Fire Safety Presentation RIK

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Fire Safety RIK Lecture Theatre

Indri L. Juwono
Taufik Hidayat
Apakah material yang digunakan pada ruangan lecture
theatre RIK sudah bisa memenuhi kebutuhan waktu evakuasi
“The available safe egress time must exceed the required
safe egress time with an appropriate margin of safety”
Ruang Lecture Theatre

Active time dari fire

fighting system
burning time tiap Masa evakuasi dari
material ruangan
Waktu padam
Mengetahui jenis material dalam ruangan Mengetahui Okupansi ruangan
Mengetahui Fire-rated setiap material Mengetahui jumlah pintu keluar

Available Safe Egress Time Required Safe Egress Time
Life Safety
The traditional basis of prescriptive life safety design is on physical provision for
means of escape. Prescriptive methods of evaluation of evacuation safety one based
• Number of exits and maximum width and legth of escape routes
• Maximum time for evacuation
• Managerial strategies to keep escape routes available and safe

Tenability criteria for determining ASET

• Visibility must remain above 10m
• Temperature must remain below 65C
• Carbon monoxide concentration must remain below 1400 ppm
s s s s s s s
s s s s s s s
s s s s s s s
s s s s s s s
s s s s s s s

pump 1
pump 2

Peraturan :


water tank
SNI tentang sprinkler : SNI 03-3989- 2000
SNI tentang pipa tegak hidran : SNI 03-1745-2000
SNI 03-3989- 2000

Tata cara perencanaan dan pemasangan sistem springkler otomatik

untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan gedung.
siamese hidran pillar Instalasi pk di koridor

jockey pump
fire water tank
Instalasi PK di koridor sprinkler di koridor sprinkler di laboratorium
Ruang Lecture Theatre

Material Material
Dinding – Batu bata diplester Lantai – Karpet vinyl warna gelap
Jendela – Kaca dan kusen alumunium U Langit-langit – Accoustic Board Tile
RSET dari B point (kondisi: kedua pintu keluar terbuka)
Floor Area Af = Lr * Wr = 18 * 12 = 216 m2
Number of Occupant No = 109 people
Occupant density Do = 109/216 = 0,504 people/m2 ~ table 8.1 0.5 people/m2
Kt factor Kt = 84
Travel Speed S = Kt * (1-0.266*Do) = 84*(1-0.266*0.504) = 84*0.867 = 72,82 m/minutes
Length to exit (B to D/E) Lt = 9 + 12 = 21 m
A Traversal Time ttr = Lt/S = 21/72.828 = 0.288 minute
Ignition time ti = 0 minutes
Detection time td = 0.75 min (FPETOOL)
Alarm time ta = 0.1 min = 0.75 + 0.1 = 0.85 min
Occupant decision time to = 0.5 min
B Occupant investigate time ti = 0.5 min

Evacuation for first person tev = 1.85 minutes

Queuing effect – door > 2 exit

Width of the door W=1m
C D Boundary layer B = 0.15 m
Effective width We = 1 - 0.3 > 0.7 m
Specific flow through doorFs = S*Do = 72.828 * 0.5 = 36.41 people/min
Actual flow Fa = Fs*We = 36.70 * 0.7 = 25.48 people/min
Queuing time tq = N/Fa = 98/25.48 = 3.84 min

Last person evacuate tlev = tev + tq + tx = 1.85 + 3.85 = 5.69 min

Safety margin (times 2)

Design time to escape = 11.38 min

RSET dari B point (kondisi: satu pintu keluar terbuka)
Floor Area Af = Lr * Wr = 18 * 12 = 216 m2
Number of Occupant No = 109 people
Occupant density Do = 109/216 = 0,504 people/m2 ~ table 8.1 0.5 people/m2
Kt factor Kt = 84
Travel Speed S = Kt * (1-0.266*Do) = 84*(1-0.266*0.504) = 84*0.867 = 72,828 m/minutes
Length to exit (A to D or C to E) Lt = 18 + 12 = 30 m
A Traversal Time ttr = Lt/S = 30/72.828 = 0.412 min (decide chair > times 2) ~ 0.824 min

Ignition time ti = 0 minutes

Detection time td = 0 + 0.75 min (FPETOOL)
Alarm time ta = td + 0.1 min = 0.75 + 0.1 = 0.85 min
Occupant decision time to = ta + 1 min = 0.85 + 1 = 1.85 min
B Occupant investigate time ti = to + 1 min = 1.35 + 1 = 2.35 min

Evacuation for first person tev = 2.35 + 0.824 = 3.174 minutes

Queuing effect – door > 2 exit

Width of the door W=1m
C Boundary layer B = 0.15 m
Effective width We = 1 – 0.3 = 0.7 m
Specific flow through doorFs = S*Do = 72.82 * 0.5 = 36.41 people/min
Actual flow Fa = Fs*We = 36.70 * 1.1 = 40.37 people/min
Queuing time tq = N/Fa = 109/40.37 = 2.7 min

Additional time (to open both door leaf) tx = 2 min (approximate)

Last person evacuate tlev = tev + tq + tx = 3.174 + 2.7 + 2 = min

Safety margin (times 2) 7.874 min

Evacuation for last person 7.874+7.874 = 15.748 min

RSET Emergency Stairway
The distance between the classroom door (furthest point) and the
emergency stairwaiy is ±25m, by using the formula t=s/v
t=0.14 min

Width of stair W = 1.2 m

Width of boundary layer B = 0.15
Effective Width We = W – 2 B = 0.9 .

Specific Flow Fs = Fa/We = 25.48/0.9 = 28.31 person/min/m

Length stair tread G = 280 mm

Height stair tread R = 160 mm
Kt factor kt = 51,8 (G/R)0,5 = 51,8 (280/160))0,5
=51.8 (1.75)0.5 = 51.8 * 1.322 = 68.52

Density of occupant S = kt (1-0.266*Ds) and Fs = S * Ds

O Fs = kt * Ds (1-0.266 Ds)
O 0.266 kt Ds2 – kt Ds + Fs = 0
O 0.266 * 68.52 Ds2 – 68.52Ds + 28.31 = 0
O 18.229Ds2 - 68.52Ds + 28.31 = 0
O Ds = (b ± √(b2 – 4ac))/2*a
D1 = 257.18 D2 = 0.43
Travel speed S = kt (1-0.266*Ds)
= 68.52 * (1-0.266*0.43)
= 60.68 m/minutes
Length of stair Ls = 10m
Time traverse stair tts = Ls/S = 20/60.88 = 0.32
The first person reach and enter the emergency exit is at 1.85 + 0.34 +
0.32 = 2.51 min, and the last person reach the emergency exit is at 5.69 +
0.34 + 0.32 = 6.35 min

Actual flow through the emergency exit Fa= Fs*We

= 36.42* 0.9
= 32.76 people/min
Time to travel through the emergency exit = N/Fa
= 196/32.76
Tqc = 5.98 min
The last person that enters the emergency exit C is at 5.98 min after the
first person has entered, therefore the stairway is clear and the evacuation
time for the building is 8.49 min

The design time for the escape for the protected stairway is 16.89 min

From the point of emergency exit to the refugee point ± 100m, with known
velocity 72.82 m/min, using the formula of t = s/v
t = 100/72.82
t = 1.3 min

The first person to reach the refugee point is at 7.65 min, and the last
person to reach the refugee point and all of the people have gathered is at
9.78 min

Design time to escape to the refugee point is at 19.56 min

Dinding : brick 1-4 jam
(sumber :

lantai karpet & kayu : 30 menit (high

risk combust)
(sumber :

Furniture : 30 menit
SNI 03-3989- 2000

Tata cara perencanaan dan pemasangan sistem springkler otomatik

untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan gedung.

Fungsi ruang : Pendidikan >> Bahaya kebakaran ringan

6.1.1. Bahaya kebakaran ringan.

a). Luas lingkup maksimum tiap kepala springkler : SNI 03-3989- 2000

1). springkler dinding 17 m2

2). springkler lain 20 m2

Jumlah titik sprinkler = luas bangunan/luas perlindungan sprinkler

Luas ruangan = 18 x 12
= 216 m2
Luas sprinkler = 20 m2
Maka :
Jumlah titik sprinkler = 216/20
= 10,8
Dibulatkan = 11 buah

Jumlah sprinkler eksisting di ruangan 9 buah, kurang dari jumlah yang

dibutuhkan yaitu 11 buah.
0.0 Ignition

0.8 detection time

0.9 alarm started

1.85 evacuation start

first person reach the door

2.51 first person reach and enter

the emergency stairway

5.69 last person exit the room

6.35 last person enter

emergency stairway

8.48 last person exit the emergency

stairway and stairway is clear

Timeline (minutes) 9.78 people gather in refugee point

Dari perhitungan kecepatan terbakar material ASET yag
diperkirakan selama ±30 menit, waktu evakuasi yang dibutuhkan
sebesar 19.56 menit sudah mencukupi dan aman.

Jumlah sprinkler eksisting di ruangan 9 buah, kurang dari jumlah

yang dibutuhkan yaitu 12 buah. Perlu ditambahkan sprinkler dalam
ruangan sesuai dengan kebutuhan

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