Evidencia 3. Articulo de Investigacionn

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Carrera: Ingeniería Química

Materia: Ingles Científico

Dra. Astrid Abigail Sosa Rosas

Alumno: Alejandro Lozano Martínez

Matrícula: 2002657


First, we have to talk about who won the Nobel Prize, The Nobel Prize in
Chemistry 2021 is awarded jointly to Benjamin List and David W. C. MacMillan for
their work in “the development of asymmetric organocatalysis,” a method that uses
small organic molecules as catalysts instead of enzymes or metals. This innovation
in molecular construction has led to catalysts that are less expensive and more
environmentally friendly, while also opening new pathways in pharmaceutical

The ACS President, H. N. Cheng said this asymmetric organocatalysis offers a

new way of thinking and a more sustainable way of carrying out crucial chemical
reactions. He also said that the ability to create new compounds to address human
problems is the strength of chemistry. Chemists are like magicians, and with
asymmetric organocatalysis, we have a new magic wand for making important

Comparison between the scientific article and the popular science article.

Scientific articles are written by scientists and simply show the result of their work,
usually accompanied by a summary, an introduction to the phenomenon and
conclusions at the end.

Popular science articles are generally written by journalists or reporters, based on

scientific articles. They are the ones that mortals like us usually read, for having a
more enjoyable reading. Popular articles are, therefore, the intermediaries between
the scientist and the public
What learnings are obtained from these articles?

The publication of a scientific article is part of the stage of the investigative process
corresponding to the communication and socialization of research results. Although
in a synthesized way, the scientific article presents detailed information about a
complete research process, allowing to know both the approach to the problem,
the theoretical perspective and the methodological framework of the study carried
out, as well as the analysis and interpretation of data and the conclusions obtained.

Popular science articles are informative texts that are based on research projects,
scientific articles or arguments based on science. Its main purpose is to
disseminate research in an accessible way so that it is understandable by the
general public.

Scientific articles and scientific dissemination leave you with a lot of learning since
it helps in reading comprehension and expands scientific / technical vocabulary
since these texts contain many of those words


¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un artículo científico y un artículo de divulgación

científica? (s. f.). Quora. https://es.quora.com/Cu%C3%A1l-es-la-diferencia-



Stanchak, J. (s. f.). The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 Goes to Benjamin List and

David W. C. MacMillan. ACS Axial | ACS Publications.



Solís, L. D. M. (2019, 9 diciembre). Utilidad del artículo científico en enseñanza-

aprendizaje. Investigalia. https://investigaliacr.com/educacion-e-


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