Module 1

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Name: _______________________________

Program and Year:

Drawing out
the best
in you!
Type of Activity:
⎕ Concept Notes ⎕ Laboratory
MODULE ⎕ Individual 2 ⎕ Quiz ⎕ Formative ⎕ Summative
⎕ Exercise/Drill ⎕ Art/Drawing ⎕ Pair/Group ⎕ Others, specify_____________________________

MODULE 1- The Meaning of Self from Various Perspectives

Topic 1 : Knowing myself in different perspectives

Objective : At the end of the chapter, students will be able to demonstrate
various ways of understanding the self.

Learning Outcomes :At the end of the course, students will be able to:
(1.) discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of the self from
various disciplinal perspectives;
(2) compare and contrast how the self has been represented across
different disciplines and perspectives.

Reference(s) :Otig V.S., Gallinero, W. B., Bataga, N. U., Salado, F. B. (2018). A

holitic approach in understanding The Self.

Concept/Digest : ( Read and study the concept, you can even add more
information. Just search in the Google Website for each topic)

How well do you know yourself? Are you aware of your talents? Skills? Weaknesses? Strengths? The
persistent question, “Who am I?” is rooted in the human need to understand the basis of the experiences of the
“self.” When people are asked to explain their understanding of the word, the usual answers are: “It’s who I am.”
It’s me, my essence.” “It’s what makes me unique and different from everyone else.” For a more meaningful
understanding of the self, numerous studies have been conducted and various approaches have been developed
from concepts about it.

This activity the teacher will motivate the students by stimulating their interests so as to
prepare their minds towards journeying to the “self” and understanding with the help of
ENGAGE different lens.

“I am what I am according to others”

Instruction 1: You are tasked to write 10 descriptions about yourself based on others
perspectives. 10 adjectives that they (referring to other people) attach to

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Instruction 2: You are going to share your lists with your chosen 3 chat mates. Make a
reflection or synthesis/learning you obtain from your sharing.
This activity aims to investigate on your beliefs and concerns regarding the self.
Through this effort you will definitely help to discern, ponder and decide whether your
EXPLORE beliefs and concerns about yourself will be experienced in reality. Let’s take a journey
down to the innermost aspect of your being… yourself…

Instruction 1: You are tasked to write five adjectives that describe you in these “post-its heart”.
Then make sentences using these adjectives and write about yourself on the next page below.

Instruction 2: Write about yourself in this part below “About Myself”







Instruction 3: You are going to submit your answers through online or private messenger in pdf
Format through the assign leader. Or if using module, you simply submit it to the
dean’s office.

EXPLAIN This activity aims to understand how others construct or give ideas to the innermost
meaning of self. Learning the various fundamental concepts of the self is significant because these ideas lay the
foundation that will foster in you as a person.

 You noticed the individual carefully identified the many forces that help shape the “self”, the factors that
made them the person they embraced at present.
 You described yourself as unique individual with distinctive characteristics and traits. You give the
definition of the “self” based on social interactions, social activities and experiences.
This activity aims to discuss the different perspectives in the explanation of self. The
philosophical and psychological perspectives. Let’s find out how the philosophers define or describe self during
the early and modern times.

1. SOCRATES- a Greek philosopher and known for his ideas “ I know that I don’t Know”
- Some Socrates ideas: the soul is immortal, care of the soul is the task of philosophy and
Virtue is necessary to attain happiness
- According to him, “the unexamined life is not worth living.”, Self-knowledge or the
examination of one’s self are important concerns because only by knowing yourself you can
hope to improve your life (Rappe, 1995).
- For him, the state of your inner being (soul) determines the quality of your life
- The visible existence changes while the invisible existence remains constant.
- Socrates believed that the goal of life is to be happy. The virtuous man is a happy man and
that virtue alone is the one and only supreme good that will secure his/her happiness.
- The most important thing in life is the state of his/her soul and the acts taken from taking care
of the soul through self-knowledge.
2. PLATO- he was the student of Socrates and he’s famous of the statement “Balance between mind and body”.
According to him, the “soul” is the most divine
aspect of the human being.
- He coined the three parts of the soul: Appetitive (sensual), - enjoys sensual experiences such
as food, drink and sex. Rational (reasoning)- loves truth, use of reason and Spirited
(feeling)- understands the demands of passion, the part that loves honor and victory.
3. ST. AUGUSTINE- Latin Fathers of the Church, Doctors of the Church. Famous of
his ideas “All knowledge leads to God”, he believed that the human being
was both a soul and body and the body possessed senses, such as imagination,
memory, reason and mind through which the soul experience the world.
- The aspects of the self/soul according to Saint Augustine are:
a. It is able to be aware of itself
b. It recognizes itself as a holistic one
c. It is aware of its unity
4. RENE DESCARTES- he’s famous of his words “I think, therefore I am”, the
first thinker to emphasize the use of reason to describe, predict and
understand natural phenomena based on observational and empirical
evidence (Bertrand, 2004; Grosholz, 1991). He claims that self is
constant, not prone to change and it’s not affected by time. Only the
immaterial soul remains the same throughout time. The immaterial
soul is the source of our identity.
5. JOHN LOCKE- famous of his statement that “human mind at birth is a tabula
rasa, means that knowledge is derived from experience”. For
Locke, a person’s memories provide a continuity of experience that
allows him/her to identify himself/herself as the same person over time.
6. DAVID HUME- famous of the statements that “all knowledge is derived from
human senses”. Hume identified with the bundle theory wherein he
described the self or person as a bundle or a collection of different
perceptions that are moving in a very fast and successive manner. He
stressed that your perceptions are only active for as long as you are
conscious. Self is like a bulb that may be switched on or off.
7. IMMANUEL KANT- is famous of his statements “REASON is the final authority
of morality. Morality is achieved only when there is absence of war
because of the result of enlightenment.” Kant stressed that the body
and its qualities are rooted to the self.
- The two components of the self: Inner self- aware of alterations in your own state. This
includes your rational intellect and your psychological state, such as moods, feelings and
sensations, pleasure and pain.
- Outer self- includes your senses and the physical world.
- Kant proposed that the self organizes information in three ways: Raw perceptual input,
Recognizing the concept and Reproducing in the imagination.
8. SIGMUND FREUD- famous of his line “Wish fulfillment is the road to the unconscious.” Freud
distinguished three levels of consciousness:
a. Conscious- deals with awareness of present perceptions, feelings, thoughts,
memories and fantasies at any particular moment.
b. Pre-conscious/Subconscious- related to data that can readily be brought to
consciousness and
c. Unconscious- refers to data retained but not easily available to the
individual’s conscious awareness.
- Freud structured the psyche/mind into three parts:
1. Id- operates on the pleasure principle. Every wishful impulse
should be satisfied immediately, regardless of the consequences.
2. Ego- operates according to reality principle. It works out realistic
ways of satisfying the id’s demands.
3. Superego- incorporates the values and morals of society. It
persuades the ego to choose moralistic goals and to strive for
perfection rather than simply realistic ones.
9. GILBERT RYLE- He’s famous of his line “I act, therefore I am”
- According to Ryle, your actions define your own concept of “self” ( who you are)
10. PAUL CHURCHLAND- he’s famous of his line “The physical brain and NOT
the imaginary mind gives us our sense of self.”
- He views the immaterial, unchanging soul/self does not exist because it cannot be
experienced by the senses (1989).
11. Maurice Merleau-Ponty- famous of his line “Physical body is an important part of the self.”


Instruction: Identify what is being asked in each statement below. Write your answers before
each number. Write the complete name of thinkers/philosophers.

_________1. He believed that the most important thing in life is the state of an individual’s soul.
_________2. He believed that human being is both a soul and body.
_________3. He asserted that “self” does not exist; instead, he stressed that perceptions are only
active for as long as an individual is conscious.
_________4. He proposed the existence of the unconscious.
_________5. He believed that there are three parts of the soul, namely, appetitive, rational and
_________6. He claimed that human knowledge is derived from experience.
_________7. He believed that self is not in the body, and he stressed that the body and its
qualities are rooted to the self.
_________8. He viewed that the immaterial soul does not exist because it cannot be experienced
by the senses.
_________9. He believed that an individual’s actions define his/her own concept of “self.”
_________10. He asserted that the soul is distinct from the body.

This activity will allow the students to share their personal opinion. They are going to present a short description
entitled: “My personality in my own view”.

Instruction: This activity will be done individually. What is your own philosophy in life, since you are still a
student? Write it creatively in slogan style in the space provided. Below the slogan write a short explanation
regarding your philosophy.


Advance (5) Developing (3) Emerging (1) Score

Exceptionally well- Well-presented and Content is sound and solid;

presented and argued; argued; ideas are ideas are present but not
Content ideas are detailed, detailed, developed particularly developed or
well-developed. and supported with supported; some evidence,
evidence and details, but usually of a generalized
mostly specific. nature.

Organization is Organization is Organization is confused

coherent, unified and coherent and unified and fragmented in support
Organization effective in support of overall in support of of the essay’s purpose/ plan
the paper’s purpose the paper’s purpose/ and demonstrates a lack of
plan, but is structure or coherence that
ineffective at times negatively affects
and may demonstrate readability.
abrupt or weak
transitions between
ideas or paragraphs.

Shows a pattern of errors in

spelling, grammar, and
Mechanics Excellent grammar, A few errors in
syntax. Could also be a
spelling, and syntax. grammar, spelling,
sign of lack of proof-
and syntax but not
NAME: _______________________________ YEAR AND COURSE:_______________________
TEACHER: _______________________________

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