BBPT Lesson Plan

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Beyond the Basic Productivity Tools (BPT) Lesson Idea

Lesson Title Create your own review.

Content Area Statistical Reasoning

Content Standards Many Standards, all to be covered on the exam

Technology Standards 1.1b build networks and customize learning environments… this is the only
one I see from this lesson

Integrated Technology Jeopardy game from

Reference or I feel like this will be a common theme, while I am sure this has been done
Supporting Resources before, I did not take any inspiration from anywhere

Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering, Understanding, Creating

Integration Level Level 2: exploration

Universal Design The activity is the students trying to create the best Jeopardy game that they
Rationale can for their classmates via the online software. This does satisfy all students
needs, especially since the students will be working in groups to create said
Lesson Idea The activity is in eight groups of four, create the best jeopardy review game
that you can for the upcoming test. Conveniently, the exam has five major
themes to it so all of the jeopardy’s should have the same categories. This is
not assumed, because they have free reign to do whatever it is they want to
do. Groups will be numbered, so each group will play the games of the four
numbers immediately succeeding their group. The objective is to make a
game that will help the other students understand the statistics better.

It will be introduced the day before, the students will know that it is review day
beforehand and will know they are creating jeopardy. The creation will take
about twenty minutes, the playing will take about forty-five. Student learning
will be self assessed, the objective will be to group the students such that
there will be no question that none of the students would know. If students
need to be differentiated upwards to a higher level, I will have my own
jeopardy game that they can play. The lesson will be concluded by going over
all of the mathematics that they will need for the exam.
Design Reflection This could be a great thing for the students’ test scores. The kids could
benefit greatly from participating in this activity. That is, provided they want to
get better. This could be enhanced by ensuring that no two games have the
same types of questions. That is hard to do for a unit test, however if I did this
again for the final, that would be much better.

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