Examen de Enfermeria en Ingles

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1. How is the Nursing Care Process defined?

a. Conceptual model of nursing that defines the man, the family and the


b. Systematic and organized method of providing nursing care


C. Theory developed by the International Council of Nurses (ICN)

d. Action taken by the nurse to prevent illness and restore health


2. What is the nursing diagnosis that may or may not be present due to

some ambiguous signals in the titration data, which lead to the

nurse to gather more data to clarify its meaning?

a. Real Nursing Diagnosis

b. Possible nursing diagnosis

C. Health diagnosis

d. Potential Nursing Diagnosis

3. What are the four techniques or activities that are used during the

Nursing Physical Examination or Assessment?

a. palpation, percussion, assessment, auscultation

b. observation, palpation, percussion, auscultation

C. percussion, palpation, inspection, interview

d. assessment, observation, evaluation, measurement

4. What is a drug called that interacts with a receptor to produce a


a. peaceful antagonist

b. palliative
C. agonist

d. healing

5. One of the areas of application of intramuscular injections is the

ventrogluteal. Where is this area located?

a. In the gluteus minimus muscle, which rests on the gluteus maximus

b. In the gluteus maximus muscle, which rests on the gluteus minimus

C. In the gluteus medius muscle, which rests on the gluteus minimus

d. In the gluteus minimus muscle, which rests on the gluteus medius

5. One of the areas of application of intramuscular injections is the

ventrogluteal. Where is this area located?

a. In the gluteus minimus muscle, which rests on the gluteus maximus

b. In the gluteus maximus muscle, which rests on the gluteus minimus

c. In the gluteus medius muscle, which rests on the gluteus minimus

d. In the gluteus minimus muscle, which rests on the gluteus medius

6. What is the name of the technique of adding a solvent to a powdered drug in order to

to prepare it for administration?

a. Preparation

b. Reconstruction

c. Reconstitution

d. Dilution

7. What is called a "side effect" of a drug? to the effect

A. desired or intended main effect

b. collateral that is not intended

c. adverse or tertiary that is intended

d. drug enhancer
8. What is the body position used in certain types of surgery called?

and in some cases of shock and hemorrhage

to correct arterial hypotension?

a. Fowler

b. anti-trendelenburg

c. Trendelenburg

d. orthopneic

9. Which of the following basic principles of body mechanics is correct?

a. The stability of an object is always lower when it has a broad base of

support for

b. The stability of an object is always greater when it has a center of gravity


c. The stability of an object is always greater when the line of gravity

falls perpendicular to the base of support

d. The stability of an object is always less when the line of gravity falls

within the base of support.

10. What is the equation that determines Blood Pressure (BP)?

a. stroke volume per heart rate

b. diastolic volume by peripheral resistance

c. cardiac output due to peripheral resistance

d. minute volume per heart rate

11) The passage from the solid to the liquid state is called:

a) Condensation

b) Vaporization

c) Fusion
d) Sublimation

12) The proportion of O2 in atmospheric air is:

a) 100%

b) 78%

c) 21%

d) 50%

13) The movement of a solute from the area of higher concentration to the area of lower

concentration is called:

a) Primary active transport

b) Secondary active transport

c) Osmosis

d) Diffusion

14) Membrane depolarization is characterized by:

a) The inner side is positive and the outer negative.

b) It is polarized

c) K+ is released

d) The potential is below the threshold

15) Gamma radiation is characterized:

a) They are poorly penetrating and poorly ionizing

b) they have no mass or charge

c) They are very penetrating and very ionizing

d) They are corpuscular radiation

16) If you nod your head saying “-yes, I understand-”, then you understand that the

lever you are applying is, in this particular case:

a) Different from the one present in a pair of scissors.

b) First gender.

c) Of the same kind as a tweezers.

d) Belonging to the type of levers predominant in your body.

17) According to Ohm's law, the resistance:

a) It is directly proportional to the voltage.

b) Semi in amps.

c) It is inversely proportional to the voltage.

d) It is directly proportional to the intensity.

18) To make it possible to draw blood, the loop applied to the patient's arm,

They are considered elastic because:

a) It does not resist the deformation determined by the stretching of the

elements that make up its structure

b) Once it has been used and is untied, when the force that

had deformed it, it recovers its original shape.

c) It is a distensible and elastic body because it stretches and after acting the

strength, retains the new form adopted.

d) It is a distensible and plastic body because it stretches and then recovers its

initial shapes.

19) Regarding the system "man" thermodynamically speaking it is a


a) open

b) isolated

c) closed

d) oscillating

twenty). According to the average chemical composition per 100 g of food, what
of the following provide carbohydrates?

a. Beef and egg.

b. Oil and butter.

C. Green apple and carrot.

d. Egg and oil.

twenty-one). In periods of pregnancy and lactation Basal Metabolism:

a. It increases up to 15% in relation to the usual values for women.

b. It decreases up to 15% in relation to the usual values for women.

C. It is not modified in relation to the usual values for women.

d. Increases and decreases the usual values for women.

22). Regarding the intake of non-nutritive sweeteners during the


a. They can all be consumed freely.

b. Stevia, sucralose and acesulfame k can be used.

C. They are all contraindicated.

d. All can be consumed except stevia

23). The 1st Law of Food or Law of Quantity says that…

a. “The amount of the various nutrients that make up the diet must keep

a relationship of proportions to each other.”

b. “The diet must be complete in its composition, to offer the

which is an indivisible unit, all the substances that make it up.”

C. “The amount of food must be sufficient to cover the demands

calories from the body and maintain the balance of its balance.”

d. The diet must be reversed in its composition

24) In the field of theories that study aging, the theory of accumulation
of errors are located within the theories:

a. social

b. physiological

C. genetics

d. metabolic

24) In the field of theories that study aging, the theory of accumulation

of errors is situated within the theories:

a. Social

b. physiological

c. genetics

d. metabolic

25) In a young adult whose total body weight is 80 Kg, what is the weight

body, expressed in kg that corresponds to interstitial fluid?

a. 16kg

b.12 Kg

c. 7.2kg

d. 4kg

26) What is the sign and/or symptom that manifests a hyponatremic state?

a. Arterial hypertension

b. Temperature increase

c. feeling thirsty

d Abdominal cramps

27) Given the diagnosis of hyperkalaemia, what are the clinical manifestations that

the nursing staff can observe?

a. Tachycardia and thirst

b. muscle weakness and nausea

c. Polyuria and drowsiness

d. Dry skin and hypertension

28) If a patient shows the following values in his arterial blood gas (ABG): pH:

7.28, PaO2: 78 mmHg, PaCO2: 58 mmHg, HCO3: 24 meq/l, EB/DB: -4 What alteration


a. Acute respiratory acidosis

b. Chronic respiratory acidosis

c. acute respiratory alkalosis

d. Partially compensated metabolic alkalosis

29) In case of acute respiratory failure, what type of device is indicated in

oxygen therapy?

a. venturi

b. Bow compass

c. bipap

d. Campbell Mask

30) Of the diagnostic methods used in respiratory assessment. Which is the

most accurate diagnostic method to diagnose and control the diagnosis of COPD?

a. barometrics

b. Spirometry

c. saturometry

d. blood gases

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