You'll find out more about the
situation and your quirk as we go, because it's more fun to start in the middle of the story to get
straight to the smut, right? Tags: Dub con, consensual kink, rough oral, non-con touching/licking,
stalker kink, brat taming. Sorry if this AU is common, hope you still enjoy!]

"Say 'ah,'" that sadistic grin disappeared, opening his mouth and lolling his tongue out suggestively
with the expectation you'd follow suit. But when you hesitated, your eyes wide and fixed on the
silver piercing glinting, Dabi's fingers dug painfully into your cheeks to force your lips apart. "Say.
'Ah.'" He ground out the words this time, all manner of amusement drained from his expression and
tone, yanking your face closer. Your gasp tapered to a pathetic whine at the jolt, your neck craning
with a twinging ache, but you finally obeyed.

Dabi's gaze snagged, eyeing that sweet little pink tongue with almost-startled awe, his jaw
slackening and inhale sharp. Before his change in demeanor could fully register, his gaze turned
hungry, darkening his features until he looked positively predatory. Your eyes followed his left
hand, hearing the familiar sound of his leather studded belt unbuckling and shift of a zipper and
fabric being hastily maneuvered until he was palming his way up and down an impossibly thick

Trying to refuse the blush threatening to darken your cheeks was no use – it was a shock to the
system each time, especially considering the row of barbell piercings that made a ladder halfway
up the underside of his shaft. The one through the fat tip was an obvious assumption, you thought
to yourself as saliva began to wet your mouth and tongue like some twisted pavlovian response.
The row going topside, though…that one piqued your interest the most, especially after so many
threats to bury his cock into you and let you grind your clit into relief against the piercings going
part ways through the tidy curls that extended to his navel. The cut of muscle there was enough to
make your mouth water even if the sight of his length hadn't already gotten the job done.

Dabi's brow dipped in concentration, tipping his cock down to drag the crown of it down the center
of your tongue, leaving a hot sticky stripe of precum dribbling across it. "Lick," he ordered, the
word heavy on his lips like his own tongue was too thick to form the sounds.

Mm, that *was* the deal, wasn't it? He kept you safe in exchange for a touch of sweetness from
your lips. You leaned forward, shuffling closer on your knees, your hands ascending to rest on his
hips. His hand fell from your chin in response, opting to fist a swath of your hair instead.

Your eyes raked up, giving him that little doe-eyed stare that sometimes made his cheeks tinge
pink before making your tongue wide and flat, gliding it up and down from the base of his member
all the way to the very tip until it was glistening as much as the studs that practically gilded him.
He drew in a choked breath but held your gaze, no hint of that curious flush, just pure need. "Be a
good girl," he murmured wretchedly, knowing you *hated* the sentiment, his blue eyes flashing
dangerously when your innocent look turned into a haughty glare. Dabi's fingers immediately
knotted against your scalp so tight you winced, your lips parting further with a soundless cry.

Soundless only because he took the opportunity to snap his hips forward, grunting when your
mouth and throat still yielded for him despite the sudden intrusion. "Hold still," he cooed
mockingly, a smirk twisting his pierced lip until a pronounced canine peeked out. Ah, another
round of hate-fucking your mouth, you thought dryly from behind pinpricks of tears forming at the
corners of your eyes – ones you would never, ever let fall even when practically choking on his
cock, loathe to give him the satisfaction.

But it was more fun to lean in until your lips were flush with his base, pleasantly stretched around
his girth…more fun to start sucking eagerly as if starving for it, more fun to listen to the strangled
sound he made when your pliant little throat tightened around him in a swallowing motion. More
fun to piss him the fuck off. Because you knew you were the prettiest thing he had ever laid eyes
on, and the sight of you on your knees was a bigger vice than any bottle or pill or baggy in his
possession. And yet he *hated* you with a fire a hundred times fiercer than any flame he could
A crease formed between his brows, silver-studded nose wrinkling as he considered pushing you
off, but the moment you looked up at him through your long dark lashes his eyes narrowed into
slits. No, no, he was too stubborn to withdraw just yet, not with the prospect of making you cry
loomed so close. Dabi reached around to grab the back of your neck roughly, using it like a handle
in tandem with the hand in your hair to keep you in your place while he began a brutal pace. The
head of his cock knocked into the back of your throat with each savage thrust, slipping in and out
effortlessly on the slick of your saliva, his ridged row of barbells a strange sensation smoothing
past your lips.

You purposely whined, the sound muffled and indignant with your mouth so full of him, but it
made him rut into your throat more frantically just like you knew it would. When you peeked up,
pretending to wince, you found his eyes wild and a needy groan falling from his lips. He had to
know by now you liked it rough, liked feeling used, but he still held out hope he could break you.
However part of you craved making him come utterly undone out of pure spite…and craved the
salty, thick mess that would coat your sweet little mouth and pour down your tight throat. Who
cared if unrelentingly fucking your face was how you got it?

Except Dabi had no intention of giving you what he now knew you wanted. You were so
convincing with that pleading, helpless look – he had bought it the first few weeks – but you got
especially insolent recently, and he had been fooled ten too many times to not know you now
always ended up with that smug, self-satisfied smile after dutifully swallowing every drop. If he
wanted to see you wide-eyed and trembling, he'd have to go back to the handful of videos he made
while you still bothered with the act. That was back when he thought he could go a few days
without your hot, wet mouth and cute little tongue…but now he used it daily, multiple times even,
giving him ample time to figure out a way to fuck up your delight without actually fucking you.

Dabi withdrew, his hand in your hair pulling and twisting until you cried out and followed, ending
up off your knees with your back to his ink-covered chest. His dense, muscular tattooed arm coiled
around your waist and he released your hair to reach under the absurdly short skirt he brought you
this morning, yanking your panties down. You squirmed against him, thighs pressed tight together,
gasping, frantic – he *wouldn't* because his father would string him up, right? *Right?*

But he was counting on you clamping your legs to deny him entry. No, no, fucking you would ruin
him in more ways than he cared to admit. Dabi hiked your skirt up and bowed his head over your
shoulder, eyes bright as you felt his soaked, proud cock nudge between your thighs. You were
trying to pry his arm off your middle when you felt the length of him stroke across the underside of
your soaked slit until his tip dragged against your clit and peeked out from between your legs.
"What are you…" and then words failed you, unable to even finish the thought. Your cheeks
reddened considerably as you watched him protrude past by several more inches, every inch of him
glistening with a mix of your arousal and saliva. You tried to press them even tighter together, but
all that did was prompt thick beading of precum to ooze from the fat head of his cock. Really?
Really, he was going to *thigh fuck you* for a little dose of humiliation?

"What's wrong, baby? You don't like that?" Dabi's lips found your ear, words making you thrash
until he laughed, his torn-jean-clad knees keeping yours forced together. You felt his hips start to
snap behind you, but not as much as you felt every nudge of his crown and piercing razing your clit
with each pass. Your eyes closed and head fell back onto the crook of his neck, pulling your lips
between your teeth to quiet any moan before they could slip past. But you could feel him starting
to pant, his hot breath tickling the dip in your delicate collarbone, his pace picking up until he was
rutting against you for that heady friction. Your traitorous cunt kept him moving smoothly along
the underside of your slit, sinfully wet and needy, feeling tension mount in your belly as pleasure
quickly staggered and soared.
"Oooh, you *do* like it. You love it, don't you, princess?" Dabi relished using the nickname you
despised most, sounding utterly wicked with a feral grin snarling his lips against your ear. As if in
answer, your hips twitched, knees locking and every muscle stiffening, the tip of his cock hitting its
mark until your clit was pulsing with ripples of pleasure that curled through you. You couldn't help
the way you cried out, eyes tightly shut, the drumming of your heart in your ears a roar that
drowned out whatever nonsensical words your lips loosed.

Dabi's cheeks flared to life, not that you could see. Nor could you witness the way his eyes went
wide, pupils dilating until black drowned out the blue of his irises. You especially could not
comprehend the lewd praise you gave him, and *definitely* would not recall the name you called
him in the throes of pleasure – hopefully it was fucking cruel. You had no idea every bit of what
you said and did was a fucking siren call for the bastard, his movements becoming erratic,
desperate, urgent, holding you in place so tightly you felt all the air leave your lungs. But then
Dabi's hips stuttered to a halt and you could feel thick ropes of cum painting your skin and the
underside of the skirt that had fallen back into place during his hateful fucking of your plush thighs.
He pulled back just enough to keep his tip prodded against your overwrought bundle of nerves,
making you whine as you felt the heat of him spurting, that copious mess quickly trailing from
where he was nestled at your clit.

Dabi licked at his lips, tasting the sweat that had gathered along the bow of his suddenly-dry
mouth, that penetrating gaze fixed to your achingly beautiful face. Surely the name you used was
meant to humiliate him in return somehow, he thought to himself. Because you were absolutely,
positively, undoubtedly mortified and livid when you glared down past your hips. There was no
faking the anger rolling off you in waves.

"You fucking prick," you hissed, throwing your elbow back into his ribcage but finding his body
too dense behind you – he merely grunted, but his grip didn't even falter. "You perverted little
helion, you fucking fuck," your vocabulary wavered through the haze of fury, thrashing against
him once more. "If you think I'm going to do a goddamned thing for you or your family or your
stupid fucking biker gang after that stunt –" you started but were abruptly cut off, Dabi's hand
clapping over your mouth before your voice could carry outside the room. So you did what any girl
would do, biting into the fleshy bit of his palm until you tasted the coppery tang of blood on your

Dabi pulled back his hand and threw you down onto your bed – well, the bed you'd been sleeping
on for a half dozen weeks – and crowded himself between your thighs, looming above you. "I
didn't fuck you, did I, princess? It's still fair game," his manic grin marred his stupidly handsome
and extremely punchable face.

"Did that itty bitty brain of yours fall out of one of the fucking holes you put in your head?"
Honestly, what part of him *wasn't* pierced? Your foot caught his chest, trying and failing to keep
him pressed away. Except the moment his eyes darted down, getting an eyeful of your pretty little
cunt covered in his leavings, you decidedly used your leg to push against his mass and scoot back
along the bed instead. But his hands reached out, snatching your ankles and dragging you back
towards the edge of the mattress just so he could pry your knees apart for another hungry look.
"Don't fucking touch me!"

"Touching is part of the deal. Touching and tasting," he kept his voice low, rough, maybe even
seductive if you didn't want to bash his fucking head in. His tongue traced his lips again and you
hated the way your eyes followed, your core jolting as if it was tethered to the motion, painfully
aware he couldn't tear his eyes away from the apex of your thighs.

"You're toeing the line on purpose because you think I'll let you get away with it. Well, guess
what, you flaming bag of dog shit? I won't." You had managed to get your way up until now,
refusing to let him lay a hand on you or bring you any of the pleasure you gave him. And all this
time you didn't think it would *ever* be a problem – why the fuck would he challenge that
precedent when it benefitted him so well? You did all the 'touching and tasting' while he didn't do
shit, other than get an eyeful of what he couldn't have. He was a selfish, spoiled, overpowered ego-
maniac with daddy issues that you could toy with to get a few extra perks until your obligation was
fulfilled – the most pointed one being that no one else dared to even *consider* laying a grimy
hand on you. But if you didn't put your foot down, what would he try next?

He cocked his head to the side so quickly you hoped his neck cracked. But instead, a fist-sized ball
of blue flame sputtered to life over his shoulder…followed by another, then another, until he had a
half-halo of them forming a sweeping crescent over his head and shoulders. Like a fucking saint or
something, you nearly snorted, betting he considered himself a god. "Were you planning on
making friends with someone else on the crew?" Dabi asked with feigned innocence, the
implication obvious given his dark stare and arrogant smirk.

"No, I…" You swallowed thickly, trying to sit up but blocked by his outstretched hand. His eyes
made their way back down, blatantly admiring the mess glittering on your slit and thighs like it
was art, a little masterpiece of his own making. "Just…don't fucking touch me again. I don't need
your help getting off, I do just fine on my own," you relented, even though some part of you
doubted Dabi would seriously consider giving up sole and unfettered access to your mouth, your
tits, your…well, your thighs, you added bitterly to the internal list.

"Oh, I know you can. You know I fucking know you can," he reached down to curl his fingers
around one of your hips, not missing the way your body minutely raised into the touch before you
caught yourself. Your cheeks were burning bright – it had quickly become clear that he was
listening into the camera that covered the 'common areas' of this barricaded room during your first
week here. He kept barging in at the worst time, or best depending on who you asked, lured by the
little squeaks and moans you tried to stifle when chasing relief out of boredom. Dabi's very first use
of the deal struck up was to watch you finish yourself, after all – it was hard to forget the way he
pulled up a chair to the bed and stared impassively, somehow refraining from touching himself
despite the obvious need. He…liked to watch, liked to make you undress, liked to look, almost as
much as he liked to bury his cock into your throat. All in the hopes of making you squirm, of
course. He wanted nothing more than to spite you, and you him.

"Then you know that you can't give me anything I can't give myself," you tried to snap your thighs
shut but he was too quick, holding your legs apart at your knees all over again. The embers around
him extinguished as an unnerving smile crept across his lips. "That's…that's not a challenge," your
breath hitched, making what was supposed to be a warning sound weak.

He was already on his knees before your lungs could draw air again, his hands shifting to the back
of your thighs, forcing them down to press flat towards you. Dabi leaned down, delivering a
languid lick up your center, wholly unbothered and shameless over the fact he was tasting himself
just as much as you. You covered your mouth with your hand too late, a keening sound escaping
your lips, one that made him unbearably smug as he watched you from between your legs. "I'm
starting to think the way you begged for me was real," he murmured against the inside of your
thigh before diving down to capture your clit with his lips, drawing it into his mouth and suckling
harshly just to make you cry out and your hips jerk.

You…you wouldn't deign to beg. Especially not beg *him.* Unless it was to stop – he *liked*
hearing that while you pretended to be frightened. Your hands flew down, roughly pushing Dabi's
face away with one while your fingers grabbed a swath of his thick black hair to yank him off you
with a satisfying 'pop' and a wet print glistening over his lips and chin. "You sound like a fucking
lunatic," you managed to say between labored breaths. The words were nearly drowned out by a
thunderous roar of motorcycles pulling into the small compound's lot just outside your barred and
shuttered window, a levy of guffawing and shouting audible as soon as the engines cut out.

His eyes danced with the sudden realization, like you had just made a shit chess move that gave
him free reign of the board. You didn't hear yourself when you came, you were far too lost to hear
the praise fall from your lips, the little pleas, the...oh, fucking hell. "How about you call me Daddy
again? Loud enough for them to hear," he grinned before his lips disappeared between your legs,
making lewd wet sounds licking and slurping at your sex just to rile you up. His eyes hooded
watching your cheeks simmer with embarrassed heat, the color creeping down your neck as you bit
back a moan.

The raucous noise moved from the exterior walls and into the lounge just outside your makeshift
room, and given the sound of doors banging open being met with riotous laughter you could tell
they were making a show of searching for Dabi despite knowing exactly where he'd be. In your
bed, because he'd laid claim to you, making clear he'd burn anyone that tried to edge in on his
infernal use of you into a pile of smoking ash. It didn't hurt that he was the boss's son on top of
being a quirk user – any such trait being some sort of recent mutation or manifestation, each one
unregulated and wreaking havoc on society. Yours included, of course.

The sound of shuffling outside your door snapped you back into the present, their unnatural silence
making it obvious they were straining to catch any depraved little cry you could muster. It
prompted Dabi to redouble his efforts, a new enthusiasm taking hold, so keen to put you in your
place. He narrowed the tip of his tongue into a hard point as he drew your clit into his mouth again,
mercilessly flicking and swirling it around the sensitive bud to elicit a gasp and whine from you. It
was enough to earn booming shouts and cackles from the handful of unseen men on the other side
of the threshold, but you could hear their steps receding quickly as if they didn't want to test Dabi's
temper beyond simple confirmation he was 'preoccupied.'

One of his hands snatched your delicate wrists before you could clap your hands over your mouth,
holding both between three fingers with ease while he buried his face into your sex fiendishly. But
you still wouldn't budge, refusing to repeat the word he accused you of using. One you *maybe*
conjured into your fantasies from time to time, just a fun little kink when you wanted to imagine
being overpowered and used…gods, did you really say it out loud? You whimpered, shutting your
eyes tight to block out the sight of him and his triumphant stare – he felt like he had already won
regardless of whether or not you gave in.

Your body worked against you, delicious pressure building in your core and unfurling in time with
the eager lapping of Dabi's tongue. He was so in tune with you when he could feel the fluttering of
your heartbeat and every twitch of your hips, watching you turn your head this way and that as if
trying to stave off the inevitable. But it was useless, insurmountably so once he groaned against
you, the sound sensuous and just plain *dirty* as it rumbled into your nerves, pushing you over the
edge. You tried desperately to keep your lips pressed together and deny the loud cry of relief,
ecstasy twisting through your petite frame making it an impossible task – how could you manage
to follow your own command if you couldn't form a single thought? Your pleasure was white hot,
burning bright and snapping through you, arching your back and loosening your lips with a chorus
of 'Yes' and 'Please.'

You barely heard the rowdy whooping in the next room, but they certainly heard your breathy little
sounds and words as you came undone. By the time the last tendril of need freed its hold on you,
you could feel the wretched smile pressing against every sensitive inch still flush with Dabi's face.
His smug, arrogant, dumb fucking face, you groaned inwardly. The only shred of dignity you had
left to hold onto at this very moment was the fact you didn't relent and call him…well, you know.
You didn't even want to *think* the word anymore, lest it ever slip out again. "Shut up," you
hissed in a heated whisper before he could consider whatever goading shit he was conspiring to

Dabi responded by shifting down, making his tongue wide and flat to wick away every new trace
of your pleasure. He hummed in approval and buried his face into you again without warning, your
body jolting with every nudge of his nose against your clit as he licked insatiably at your center.
"Nnh, no, no," you whined on a keening breath, attempting to close your legs but only managing to
squeeze his face between your lush thighs.

Dabi only pulled back when he was ready and willing, ignoring your breathy admonishes and weak
protests. He was wiping his mouth with the back of his hand when you had the courage to peek up
at him again, your usual insolence subdued. "Next time, I'm going to make you watch," he licked at
his lips slowly, ensuring your eyes tracked the path of his tongue. "Maybe take a video or two –"
he began musing aloud before you cut him off.

"There won't be a next time," your voice shook, brows dipped down in anger. "We're going back to
how things were," you kept your voice low, barely above a whisper. The most he did prior to this
was lick and suck hungrily at your chest while chasing his own relief, and even that was something
you only allowed early on in a bid to let him feel in control. But he wasn't allowed between your
thighs, you had always reassured yourself. Fat lot of good that did, you thought bitterly.

He rose to his feet so quickly you squeaked in surprise, not understanding the fire burning in his
glare as he leveled you with his heated gaze.

"You have nothing you complain about," you snapped with a harsh whisper before he could open
his mouth.

Dabi's hand descended past his hips as he towered over you, making you feel small in his shadow
just as he had always intended. "Say 'ah,'" he snarled out his favorite line, his other hand still
holding your wrists, yanking you into sitting up at a dizzying speed. When the waistband of his
boxers were pulled back down you were greeted with his rigid cock, obviously ready for a
punishing round two.

A fraction of a second went by before one hand was in your hair and the other was feeding his cock
into your lovely mouth inch by decadent inch. Dabi's mind was racing – he wouldn't let you deny
him another taste of your sweet little clit. No, he'd record every second of you coming undone on
his tongue. His eyelids were heavy with lust, glaring down at you and your prettily blushing cheeks
as your head began to bob up and down his length.

He could always count on that quick, efficient tongue and tight throat no matter how furious you
were, but the challenge in using you was to not immediately blow his load every time you looked
up at him. Whether you were feigning fear or preening with pride or wishing he was dead, you
were too devastatingly beautiful with your full lips wrapped around his thick cock. Maybe too
devastatingly beautiful in general, he privately admitted. That's why he found himself coming back
here at all hours of the night and day, parking his bike and skirting his other duties in exchange for
some time locked up in your room.

Even when his father discovered the folly of it all weeks back, he felt it was worth the fiery
backhand and swollen lip. Enji Todoroki's flames barely stung him, and if they had, well…Dabi
was back in your room just hours later, so he really didn't care about what was most likely an
empty threat of Enji's Hell Fire and fury. In his mind, it was all worth seeing you lick at your lips
after swallowing every drop he tried to force down your throat.
His head was buzzing with pleasure and with a flurry of thoughts, so much so that when you finally
gazed up at him his seething narrowed eyes went wide and body stiffened. Dabi held your face in
place as he rutted against your lips, unable to hold back thick streams of cum pouring down your
throat in delectable rivets, falling apart in your mouth with a loud and long groan. His anger with
himself at inadvertently cutting your time together shorter was quickly soothed away by your
hungry licks, tongue dragging over every centimeter of flesh to wick away any stray drop. There
was nothing like watching his face slacken stupidly while he watched you clean up like you were
starving for his taste, or the strange thrill of control you got when his hips bucked as you sweetly
sucked at his tip as if hoping for just a little bit more to whet your appetite again.

Dabi's hands were loose enough for you to move as you pleased, his eyes devouring the sight of
you, breath hitching whenever you met his gaze again. He wanted you so badly it made him look
like a fucking fool, especially in the moments before his ego caught up with his spent need.
Naturally, you pulled back with a self-satisfied smile playing across your lips, tongue peeking out
to gather the evidence of his pleasure that still clung to them. Because he fucking hated that you
made him peak too soon with a single look – especially since you fucking knew it, too.

His tattoo-covered hand shot out to grab your jaw, tipping your face up to watch his features
darken into something sharp and twisted with hate. Dabi's thumbpad traced your lower lip,
dragging it down before shoving the digit into your mouth. You huffed in irritation through your
nose but met his thumb with your tongue, swiping at it diligently as you started to suckle while his
fingers curled under your chin. It was his little game to play when he wanted you to shut up and
listen. "Don't look so smug when I'm making your mouth my whore," he growled out, watching
your lips dip into a subtle pout around his knuckle. But your answering gaze was easy to read
despite your silence, something along the lines of 'Well don't make it so fucking easy for me, then.'
He licked at his lips while studying your face, pressing down on your tongue so hard you flinched,
making his eyes light up. "That's what I thought," he hissed, a grin splitting his lips before shoving
you back.

You were scrambling back onto the bed and staring daggers at him as he righted his clothes,
wiping your lips on the back of your hand. "You sound awfully confident for someone that can't
help crawling back into my bed," you muttered back before adding "And a little too proud for
someone that loses his fucking wad when I so much as look at him."

That…might have been a mistake judging by how quickly he rounded on you, eyes wild and
nostrils flared. "I get to taste and touch now, princess," he wrestled with your legs to pull your skirt
up, his hand cupping your sex. "You don't look so dignified when you're calling me Daddy," he
punctuated the word with a delicious curl of his digits as he dipped two into you without warning,
but his face quickly fell, those pale blue eyes drawn down.

You were tight, so unbelievably and impossibly fucking tight, he thought to himself while holding
in a low groan. You had no fucking right to be that tight, that beautiful, that perfect. Gods, and you
were wet all over again even after he took the time to clean you up – his mouth flooded with
hunger at the memory, having half the mind to lick into you once more. You involuntarily made a
sweet little aching sound as his crooked fingers delved deeper, his breath shuddering on an exhale
when his eyes snapped back up to yours.

Ah, no, this was dangerous territory, he told himself as if he hadn't already begun slowly pumping
his digits. He'd be far too tempted to sink his cock into you at this rate, he warned himself,
obsessing over the way your lashes fluttered closed and lip caught between your teeth. You whined
when his thumb joined the fray, circling your swollen clit, making your back arch to lift your hips
towards the offending hand. And then everything abruptly stopped. Dabi withdrew, taking a step
back and staring down at you as he sucked his fingers clean with an appreciative hum. "You should
see yourself right now," he tried to laugh but it was oddly breathless, unintentionally softening the
cruel edge to his words.

You must've looked a little pathetic you guessed, blushing and writhing when he was easing into
you. But if he was being honest with himself, you looked ineffable, especially with the angry glow
of your cheeks as you glared in open disdain.

Dabi wanted to keep hearing you make those cute little sounds until they inevitably had to return
you to your family. But it'd be weeks before everything was truly settled…so he had time to get his
fill, he decided. "You should stop glaring at me like that if you'd like a new change of clothes.
Unless you *want* to spend the remainder of the day in a cum-stained skirt," he mused.

"Why don't you fuck off already, Touya?" Your lips caressed the name in mock affection, so at
odds with the confident smirk you forced on your lips, "Afraid you'll miss me?" You could both
hear the muted sound of snickering carrying through the door…oh, fuck, you thought to yourself as
your heart began to clamor in your chest, fighting to keep your expression even.

Dabi's head canted at the sound, his pierced brows tangling in fury, lip curling into a soundless
snarl. "You'll pay for that later," he ground out with gritted teeth, his strong jaw ticking with the
threat. You could've sworn he got bigger, perhaps just puffing his chest – you could see the carved
muscle peeking out from above the deep V of his white t-shirt, smothered in black ink designs.
Every so often he looked just like his father, but the resemblance was uncanny when Dabi was

Yes, you would pay for that later, you thought as your pulse drummed in your ears. It was just one
of the couple of promises he'd consistently keep. He was already out the door before you could
retort back, the sound of multiple locks sliding into place dulled by the nervous thrum of your

[Don't forget, this author has a praise kink, so please drop a comment! If this fic has enough
interest, I'll be sure to add more chapters, but I don't plan on this being super long. I constantly tell
myself that, though, so who the fuck knows. I am still working on the Tamaki commission in
addition to my Endeavor fic, Villain All Might fic, and Aizawa fic (not to mention the Orc Sworn
fic still on the backburner), so I am SO FRIGGIN GRATEFUL you are all wonderfully patient
with my weird gaps in updating.

PS: I posted this without a beta reader, so I apologize if I missed something or accidentally hopped
into third-person! I'll hopefully have time to clean it up if so.

PPS: I am toying with a Hawks x You short fic as well, ahahaha. Classic ADD/neurodivergent
mess starting a bunch of projects and bouncing around between them.]

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