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Cultural discrimination in peru

Did you know that according to the National Survey 'Perceptions and Attitudes on
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic-Racial Discrimination' reveals that 53% of respondents
consider Peruvians to be racist, but only 8% consider themselves racist?

Racism is a social phenomenon that has different components that materializes in

the exclusion and violation of people's rights and freedoms. It is a problem that
seriously affects Peruvian society; more than half of Peruvians have felt
discriminated against, the main manifestations of discrimination being the refusal to
be attended to, differential treatment and jokes. This accentuates the national
disintegration and deepens the inequalities, preventing a development based on
equality and affecting mainly people belonging to indigenous peoples, Afro-
descendant population and people of Andean or Amazonian origin or ancestry. We
also know that cultural discrimination is very present in public places such as
schools, and workplaces such as offices where most of the harassment of people for
their different beliefs, disabilities and appearance takes place.

It is based on all this that I have decided to propose 2 solutions so that we can
improve our coexistence and promote inclusion with all our community.

First I want to propose to create a mobile game for all ages in which the player will
put himself in the shoes of parents who have adopted some of some children who
suffer harassment and cultural discrimination by their peers at school and teacher,
your duty as a player is to protect the child by making decisions that should help him
to get out of the hole where he is and thus achieve that this can have a quiet life, the
purpose of this game is that everyone can see what a child suffers from cultural
discrimination and harassment that can receive, it seeks to raise awareness so that
people do not see something normal to call or discriminate against someone just
because of their way of life, beliefs and disabilities.

And secondly, more laws can also be implemented to protect these people since it is
known that in the country there is not much protection against cultural abuses
committed against people who come from inside the country, have other beliefs or
have a disability, the specific proposal is to strengthen and create more laws to
protect this group of people because it should be known that we must not
discriminate or treat them differently but if it comes to the case there must be a firm
punishment in between and thus to penalize these terrible actions against this group
of people.

After all the above we can conclude and say that in Peru we need initiatives that
support cultural diversity and help us to realize that we are all worth equally,
regardless of whether we are from different regions or have different beliefs or any
disability, we must all be respected equally and we must be included in all our
activities, both in our work and in our personal lives, we must not let anyone or
anything make us less and if we think of an act of discrimination we must denounce
and do something about it and not stay with our arms crossed.

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