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Nation of the gods’ flag

& Summary of Universal PlanetaryTeachings

(Sun as Cipher Planet~ Intertwined acknowledgement of
Supreme Mathematics~Visible Solar Planets)

The god’s flag represents:

the original family of the Universe; the sun, moon, star which symbolizes the
black man, black woman and black child, being held together by god a.l.l.a.h.

Interpretation of meaning of flag

An acknowledgement of every living organism of creation that could be
interpreted by any person regardless of one’s geographical origins. Symbolizes the universal
order of scientific aspects aligned and how/why the universe can be interpreted simply by
learning the principals of the higher sciences and its relationship with humanity. Islam* is the
origin of terms expressed to interpret mankind and the science of everything in life on a universal

The natural sun atom’s radiating energy has the ability to reflect its light to each of the 9 visible
solar planets, thus, the Supreme Mathematics are aligned:
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45; 4+5=9
The sun is considered the cipher planet since the individual borns self or borns themself mentally
god; a mental rebirth when a person acquires the proper knowledge to be aware instead of
mentally dead, deaf dumb or blind: knowledge to born borns cipher; the natural sun’s light can
reaches/(each individual planet aligned with a Supreme mathematical equation i.e.:
“Knowledge” Mercury is activated upon its completion meaning that the sun light activated upon
its completion aligns with whichever mathematical equation and visible solar planet.

There are 22 points on the flag:

The sun: represented as a sphere with 8 points; the crescentmoon in its 4th quarter which has 2
points; the 7 with seven sides; the 5 point star
8+7+2+5= 22; the Supreme Alphabets’ “V”: the victory of our people whom teach others the
truth simple and plain so that our people are not mentally dead, deaf, dumb and blind to
themselves or reality as opposed to the foulness of the devils and their delusional illusion.

The Sun symbolism and representation

A sphere with 8points, mathematically expressed as the Supreme Mathematics:
Knowledge to Build; life is about constant elevation and activity so the cipher of growth and
development is borning to be born on a nomal basis
The spheres: 8 total; 4 long and 4 short/8x45; 4x90 are completions of ciphers; a more in depth
comprehension is expressed in the Righteous Teachers’ colloquialism version of the Supreme
Wisdom Lessons, (the proof is in the pudding, so that people in mass society can learn about
themself, the difference of the science of self, the unalike/alike and the cause/effect perspective
that affects the people socially/socioeconomically/demographically; etc. within the handbook:
The 120 Degrees or 8 point Teachings of Self Awareness:
Student *Handbook~English Teaching~12 Jewels~Supreme Mathematics~Supreme Alphabets
Muslim Reachings 1~Muslim Teachings 2~ Solar Planets Teachings
The Sun represents:
Life; Builder and/or Destroyer; Protector and provider; natural creator; Nourisher (knowledge)
without the sun life couldn’t thrive: vegetation, livestock, humaity wouldnt have the stimulation
from the sun’s energy in order to grow; without thatnatural light’s energy and heat life would
freeze; the men should acknowledge this metaphorical, attribute-a-oriented perspective so that
they know their importance within families/homes/structure/union;
Sole controller of own destiny; the awakened; conscious

The Moon symbolism and representation

Also the reflector of light (wisdom: a wise-dome; 2 points/mind-and-mouth) symbolized as a
two-point crescent moon in its first quarter is aligned with the Earth and is considered one and
the same: the planet is covered with ¾ water (wisdom); the 2 point crescent moon at a 90* angle
in its first quarter: ¾+1/4+= 4/4=1 whole; strong; will not be destroyed by anything weak
The moon and 7 symbol on the gods’ flag: the 7 placed in front of the moon/the man, whom
protects the woman, is placed equally with the top portion of the symbols which acknowledges
the “union of god’s wisdom; he and she being one another’s only equality/the sun and the
alignment of the earth, 93 million miles distance from the light activated upon its completion
borns Understanding: 9+3=12/1+2=3; Sun, Moon, Star: Man, Woman, Child: Knowledge,
Wisdom, Understanding ( life-creating capacity with one another both mentally and

The Star symbolism and representation

Initially acknowledges the physical composition of the human family; our 5 modes of power:
Arm~leg~leg~arm~leg (a.l.l.a.h.), the god-self attributes mentally and metaphysical spirituality
aligned with the infinite energy respectively, ilah, the Universal Origin, Creator, Deriviation
of life’s essence; Master Architect which surpasses man’s understanding.
The children are whom the gods’ flag acknowledge as the Star: 5 modes of power+ the union of
god’s 7 wisdom: 5x72=360 ( man/sun (knowledge)+ woman/moon (wisdom)=
child/star (understanding)

The black 7 symbolism and representation:

5 modes of power (a.l.l.a.h.)+ wisdom 2 (wise-dome)=7 (god-self in person; the divine intellect
within physical composition; can turn one’s thoughts into reality; teaches others the truth simple
and plain; sole controller of one’s own destiny; has authority (humanity) over all living
organisms within the air, land and sea; awakened; conscious; leader; ruler (h.e.a.d.)

Black and Gold/Yellow hues of nation of gods’ flag

Light is the primary source of colors. Colors are the intensities of light rays and radiating
energies that when refracted through an object such as a prism or crystal enable the ability to
visualize colors. The ocular senses are stimulated via the neural structures and the eyes’ retina.

Black is not a refraction of light, but rather the deriviation of. The Infinite Energy of the
Universe upholds all that coincides as far as all natural living organisms within creation: the
celestial beings such as the sun, moon and stars, the visible solar planets, etc.
Black represents life’s origin; mathematically is symbolic to knowledge, reality, unlimited
resources and is life’s essence as a whole.
Black is a source of what is deemed our birth record as original, indigenous people and the
fathers and mothers of civilization since we whom are deemed African American within the
wilderness of the United States of America were brought here and have to reclaim our birth
The nation of gods’ flag represents the ethnicities that span from black to yellow hues (those
with melanin within their skin) since black refers to Originality as we are, original people.
The symbols of the flag are yellow/gold because of the light ( knowledge (sun) and wisdom
(moon) reflects the truth, since the Righteous Teachers and those whom do their civilized duty
teach the truth simple and plain.
The “gold” hue is deemed as such because for some of us, just as with the precious metal ( the
atomic mass and atomic number that is coded in the periodic table for gold) is of supreme value,
is resistant to oxidation and is indestructable. Islam is as pure as gold ( the Holy Quran has never
been mixed, tampered, diluted; is an original source for those who acknowledge Mecca as the
root of civilization); so should our deeds, lifestyle and behavior be. Those of us who respect
Islam as a way of life-not as a religious perspective- acknowledge our brothers and sisters in
faith: the Original Muslims and registered members of the Nation of Islam and the guidance
derived from the Supreme Wisdom Lessons.

What We Teach

1. Black people are the original people of the Earth

2. Black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization
3. Islam for some is a way of life; as we do respect the religion
4. The Supreme Math (Wisdom Lessons/Self~Awareness degrees) is the key to man’s
fundamental principals of interpreting humanity’s relationship with the Universe
5. Each one should teach one according to his/her own knowledge
6. Education should be enabled to encourage our people to become self~sufficient
7. The Black Man is god and his proper name is a.l.l.a.h. Arm, leg, leg arm, head
8. The children are the greatest and should be loved, educated, protected and respected
9. The unified Black family is a vital necessity for our potential growth and success

What We Strive To Achieve

1. Nation Consciousness
Of our origin in this world which is divine
Are the first people derived within the planet earth as original; indigenous beings and all
other people are derived from our ethnicities
Regarding our history and customs and the unequaled contributions we have made within
the world (originally established in Kemet) being the fathers and mothers of civilization
Should be striving together as one to liberate ourselves from oppressors
A world governed with love peace and happiness
2. Potential growth of Self-Sufficiency for Our People within our own Communities
As Business Owners: Philia, structure, socioeconomic strength for ourselves in the
3. Peace
To live our lives refraining from devilish trickery/chaos and to live harmonious; tranquil.

Leadership Values

Look, listen and learn

Evolve with education
Accelerate with your behavior
Do your due diligence as a civilized person
Every aspect in life should be handled with equality
Respond with results and respect
Superior standards and selfless service
Have honest and open communication
Input with intelligence and integrity
Personal courage, positive attitude and purpose

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