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NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

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Research paper

Advanced filtration and lung deposition models of airborne multi-walled T

carbon nanotubes for inhalation exposure assessment

Tobias Hammera,b, Panagiota Sachinidoua,b, Xu Hec, Zhengyuan Pana,b, Yeon Kyoung Bahka,b,
Institute of Environmental Engineering, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Advanced Analytical Technologies laboratory, Empa, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150090, China


Editor: Philip Demokritou Precise prediction of airborne carbon nanotube (CNT) filtration and deposition in the lung is of significant
Keywords: importance to find proper control media and to perform exposure assessment to quantify the toxicity for emitted
Carbon nanotube airborne CNTs. We executed a systematic study in order to evaluate the inhalation exposure of inhaled single
Agglomerate mixing state standing airborne multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and CNT agglomerates, by assessing their filtration
Agglomerated fibrous particle and deposition in the deep lung using calculation models. Filtration, inhalation and deposition were influenced
Filtration model by the agglomeration of the fibrous particles and by the agglomerate mixing state. We revised previous models
Lung deposition model and developed the models for realistic CNT mixtures in air with a new approach using the mixing states of CNT
agglomerates and single standing CNTs. We verified our newly developed filtration model empirically. The
calculated lung deposition for the realistic CNT mixtures and CNT agglomerates showed much higher deposition
rates than that for single standing CNTs under a variety of flow conditions and in the size range from 76 to
500 nm. The lung deposition and the toxicity are both dependent on the CNT shape and form. Our study il-
lustrates the necessity to consider the CNT morphology and agglomeration status in the evaluation of the air-
borne CNT health impact. The comparison between the developed lung deposition model and previous empirical
study results showed that the particle deposition in the lung is mainly determined during inhalation.

1. Background power plant and propane kitchen burner (Jung et al., 2013; Murr and
Garza, 2009; Swanson et al., 2016).
Filtration and inhalation models of aerosols, such as engineered A number of studies showed the asbestos-type pathology associated
nanoparticles, medicines, bacteria and viruses, have been discussed with exposure to long and straight CNTs (Muller et al., 2009; Poland
extensively in the last decades. Because both filtration and inhalation et al., 2008; Takagi et al., 2008). Davis et al. (1986) have studied the
modelings are significant for preventing of inhalation exposure to toxic effect of the geometrical length on pathogenicity of asbestos fibers and
particles as asbestos fibers or viruses like SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), and showed high toxicity caused by long fibers through their experimental
curing a respiratory disease through an inhalation therapy (Basile, investigation. Moreover, a number of studies found that inhaled CNTs
2020; Ma-Hock et al., 2013; Fathizadeh, 2020; Donaldson and Tran, possessed cytotoxicity, inflammatory cell influx and potential to pro-
2004; Oberdörster et al., 2015). Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are used to mote lung tumors (Ma-Hock et al., 2013; Shvedova et al., 2008; Li et al.,
reinforce and enhance the mechanical or electrical properties of ma- 2007; Porter et al., 2012; Sargent et al., 2014). Furthermore, Erdely
terials (e.g. CNT-polymer or concrete composites). The global CNT et al. (2009) showed that CNTs were able to cause immunosuppression
market is anticipated to double in 2020 compared to 2015, when the and inflammation, and change molecular signaling in extra pulmonary
annual market sale was $2.26 billion (Kim et al., 2017). Health con- tissues.
cerns for workplaces, laboratories exposure and emitted CNTs from These toxicity research results also motivated developments of nu-
CNT-containing products also intensify with the CNT market growth. In merical models of airborne CNT lung deposition and filtration. For in-
addition to such concerns regarding released CNTs, recent research stance, Wang et al. (2011) presented three different approaches to
papers present CNTs or rod-shape carbon particles from internal com- predict filtration efficiencies of airborne CNTs through a screen filter. In
bustion processes, such as diesel engines, wood burning, natural gas their model, they assumed CNTs as fibrous particles with certain aspect

Corresponding author at: Institute of Environmental Engineering, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland.
E-mail address: yeonkyoung.bahk@gmail.com (Y.K. Bahk).

Received 9 March 2020; Received in revised form 2 June 2020; Accepted 25 June 2020
Available online 11 July 2020
2452-0748/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Hammer, et al. NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

ratios and considered physical characteristics, such as orientations, the experimentally, a basic filtration set-up was used as shown in Fig. 2.
effective interception length, aerodynamic diameter, etc. Sturm (2014) Airborne CNT mixtures were generated by an aerosol generator (TSI
followed the possible transport paths of CNTs to the alveoli and cal- 3079a). The water droplets were dried by a diffusion dryer. A differ-
culated CNT depositions in the alveoli of the human respiratory tract ential mobility analyzer (DMA, TSI 3082) was used to classify the CNTs
(HRT). In the study, the effects of different tube diameters and aspect according to their electrical mobility diameters and an ultrafine con-
ratios of CNTs were intensively investigated. densation particle counter (uCPC, TSI 3076) counted the CNT number
At the same time, some recent studies and publications showed that concentration for each mobility diameter upstream and downstream of
realistic airborne CNT emissions do not only consist of single standing the filter holder. A steel twilled dutch wire mesh (solidity 0.62; average
(straight and curly) CNTs, but also comparable amount of agglomerated wire size 0.31 μm) was used as the filter. The face velocity was 5 cm/s.
or bended/coiled CNTs in sphere-like shapes (Chen et al., 2012; Canu The filtration efficiency is calculated as the following:
et al., 2020; Thompson et al., 2015; Bahk et al., 2013; Wang et al.,
Cup − Cdown
2015). Chen et al., 2012 reported that CNTs tend to agglomerate in Ef _ exp = ,
Cup (1)
different shapes. The most frequent shapes were isometric CNT ag-
glomerates (sphere like particles), single standing CNTs and few irre- where Cup and Cdown are the upstream and downstream concentrations
gular shaped particles. of airborne CNT mixtures, respectively.
Similar to Chen et al., 2012 we separate fiber like CNT particles and
CNT agglomerates with sphere like shape. We addressed this fact of 2.1. Agglomerate fraction in the airborne CNT mixture
more different shapes by considering single-standing-CNT-CNT ag-
glomerate mixtures. Our previous study showed that the higher con- In order to determine the agglomerate fraction in the airborne CNT
centration CNTs in a suspension, the higher fraction of aerosolized CNT mixture, CNTs were aerosolized and collected on silicon substrates for
agglomerates in an air sample (Bahk et al., 2013). Characteristics of SEM analysis. The airborne CNTs were classified by the DMA to dif-
airborne CNTs were also investigated through the fractal-like agglom- ferent electrical mobility diameters, such as 76, 90, 110, 150, 200, 300,
erate models, which showed comparable results with measurement data 400 and 500 nm. Single standing CNTs are normally aligned to the air
from electron microscopy (Wang et al., 2015). Buckley et al. (2012) also flow, thus they were in the same size range when they had the same
reported the strong tendency of CNTs to form ‘broadly spherical’ par- electrical mobility diameters. Even if agglomerated CNTs have different
ticles when they were aerosolized. shapes and different geometrical sizes, the same electrical mobility size
In the present study, the existing filtration model and lung deposi- can represent their physical properties for the deposition on the filter or
tion model for fibrous particles were revised and advanced models for in the lung. The collected samples were analyzed by SEM and the
both filtration and deposition for realistic airborne CNTs with ag- fraction of single standing CNTs for each mobility diameter was ob-
glomerate characteristics were introduced. The filtration model was tained with the commercial image analyzing software (Image J). Fig. 3
applicable to airborne CNT mixtures with various single-to-agglomer- shows some examples of the SEM images. The sample with larger mo-
ated-CNT ratios, and was validated experimentally. Then the same bility diameter shows more collected CNT agglomerates. More than 300
approach, using the single-to-agglomerated-CNT ratios, was applied to images were taken by SEM and analyzed to reduce uncertainties. The
the lung deposition model for airborne CNTs. obtained data were fitted to an exponential line as shown in Fig. 4 to
determine the relationship between the mobility diameter and the
2. Methods fraction of single standing CNTs in the classified mixture. As presented
in Fig. 4, the fraction of single standing CNTs (fS_CNT) decreased with
In this study, we employed a fractal model for CNT agglomerates increasing mobility diameter of airborne CNTs. The obtained relation
(Wang et al., 2015) and took into consideration the CNT agglomerate (represented in formula 2) was applied to the deposition model and is
fraction in the airborne CNT mixture. The fractions were obtained by expressed as:
SEM (scanning electron microscope) image analysis of sampled aero-
solized CNTs (Baytubes, Bayer Material Science, Germany) from a li- Single standing CNT fraction, fS _ CNT = 2.00 exp( −0.01dm), (2)
quid suspension. We employed CNTs that had 15–20 nm diameters and where dm is in nm. The applicable range started from 76 nm towards
1–10 μm lengths. However, after the functionalization processes, which bigger mobility diameters. Below 76 nm the fraction of single standing
improved CNT dispersion in water, the lengths were shortened to sev- CNTs was considered as 100%. We assumed that the form of the other
eral μm or sub-microns. The filtration model for the twilled dutch wire airborne CNTs in this mixture were CNT agglomerates, which were
mesh (Sachinidou et al., 2017) and the lung deposition models devel- considered as sphere-like particles based on Fig. 3.
oped by Asgharian and Anjilvel et al. for spherical and fibrous particles
(Anjilvel and Ashgarian 1995; Asgharian et al., 1988) were revised, and
3. Models
advanced models were developed in combination with the agglomer-
ate's characteristics. Fig. 1 shows the flow chart for the CNT filtration
3.1. Filtration model
and lung deposition models. Fig. 1 consists of two parts. The left part
shows a combination of all factors that were considered in order to
The single fiber filtration model was employed in the study. Based
evaluate filtration of CNTs with all different shapes (single standing
on the twilled dutch wire mesh model (Sachinidou et al., 2017), dif-
CNT, CNT agglomerate, single standing CNT-CNT agglomerate mix-
ferent filtration mechanisms caused by diffusion (ED), interception (ER),
ture). Hereby factors such as the CNT mixing states, the CNT fractal
interception of diffusing particles (EDR) and impaction (EI) were con-
model, feed into the filtration model and the outcome of the filtration
sidered in the model. The detailed equations for spherical particles are
model is the CNT collection efficiency. The right part shows the lung
shown in Eqs. (3) to (8).
deposition of CNTs considering all different configurations (single
standing CNTs, CNT agglomerates and single standing CNT-CNT ag- ED = 2.7Pe− 3 , (3)
glomerate mixtures). Similar to the filtration part, CNT mixing states
and the fractal model were considered for the CNT exposure assess- 1.24R2/3
EDR = ,
ment. In addition, different exposure scenarios (light or heavy (KuPe )1/2 (4)
breathing) for the CNT deposition in the lung were considered in the
assessment of CNT exposure. 1 − α R2
ER = ,
In order to verify the applied filtration model for CNTs Ku 1 + R (5)

T. Hammer, et al. NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

Fig. 1. A flow chart to develop precise models for CNT filtration and lung deposition. The applied filtration model and the lung deposition model for airborne CNT
mixtures were based on the existing filtration and lung deposition models, the CNT agglomerate status, and the model for agglomerated CNTs. Exposure scenarios
were added to estimate CNT deposition.

Fig. 2. A schematic of the filtration set-up. The set-up contains atomizer, diffusion dryer, DMA (differential mobility analyzer), Kr-85 (neutralizer), 3-way valves
connected to a filter (holder) and uCPC (ultrafine condensation particle counter), needle valve to control the flow rate, HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter,
flowmeter and pump.

EI =
[(29.6 − 28a0.62) R2 − 27.5R2.8] Stk , R = dp/df, U0 is the face velocity on the filter surface, df is the fiber
(2Ku)2 (6) diameter, dp is the particle diameter, α is the solidity of the filter, t is
filter thickness and D is diffusion coefficient of particle. The filtration
Ef = ED + ER + EDR + EI , (7) model for single standing CNTs (Wang et al., 2011) was implemented
using the following parameters:
The total filtration efficiency is
−4α ∙ Ef ∙ t ρCNT dCNT Cc U0
Stk = , is the stokes number,
Ef total = 1 − e π ∙ df ∙ (1 − α ) , (8) 18μdf Ra (9)
df U0 3πμ
where Pe = D = df U0 kTC dp ,
is the Peclet number, where k is the and RCNT = LCNT sin 40° /df , is the effective radius of a CNT fiber,
c (10)
Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature and μ is the viscosity
ρp dp2 Cc U0 dCNT β
of air, Stk = , is the stokes number, where Ra = Ra1sin2ψ + Ra2cos2ψ, Ra1 = 3[ln(2β ) − 0.5]
2dCNT β
Ku = − 0.5 ln α − 0.75 − 0.25α + α, is the Kuwabara number, 2
R a2 = 3[ln(2β ) + 0.5]

T. Hammer, et al. NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

Fig. 3. SEM images of sampled airborne CNTs with 200 nm and 400 nm electrical mobility diameters (left and right, respectively). Airborne CNTs were classified by
the DMA and collected on a silicon substrate using a nanometer aerosol sampler (TSI 3089).

Ra1 and Ra2 are defined for a parallel and perpendicular fiber or- 3.2. Lung deposition models
ientation within the gas flow, respectively. The angle ψ for the random
orientation was taken as 54.74° (26). β is the aspect ratio and The lung structures used in previous studies (Raabe et al., 1976; Yeh
ρCNT = 2.7001 ∙ dp−0.493 is the effective density of CNTs. dp is the se- and Schum, 1980) were all based on the morphometric measurement by
lected electrical mobility diameter in the DMA. Detailed calculations Raabe et al. (1976) and Yeh and Schum (1980) presenting results for
may be referred to Wang et al. (2011). simplified geometries of the entire lung. The morphological parameters,
The total filtration efficiency for airborne CNT mixtures calculated such as length, diameter, branching angle, number of airway tubes and
by the applied filtration model is: gravity angle from Yeh and Schum's study (1980) were employed in this
study. The used data are presented in Table 1. It includes information
Ef _ CNT _ mixture = fS _ CNT Ef _ single _ standing _ CNT + (1 − fS _ CNT ) Ef _ sphere for every generation from respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts to
(11) alveoli. As described in Table 1, the human lung has been commonly
described as two main assembled parts, i.e. the conducting zone and
where fS_CNT is the fraction of single standing CNT, and (1 − fS_CNT) is transitional and respiratory zones. These zones are also termed tra-
the fraction of spherical agglomerates in the single-standing CNT-CNT cheobronchial (TB) and alveolar (AL) region, respectively. The TB re-
agglomerate mixture. fS_CNT decreases with increasing mobility dia- gion includes generations from 1 to 16 and AL region includes gen-
meter dp, whereas (1 − fS_CNT) increases. erations from 17 to 23 (Weibel, 1966).
In the applied filtration model for airborne CNT mixtures, we as- The lung deposition model contains depositions in head (nasal),
sumed that CNT agglomerates were sphere-like particles according to tracheobronchial and alveolar regions. The particle depositions in the
the SEM images as shown in Fig. 3. Therefore, we used the sphere airways are caused by diffusion, sedimentation, impaction and inter-
model to calculate the filtration efficiency for the agglomerate CNTs. ception. For single standing CNT deposition, the theory for the fiber
deposition was taken into account in the present model.

Fig. 4. Fraction of single standing CNTs in airborne mixture as a function of the classified electrical mobility diameter. The fraction was obtained by an image
analyzing software (ImageJ) and the data were well fitted by an exponential line.

T. Hammer, et al. NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

Table 1 1 2β2 − 1
β3 ⎡ ln(β + β 2 − 1 ) − β⎤ c 1
Typical path lung model for human and description of bronchiole and alveolar 3 ⎢
⎣ β2 − 1 ⎥
⎦ ,
generations (Yeh and Schum, 1980; Weibel, 1966). L is an airway segment b1 =
4 β2 − 1 (16)
length, d is a segment diameter, θ is a bifurcation angle and ϕ is a gravitational
1 2β2 − 1
Tracheobronchial Generation (n) Number of L (cm) dair (cm) θ ϕ
β3 ⎡ ln(β + β 2 − 1 ) + β⎤ c2
3 ⎢ ⎣ β2 − 1 ⎥
⎦ ,
region tubes b2 =
8 β2 − 1 (17)
bronchi ↑ 1 1 10 2.01 0 0
2 2 4.36 1.56 33 20 where β is the aspect ratio of CNTs. The correction factors c1 and c2
3 4 1.78 1.13 34 31 were derived by Asgharian and Yu (1989) as 1.142 and 0.558, re-
bronchioles 4 8 0.965 0.827 22 43 spectively.
terminal bronchioles 5 16 0.995 0.651 20 39
Even if the particle mobility size is small, fibrous particles with a
6 32 1.01 0.574 18 39
7 64 0.890 0.435 19 40
high aspect ratio like CNTs, can be deposited by interception.
8 128 0.962 0.373 22 36 Therefore, the deposition efficiency, due to combined mechanisms of
9 256 0.867 0.322 28 39 impaction and interception, was used in the model for CNTs and Nimp
10 512 0.667 0.257 22 45
+int, which was derived by Ding et al. (1997) as:
11 1024 0.556 0.198 33 43
12 2048 0.446 0.156 34 45 b
(χ + 3.5LCNT )a ⎤
13 4096 0.359 0.118 37 45 Nimp + int = ⎡ ,
14 8192 0.275 0.092 39 60 ⎢
⎣ c + (χ + 3.5LCNT ) ⎥
⎦ (18)
15 16,384 0.212 0.073 39 60
↓ 16 32,768 0.168 0.060 51 60 where LCNT is the length of CNTs and represented by the outer diameter
Alveolar region ↑ 17 65,536 0.134 0.054 45 60 of CNT agglomerates following a model from (Wang et al., 2015).
respiratory 18 131,072 0.120 0.050 45 60 For very small particles, e.g. particle mobility size below 100 nm,
19 262,144 0.092 0.047 45 60
the diffusion effect is dominant for deposition (Hinds 1998). Cheng
alveolar ducts 20 524,288 0.080 0.045 45 60 et al. (1993) proposed the expression for the particle deposition due to
21 1,048,576 0.070 0.044 45 60 diffusion as:
22 2,097,152 0.063 0.044 45 60
alveolar sacs ↓ 23 4,194,304 0.057 0.043 45 60
Ndif = 1 − exp −CD 2 Q− 8 ,
) (19)

where C is a constant and was obtained by Cheng et al. (1993) as 12.65

Due to the complex structure and lack of knowledge on the anato-
for human. D is the particle diffusion coefficient of the diffusing particle
mical structure and flow field in the nasal region, prediction of de-
(spheres, fibers, etc.). For CNTs it can be expressed as:
position in the nasal region was obtained empirically. Zhang and Yu
(1993) established the particle deposition efficiency for spherical par- kT 1 2
D= ⎛ b1 + b2⎞,
ticles in nasal region based on experimental data from Raabe et al. 3πμd v ⎝ 3 3 ⎠ (20)
(1977) and Raabe et al. (1988). The deposition efficiency Nimp due to
impaction is expressed as: where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature, μ is
the viscosity of air and dv = 0.7795 ∙ dp0.9692 is the fiber volume
b equivalent diameter.
(da2 Q)a ⎤
Nimp = ⎡ , The total efficiency Nnasal in the nasal region is expressed as follows:
⎢ c + (da2 Q)a ⎥ (12)
⎣ ⎦
for spherical particles,
where a, b and c are constants and da is the aerodynamic diameter of Nnasal = 1 − (1 − Nimp )(1 − Ndif ), (21)
particles in μm and Q is the air flow rate in cm3/s. a and b for human are
1.257 and 0.609, respectively, c is 10,000 for all animals. Q was ob- for CNTs,
tained from the average weight of human, 70 kg, using the Guyton
Nnasal = 1 − (1 − Nimp + int )(1 − Ndif ). (22)
formula (Zhang et al. 1993;32, Guyton, 1947):

For the lung airways, deposition due to sedimentation is considered
Q = 0.15 W 4 , (13) additionally. The deposition model shares equations for tracheobron-
chial and alveolar region with different input parameters. The deposi-
where W is the weight of mammal in grams. tion efficiency due to diffusion was derived for spherical particles by
For fiber deposition in the nose, the effect of fiber shape on the Ingham (1975) as:
particle Stokes number was considered and applied to Eq. (12). The
constants a, b and c are the same as in Eq. (12). ηd

= 1 − 0.819 exp( −14.63∆) − 0.097 exp( −89.22∆) − 0.0325
(χ )a ⎤
Nimp = ⎡ , exp( −228∆) − 0.059 exp −125.9∆3 , ( 2

⎣ c + (χ )a ⎥
⎦ (14) (23)

1 ∆= ,
χ= (b1 + 2b2 ) ρCNT d v2 Q, 4UR2 (24)
3 (15)
where L and R are the airway length and radius, respectively, U is the
where dv = 0.7795 ∙ dp0.9692 is the fiber volume equivalent diameter, Q average flow velocity in the airway. D is the diffusion coefficient. For
is the air flow rate in cm3/s, ρCNT is the CNT density, b1 and b2 are the deposition of CNTs, we use the diffusion coefficient of CNTs D, which is
normalized fiber mobilities for parallel and perpendicular movement to described in formula 20.
the flow direction (representing random fiber orientation), expressed The deposition efficiency in the airways due to sedimentation ac-
as: cording to Pich's expression (Pich, 1972) was derived as:

T. Hammer, et al. NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

ηs =
π ( 1 1 2 1
2ε 1 − ε 3 − ε 3 1 − ε 3 + sin−1 ε 3 , ) (25)
containing mostly single standing CNTs or predominantly CNT ag-
where, The particle depositions in the different regions along the lung
airways were investigated separately and linked afterwards. For ex-
3 L Vs ample, when particle deposition in the TB region was considered, the
ε= ,
8 RU (26) nasal deposited amount was excluded as in the following equation (Eq.
where Vs is the terminal settling velocity of CNTs and expressed as: (34)).

ρ0 da2, CNT gCc ηtotal _ TB _ final = (1 − ηtotalnasal )ηtotal _ TB . (34)

Vs = ,
18μ (27)
The final particle deposition in the alveolar regions was expressed
where ρ0 is a standard particle density (1 g/cm3), da,CNT is the aero- as:
dynamic diameter for CNT, g is the gravitational acceleration and Cc is
ηtotal _ alveolar _ final = (1 − ηtotalnasal )(1 − ηtotal _ TB )ηtotal _ alveolor . (35)
the Cunningham slip correction.
Cai and Yu (1988) derived the deposition efficiency for impaction of We have specifically considered particle deposition during inhala-
single standing CNT fibers by: tion in order to compare the new advanced model that considers single
8 sin αb f1 standing CNT- agglomerated CNT mixtures to the conventional single
ηi = Stk , fiber CNT models. However, the full exposure model including de-
Rd / Rp f0 (28)
position during pause and exhalation process needs to be studied in the
where Rd and Rp are the radii of the daughter tube and parent tube, future.
respectively. The parent tubes are the upper generation tubes in the
lung model, from which the lower generation tubes (daughter tubes) 3.3. Validation of lung deposition model
originate and double in number.
2 In order to validate our data from deposition model, we compare the
π 5 8 R
f0 = π − ⎛ + ⎛ π − ⎞ cos2 αb ⎞ ⎜⎛ d ⎟⎞ , data from our calculation results for spherical particles with emperical
⎝ 4 ⎝ 4 3 ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ Rp ⎠ (29) data from Heyder et al. (1986). We compared deposited particle frac-
tions in the different regions of the respiratory tract in the respective
size range of 75 nm to 475 nm under the sitting breathing scenario. Our
1 11 sin αb ⎞ ⎛ Rd ⎞ ⎛ modeled data for deposition of spherical particles fits well to experi-
= 1 + ⎛− + ⎛π − ⎞ cos2 αb − ⎜ ⎟ + ⎜

⎝ 3 ⎝ 3 ⎠ 3 ⎠ ⎝ Rp ⎠ ⎝ mental values for alveolar deposition from Heyder et al. (1986). In the
2 π sin 2α 15 7 π alveolar region, calculated and experimental depositions start at a value
⎛ − ⎞ cos2 αb + b
+ ⎛6 − π ⎞ cos4 αb + ⎛ − ⎞ sin2 αb of 40% at a diameter of 75 nm and show a similar decreasing trend
⎝3 8⎠ 5 ⎝ 8 ⎠ ⎝ 15 8⎠
2 towards bigger diameters (Fig. 7). At 475 nm spherical particles with
cos2 αb ⎞ ⎜⎛ d ⎟⎞ ,

unit density from Heyder et al. (1986) deposit for 12% and our calcu-
⎠ ⎝ Rp ⎠ (30) lated depositions for spherical particles show values of around 8%.
Thus, calculated and experimental depositions are very close. In addi-
and αb is the bifurcation angle and Stk is the particle Stokes number
tion, the total deposition curves of simulated (Fig. 8) and experimental
which is given by Anjilvel and Asgharian (1995) as:
data show similar shapes. Starting at about 45%, decreasing towards
1.142ρd v2 βU bigger diameters, and reaching an almost constant level at about
Stk = .
36μR 0 (31) 275 nm. Thus, simulated deposition could be validated by experimental
The total efficiency ηtotal for spherical particles (agglomerates) or
fibers can be expressed as:
4. Results
ηtotal = 1 − (1 − ηd )(1 − ηs )(1 − ηi ) (32)
In the calculations for CNTs, physical parameters may be referred to 4.1. Advanced filtration model
our previous study (Wang et al., 2015).
Similar to Eq. (11), total deposition for CNT mixtures can be cal- Filtration efficiencies by the wire mesh for spherical particles, single
culated as: standing CNTs and CNT mixtures (including CNT agglomerates and
single standing CNTs), which is a more realistic model for airborne
ηtotal _ CNT _ mixture CNTs, were calculated. The filtration efficiency of the wire mesh against
= fS _ CNT ηtotal _ single _ standing _ CNT + (1 − fS _ CNT )ηtotal _ CNT _ agglomerate CNT mixtures was experimentally obtained. Obtained filtration effi-
ciencies in the size range of 50 nm to 500 nm were compared and
(33) shown in Fig. 5. Compared with the sphere model, CNT filtration effi-
Particle depositions in the airways of the human lung were calcu- ciencies showed higher collection efficiency in the entire range. The
lated for airborne particles with different morphologies such as sphe- experimental filtration results of the CNT mixtures (mixtures of single
rical particles with unit density (1 g/cm3), CNT agglomerates, single standing CNTs and CNT agglomerations, with size dependent ratio of
standing CNTs and CNT mixtures of agglomerated and single standing single standing CNT and CNT agglomeration) showed almost the same
CNTs. Three different breathing scenarios such as sitting breathing, filtration efficiencies compared to the modeled filtration efficiencies for
light working (doubled amount of the flow rate as the sitting breathing single standing CNTs for sizes of about 50 nm. With increasing mobility
condition) and heavy working conditions (tripled amount of the flow diameters, the differences were getting bigger. Then the differences
rate as the sitting breathing condition) were applied. The airflow rates between the sphere model and the empirical data stabilized and even
for each condition were 646, 1291 and 1937 ml/s, respectively. The slightly decreased. As shown in Fig. 5, single standing CNT model
particle mobility diameter range from 76 nm to 500 nm was chosen for showed a reasonable agreement for the particle sizes smaller than
estimating the particle deposition, because the typical size distribution 100 nm, but for the larger sizes, it overestimated the collection effi-
of the used airborne CNTs, generated in the experiments of the present ciencies compared with the experimental results. The developed ad-
study, showed the same size range and the size range included mixtures vanced model that considers single standing CNT-CNT agglomerate

T. Hammer, et al. NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

particles under all three breathing conditions. In general, CNT lung

deposition models showed lower deposition fractions than spherical
particles mainly due to diffusion deposition compared to spherical
Bigger CNTs have lower diffusion coefficients (as calculated in Eq.
(20)) than the spheres with the same mobility particle sizes, because
fibrous particles like CNTs have different diffusion coefficients de-
pending on their orientation distributions (Wang et al., 2011; Asgharian
et al., 1988). The diffusion deposition was significant in a small particle
size range and sedimentation and impaction depositions were sig-
nificant in a large particle size range.
These mechanisms led to deposition fraction differences between
spherical particle model and CNT models in the conducting zone
(Asgharian and Yu, 1988; Hinds, 1998).
Lung deposition can be compared via different metrics e.g. lung
deposited particle fraction (number based), the lung deposited surface
area (LDSA) or by mass in concentration or amount. LDSA or mass
would allow a toxicity assessment. Since the lung deposited particle
Fig. 5. Comparison of CNT filtration efficiencies. Filtration efficiencies for each fraction corresponds to the filtration efficiency in filtration experi-
model and experimental result are shown as functions of the electrical mobility ments, we focused our investigation on the evaluation of the deposited
diameter. Curves are calculation results of the models for spherical particles, particle fraction in the lung.
single standing CNTs, airborne CNT mixtures single standing CNTs and CNT Total particle collections in human lung airways were calculated
agglomerates (named advanced CNT model) and the results of CNT filtration with above regional deposition data. Fig. 8 presents the results.
experiments are represented by dots. The total deposited fraction in the whole airway, which was cal-
culated for each particle size, decreased with increasing breathing air-
mixtures showed a good agreement with the empirical results except for flow rate. The highest deposition value (45.5%) was for spherical par-
the size range around 50 nm, for which there was a small over- ticles at the smallest particle size under the sitting condition and the
estimation. For increasing particle mobility diameters, the estimation lowest deposition (5.5%) was for single standing CNTs at the largest
for the filtration efficiency by the advanced model was similar to that of particle size under the light working condition. Under the heavy
the sphere model, just slightly larger. working condition, the highest deposited fraction for the CNT mixture
model was 29.5% at 500 nm, and the particle size range with the lowest
deposition for CNT mixtures was from 76 nm to 270 nm. Although the
4.2. Advanced lung deposition model deposited fraction was lower, the deposited amount would be higher
considering the following parameters such as duration of exposure
In the advanced lung deposition model, we assume that realistic airflow rate. For the same duration of exposure, different breathing
airborne CNT particles are mixtures of single standing CNTs and CNT scenarios lead to various total inhaled air amounts, and affect the de-
agglomerates. The fraction of CNT agglomerates increases with in- posited particle amounts. For heavy working and light working condi-
creasing mobility diameter that was selected at the DMA. Particle de- tions the tripled and doubled breathing airflow rates compared to the
positions in the conducting zone were estimated through the models sitting condition were considered, which would affect the deposited
mentioned in the methods part. The results are shown in Fig. 6. De- amount.
positions of spherical particles and CNT agglomerates showed close In order to understand potential harmful effects of the airborne
values in the particle size range below 100 nm, however, discrepancies CNTs better, above results were summarized in two different zones,
between them were getting bigger with increasing particle mobility which are the conducting zone combining the nasal and TB regions and
diameter. Nasal depositions increased with the particle size in the in- respiratory zone (alveolar region). A reason to divide the two zones is
vestigated size range for all models, but the increasing rates varied. The that the particle deposition in the alveolar region causes critical health
highest particle deposition (37%) in the conducting zone occurred at issues, while deposited insoluble particles in the conducting zones are
500 nm particle of spherical model in the nasal region under the heavy cleared out by sneezing or the mucociliary clearance process of the TB
working condition and the lowest one (0.04%) appeared for around region (Lippmann and Schlesinger, 1988; NIOSH, 2011). Comparable
76 nm mobility size single standing CNT model under the sitting with deposition fractions in the conducting zone (nasal and TB), al-
breathing condition also in the nasal region. In the TB region, the model veolar depositions showed similar trends: higher deposition for smaller
of CNT mixtures showed a weaker decreasing trend with an increase of particles. In the conducting zone, CNT mixtures model showed in-
particle mobility diameter than all other models in the entire in- creasing trends under all conditions, while spheres and CNT agglom-
vestigated size range of 76 nm to 500 nm. The deposition lines of CNT erates showed deceasing trend from 76 nm to 150 nm (Fig. 9 a) and
mixtures, as a function of mobility diameters in the TB region, were increasing trend from 150 nm to 500 nm. Single standing CNTs showed
almost flat in the size range. almost no changes on the deposited fraction. Under the sitting
The sitting breathing condition showed around two times higher breathing condition for the conducting zones, particle depositions were
depositions than those under the heavy working condition (Fig. 7). For relatively flatter than other breathing conditions in the entire size
example, for 76 nm spherical particles under sitting breathing and range. The other two conditions showed deposition increases with in-
heavy working conditions, the results showed 39.1% and 20.4% of creasing particle size. Alveolar deposition for small size particles were
deposition fractions, respectively. Under the heavy working condition, much higher than in the conducting zone, but for large size particles,
the deposition was much lower. they showed much lower deposition values compared to the conducting
The particle deposition decreased with the particle size for all cases. zone.
The particle depositions of spheres and CNT agglomerates showed al- Finally, the model results for CNT deposition including CNT mixing
most the same values in the whole size range, which were also close to states were summarized in Fig. 10. Only CNT mixture model results
CNT mixture depositions for the large particle sizes. Depositions of the were selected from the results presented in Fig. 9. Increasing breathing
single standing CNTs were less than half of the values for spherical airflow rate lead to decreasing the depositions in the alveolar region.

T. Hammer, et al. NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

Fig. 6. Particle depositions in the nasal and tracheobronchial regions under different breathing scenarios. Particle depositions in the nasal and tracheobronchial
regions were calculated for spherical particles, CNT agglomerates, single standing CNTs and CNT mixtures (mixtures of single standing CNTs and CNT agglomerates)
under the sitting breathing condition (646 ml/s), light (1291 ml/s) and heavy working (1937 ml/s). The particle mobility diameter range from 76 nm to 500 nm was

However, in the conducting zone the particle depositions increased CNTs, another important reason for this study was to show that it is
with increasing breathing airflow rate. In the alveolar region, smaller important to consider the CNT agglomerate ratio using single standing
particles led to higher depositions than larger particles, while opposite CNT-CNT agglomerate mixing states that resembles realistic aerosols. It
trends were observed in conducting zone; thus, bigger particles were could be simulated using traditional numerical models and validated by
deposited more easily in the conducting zone and small particles were application in the filtration model. Because filtration experiments could
deposited more easily in the alveoli. The highest (26.8%) and lowest be performed more easily than lung deposition tests, we compared
(2.4%) deposition fractions were at particle sizes 500 nm and 76 nm calculated results and empirical results to evaluate the model and va-
under the heavy working condition, respectively. lidated the approach at a realistic level. Nevertheless, our quantitative
analysis of the CNT mixing states is primarily applicable to our study,
but the general approach can also be applied for other studies, where
5. Discussions
the relationship between single standing and agglomerated CNT ag-
glomerates needs to be determined for each specific case.
The purpose of this study was the evaluation of particle collection
The applied filtration model showed good agreement with experi-
on filters and in the human lung not only for CNTs, but also for fibrous
mental results, while single standing CNT model showed large dis-
particles, which have strong tendency to bend, coil or agglomerate.
crepancies with experimental results as shown in Fig. 5. This big dif-
Chen et al., 2012 found that CNTs tend to agglomerate in different
ference was caused by several reasons. The most critical point was the
shapes (mainly sphere like CNT agglomerates and some irregular
mixing state of agglomerates and single standing CNTs. As presented in
shaped aggregates). Based on Chen et al., 2012 who recommended a
Fig. 4, the fraction of agglomerated CNTs increases with an increase of
separation of single standing CNT and isometric particles (sphere like
mobility size of the CNTs. For smaller particle sizes below 75 nm, dif-
particles) we applied mixing states of agglomerated and single standing
fusion collection was the dominant mechanism, so the same mobility
CNTs in air in the revised filtration and lung deposition models.
size particles showed similar collection efficiencies (35). The single
Besides the purpose to develop precise filtration model for airborne

T. Hammer, et al. NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

Fig. 7. Particle depositions in the alveolar region under different breathing scenarios. Particle depositions in alveolar region in the human lung were calculated for
the spherical particles, CNT agglomerates, single standing CNTs and CNT mixtures under the sitting breathing condition (646 ml/s), light (1291 ml/s) and heavy
working (1937 ml/s).

standing CNT model overestimated the filtration of CNTs especially for Although the applied model for CNT mixtures showed reasonably good
large particles, because curled or bended CNTs or CNT agglomerates agreement in the entire range, there was small underestimation of CNT
were not taken into account (Wang et al., 2011). With these structural penetration in the size range below 100 nm. Due to high fraction of
changes, the CNTs behaved similarly to compact spheres-like particles. single standing CNTs in small mobility size range this might be caused

Fig. 8. Total particle depositions in the airway into the human lung under different breathing scenarios. Total particle depositions in the human lung were calculated
for the spherical particles, CNT agglomerates, single standing CNTs and CNT mixtures under sitting breathing condition (646 ml/s), light (1291 ml/s) and heavy
working (1937 ml/s) conditions.

T. Hammer, et al. NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

Fig. 9. Regional total deposition in airway into the human lung. Total particle depositions in the conducting zone (including nasal and TB region) and alveolar region
were estimated through the model. Deposition fractions of spherical particles, CNT agglomerates, single standing CNTs, and CNT mixtures under different breathing
scenarios were compared with different mobility diameters, such as 76, 150, 300 and 500 nm.

by alignment effects of single standing CNTs along the airflow direc-

tion, which could reduce the collection efficiency. Since the drag
coefficient of single standing CNTs is dependent on their orientation,
also the filtration efficiency was affected. This has not been considered
in the filtration models. Another potential reason is that the sample air
contained residues from water used to prepare CNT suspension and
usual size distribution of residues in water was overlap with airborne
CNT size distribution (Bahk et al., 2013). Using the collected SEM
images we identified a small fraction of particles in the small particle
range as residues, which were more sphere-like particles, and led to the
underestimation of CNT filtration efficiency (Chen et al., 2014; Wang
et al., 2015).
The revised lung deposition model which only models inhalation fits
well to Heyder’s (Heyder et al., 1986) experimental values, which re-
present deposition both during inhalation and exhalation, means that
the particle deposition in the lungs is mainly determined during in-
Fig. 10. Summary of CNT mixture deposition in airway into the human lung halation. In general, CNT lung deposition models with CNT mixtures
under different breathing scenarios. Depositions of CNT mixtures in the con- showed equal or in most cases lower deposition fractions than for
ducting zone and alveolar region under different breathing scenarios were spherical particles, mainly due to less deposition by diffusion and se-
calculated as a function of electrical mobility diameters of airborne CNTs and dimentation than for spherical particles. This comes from the fact, that
compared in each selected size, 76, 150, 300 and 500 nm. CNT particles have lower diffusion coefficients, for particles with small

T. Hammer, et al. NanoImpact 19 (2020) 100240

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