ENT303 - Topics For Speaking Exam

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1. Talk about changes in your intentions or plans. You should include:

+ what your change of intention or plan was

+ when it happened

+ the reason(s) for the change

+ how it has affected your life

+ your regret or satisfaction of your change

2. Talk about a holiday or a festival in Vietnam, your hometown, or in another country.

You should include:

+ the name of the holiday (or the festival)

+ the reason(s) it is celebrated

+ the typical food, music, or clothing in the holiday (or the festival)

+ other traditions if possible

+ whether you like it or not and the reasons

3. Talk about your reading habits. You should include:

+ when you started the habit

+ what you read

+ how often you read

+ why you decided to read

+ how your reading habits help you with your student life

+ the suggestions about reading habits to be a better reader

4. Talk about a (natural) disaster you know or hear of. You should include:

+ the type of the disaster

+ the place and the time the disaster happened

+ property damages and/or casualties

+ the supports which were given to the people living there

+ your sympathy/ reactions to the news

5. Talk about an emergency that you or someone had and that required dental or medical
attention. You should include:

+ where and when the emergency happened

+ what happened to you (or that person)

+ the symptoms that you (or that person) had

+ the dental or medical procedures or treatments you (or that person) had

+ your feelings about that emergency and what you learned from it

6. You are going to visit a friend in a foreign country. You do not want to upset your
friend’s family due to your lack of cultural literacy. Talk about your preparation of
cultural literacy for that trip.

You should include:

+ day and time of your visit

+ expressing your eagerness about your trip

+ what you have learned about the ways to greet others, dining etiquettes, codes of photo
taking, clothing at a religious site in that country

+ what dos and don’ts you should notice when going there

7. Talk about a Vietnamese wedding that you have attended or heard of. You should

+ where and when the wedding was

+ what preparation the couple with their families had

+ what they did at the wedding ceremony and the reception

+ the most interesting things in the wedding

+ what dos and don’ts guests should notice when attending a Vietnamese wedding

8. Talk about new technology. You should include:

+ what the item is

+ its brand-name

+ its features and functions

+ what you think about it

9. Talk about the pros and cons of permitting people to say or write anything on social
networking sites.

You should include:

+ what you think about it

+ pros and cons of this issue

+ specific examples of why you think it is good or bad (if any)

+ the solutions for this controversial issue

10. Talk about ways to reduce global warming.

You should include:

+ some common causes of global warming

+ specific examples of the harmful effects of global warming you know

+ some solutions recommended by scientists

+ what you choose to do to protect the environment

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