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My possibilities are 

I trust that all is perfectly well just as it is.
All is well in my world.
It is through gratitude and appreciation of all around me in life that I find true  contentment.
I am where I am meant to be right now.
I am very happy right where I am right now.
I am at peace with my past, content with my present and optimistic about my  future.
I am happy.
I am content with my life.
My life ROCKS!!!
I have everything I need.
My life is full of good fortune and contentment.
I will allow my experience of today to bring me joy.
Today I will be filled with great contented feelings of connectedness with others and  nature.
All I need is here before me
I have learned in whatsoever state I am there with to be content
I am content and satisfied, now and always, easily, effortlessly, naturally, supernaturally,
eternally so, with increasing magnitude and ease with every  moment!
I am contentment. I am satisfaction
After a little while, I let it go of things and move  on
I am infinitely content, now and always, eternally, easily, effortlessly, with
increasing magnitude!

I am blessed with contented mind.

My contentment gives me true fulfilment.
I am a rich person because I have a contented mind.
I know that I have enough in my life. That is why I am rich beyond measure.
I am content with your lot. I know I cannot be first in everything.
I know that Contentment is the only real wealth. So I am contented.
I have the greatest gift in this world. Because, I am healthy.
I am the richest person in this world because I am contented.
I am a faithful person.
I am a contented person. I am a humble person so arrogance is out of my boundary.
I am thankful for what I have and I am patient for what is to come because, I am a
contented person.
I am thankful for what I have; I concentrate on what I have.
I believe in myself so I convince others only when inevitable. I am content with
myself so, I need only my approval and acceptance. I accept myself.
I am rich who is content with the least; for contentment is the wealth of nature.
I am contented because I want to squeeze all the good out of every situation I am
wanting what I have got. Because, I am contented.
I am content. Because, I am blessed with a boon greater than riches and I feel that I
have everything.
At some point, I let go, and sit still, and allow contentment to come to me.
I have enough to live comfortably because, I am contempt with what I have.
I am contented with what we have, I am ambitious about what I am.
I am contented and the spectacular happiness follow me.
I seek for shift in attitude than a change in circumstances.
I am Truly humble because I am content.
I am happy because I am content with what I have.
I Fortify myself with contentment, for this is an impregnable fortress or it can
withstand attack.
I am a happiest person because, I am a truly thankful, content person.
I am Content because of many great and small acceptances in life.
I am a grateful person so, I am rich in contentment.
I feel that I have a place in life. It solves half the problems of contentment.
I have the natural wealth, that is Contentment.
I am really thankful for what I have got.
I have a contented mind and I know this is the greatest blessing I want to enjoy.
My contented heart is calm in the midst of all the tantrums.
I am accepting what god has given me with contentment and I make the most of it
by god’s strength.
I believe that life is a gift rather than a right this makes me contented.
I have the foundation of true happiness which is contentment.
I Reflect upon your present blessings, of which I have plenty;
I have Contentment which is the greatest form of wealth.
I always find contentment within myself.
Peace within me grows as I foster contentment.
My True contentment is within.
I am blessed with what I already have. I have Contentment within me.
I have Contentment which I achieved by simply showing disposition to avoid
exertion on certain aspects which does not matter much.
For my growth, contentment is the best thing I adopted along with love.
For me Contentment is beyond my consideration as fulfillment of what you want,
but the realization of how much I already have.
I appreciate anything I want to appreciate by imagining myself without that.
I think of yesterday as pleasure and the future as fun.
I think myself and everyone as imperfect. So, I am content.
I perform virtue with true contentment. This gives me the power of getting out of
any difficult situation.
My biggest treasure is contentment and my biggest virtue is in facing difficult
situation courageously.
I am happy because I appreciate what I already have.
I have Contentment with what God has already given me.
Now and then I pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.
I differentiate myself from others and try to find out my own identity which makes
contentment a million times easier to achieve.
I am Truely humble because I have contentment with what I have.
I am mentally or emotionally satisfied with things just the way they are.
I am faithfulness so I have best relationships.
I have contentment so I am happy.
I have Realized that true happiness lies within me. I search for peace and contentment and joy
within me.
I have the inexhaustible treasure of Contentment with me.
I ignore what someone else has because I want to be satisfied.
I show Gratitude for what good people do and I always love people so I receive them back
many times multiplied. In addition to that I am contented and I have prosperous energy if I
show gratitude and love people.
My life is simple, so, contentment has to come. My life has Simplicity so, happiness
comes easily. I Have a few desires, but for me feeling satisfied with what I have, is very
vital: I am satisfied with just enough food, clothing, and shelter to protect us from the
elements. I find an intense delight in abandoning faulty states of mind and in cultivating
helpful ones in meditation.
I am a grateful person because I am rich in contentment.
I have Patience so, I have contentment.
My Life has balance. I am kind but I want them to care for me. I Trust but I try to disclose
their mystery. I am content but I keep improving myself.

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